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Everything posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. Guess they got canceled. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) Veil is able to cloak anyone and anything. He thought it would be fun to drive his car really fast while cloaking it from sight so the cops couldn't see him. The thing is, neither could the other drivers, and one of them slammed into Veil's car, causing it to spin out and flip. Thanks to airbags, Veil survived, but his girlfriend didn't. While cloaking things from sight isn't inherently lethal, he's been known to hide innocents from sight during the Mourners' battles so they get caught in the crossfire more often.
  2. Y'see, you're trying to apply "think" to Florida. "Anybody thinking" is pretty much an alien concept.
  3. I just noticed, in the picture of the Victorian baby catapult, it's missing one of the spindles. Very unsafe!
  4. Because after all, who wouldn't want something to catapult babies across the house?
  5. Your GM is Simon Bar Sinister (aka Rudy Giuliani - admit it, they look the same)
  6. And were the rabbits being slaughtered, or were they the ones doing the slaughtering? (I'm picturing the scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. "Right! Rabbit stew, comin' right up!")
  7. I looked at two other articles by the same person (camilahawking), they both read about the same. Though that writer doesn't appear to be unique on the Florida News Times. I looked at another article, but from a different person. Here's the first sentence of the article: "“Duck Dynasty” Star Kay Robertson After being attacked by his dog, he needed to see a doctor … and the puppy stripped off part of his lips." (Kay Robertson is a female, by the way. The rest of the article is similarly bad.) Y'know, I'm not sure the Florida News Times even has an editor.
  8. Yes, please keep real-world politics out of this. In my new Champions campaign, the heroes are based in San Francisco. And one of the first news items concerned a hero team (Angel Force) forming in Los Angeles. The PC team (Golden Gate Guardians) disliked Angel Force immediately simply because the NPC team formed before them. I had planned to make Angel Force holier-than-thou, dismissive of the Guardians, too tough on criminals (taking the law into their own hands), probably start infringing on the PC team's turf, but haven't really needed to yet. There's no Rivarly on any character sheets, or Watched, just plain old roleplaying. Now, if the PC team wanted to build, say, a base or team vehicle, and wanted to add Rivalry: Angel Force or Watched by Angel Force as a team-wide Complication, I think I'd be okay with that.
  9. Well, you were supposed to play with it, not eat it.
  10. Meanwhile, QAnon Believers Suggest Secret Message Behind Announcement of Biden Dog Champ's Death
  11. That the genie badger Michael Hopcroft until he makes a wish (other than for the genie to go away or stop bothering him).
  12. (Quickly searching my smartphone for that app...)
  13. Buy the attack Constant (+1/2), Area of Effect (personal surface; +1/4), and if the attack (likely) has Range as a default, add No Range (-1/2). If using 6E, the texts is on 6E1 page 321-322, with a simple example on page 323.
  14. It just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? (Though I'll note that the "IV" implies that there were a I - III. Ship Name: Piratey McPirateFace Pirate Name (given my inability to grow facial hair): Captain No-beard. NT: My old smartphone (10+ years old) died and I just got a new one. What amazing new feature am I going to discover on my new phone?
  15. Note that I did say "the main thing," not "the only thing."
  16. I had a theory that a person's income is in inverse proportion to their worth to society (at least in the US). If all the star athletes, the megacorporation CEOs, and movie stars disappeared tomorrow... life would go on. But if all the farmers, or all the firemen, or all the police officers, or all the long-haul truckers disappeared... society wouldn't last long. The main thing that killed that theory was doctors (who generally make decent money but are very important to society).
  17. I was talking to a coworker years ago, who was upset because she was required to wear a helmet while four-wheeling. Her argument was, "If I want to do something dangerous, that's my choice. It's my life." I said, "That's fine. As long as you're okay with your insurance choosing not to pay for your closed-head injury and years of rehab if you're injured but not killed." She countered with, "But I'm paying for that insurance. So really, I'm paying for my own treatment." I argued, "No, you're not, unless you've paid in a half million dollars or more. I'm paying for your treatment. And he is." (point at one coworker) "And she is." (point at another) "We'd all be paying for your choice." Then she asked if I felt the same way about the possibility of her getting cancer because she smokes. We won't even go into that pile of stupid.
  18. I'm running a new Champions campaign, and it's set in a world where superpowers are brand new (no legacy heroes or villains etc.) I'm introducing a new criminal organization, and it's based on something someone here posted (but the search function doesn't seem to want to work for me right now, so I can't give proper credit. My apologies) It's called V-Corps. I explain that the V-Corp agents aren't carrying normal weapons, armor, and other gear, but that they have "special weapons, armor, and gear." One of the players turns to me and says, "So it's their swag?" At my confused expression, he says, "Special Weapons, Armor, and Gear. SWAG." I laughed and said, "well, if they weren't calling it that before, they are now!"
  19. On the plus side... from Speaker's Comments About Freed Slaves and Original Memorial Day Censored at Hudson Event | WKSU Statement from the Facebook page of the American Legion — Department of Ohio: It is clear and evident through the statement sent to our Department that the Officers of American Legion Post 464 intentionally censored Lt. Col Bernard Kemter, US Army (Ret.) during his Memorial Day speech hosted by American Legion Post 464 of Hudson, Ohio. This action was highly inconsiderate and proved to be a feeble judgment call made by the Officers of Post 464 and not at all aligned with the Principles, Pillars, and People, of The American Legion. Not acknowledging or discussing history that involves people of a different race and color is akin to eliminating or making invisible the fact that people of color exist and were/are part of this vital piece of history regarding a ceremony that veterans, families of veterans, and community members, hold reverent. Therefore, Department Commander Roger Friend asks for the resignation of James E. Garrison, Post 464 Adjutant, and Cindy Suchan, Auxiliary President of Post 464 effective immediately. A formal letter from Commander Roger Friend has been sent to the said parties and a decision for the existence of this Post and a trial-board hearing for this incident is currently pending.
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