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Everything posted by Maur

  1. Re: A problem for missileers I only recall that arrows that hit their targets were considered used up/broken. Those that missed had a chance of being recovered (got to be able to find the thing to get it back and might have broken on something nice and hard). Though this could have been a houserule.
  2. Re: Starting over Check out Killer Shrike's website for conversions of D20 to HERO. http://www.killershrike.com/
  3. Re: [sTAR WARS] It is my turn now. RED LEADER: (over headset) Switch your deflectors on. RED LEADER: (over headset) Double front!
  4. Re: Partial Multiforms I don't see why not. You are building the power into the equipment, just as you would build an RKA into a firearm which the character can use. This also sounds like how you would build Mecha like the Robotech Veritech Fighter or other things of that nature.
  5. Re: help with building powers I know I'm a little late jumping in on this, but FH has a talent called Follow-through Attack that is essentially these abilities.
  6. Re: help with building powers Not sure I see the difference. A cell phone is a cell phone. But if you want it to have extended battery life, HD video capabilities, message passing, etc... then it wouldn't be mundane. As the GM of our group is fond of saying "If we have it as a basic capability today, then the group has devices with those features for free". So, you could coordinate combat via cellphone, but remember they usually only have a few hours talk time at the best.
  7. Re: tech/campaign idea: bio-gel batteries There are a number of species we are currently investigating that ingest sugar (glucose) and expel free electrons. Get enough of them together and you'll have a nice current source. Get them into your bloodstream and you might start to feel a lot more static electric jolts when you get near objects like doorknobs.
  8. Maur

    3d Holograms

    Re: 3d Holograms Very impressive. I'd love to be able to go to things like SIGGRAPH, but money is always something that is needed for more important things (like food).
  9. Re: The Ultimate Character Sheet Sounds like you need to learn XSLT to manipulate the XML character file to have those kinds of decision processes builtin to the output sheet. Else you're going to have to do some processing of the file after the fact with either Hero Designers regular expression statements or via perl or other by hand to manipulate the file post creation.
  10. Re: Combat Manoeuvres Illustrations I don't think the guy with the shield would really want to have his fingers wrapped around the edge like that (unless he wants them smashed by the big club).
  11. Re: Images question But ablative DR doesn't really cover it since you don't take any damage just because they shot up an image of you (unless you have a really weird image power that is really like splitting yourself up).
  12. Re: How do you become a Jedi Or just play in the era after the destruction of the Jedi temple and those restrictions. The Jedi were nearly wiped out, most of those written about in the EU from after that time have families, lovers, wives/husbands, children, etc...
  13. Re: HTH combat questions If he's only going at a SPD of 3 versus the animal's SPD4, then the animal gets one more action over the player. It can jump him on 3 so he aborts his 4 to try and defend costing him his 4, so it tries again on 6, he aborts his 8 to defend. 8 goes by and he just stands there. It jumps him again on 9 which he aborts his 12 to defend. So now it gets to freely jump him on 12 without him having an action to abort.
  14. Re: Jurassic Park Right, they stop getting it and they die as their body fails since it can't produce any proteins that are dependent on the Lysine Amino Acid. Lost World showed that the dinos ended up finding a source of it (hence the compys being alive after escaping when they encounter that little girl and her family).
  15. Re: Jurassic Park It wasn't an autodestruct protein. The dinos didn't produce the Amino Acid Lysine, so any protein that needed it couldn't be made unless the dinos found a source of it (which the park creators provided in their diet supplements). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysine
  16. Re: Has anyone tried Deadlands Hero?
  17. Re: Has anyone tried Deadlands Hero? I think the hardest part of Deadlands to bring over would be the resolution system via the poker deck.
  18. Re: Dragonstar Campaign Suggestions ? It is pretty easy to ignore the EU. Just tell your players only the events of the movies are all that has happened prior to the campaign.
  19. Re: Moving Calender? There's no reason why a world couldn't have a longer year than here. Not sure why a civilization would setup a calendar that didn't fit with the seasons unless the seasons themselves were inconsistent in length (George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Fire and Ice").
  20. Re: Is "Hollywood-style" decompression accurate? I don't think the alien device made the whole planet's atmosphere rise that fast, but it could have a big effect quickly in the local area right around the mountain which is what the movie showed. As for the eyes popping out, well, that is hollywood for you. They have to make it dramatic and scary. Same with why cars in car crashes always seem to jump over what they are about to hit.
  21. Re: Flight Usable Underwater Tech, it sounds like he can't be further from the ground than the total inches of flight that the character has purchased. So, with a Flight of 12" he can't be farther than 12" off the ground whether he is flying at 0" or his full 12"
  22. Re: 3d6 Dice Roll Probabilities Practical Extraction and Reporting Language A very powerful scripting language. Perl.org <-- main perl site activestate.com <-- good place to get a version of it for Windows It is installed with almost every form of *NIX.
  23. Re: 3d6 Dice Roll Probabilities I use a Perl module (http://search.cpan.org/~jad/Games-Dice-Probability-0.02/lib/Games/Dice/Probability.pm) to calculate odds. It can even handle things like xd6-yd6. So, if you wanted to calculate the odds of beating someone in an opposed check you could do something like: (Your skill - 3d6) - (Opponents skill - 3d6). The results that give you a positive value are the ones where you win ex: I have a skill of 14- and my opponent has an 11-. What is the probability that I will roll and get more of a success than he will? Formula: (14 - 3d6) - (11 - 3d6) results in: -12 1 2.14E-05 -11 6 0.000128601 -10 21 0.000450103 -9 56 0.001200274 -8 126 0.002700617 -7 252 0.005401235 -6 456 0.009773663 -5 756 0.016203704 -4 1161 0.024884259 -3 1666 0.035708162 -2 2247 0.048161008 -1 2856 0.061213992 0 3431 0.073538237 1 3906 0.083719136 2 4221 0.090470679 3 4332 0.092849794 4 4221 0.090470679 5 3906 0.083719136 6 3431 0.073538237 7 2856 0.061213992 8 2247 0.048161008 9 1666 0.035708162 10 1161 0.024884259 11 756 0.016203704 12 456 0.009773663 13 252 0.005401235 14 126 0.002700617 15 56 0.001200274 16 21 0.000450103 17 6 0.000128601 18 1 2.14E-05 With a total probability of getting more than 0 (tie between opponents) is 72.0615%
  24. Re: How do you encourage your players to buy more skills Our GM encourages it through the use of skills and skill complements. When you have 150+75 points to spend creating a character and don't pick up many powers you end up with a huge list of skills and complements.
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