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Everything posted by Clonus

  1. Re: Airlocks are for losers Modification 1: Be freaking huge. The bigger you are, the more oxygen you can hold and the more surface area you can use to photosynthesise. Obviously there's a problem with this plan, but in realistic terms a human sized critter is going to be limited in it's oxygen storage and recycling capability. Dolphins can hold their breath for 15 minutes. Sperm whales for over an hour. Modification 2: Be mostly mechanical. The less biomass you have, the less need you have for oxygen. You can have some kind of onboard electrical battery or generator powering your systems especially that air recycler. Modification 3: Have a glacially slow metabolic rate. Sure you won't be getting things accomplished very fast, but it will multiply your cruising endurance several-fold. In fact since space is fundamentally a very boring place being engineered to have long periods of self-induced hibernation is a viable concept.
  2. Re: How would you build? You're better off with a big multipower. They come with a built-in "power chart".
  3. Re: Songs that inspire(d) you to make a Champions Character Sunshine Superman? He was one of the characters in the Love Syndicate. http://blaklion.best.vwh.net/timeline17.html
  4. Re: Humans are "Special" OK, how about this premise. Every other known species must take 2 dice of Bad Luck. The human superpower is "not having that lack of luck". Or really, being Lucky.
  5. Re: Songs that inspire(d) you to make a Champions Character Marvel's Big Wheel was just a guy in a big wheel. Boy that Rocket Racer could sure pick his arch-enemies.
  6. Re: Thrud Lioness of Asgard I like the post-Ragnarok background of the first one.
  7. Re: A multisensorical virtual reality But DEX is at least as much mental as it is physical. While someone could buy extra DEX only in Cyberspace, the whole point of cyberspace hacking is to turn the process from a rigorous crafting of programs using a combination of intellect, persistence and bs into an FPS videogame. While computer programming should play a significant role in cyberspace, being for example what you would roll on to create your gun, you'd shoot it with your DEX and your skill with guns. If not, then there's no point in even bothering with the immersive VR. You'd be better off just hacking on the keyboard.
  8. Re: The Two Funerals So these are villains who aren't actually wanted for anything doing nothing criminal?
  9. Re: Songs that inspire(d) you to make a Champions Character Tiny Teddy. He's hyperactive drug smuggler addicted to cocaine, gambling and betrayal who slips a "friend" a mickey, straps explosives to him and sends him into their bosses mansion to kill the boss after Teddy loses the shipment.
  10. Re: Sell me on "Galactic Champions"?
  11. Re: Sell me on "Galactic Champions"?
  12. Re: Help me flesh out a kernal of a setting idea
  13. Re: Help me flesh out a kernal of a setting idea OK here's a thought. What if the robots deliberately erased their own knowledge of their own origins to spare themselves the guilt of having killed their makers?
  14. Re: Most common super hero jobs
  15. Re: How would you build missles comic style I build heatseeking missiles as rather stupid automatons.
  16. Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines) Somewhere, on a parallel plane containing creatures who combine human and insect characteristics there is a colony of "hornet-women". Like almost all other members of her kind, Kzzm is a feminine humanoid, with functional insect wings, antennae, and compound eyes and skin marked in yellow and black. She lives in a world of constant peril, with gigantic avian monsters that eat her kind, spiders which weave traps hundreds of yards wide and soldiers from other wasp colonies and tyrannical beehives who often make war upon her own colony. But worst of all are the ground-bound but physically powerful ant-women who hate and envy fliers. Kzzm had the misfortune of being "rescued" from a spider-web by an ant-patrol who took her captive and turned her over to their hill's queen, who was a dedicated scientist trying to create a new breed of ant soldiers with the power of flight using a mixture of recombinant DNA. There was an accident and Kzzm couldn't quite remember what happened next, but afterward she found herself free. Counting herself lucky she returned to her colony and went back to work. But when the time came that colony was attacked and the distress pheromone filled the air, Kzzm...changed. The yellow parts of her skin turned green, she grew in size, and in combat with the attackers she demonstrated strength exceeding that of even the strongest ant-woman. Once the battle was over, she returned to normal. She didn't dare reveal that she was the hero who had saved the day. If she did, she might be honoured, or she might be cast out of the colony as a threat, or she might even be experimented on. She might not even be believed since she would only change when she smelled distress. And so she became the unknown defender of the colony known as the Green Hornet.
  17. Re: Help me flesh out a kernal of a setting idea They would no more be committing genocide on us than we are committing genocide on the hypothetical tool using descendants of tree shrews who will never come into existence, because we already occupy that ecological niche. They would simply be here first. Thus, no us. That's a crazy person's rationale and it suffers from two problems. The first is, you aren't 100% sure that you CAN kill the other guy. What if you miss? What if there's a third party watching or liable to come around afterward who will figure out that you are a danger to everyone around you them included. You can very easily have increased your chance of getting whacked. Also of course it is unlikely that two independantly developed tool using species will be close enough in their level of technological sophistication that they CAN post a threat of annihilation to each other. The threat, if it exists, will be entirely one-sided, so the more advanced species has no justification for their paranoia in the first place.
  18. Re: "You Homo sapiens and your guns!" RKA area effect, only affects guns.
  19. Re: Help me flesh out a kernal of a setting idea
  20. Re: Population Of Island Three Colonies Then you need raw materials, which are even more bulk intensive. It's a space colony, not a perpetual motion machine.
  21. Re: Help me flesh out a kernal of a setting idea One idea I had when I came up with this idea was having interstellar civilisation operate through a network of artificial wormholes set up by humanity not long before they disappeared. The successor states don't actually possess any kind of FTL technology of their own. It's also safe to assume that every star system in the network has all the reasonably terraformable worlds done up so you can expect at least a couple of habitable planets per star. They may have ignited all the big gas giants for a million or so years. There's a real possibility that the successors can find stray hibernation ships loaded with humans no more advanced than they are dating back to the era when humanity first went out to the stars.
  22. Re: Population Of Island Three Colonies
  23. Re: Songs that inspire(d) you to make a Champions Character Silver Dagger, daughter of a rambling werewolf lothario trained by her mother to hunt monsters
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