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Pattern Ghost

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Posts posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Wifey and I watched Aladdin live action last night. It didn't make the mistake of trying to be the cartoon, and had some new songs. Naomi Scott as Jasmine had a stand out performance for her song Speechless. 


    Today, we watched Bohemian Rhapsody. It could have been good. Good to great performances. Much verisimilitude, zero verity. They only focused on a few key moments in the band's history (understandable for time), but in nearly every thing were incorrect. Rolling Stone has a good fact check article on it. It's a shame, because it taints a great performance from Rami Malek. I'd say it's worth a watch for the performance from Malek (and others), but don't go in expecting to learn anything about Queen.


    We finished the last season of American Housewife and finished it up today. Show went downhill in its final season due to the loss of the show's creator and another producer or director or something, along with three key cast members. At least one of the three cast cited a toxic work environment. It was a watchable season, but losing the actress who played the youngest daughter was huge.


    Starting up DS9 again. Trying to get up to Worf joining. We're at the end of the season before he joins and things get really rolling with the Dominion war. I can't remember what number season off hand. It's fun getting to know the characters again. Neither of us have seen the show past the point we're currently at, so looking forward to it.

  2. Hmm, could be . . .


    Sage advice:

    During Old Goat Debates, Best To Retreat


    Warning Sign:

    Disrobed Older Gents: Don't Breach This Room


    Social Commentary:

    Destitute Orphans Get Dusty Books To Read
    Dear Older Generation, Do BeTteR!


    Job Description:
    Diabolical Orbital Gravity-Driven Bombardment Technology Researcher


    I think the best way to find out is to gently rear end that vehicle the next time you see it, then ask the driver what that plate means. 😁

  3. 6 hours ago, Pariah said:

    8 years ago or so, Lady P broke her foot in two places falling down one stair. Wishing you a swift recovery. 


    Thanks. I'm mostly OK. I caught myself from falling by grabbing the walls (more or less), but twisted my bad back a bit in the process. It's still a little tweaked out, but that should pass. I just have to glue myself to about four or five hours of accounting homework today. I'll probably lose a SAN point or three.

  4. 1 hour ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    he hates that nobody is making much OTHER than Superhero movies


    There are plenty of non superhero movies being made. His problem is that the superhero movies are getting a wider audience. Boo freaking hoo. People have options, just because they aren't exercising him in the way he wants doesn't mean they aren't there. We have an embarrassment of riches to watch of everything these days both in the theater and via streaming. Small art house films have a bigger potential to reach people than they ever have before, for example, whether through word getting out about limited screenings, or going to streaming. But he isn't concerned with quality getting seen. He's crying over split milk because his type of populist trash isn't the current vogue in populist trash.  Yawn.

  5. Mortimer, "Morti," Whynter was a 27 year old college junior, the King of Major Swaps. His inheritance from his great aunt Hortense provided for all of his needs until his college graduation, including a very well-appointed apartment with a great entertainment system. Mortimer poured over the college catalog fretfully, as he was running out of majors! He had so many credits in each area that the remaining degrees would only buy him a few more semesters at best. He tossed aside his iPad (with all the upgrades) and turned on his 75" TV. He'd have to start considering jobs (aunt Hortense's trust fund didn't cover grad school; she was self-made and was being quite uncharacteristically generous in providing for a four year degree), when what he really wanted to do was Netflix and chill. If only he could find someone to chill with. His prospects were slim until . . .


    . . . his potted ficus suddenly grew to an enormous size, and wrapped itself around him. For a time, everything was green. Just green. Every shade from light, almost yellowish green akin to the back of some plants' leaves, to a dark, almost black shade that reminded him of . . . nothing, really. Morti didn't really have a whole lot of knowledge about plants, despite his 8 semester hours in Botany. He began to feel faint, and start to wonder whether he was dreaming, having drifted off while watching Day of the Triffids or something. As he realized that he hadn't yet started streaming any shows, he suddenly found himself in a small . . . hut? alchemy lab? nursery? He'd been summoned by  . . .

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