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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord ... OK, let's just *completely* ignore the dialogue written RIGHT THERE ON THE VERY PAGE that SAYS EXPLICITLY that Jean staged the battle to drain enough of her energy supplies so that she could be vulnerable to the ancient weapons of the Kree. Let's just ignore that. Hell, let's just ignore everything that doesn't agree with you. ... or better yet, I can just ignore you. Because seriously, when I have the damn issue open right in front of me as I type and it absolutely does not agree with what you are saying at all, and yet you stubbornly refuse to admit it, my patience just plain *snaps*. Oh yeah, and thanks for making this thread turn exactly into what the other threads turned into, because you simply could not admit that you were wrong. Fine, go ahead, ignore me. Suits me fine. Little Chucky can't take somebody having a different opinion then his so he takes his ball and goes home. Whatever.
  2. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord Which would've prevented her from using those powers to make the blaster fire in the first place, which she obviously does. Also if all her cosmic energy supplies were drained she wouldn't be able to manifest the Phoenix Force which she was doing when the blast killed her, to say nothing of the fact that the Phoenix Force cannot run dry without killing all the people who's psyche's form it in the first place. Furthermore, your point is moot because durability cannot simply be shut off.
  3. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord It does count because if merely being cosmic was enough to make her super durable, THE BLASTER WEAPON WOULD'VE NEVER HARMED HER no matter what her intentions were. That is what this whole argument is about isn't it?
  4. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord Yeah she was just knocked senseless, great example.
  5. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord By punching them out in a fraction of a second before they can do anything? Seriously, I doubt Batman's villains would cause much more of a problem for him then his own do.
  6. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord So my statement stands. Because "Bat God" = "smarter than the average supervillain and makes better uses of his opportunities". No, because Bat God generally equals many supervillains acting quite stupid, despite whatever actual mental faculties they might have. The White Martians for example, would've just figured out where Batman was hiding telepathically then torn him apart before he could do anything. Then your comparision is still totally off base. Batman beat the Pale Martians by using fire. Since fire hits Martians the same way that Kryptonite hits Superman, only faster...? But Firelord doesn't have any Kryptonite weakness, that's the problem. Whatever. I can see we're never going to agree on that particular point. Let's just agree to disagree, ok?
  7. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord No, I can't stand Batman cause his mention in threads generally tends to lead to arguements like the ones we have, and anyways it's kinda erroneous to say that I can't stand Batman full stop. When Batman's written well, like he is in his animated series for example, then he's one of my favourite characters. However when he busts out the whole Bat God bit, then I absolutely can't stand him. Oh and I was comparing the idea of Spidey beating Firelord to stuff like Batman beating up multiple White Martians and such. FYI. Also, while SOME Batman fans can drive me to distraction with arguements like these [which is probably why I shouldn't get into them but that's a WHOLE different story] that is no way meant as a slam on you or any other poster on this board.
  8. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord Thank you everybody for reminding me why I have a generally low tolerance for Batman lately and why I absolutely CAN'T STAND Waid's run on JLA. Frankly this double standard makes me sick. Spiderman does something cool to be an uber-tough villain in a comic and you all fall all over yourselves, most of you anyway, to declare it BS and whatnot. Batman does even more impossible stuff and it's perfectly alright. As for me, I'm sticking with my position. Prep time means absolutely squat because every single superhero worth their salt has been prepared for it by every villain they've faced ever. Sometimes I really CAN'T STAND Batman.
  9. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord c) in a 'shadow war' with prep time, ambushes, and stalking each other across the breadth of the city as allowable tactics, Cap had better write his effing will. Right cause nobody's EVER done that to Cap before. Well except Red Skull, Baron Zemo, HYDRA, AIM and every other villain he's ever fought ever. Seriously, Captain America has thwarted cosmic powered beings who've had prep time on him [Red Skull with the cosmic cube anyone?] and he's still thwarted them. If Bats trys to get all supervillain on Cap, he's gonna end up like every other supervillain Cap's fought, unconcious and beaten.
  10. Re: Weakest Supers in books you've read? No, he wouldn't. If I did that his power would kick in and he'd know the entire language almost immediatly, that's how his power works. That's how it works with all languages, he'd have it figured within a few seconds that's why it's a power and not merely a well honed skill.
  11. Re: Weakest Supers in books you've read? Yes, but to Cypher math is just another language.
  12. Re: Weakest Supers in books you've read? But then considering Doom's full-court press hasn't wiped out the Fantastic Four anytime he's tried it so why should Cypher worry?
  13. Re: Weakest Supers in books you've read? It is if the villains are mind controlled members of the Green Lantern Corps. Also by changing the colour of the entire eye to solid black would blind a person, if I'm not mistaken. Don't see why people are down on folks like Polar Boy though. Heck in the Great Darkness Saga, Polar Boy flash froze a Daxamite!
  14. Re: Dark Champions in Champs Universe?
  15. Re: Plot/Campaign idea for Joseph Otanga A quick look at the products list suggests that Mr. Otanga will be appearing in The Mystic World, as he's mentioned in the summary for that.
  16. Re: Money And Super-Mercenaries I liked the fact that certain elites were thinly disguised clones of certain WWE superstars. Also like the fact that there's actually a write up of Ric Flair in the XWF book.
  17. Re: Who is Charlemagne? Cool, when will those be out? There was some mention of a Dark Champions product list, but I can't seem to find it on the site.
  18. Ok I know that Charlemagne was one of the first Holy Roman Emporers, helped found it unless I'm mistaken, that's not what I'm asking. In terms of Champions, specifically Dark Champions, who is Charlemagne? He was mentioned in Caber's write up in the Ultimate Brick, has he appeared someplace in 5th Edition before? Please help.
  19. Re: Harry Potter HERO Actually it is consistent because although Snape's potions class is indeed in the dungeon, that's not the class he's teaching. If you recall he's teaching the Defense against Dark Arts class because Lupin was unable to do so, most likely due to the potion that prevented him from wolfing out. Thus he's not in his normal classroom in that scene.
  20. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen Simon Templar is a very good choice, if you ask me. As for Harry Potter characters I think an LXG sort of deal would be right up the alley of Fred and George Weasly. Other choices I can think of right off the top of my head would be: Remington Steele, MacGuyver, Jarod [from the Pretender], Edward Scissorhands or perhaps somebody from CSI. If you wanted to be weird, you could add members of the Addams Family.
  21. Re: Harry Potter HERO As I recall from the 5th book, the proctor for Harry's exam wasn't impressed that Harry knew the Patronus spell, but rather that he was so skilled with it at such a young age. So it's definetly something that's rarely taught to people Harry's age at least untill Lupin taught it to him and Harry himself taught it to Cho Chang and Hermione, among others.
  22. Re: Harry Potter HERO In the fourth book, when Harry was making up predictions he claimed that he would have a falling out with a friend and later in the book Harry and Ron had a falling out when Harry was entered in the Triwizard tournament. That's the only one I can remember off hand alas. It is suggestive of something though, aside from nifty foreshadowing on JK Rowling's part.
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