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Lawnmower Boy

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    Lawnmower Boy got a reaction from Logan D. Hurricanes in A Thread for Random Musings   
    The May 1945 number of Aviation looks back 25 years to 1919, when a man jumps out of a plane with his hands tied to test a new automatic parachute opening system. Science!
    A lot of history seems to have happened when there was no competent adult supervision around.
  3. Like
    Lawnmower Boy got a reaction from L. Marcus in A Thread for Random Musings   
    The May 1945 number of Aviation looks back 25 years to 1919, when a man jumps out of a plane with his hands tied to test a new automatic parachute opening system. Science!
    A lot of history seems to have happened when there was no competent adult supervision around.
  4. Like
    Lawnmower Boy got a reaction from Burrito Boy in Musings on Random Musings   
    Taylor Swift is tickling who, now?
  5. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to death tribble in "Neat" Pictures   
    I tried embracing the witchblade as an ally. Or a woman dressed up as Witchblade. My case comes up next month.
  6. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to gewing in The "Nice Happy" Thread   
    I don't think I have mentioned it here.   I have found a new job, I start training on Monday the 8th of June.   Please send good wishes and prayers, my confidence is not what it once was, the last couple years have taken chainsaws to it.  
  7. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Pariah in Arena: General Discussion   
    You're dead to me.
  8. Like
    Lawnmower Boy got a reaction from assault in How many supergroups in the US (any edition)?   
    I'm not saying that "Lord Liaden" is actually a paid online spinster for certain sinister entities who want to suppress discoveries about Australian prehistory. I'm also not saying that he isn't. 
  9. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to CaptnStrawberry in Arena: General Discussion   
    While we wait - and because you demanded it! - a few more Grooisms.  In the end, the match I was hoping for, Black Adam vs. Groo, turned out to be against Ms. Martian.  But imho, it would have been even more hilarious the other way and some of the reasons I came up with to vote for our favorite cheese dip gourmand are below.
    You have to admit, a lot more men look like Groo than Black Adam.  He’s a Groo of the people!  Black Adam rules a small, fictional country.  Groo has single-handedly destroyed several. Despite all the steroids and nutritional supplements Black Adam is obviously taking, Groo still has bigger biceps. The Rock is preparing to play Black Adam.  To date, no actor has been found worthy to play Groo. Khandaq is literally full of mendicants. Black Adam’s hairline -– receding.  Groo’s hairline – advancing!
  10. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Old Man in Supergirl   
    How so?  I mean, aside from all the uninformed internet snark.
  11. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Greywind in Supergirl   
    Yes, that cartoon looks stupid.
  12. Like
    Lawnmower Boy got a reaction from assault in How many supergroups in the US (any edition)?   
    Well... If I were doing it, I'd start with Australia's ancient past. Australia is where the Valdorian Age happened. (If you've got Valdorian Age, you'll notice that you've got to take the map, hold it upside down, squint,  move some places, put a sea in the central desert and change names and descriptions around to make it clear that the ancient Valdorians are the ancestors of modern Aboriginal population. But, hey, it's a medieval map, so it's probably wrong, and the Shimmering Sea is artificial, so it's not impossible. 
    Oh, and the Tower of the First and Last Sunset is in Tasmania, Takofanes' grave is in New Guinea (only, somehow, it got moved to Oklahoma.) No problem with that, though, cuz who ever goes to Tasmania? Or Oklahoma?
    These things aren't completely mysterious,  so now I'm going to put a Valdorian Age archaeological park in downtown Melbourne.
    Now I'm going to put three superheroes in Melbourne, in excess of the "expected" population of Australian supers --that is, they're there for a reason. Assault has already given us one reason: a "White Event" which creates a lot of superheroes. It's a Valdorian Age event!
    Now I'm going to send a mysterious, cloned supervillain to Melbourne to kill those superheroes. Who made Taipan? What's his deal? If he's from the obvious retail outlet, he's a Teleios product. What's Teleios's connection with the Valdorian Age? Actually, the big question with Teleios is his mysterious patron. What's that person's deal with the Valdorian Age? Or Australia? Is he, say, an ancient Drindrish dragon riding sorceror with a black, soul-sucking sword? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
  13. Like
    Lawnmower Boy got a reaction from Steve in How many supergroups in the US (any edition)?   
    Well... If I were doing it, I'd start with Australia's ancient past. Australia is where the Valdorian Age happened. (If you've got Valdorian Age, you'll notice that you've got to take the map, hold it upside down, squint,  move some places, put a sea in the central desert and change names and descriptions around to make it clear that the ancient Valdorians are the ancestors of modern Aboriginal population. But, hey, it's a medieval map, so it's probably wrong, and the Shimmering Sea is artificial, so it's not impossible. 
    Oh, and the Tower of the First and Last Sunset is in Tasmania, Takofanes' grave is in New Guinea (only, somehow, it got moved to Oklahoma.) No problem with that, though, cuz who ever goes to Tasmania? Or Oklahoma?
    These things aren't completely mysterious,  so now I'm going to put a Valdorian Age archaeological park in downtown Melbourne.
    Now I'm going to put three superheroes in Melbourne, in excess of the "expected" population of Australian supers --that is, they're there for a reason. Assault has already given us one reason: a "White Event" which creates a lot of superheroes. It's a Valdorian Age event!
