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Everything posted by Toadmaster

  1. I've always liked Runequest, although I haven't played since about '88. I even liked the ducks but I prefered the Newtlings and Dragonnewts. Glorantha has a very unique feel to it, interesting magic, good background, the livestock is similar to classic fantasy having elves, dwarves etc but also has unique things like dragon newts (with their life cycle and hints that they become dragons), scorpionmen, broos, jackobears etc.
  2. Binoculars would add positive modifiers of their own, I was thinking more about trying to spot somebody close to the tank, at close range there are blind spots an enemy could hide in, I suppose a -1 PER and a +1 or +2 Rmod vs Per could do this (balances out the penalty a few meters out from the tank, possibly even improves PER several meters out to simulate seeing over short walls, bushes etc) For Phys Lim, I guess find the appropriate level and then drop it one level since the penalty can be overcome by reducing your protection?
  3. Ok, I've looked through TUV and Fred (but didn't see it mentioned), I have an idea how to do it but I was wondering if there might be a better way. Armored vehicles (tanks, APCs etc) have terrible awareness of whats going on outside when they are closed up inside the armor, this is why most tank commanders ride around with their head sticking out of the turret even when bullets are whizzing around (and also why guys on the ground can run up and toss explosives on or under tanks). The examples in TUV do not make any mention of this. What I was thinking of doing was adding a PER penalty, which is reduced when the position is unbuttened, so for example all crew members take a -3 to PER, if they open their hatch and poke their head out this is reduced to a -1 (its still loud and there are blind spots) but then the armor protection becomes an activation roll of say 11- (or alternately hits to the upper body are unprotected if hit locations are used). This would also be applied to the use of many machineguns mounted on the roof (a few are remote controlled). Certain positions are also limited to certain arcs, like the driver can only see into the front arc, I'm not sure how to do this. Also the weapons can not be used very close to the vehicle, I've not seen a weapon with a minimum range listed, how would this be done or is it just a new lim to be determined by the GM. Any other ideas or comments? Thanks
  4. I would think that was a legal lim, I was in a game where one of the characters did the opposite, speed only to attack with a second pistol, the character was based on the Chow Yun Fat movies The Killer and Hardboiled (lots of two pistol gun fighting for those unfamiliar with the movies, I think these movies are where hollywood got the idea from). I don't recall the lim, but I would guess +1 since it only allowed an extra attack after the first attack and only with pistols, the second attack came a segment after the first. Now with the new rules in 5th, this would not be needed to have a two weapon fighter. I know dodge works until the characters next phase but I thought block only worked against one attack? Anyway thats how I've always done it.
  5. You are correct, its Yrth. I liked the world in Gurps Fantasy, but I've noticed quite a few games recently have been making their worlds "Earthlike", the first couple were interesting now I'm starting to get turned off when I see these, Riddle of Steel is the latest with Weyrth, I like the game but when I saw the worlds name I heard my brain groan. Oddly I have no problem with worlds using very obvious inspiration from our history and geography, its just the fancy spelling of Earth that makes my eyes no offense meant to anyone with a Rth, Yrth, Weyrth, Arthe etc, just an observation. As for airships you also might look into Space 1899 (GDW), a bit late tech (Victorian) for most fantasy but it might offer some ideas. I've never read John Carter Warlord of Mars but I'm pretty sure Space 1899 was influenced by it.
  6. Thats actually a pretty good idea, I love dirigibles but never thought about using one in fantasy. I don't think there is any technological reason they would not be possible, just need the knowledge that its possible and combine the right materials, wizardry makes this easier, magic fire would probably do a nice job of keeping a hot air balloon up and harnessing some sort of flying beasty to pull it would be reasonable. If you allowed a cult of technology (perhaps opposed to wizardry) with some low tech firearms, steam engines etc, might make an interesting group. There was a series of books that featured modern earthlings that were pulled into a fantasy dimension along with some modern weaponry, GURPS Fantasy assumed humans had been drawn into Yerth, a mideval like fantasy land based around western europe, the roman empire, the middle east etc, it mentioned the occasional arrival of modern people who were quickly hunted down by the wizards guilds. Might make a good possibility for an airborne culture.
  7. Here's one http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=676&perpage=15&highlight=toadmaster%20weapons&pagenumber=1 This may be the one from the old boards http://www.herogames.com/oldForum/FantasyHero/000269.html Here's another http://www.herogames.com/oldForum/FantasyHero/000532.html and another http://www.herogames.com/oldForum/FantasyHero/000530.html This one had some good ideas for armor damage http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=777&perpage=15&highlight=toadmaster%20armor&pagenumber=1 Several of these had good ideas, I would have liked to see them developed further.
