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Everything posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. I wasn't sure how to get edits to you, so I figured I'd post them here. Sorry, only got up to page 6 in the Player book, too many things going on right now. But I figured something is better than nothing. Where I'm quoting text, I put it in curly brackets, and tried to denote words to be added or changed in red. I also tried to differentiate between actual errors to be fixed and suggestions to maybe improve pieces. Champions Begins – Player book Page 1: Intro, paragraph 2 – error {not have any, it’s all great fun.} What is Champions, paragraph 4 – suggest {and how to get out there punching bad guys} Page 2: Play That Role, paragraph 1 – suggest {rules to make it work well with others.} Same section, paragraph 4 – error {across the street.” Ask the old fellow} Same section, same paragraph – suggest {The Game Master (GM) is playing…} – It’s not hard to figure out in context, but it can’t hurt, and won’t mess too much with formatting. Don’t Hate the Game…Master, paragraph 2 – error {you’ll get through it somehow, even} Page 3: Enough Already!, paragraph 1 – error {I agree, let’s get to the game.} Enough Already!, paragraph 1 & 2, suggest: I agree, let’s get to the game. This adventure is set up in several parts. The first scenario has some basic concepts and a simple plot to get things rolling. Later parts add more info and new things you can do, as the story unfolds. So let’s open this comic book and get started! In Character, paragraph 4 – error {Your GM will have character cards} Getting Personal, paragraph 1 – suggest {so you can see what you can do in each chapter. The Character Sheet, graphic of character sheet – suggest you use a shot of the first one (with only STR, DEX, INT, OCV, DCV, PD, ED, SPEED, and STUN). The reader is likely to refer to it while reading the next page. Page 4: Characteristics, paragraph 2 – suggest not hyphenate “baby” Same section – suggest moving paragraph 3 {Strength…} above 2 {How Good Is My Stat?}. I think that might flow better, since paragraph 1 mentions three “primary” characteristics. Characteristics, paragraph 10 – the first character card (in the Character Book) also lists SPEED in the characteristics. You may want to mention it among the other Combat characteristics. Also suggest putting STUN in all caps, throughout the doc, when referring to the characteristic. Movin’ On Up – suggest reword first sentence, maybe something like {The PURPLE section of the character sheet shows how the character can move around.} If so, perhaps have the next sentence start {Some characters have} Combat – suggest {and the base OCV roll (explained below) you have with each.} A newbie is likely to see an OCV of 5 in the Characteristics, and the OCV of 16- in the Combat section, and get confused, since both are labeled OCV. Page 5: Fighting Words – error {It’s not a Superhero story} Punching Bad Guys, paragraph 1 – error {When it’s your chance} Punching Bad Guys, paragraph 4 – suggest {you hit that DCV (or less).} Also suggest {then you hit a 6 DCV or less.} Punching Bad Guys, Example – suggest {Apex hit any DCV up to 7.} You Look Stunning, paragraph 2 – error {grouping the dice in tens} Page 6: SPEED – you refer to SPD (both in here and in the Character Book) in the text, though the character sheets have it spelled out SPEED. I’d suggest you keep it SPEED here as well, or note it as {First on the block is SPEED (or SPD),} Sorry I didn't get through more, but hope this helps.
  2. They preface your name with "Trump sycophant and all-around liar"
  3. Maryland man accused of killing his pharmacist brother wanted to confront him for administering the Covid-19 vaccine, court documents say "Jeffrey Allen Burnham, 46, also allegedly told a tipster "that his brother was 'killing people with the COVID shot,'" according to the statement of charges." One wonders whether anti-vaxxer media types might bear some (legal) responsibility for things like this.
  4. A scene not unlike the final event of the Upper Class Twit of the Year competition NT: NASA is going to intentionally crash a spacecraft into an asteroid, reportedly to test the ability to redirect an oncoming asteroid and protect Earth from an impact. But what is the REAL reason for the DART mission? (Go ahead, go all QAnon on us here. The crazier, the better.)
  5. The signs on the rear of the American cycles that say "Beware of Rocket Exhaust" are a bit suspect.
  6. I knew he had a mental block that he didn't think he could alter molecules of living things, but didn't realize he used a wand at first.
  7. I don't care so much about that. I'm more concerned about women being made of Kleenex. NT: Okay, so some people have hyped anti-malarial drugs (chloroquine), horse de-wormers (ivermectin), and guzzlilng bleach. What's the next non-vaccine "miracle cure" to be touted for coronavirus? (The crazier, the better - let's see if we can come up with things that won't actually be touted in a few weeks.)
  8. Nope. " Jones and InfoWars managed to burn through six separate defense attorneys throughout his legal defense and is now on his seventh, Brad Reeves."
