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Everything posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. I'm inclined to say you have the right Professor. But I have to say, Mary Ann had certainly let herself go by the time that picture was taken.
  2. "Well, at least NOW we know how a Trump presidency would have turned out."
  3. "Hey, great to see you again. By the way, your future self stopped by and asked me to let you know that time travel causes impotence, so you may want to make this your last stop. Just sayin'."
  4. As to this one, I actually disagree. I'd think it should be as timeless as possible, rather than geared for the here and now.
  5. Sorry for the two-fer, but I wanted to post a new group to see what people come up with - a less genocidal variation on the current team. The Climatologist has traveled forward and seen how truly horrific mankind's influence has been on the Earth's climate. Spoiler alert: even after humankind is wiped out, the planet doesn't just bounce back in a few centuries, or even millennia. (To be fair, it was actually mankind's attempts to reverse the damage that actually hyper-accelerated it, turning the Earth into a Venus-like blazing hothouse where no life can exist. Unintended consequences, what can you say?) The only option is to remove humanity from the equation before they *truly* screw things up beyond repair. - - - - - - - - New Team: Divine Right This group of six psychics / oracles / prophets have "seen" the future and feel their technically criminal acts are fully justified based on that future. (Actually, "those" futures, as each has seen various different snapshots of the future upon which they base their criminal actions. For instance, one may have seen the growth of a mass-murdering cult, while another may have seen a company causing widespread environmental damage, a third may have seen a local politician who becomes President and starts World War III, etc.) Please have members using different types of divination / prophecy. (e.g. psychometry, astrology, tarot cards, runecasting, dream interpretation, palmistry, crystal ball visions, visions from God, etc.) I'd also prefer if their crimes didn't include mass murder, even if they feel that the ends justify the means.
  6. Actually not so odd when you think about it - Rudolph has to wear a nose shield. Can't have him lighting up the theater of operations. NT: Embarrassing ways to ring in the New Year.
  7. I first read this as "Metallilca, Master of Muppets."
  8. The alien known as Prod Oren uses his cloaked starship, the Adaran, to move the Masters of Silence about the Earth in their quest to end the human race. He blames humanity for the future destruction of his home planet, Sulumor. He is stronger than a normal person and is armed with various bits of high technology, including a disruptor pistol.
  9. I was basing the "justice" part on this: "...he called in to the Zanzara radio program ... and openly told listeners he was seriously ill, with a high fever, but had made a point to stroll through a crowded grocery store maskless." (emphasis mine) This goes beyond monumental stupidity or willful ignorance and straight into deliberate, premediated malice. Even if one accepts the idiot's assertion that COVID doesn't exist, he knew he was sick (presumably with flu? which is still potentially deadly) and went around *trying* to infect others. To me, this is akin to that guy who knew he had AIDS but continued having unprotected sex and spreading it to many, many others. You're a much better person than me, Duke, because I really feel the gene pool is a bit cleaner without someone like this swimming around in it.
  10. Anybody who says a penny doesn't get you far nowadays didn't see her shoot across the room. Sorry, I'm a bad person. I'll go now.
  11. Self-Proclaimed ‘Plague Spreader’ Dies of COVID After Boasting About Maskless Grocery Store Stunt (msn.com) I'll just say that the term "poetic justice" seems to apply here.
  12. A few hundred million here, a few hundred million there. Pretty soon, you're talking *real* money.
  13. In a past job, I had two coworkers - one of whom liked sci-fi (particularly Star Trek), and the other of whom was a sports fan (specifically the Detroit Lions, so that should let you know how delusional he was). The sports fan - we'll call him Leo - was making fun of the sci-fi fan - we'll call him Mark - and then Leo turns to me and asks my opinion. I said, "Yeah, isn't it stupid those people who dress up in weird outfits, some of them paint their faces, they go on and on about their heroes and talk about weird minutia like any of it really matters?" Leo is nodding happily and smiling hugely. "Yeah, so stupid..." I interjected, "I'm sorry, I was talking about sports fans." Mark about busted a gut laughing, and Leo was speechless. It was a perfect moment.
  14. Ah, but the education / intelligence level actually works against us in this case. While we may recognize that was blatant trolling, we must nonetheless still respond with corrections to demonstrate our own knowledge levels.
  15. While putting together luminaries at our church, my daughter and I were singing "The Twelve Pains of Christmas." Another great song I got to hear thanks to the Dr. Demento show.
  16. Merry Christmas from the great state of Michigan.
  17. Nah, not you at all. Someone else entirely. Can't say his name outside the Political thread, though.
  18. Shush, Old Man. This may be our chance to get rid of some malcontents...
  19. Let us know when it's safe to go back into the bathroom.
  20. Wait, Dr. Strange is spinning webs? Methinks Spidey may need to talk to him about infringing on his schtick.
  21. My favorite part was when Norman Osborne said, "Peter... I am your father." And I was completely blown away that Spider-Man was dead the entire time. Or maybe I'm mixing up my movies.
  22. I just find it amusing that the lenses are completely clear, and don't seem like they'd block much sunlight. Not exactly what I'd look for in sunglasses, regardless of the stupid frames.
  23. For my part, I really dislike "Last Christmas." We don't even call it that in our family - we call it "The Heart Transplant Song." And "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer." Absolute dreck.
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