  8. Well I went through my Beastiary and I have come to the conclusion you have your work cut out if you're not going to duplicate stuff, there is already quite a selection. Some things I would like to see more of: Toads, lots of toads, big toads, little toads, poison toads, toads with hats, toads in boats etc. I'd also like to see at least one toad based sentiant race (it will make my job of world conquest easier, I thank you in advance for your support). Mythological creatures not included in the HSB, if asian creatures are set for another book then I'd still like to see some from other cultures mythology, windigo and big foot, yeti etc. Clearly my knowledge of these is limited but I'd like to see some. Also another angle on these is spin offs based around the creatures for example Grendel from Beowulf and the relationship with the creatures from the movie The 13th Warrior. Guardians: critters that protect an area, treasures etc, both magically summoned / created and just plain fantastic critters that like the job. Riding animals and beasts of burden: include at least a few each for aerial, aquatic and land use. Common mythological and real creatures are pretty well covered in HSB so either new stuff you create or less well known mythological creatures would be nice (I'd like to see a large lizard like beast of burden ala the Starwars Dewback, never can have to many lizards, somebody has to help me in the arid climates). Oozes, slimes and other nastiness could use some more fleshing out. Ambush carnivores would be nice (critters that use their coloring and skin to lure food close to them, or magic (illusions etc) to bring them in close. I have to second the inclusion of trademark D&D beasties Bullette, Beholder, Purple worm, Umberhulk, Dopleganger, Mind Flayer etc. As much as some would like to distance themselves from D&D many will want and expect to see these creatures or at least fascimiles of them, particularly the ones that have tricky powers to recreate in HERO. Also using one as an example would probably be helpful (take the creature you are converting and explain how and why things were done). I think most of us grew up on D&D and LotR which shaped our views of Fantasy, other stuff is nice but its easier to ignore stuff you don't want to use than it is to add in things not included. Dragons were covered pretty well already but I'm sure you can find more to say about them. Same goes for Undead. Sentiant races elves, dwarves, orcs, ogres etc, the more the merrier. A few "funny" creatures like the Dun Geon worm, killer rabbit etc would be nice, not too many but a few could be fun for a change of pace. Loads of NPC's guards, soldiers, apprentice wizards, powerful lords, evil wizards etc. A full range from peon to world class conqueror. After rereading HSB I think MMM should probably devote about 1/2 to NPC's. Famous NPC's, I realize some like Conan may have copyright issues but it would be nice to see what you can include, legendary NPC's like selected knights of the round table, Beowulf etc should be possible. Also perhaps take one and detail its creation like I mentioned under D&D creatures. A few "funny" NPC's, like I mentioned above for funny monsters, just a few to lighten up a game now and then, perhaps Monty Haul, a powerful wizard who spends his later years giving away his treasures to those mighty enough to defeat his well stocked mazes. Also I don't buy into the generic has to be boring, name some of the NPC's, no reason they can't be tweaked to fit various worlds but some personality and background is certainly possible without tying it to a specific product line, I'd prefer to see Sloth Amoon the blue wizard of huckleberry, than evil wizard #1. I'd also like to put my support behind a full book for an oriental bestiary, I'll buy an ebook but I'd prefer to spend a little bit more and get the real thing. Judging from his website and Ninja Hero Mr Surbrook would make this a worthwhile product which would also further support NH.
  9. Two other sources you might pick through for ideas are Runequest (Chaosium and Avalon HIll) and Riddle of Steel (Drift wood publishing). In Runequest magic is based around the use of runes, so you can limit how much magic is available based on how often you allow the characters to get runes, it's been years since I even opened the books but when I was playing fairly regularly (early 80's) we never had that much magic, but it was out there. I recently bought Riddle of Steel so I haven't made it through the whole book, but the game world looks interesting, non humans are rare and magic is unusual. Due to the way chargen is handled having the ability to use magic is expensive (chargen is based on assigning priorities to stats, race, social standing, etc magic ability takes your highest priority slot). Either of these magic systems should allow you to maintain magic in your world but strictly control it and introduce it at your leasure (like as they get more comfortable with HERO), both are very differant from D&D.
  10. I forgot I had this but Leading Edge did an Aliens RPG, it has a nice equipment section which appears to have been well researched. Here's what they said about the motion tracker: A sonar unit combined with passive air density sensors, the motion tracker is used to provide Colonial Marines with information about unseen enemies. snip A motion tracker will indicate the position, size and speed of any object within 180 feet. The size of object the motion tracker is scanning for is determined by the user, down to a minimum diameter of about 6". The frequency and settings must be adjusted repeatedly to filter interferance, and operating the motion trackerin cluttered terrain is difficult without a good deal of skill and experience. snip The motion tracker will not work in vacuum. The motion tracker can register movement on the far side of a solid obstacle, but the air flow between the two locations must be unblocked, and the operator's task is made more difficult; for each corner or intervening obstacle. I realize you are just making an Aliens like motion tracker but hope this helps.
  11. Re: Re: Re: How would you build a Motion Tracker? This fits my view of the motion detector and eliminates the need to lims to only detect moving targets. From what I remember the motion detectors in Alien worked by sensing air movements (I remember some discussion of the fuctioning of the motion trackers in Aliens) so I would guess they were passive, although sonar or radar would probably be reasonable ways to build a similar device.
  12. Just rereading my last post I realized it looks like I'm bagging on the cover, I'm not, its just not in my favorites list of fantasy covers. It's better than I would have done, unless you're really into stick figures.
