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Everything posted by Maur

  1. Re: How do i introduce new plyaer? The PHB for D&D is larger than 128 pages...
  2. Re: Vampire Hero No disadvantage about their limited dietary requirements?
  3. Re: Star Wars Campaign (Ideas/Stuff/Work) Could check out the Holonet as that is a good hangout for D6/D20 SW players. http://holonet.swrpgnetwork.com/ It might be easier to deal with D6 stats for species/equipment as D6 is like HERO. Point based without HP/levels...
  4. Re: Actions versus Spotlight (SPD Discussion) The only spotlight time I've ever seen in any of the games I've been in was when the GM tailored various adventures to highlight that specific character. Such as the group of players heading back to one of the player's hometown.
  5. Re: Day-to-day life in space That all depends on the type of ship one sends and how the crew goes. If you send a ship with a constant thrust engine so it is always accelerating at some appreciable level of Terran gravity, then those onboard will still have the instincts for gravity and its effects. If you put them into a state of hibernation then they will wake up with no change in their memory or expectations of how things will work. Of course, this presumes that after childhood one can't learn new skills which is obviously false. Even an adult that had spent their entire life in microgravity (in orbit or deep space, same feel of gravity), then as long as the bones and muscles of the body were developed up to deal with gravity, then they would learn that things fall and how and could adjust their instincts to react to the new environment.
  6. Re: D&D twists on Fantasy Hero Ok???
  7. Re: Rolling mechanic question Hmm, I guess that Dock sitting right about where the taskbar does is just a fluke then... As to why the menus sit at the top, well I don't think that is any more intuitive than the bottom or the side. It just made for a convenient place to put them that would be most likely kept visible all the time. Apple put the menubar at the top of the screen for all applications as a way to deal with the limited real estate available on that era's CRTs. Now, it doesn't make sense as it divorces the menu from the application and slows a user down if they have to mouse across a 24 or 30" LCD to get to the menu... As for what is more natural, roll under or roll over, well, neither. If a larger number was always better, then why is 1st place better than 2nd?
  8. Re: Order of the Stick I don't quite see how LG equates to puritan. LG characters follow the spirit of the law and are helpful to those in need. That doesn't mean they are prudes who abstain from sex or promiscuity. They just wouldn't take advantage of a situation for their own gain.
  9. Re: D&D vs. FantasyHERO vs. Palladium Most of the D&D parties I've been in, the wizard tended to keep a certain list of what he memorized daily and just augmented that by creating scrolls of the other useful utilitarian spells that he wasn't sure if he'd need or not. So, we had an artillery spellcaster with just a few tricks with a ton of utility spells ready, just in case Sorcerers are even more of a walking artillery caster due to their reduced spell repertoire and therefore the scrolls they can make are limited to the same repertoire.
  10. Re: FRPG Ideas from Hero that ain't necessarily so Which is basically GURPS as each action for all the characters is a one second window. So if it takes 30 seconds to reload a gun, then your character is busy for 30 rounds doing just that.
  11. Re: A Thought on Speed Chart Order Shadowrun does this by mixing Quickness (dex/speed) with Intelligence to create a Reaction attribute that can also be boosted. So your initiative is based on your Initiative dice + Reaction attribute.
  12. Re: capitulating Uhh... We have experimental data that shows how Nucleotides and Amino Acids could have arisen on Early Earth. We also have data on how DNA in short segments seems to self orient and align to other strands in just water (no cellular barriers surrounding it). http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/11/071122151148.htm
  13. Re: DCV when running at full non-combat speed That is already handled by the range penalties table
  14. Re: A Thought on Speed Chart Order Right, but just because it is the first combat of the game for that character doesn't make it the first time they have ever been in a fight. Should those characters be penalized as well? That is really just background filler and Psych Lims on the character chosen by the player to have as an effect or as part of the player doing ROLE-playing instead of ROLL-playing as the numbers are really part of the metagame as a way to measure one character vs another.
  15. Re: Super Heroic Fantasy Games Because guns/explosives in the right hands are huge force multipliers. Think about the smallest effective unit in our military today and just how much sheer damage they can do vs. the smallest effective unit of the medieval ages or roman or greek and what kind of damage could they do.
  16. Re: Stats And Hero Purity Or keep figured characteristics as is and a person just sells back what they don't want from the figured. Don't want all that leaping from your str, just sell back those inches. Don't want that PD, sell it off. Of course you have to be careful, as the GM, to watch out for a player selling off a figured enough to raise the base which raises the figured, which gets sold off to raise the base which raises the figured, rinse repeat ad nauseam...
  17. Re: Vehicle DCV... I had no idea I always liked the Rangespeed/Size chart from GURPS for dealing with ranged attacks. Distance/speed made the target harder to hit the farther/faster it was. Size made it easier to hit. Sum the two mods and you found the skill mod to try and hit that thing. So, essentially an object that was up close but moving very fast was just as hard to hit as an object standing still, but far away. Same with a small object up close vs a large object in the distance. GURPS also dealt with the issue of a called shot where the roll wasn't quite enough to hit the target called for. E.g. Eye shot was a -10 or so, miss by 1 or 2 and you just hit the head. Miss by more and your shot went wide.
  18. Re: Panspermia, anyone? Scientists have recreated on a small scale the atmosphere of early Earth and found that the conditions on it cause the formation of nucleotides and amino acids without the need to resort to things like "Intelligent Design". http://www.tufts.edu/as/wright_center/cosmic_evolution/docs/text/text_chem_5.html
  19. Re: Post-apocalyptic wargaming terrain Probably 40K Apocalypse which is meant for large point armies
  20. Re: Panspermia, anyone? But some bugs can survive for extremely long times encased in ice: Bugs repair own DNA to survive eons in ice http://www.cbc.ca/news/story/2007/08/28/tech-bugs.html Recycling of pathogenic microbes through survival in ice http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WN2-4CDJCTM-8&_user=56861&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F2004&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000059542&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=56861&md5=404cee81143404f40cc2e4e3f4d96e5b http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0306987704002543 Recovery and Identification of Viable Bacteria Immured in Glacial Ice http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WGF-45FC183-69&_user=56861&_coverDate=04%2F30%2F2000&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000059542&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=56861&md5=f8c4fa4509a68f08f45119a0e799f52b
  21. Re: Is the term "bastard", gender specific? A bastard is an illegitimate child. Doesn't matter if both or neither or only one parent is known. If they aren't married, then it is a bastard. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bastard
  22. Re: Rolling mechanic question Exploding Dice already exist in a number of systems. D6 from WEG with the Wild Die. Shadowrun. Deadlands (original system, not the D20 version. Not sure about Reloaded). Exploding dice don't have that big of an effect on the mean, they just cause the tail of the distribution to taper out farther in one direction.
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