  9. Oh, were they actually trying to say "Detroit Lions"?
  10. I've mentioned this several times before, but in an adventure where Foxbat was trying to kidnap Adam West and Burt Ward, he created the Photonic Optical Waveform (POW) hologram generator. Images to Sight and Normal Hearing, AoE, Only to create visual "sound" effects (POW! BAM! KA-BLAM! WHIFF! etc.) based on the ongoing combat. The players really enjoyed providing the various effects illustrated throughout the fight. I created a flying brick character who applied for a position in the hero team. Nearly impossible to hurt, decent STR and Flight, but he had a Vulnerability: 2x Effect from Knockback. LOTS of property destruction wherever he fought, mostly from him getting knocked back through walls, floors, ceilings, etc. IIRC, when the heroes were calling his references (past hero teams he'd either belonged to or worked with), one of the people they called said, "Oh, yeah, him. What is ol' Crash Bandicoot up to nowadays?" More recently, I've created a Shrinking character (Firefly) who has a force field that is Highly Perceivable. Basically, whenever she has it on, she loses the benefit of the PER adjustment due to her size. Not so much "funny" ha-ha as "funny" odd. More often than not, my amusing stuff is based on how normal Powers, Advantages, and Limitations are defined rather than the literal power writeup itself. For instance, I made a character (Reefer Gladness) who can alter reality around him, but he thinks it's due to otherwise normal stuff he uses. So his mind-altering Funky Acid Blaster is a normal bubble-gun with a laser pointer mounted on it to shine onto the bubbles it produces. The bubble gun itself doesn't *actually* do anything other than blow soap bubbles into the air, but ol' Reefer Gladness is so convinced those bubbles cause an acid trip on anyone in the area that he can't use his power without that OAF.
  11. This is pretty much exactly how we've done things in both gaming groups I'm in (including switching online platforms trying to get one that worked well for us).
  12. They also get testy when people say, "On the otter hand..."
  13. That is a shame. What you had put out was some top-quality work, and those ideas you had for future projects all sound great. I particularly like the Doomsday Cross, and will try to develop it for my game, but doubt it will turn out quite as good. (And sympathies and kudos to you for taking care of your mother. Been there myself, and I wish you the best at it.)
  14. Hey, Dean, I'm looking to bring some of your work (Sky-Q and the Dynatron, and maybe later the Green Butterfly) into my new Champions campaign, and it got me wondering Are you in the process of creating any other Shared Origins works? Just curious. (If you're not familiar with any of Dean's past Shared Origins work, particularly if you're running a Champions game, I suggest you check them out. I've had some success with the Dynatron in a past Champions campaign, and anticipate getting similar good use out of Sky-Q in this game.)
  15. I'm thinking it's either Who, Guess Who. or Yes.
  16. Hospital being forced to give dewoming drug to COVID patient. I guess guzzling bleach didn't work. Though I liked seeing this part: "As part of the complaint filed to the judge, Julie Smith signed a full release that relieved West Chester Hospital of any liability related to the ivermectin treatment."
  17. FWIW, I used your version of Muerte in a past Champions campaign, to very good effect. It ended with a heroine flying after a nuke missile launched at Europe.
  18. I saw this today and thought it good enough to share. Source is: 'Freedom Cafe' description is a perfect response to arguments against mask requirements - Upworthy "Welcome to the Freedom Cafe! We trust you to make your own choices if you want to wear a face mask. And, in the same spirit of individual liberty, we allow our staff to make their own choices about the safety procedures they prefer to follow as they prepare and serve your food." "We encourage employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom, but understand that some people may be allergic to certain soaps or may simply prefer not to wash their hands. It is not our place to tell them what to do." "We understand that you may be used to chicken that has been cooked to 165 degrees. We do have to respect that some of our cooks may have seen a meme or a YouTube video saying that 100 degrees is sufficient, and we do not want to encroach on their beliefs." "Some of our cooks may prefer to use the same utensils for multiple ingredients, including ingredients some customers are allergic to. That is a cook's right to do so." "Some servers may wish to touch your food as they serve it. There is no reason that a healthy person with clean hands can't touch your food. We will take their word for it that they are healthy and clean." "Water temperature and detergent are highly personal choices, and we allow our dishwashing team to decide how they'd prefer to wash the silverware you will put in your mouth. "Some of you may get sick, but almost everyone survives food poisoning. We think you'll agree that it's a small price to pay for the sweet freedom of no one ever being told what to do - and especially not for the silly reason of keeping strangers healthy."
  19. I hope you replied: "I just went for a little... boat ride. By the way, how's your mom?" (smile back cheerfully)
  20. Speaking as someone from Michigan, we can only hope. I heard that more astronauts have come from Ohio than from any other state. What is it about Ohio that makes people want to leave the planet?
  21. Donald Trump's toupee. Apparently, it's wanted in four star systems, and has been on the run the past 30 years. NT: Atlantis's armies are attacking the surface world! What's their beef this time?
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