    Now I'm going to send a mysterious, cloned supervillain to Melbourne to kill those superheroes. Who made Taipan? What's his deal? If he's from the obvious retail outlet, he's a Teleios product. What's Teleios's connection with the Valdorian Age? Actually, the big question with Teleios is his mysterious patron. What's that person's deal with the Valdorian Age? Or Australia? Is he, say, an ancient Drindrish dragon riding sorceror with a black, soul-sucking sword? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
  14. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Old Man in Supergirl   
    It was the costume, right?  It was too bright.  Or too dark.  Or too dated, or too revealing.
  15. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Lucius in Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities   
    I certainly don't disagree with your point that among the innocent and law-abiding population, females are probably more likely to be victimized by violence than males. But I don't think that's the only, or maybe even the main, reason Susie feels so unsafe just walking down the street, compared to her brother.
    I've lived in a neighborhood in which it was impossible for a female - regardless of age, demeanor, state of dress, or any other factor - to walk a block without hearing at least one obscene proposition. There is a lot of behavior well short of actual violence, that can make someone feel unsafe. It's not just that being victimized is a real possibility for the female walking along minding her own business, it's that she is intermittently and randomly reminded of that possibility - and not just by the media, but by random males any one of whom, as far as she knows, might actually be planning to hurt her.
    If I were walking along and someone following me kept saying "You know, there could be a sniper on one of those roofs taking aim at us right now" repeatedly, I would probably start feeling unsafe too.
    To circle back around, that females working in technical fields report feeling a disproportionate need to prove themselves may not be indisputable proof that their male colleagues do demand greater efforts or accomplishments of them before granting them any respect, but I do consider it an indication or clue that such is the case, especially if no one is suggesting any other possible cause for that perception. And even if there are other causes behind that perception, those causes no doubt would still constitute very real problems - just as my hypothetical companion with the sniper obsession would be a real problem, even if the sniper isn't.
    Lucius Alexander
    Does the palindromedary feel pressured to conform to a stereotypical palindromedarian role?
  16. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Hermit in Today's Dumb Criminal Story ...   
    "So," The Bear said, "You come to my cave for the secret of Ursine steel , do you?"
    "Such is my quest," The human said earnestly, hope in his voice but it was a hope he dared not hold onto too tightly. The Bears had guarded their secrets closely from humans, and with good reason. None of them had forgiven the actions of the human King Colbert the First and that mad monarch's reign had tainted human bear relations to this day.
    The bear scratched his chin, "Not far from here, you will find a greedy and selfish ranger! A woodland warrior who has ever vexed me."
    The human nodded slowly. He had heard of this fellow, a man by the name of Smith, "I know of him. It would be easier to defeat him with ursine steel," He said hopefully.
    The bear laughed, "No little human, I do not wish him killed. Bring me Smith's treasure, bring me, his picnic basket."
    The human winced. This would be no easy achievement. The Bear was setting him to a task that the bear himself hadn't achieved. He should have known. Any animal with the secret to Ursine Steel had to be smarter than the average bear.
  17. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Old Man in A Thread for Random Musings   
  18. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Pariah in Arena: General Discussion   
    Wow, you had twice as many as I had to start the season. And a trophy, to boot. 
    So if you're looking for sympathy, try the dictionary. You'll find it between snot and syphilis.
  19. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to 薔薇語 in Supergirl   
    I will be sure to tell President Obama to put on the bright yellow zoot suit. Because obviously bright primary colors are the only way to be inspiring in appearance. ()
    La Rose.
  20. Like
    Lawnmower Boy got a reaction from Logan D. Hurricanes in Arena: General Discussion   
    Look, us casual fans aren't that into the minute details of a sport, your infield fly ball, your two line passes, your who-scored-more-points-against-who. We tend to focus on more important things, like which team colours go with our complexions, and who everybody else likes right now. (Go Manchester United, w00t!) 
    What I'm saying is, as far as i'm concerned, that's exactly what you did, so don't bother me with all those dumb facts. 
  21. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to bigbywolfe in Today's Dumb Criminal Story ...   
    Florida Man Attempts To Cash $368 Billion Check

    And poor Jeff bought the blank check from someone named Tito.  Coincidence?  I think not!
  22. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to mattingly in "Neat" Pictures   
  23. Like
    Lawnmower Boy got a reaction from Old Man in The "Nice Happy" Thread   
    Referring to trigger alerts in that way is contrary to a corporate policy. I know the policy hasn't ever been mentioned to you, so I'm not going to reprimand you for it. I'm just going to call you into the office over the PA and then explain to you why you were lazy and stupid to say it, and why it shows that you can't be promoted. In front of my pet. Whom I will then praise for passing gas well.
  24. Like
    Lawnmower Boy got a reaction from tkdguy in The "Nice Happy" Thread   
    Referring to trigger alerts in that way is contrary to a corporate policy. I know the policy hasn't ever been mentioned to you, so I'm not going to reprimand you for it. I'm just going to call you into the office over the PA and then explain to you why you were lazy and stupid to say it, and why it shows that you can't be promoted. In front of my pet. Whom I will then praise for passing gas well.
  25. Like
    Lawnmower Boy got a reaction from tkdguy in The "Nice Happy" Thread   
    Work more harderer! Everything is your fault! It turns out that when I gave you 5 #1 priority jobs to do, and enough time to only get one done, you did the wrong three! Now clock out and do my job for me, so I can go home two hours early!
    ....Just thought I'd get a jump on the whole managing thing for you there.
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