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Everything posted by Maur

  1. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so or an ELF
  2. Re: Tac-nukes vs. Nuclear Warheads Interesting article and led me to search for other information and I think I have a better handle on some of it. What one is seeing as moving faster than light is the collection of the frequencies causing a Group Velocity spike to propagate seemingly faster than light while the Phase Velocities of the constituent components is still at or below the speed of light. At least I believe that is what the article you pasted is getting at... That doesn't change the fact that to find the IR signature of a ship coming in with a significant percentage of the speed of light would require one to search in other frequencies for its "Heat" signature due to the doppler shift.
  3. Re: (2 House Rules) Char/Skill & damage rolls So, it looks like you are converting to approximately what HERO calls DCs, then subtracting 2 and determining Dice by dividing by 3. e.g. (14 - 2)/3 => 4D, (15 - 2)/3 => 4D+1 Not sure I completely understand what is being presented here. If I'm correct in assuming that you are attempting to roll 11 or higher, then I don't think the probabilities work out. 3D6+2 >= 11 is 74.0741% 3D6 <= 13 is 83.7963% If the >= is changed from 11 to 10, then they work out correctly which is what one would expect since the mean of 3d6 is NOT 11, it is 10.5. So reversing the inequality requires a change from 11 to 10 to keep the distribution around the mean correct. This falls into line with what FASA did for Shadowrun (2nd or 3rd Ed). An interesting concept as it reduces the number of dice rolled to determine a single attack. Just roll to hit and compare the amount of success with the damage of the attack. Does reduce the oddity of rolling really good on the hit roll and crap on the damage roll
  4. Re: Why exponential progression doesn't work for damage OK, then my confusion must have been the presence of that table with that statement since they didn't line up. Rank 3 was set to 32 rather than 8 where it would have been if Rank 0 = value 1. Not sure who this was directed at, but if at me and my post on logarithmic math, then I apologize. The examples I posted were just me working through it in my head as I typed and tried to remember since I haven't had to do much beyond basic algebra and minor calculus in a few years.
  5. Re: Order of the Stick So who is guarding Roy's body...
  6. Re: Why exponential progression doesn't work for damage No, it isn't what you said based on the table in the post I was replying to. Below is the table in your own post. Notice how Rank 3 has a value of 32, not 8. According to the table you posted an increase in rank results in a DOUBLING of the value, that is Base 2 for logs as opposed to Base 10. I did read it. Here is the math you had in your previous post: You are straight subtracting the values which isn't what you had said one would do...
  7. Re: Tac-nukes vs. Nuclear Warheads If you are moving near the speed of light (or any appreciable percentage of said speed) then the light (heat, rf, uv, etc...) will head away from you at the speed of light, but be doppler shifted in wavelength due to your speed. Neither you, nor the light you give off will appear to violate the speed of light in any frame of reference.
  8. Re: Why exponential progression doesn't work for damage Rank 3 = 8 if you are using Base 2 math. To distill this down... hmm... let me see if I can get a wrap around it in my own head to distill... Math: 8*64 = 512 log(8) = 3 log(64) = 6 log(512) = 9 log(8*64) == log(8)+log(64) so log(8*64) == 3 + 6 = 9 9 = 9, so this is correct. 512/8 = 64 log(8) = 3 log(512) = 9 log(512/8) == log(512)-log(8) so log(512/8) == 9 - 3 = 6 6 = 6, so this is correct. Effectively, doubling the power adds 1 to the rank, halving the power subtracts 1 from the rank. So a Rank(13) Body Attack vs a Rank(4) Defense is going to do Rank(9) Damage. I don't think Crypt has it set right in his math... 2^13/2^4 is 2^9
  9. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so So, how does a Wizard gain all those knowledge skills if their base skill points is 2? Wizards have all KS as class skills, but I've never seen any Wizard under 3rd or 3.5 able to even try and fill out the list even partly because they are limited in skill points, yet the rogues with similar Int have trouble spending all their points because they can keep most of their class skills at the level cap.
  10. Re: (HR) Char/Skill & damage rolls It isn't a house rule really, you're just mixing the elements of an already existing game system in Can't wait for Septimus to be released from WEG...
  11. Re: FTL vs. Lots of Megascale Movement These all use Hyperspace. SG-1/SGA just doesn't show them going through the tunnel between gates anymore. SG-1/SGA and SW use Hyperdrives to transition to FTL movement. B5 uses Jump gates or Jump engines depending on the ship classification.
  12. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so Not if you compare that to the Rogue at the same Int
  13. Re: (HR) Char/Skill & damage rolls Looks like you are recreating WEGs D6 System for skill rolls. Statistically, D6+3 and 2D6 fall on almost the exact same probability distribution curve and so shouldn't be used. This is why D6 does 1d6, 1d6+1, 1d6+2, 2d6...
  14. Re: Tac-nukes vs. Nuclear Warheads That would be like hacking into one of our carriers via its radar array...
  15. Re: Hero Goes to the Movies (or TV Shows)! Is it just me or do all these characters seem to have really high strengths for being Norms. Jamie Summers with a 13 STR before the cybernetic limb...
  16. Re: Tac-nukes vs. Nuclear Warheads
  17. Re: Tac-nukes vs. Nuclear Warheads And then they broke the plausibility by having the Cylons hack into Galactica while her onboard systems were networked to more quickly calculate an FTL jump. I'm sorry, but just because you network a bunch of systems doesn't make them vulnerable to outside attacks (unless the Cylons can inject signals into the interconnecting cables of the system).
  18. Re: autofire "penalties" That is what the Autofire skills are for. Precise II changes it so that you get one shot in for every 1 you hit the target by (instead of 1 for every 2). Deadly allows you to add 1 DC for each shot that hits instead of rolling all the damage/locations separately. Each is 5 points and you can stack them all together if you have them all in one attack. I wouldn't allow for PSLs to be applied as there is no Penalty being applied to the roll to do autofire.
  19. Re: Tac-nukes vs. Nuclear Warheads
  20. Re: Rolling mechanic question Well, if you shift from 3d6 to 4d6 then the 50% mark actually lands on a number rather than between two of the digital results. mean 3d6 = 10.5, HERO rounds in favor of the PC, so 11. mean 4d6 = 14
  21. Re: Rolling mechanic question Though one could quickly figure out what the DCV was when using an Autofire weapon just based on the roll and how many rounds roll into the target. I think that is the reason that our GM just tells us the DCV. It does create some metagaming (such as how much OCV could be shaved off for DCs and still reliably hit the target).
  22. Re: How do i introduce new plyaer? I guess that issue of players copying each other and the merging/melding of all the characters into a single melting pot is an oddly rare group. I've played D&D/Rifts/Shadowrun/HERO/D6 (Star Wars and current releases from WEG) and have never had a group of players do that even after playing the characters for over a year in a campaign.
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