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Everything posted by Maur

  1. Re: Airlocks are for losers Perspiration requires that conduction or convection is the method used to draw heat away from the body. You can't do either in the vacuum of space, so that leaves radiation as the only way to get rid of heat mass.
  2. Re: Why divide by 5? pie appears in neither as it isn't a word in the languages of the Old or New testament.
  3. Re: Order of the Stick Which was my point. He likes mayhem, but the mark on him prevents it, so this was his way of getting around it.
  4. Re: Order of the Stick Well, he did get to use the cat to attack a human inside the city without the mark getting him.
  5. Maur

    Hard Science Help

    Re: Hard Science Help
  6. Re: Order of the Stick Right, but the question was about why he had a cat in a sack on a raid for food.
  7. Maur

    Hard Science Help

    Re: Hard Science Help Both high velocity (relative to C) and large gravity generate time differences. So things without mass should experience no sense of time which seems to pan out. Photons are timeless and have no mass and move at C in the medium of space.
  8. Re: Why divide by 5? Of course moving all this around for just two things also drives factors of the derived characteristics which changes some of the point and game balance.
  9. Re: How Fast Do Rogue Planets Move? If they can get a planet moving then they aren't using orbital mechanics that a normal star system operates under since they are applying a force that isn't normally there.
  10. Re: Planetary Magnetic Field Question Actually if the magnetic poles were down on the equator then the magnetic field would not be as protective of the Earth as it is now. As each pole rotated towards the sun that hemisphere of the planet would be more exposed to the radiation as a whole. The field as it currently is positioned protects the Earth all day long because the field is perpendicular to the arriving particles causing them to go up and around (or down and around) the planet. The aurorae that we currently see as rings on the planet wouldn't be rings anymore as the particles wouldn't be creating the effect by following the field back down, but driving straight into the atmosphere. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth's_magnetic_field
  11. Re: Why divide by 5? That and since all the numbers in HERO are integers, it doesn't make sense to divide by a real number with a decimal not equal to 0.
  12. Re: Order of the Stick "I swear if I randomly fall down and break the heel of my boot, I'm going to find Wes Craven and kick his ass"
  13. Re: How Fast Do Rogue Planets Move? I'd be careful about using the word impossible when it comes to life. We've used it many times only to find our assumptions were incorrect. While life as we know it might not survive in such conditions, some might survive. Case in point, we've found bacteria frozen in ice for 25,000 years that came back to functioning life as soon as it was warmed up. No, it doesn't defy physics. It just defies our current level of technology.
  14. Re: What are "vitals" Getting hit in the 13 is very dangerous if you expand it slightly from just the groin itself to also include the lower abdominal region. You can rupture major veins and arteries that carry blood to/from the legs, hit the kidneys, the lower spine, the intestinal track, etc... which are all dangerous things to have hit. Puncturing the intestines allows the bacteria that reside in there to get into the body and cause problems elsewhere and also aren't easy to repair as a doctor would have to find every little hole that a knife or bullet would put through them.
  15. Re: Why divide by 5? Another reason to do both /3 and /5 is that it makes different breakpoints for different things which helps encourage a spread in the characteristics amongst a party. If they are all /5, then you don't need them to be those values to begin with and might as well just reduce the stats to 1/5 their current value.
  16. Re: A multisensorical virtual reality Anything you are doing in Cyberspace is going to be based on Computer Programming. While what you craft might look like a gun, it isn't. Other things to deal with, does the character take actual damage from attacks that originate in cyberspace? Or is it the Deck that takes the damage. Do programs take time to load and become available? Is there a limit on how many programs a Deck can keep active at one time? Something else to think about. Why does the characters meat body Dex play any part in his Dex in Cyberspace? Movement and reactions in cyberspace are more about how fast he is mentally, not physically since he isn't limited by the delay in the signals moving down his nerves to his real fingers or feet to move or attack.
  17. Re: How Fast Do Rogue Planets Move? Well, you might get it up to any given speed, but unless you continue to apply force on it to keep that speed, then the drag it will feel moving through interstellar space will either tear it apart or slow it back down.
  18. Re: Order of the Stick She did a cure critical and had her mind controlled paladin Lay on Hands to her...
  19. Re: The Heroes blew it! Evil Wins Or Orrosh from West End Games' TORG. Evil rules the realm and the heroes (storm knights) are trying to defeat the big evil, but have to defeat the little horrors that are in charge of various places throughout the realm.
  20. Maur

    Hard Science Help

    Re: Hard Science Help All of these are just basic algebra equations. Acceleration is fixed, so v = a*t, solve for t and you get 1.165 years to reach max speed of .3c Trip time: Time = (Total distance - 2 * acceleration distance)/Max velocity for a travel time of 39.5478 years. Earth suffers no time dilation from the accelerating ship, so about 40 years pass on Earth while the ship travels.
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Terry Pratchet's Hogfather... based on the book of the same name. ION played it tonight while the UK got to see it last December.
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