  13. It really is a difficult path to stay on, if you don't include enough "non white" characters you get complaints that you ignore other cultures, if you include too many you get accused of pandering. If you are perceived as portraying to many "non white" characters as villians you're stereotyping. It's an admirable goal but I think your kind of damned if you do, damned if you don't. Personally my pet peave of late is all the RPG's using she exclusively. The art in FH was great and cleavage is just part of the genre, my wife is a semi professional artist (she has been paid for work, but its not really a regular job) and most of her fantasy art is full of cleavage, its just part of the style. I must admit I didn't really care for the cover as the cover, it was a nice piece of art but as others have said it was busy and superheroish, I prefer a more subdued style for a fantasy cover, the 1st ed AD&D players handbook and DM's guide are still my favorite covers, followed by the second (4th ed?) FH and its 2 companions covers.
  14. Reading over some of the messages in this thread it almost looks like we're complaining about the amount of material HERO is putting out, but I know what you mean, If you were going to a con and planning to play in a few differant genres, I'm pretty sure you would need a hand cart to get around. On the plus side I built a new bookcase yesterday because my current one was overflowing (stacks of book piling up on the floor, on top of other books and stacked on top of the bookcase). The HERO products I've bought since DoJ took over easily matches all the stuff HERO put out before, at least in overall thickness, almost every book that is a remake of an old book is at least twice as thick. Nice job DoJ. Now how about selling an official HERO hover cart so we can get this stuff to our games.
  15. Years ago I took a firearms class, the instructor had us shoot phone books to compare various rounds. Its been awhile but I'm pretty sure FH would stop a .38 Special. Obligatory disclaimer Remember kids, don't try this at home, HERO games products are not intended to be worn as body armor
  16. I had a similar thought, in fact when I ordered mine I also got USPD figuring that it would be a good resource for magic until the Grimore comes out. When I picked up my books I initially thought FH was FH and the USPD until the guy at the store also grabbed the USPD off the shelf and put it on the counter as well. USPD is no small book either. I haven't had any problems with the bindings to any of the other HERO books, SH and TUV are pretty big, but I am a little worried about FH, I can just picture it splitting down the middle. Just out of curiosity I put it down next to 4th ed FH and the 2 FH companions and 5th FH is still larger. I wonder if DoJ did any binding tests on FH like they did with HERO 5.
  17. I agree that HERO should be selling setting books along with Genre books, my concern is only that it is starting to look like HERO is going to produce setting books at the expense of generic books. So far StarHero is my only experience (I bought Champions but I'm not following the rest of the Supers stuff), What I have seen is StarHero (generic), followed by Terren Empire and the Spacers Toolkit (also based on TE), and the last time I looked I don't recall seeing any non setting specific supplements for SH. What I would prefer to see (and I realize its just my opinion) would be StarHERO, TE and then a generic book of scifi gadgets and a generic starships / sci fi vehicles book, then go ahead and put out more setting specific books. So far FH looks like it will fall more into the mold I described since the Grimore looks like it will be a generic book. Not bashing the idea of HERO selling settings, just concerned they are going to get to far away from the generic angle. Sure settigs may sell, but if I don't like the setting I'm not going to buy it, while generic material will likely appeal to all gamers of the genre.
  18. Come on now, lets be practical and just call it "OW, MY BACK" I just got mine and also picked up the USPD, I had to park my pickup and rent a semi just to get them home
  19. Edited for space Daredevils was well done and includes good period info. I recently picked up the Daredevils bonus pack (new still in the shrinkwrap on a dusty back shelf of a game store). If you can find that version it includes the whole run for the game in one box set. Daredevils (rule book) The menace beneath the sea Lost world tales Deadly coins and Supernatural thrillers Each of the adventure modules focuses on a particular type of pulp adventure.
  20. Re: Stormhaven I had this many years ago and recall it had lots of notes to adjust it from horror to espionage, change the time periods etc. So it should be easy, from what I remember it was a pretty good module.
  21. I think it was a house rule but when I was playing a lot of D&D we allowed 1/2 the arrows fired to be recovered, with a short search (10 min or so) and assumed the rest were lost or broken. If players really wanted to take the time the GM would occasionally allow a few more to be found depending on his mood and the situation.
  22. I agree with you, while the "old" HERO suffered from a lack of support for its genre books, I am a bit concerned that DoJ is overcompensating for this. I think it is good that they are putting out campaign materials, but it is starting to look like they are completely ignoring the generic aspect of HERO. I liked the Spacers Toolkit because it does what I wanted, it gave me examples of equipment I can modify for my own nefarious purposes, but I would have preferred something more along the lines of Gurps: Ultratech. I hope that all future StarHero material is not restricted to TE. I don't have TE yet but I know many will want to use StarHero for Traveller, Starwars, etc. Lack of generic material may give people the idea that TE is the only setting.
  23. Looks good but you left of AoE noxious fumes, although that may just have been bragging. Donkey: Oooh, you should warn someone before you do that, my mouth was open and everything. Shrek: Thats brimstone Donkey: I know what I smell, and that ain't no brimstone, it didn't come off any stone neither. Shrek: If it had been me, You'd be dead. For further support, it did stun or kill fish in a pond during the opening credits.
  24. Toadmaster


    No rune magic in the Grimore?
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