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Everything posted by Insaniac99

  1. not to derail this thread, but i honestly GM like this, i put the PCs in and give them no direction except that they seek, and if they come up with something good, then i would think to myself, you know that would be cool and would make the player happy because he "guessed" right and when he works towards that direction I'll let him, they tend to think up everything for me... i am begining to wonder if they even realize that i am GMing the whole campaign without and ounce of it planned out...
  2. yeah i would say that is just as much viable as "force fields" or mental defence or any of the otehr things i have seen for NNDs, however, i want to see all the things you came up with...
  3. MUNCHKINY!!!! Compaction linked to cohesion and cohesion linked ot compaction? sound like munchkinism to me...
  4. ok, for my entry, could you also give credit to "portal" we worked on that together and the name of it should be "Adventures in Super Hero Babysitting"
  5. sweet, thanks nato now i can put Published author on my resume...
  6. Re: 4 Earth shattering questions!!!! well, I would think , Teleportation with Trigger: only when attacked with an AoE. then you could if you want make it require an activation roll, if it fails, then the SFX is the teleporter system didn't teleport him far enough away from the explosion
  7. Wow, and here i thought the whole point of an RPG is to make new friends and get together to have fun, every one of us is a friend so we will just hang out too, out last get to gether were were at teh friends house for more that four hours then only played for aobut one and a half, the rest of the time we were hanging out chatting and eating, i just can't imagine role-playing with people that i don't like...
  8. huh.. my group uses the maps form Heroclix because they are versatile and then just fudge distances...
  9. agreed, same with the Plot seeds in the Champions set...
  10. agreed, i haven't written up the PCs base, their Vehicle (that they don't even know they have) , and most otehr things, i have just statted a few villians, though i even have soem that i don't have written dow, though that is mainly becasue i consider him an unstoppable force and the PCs need to trick him, not just pile on with all the weapons...
  11. Re: Lost out on a concept. please do, this is a perfect source for GMs and Players alike
  12. ok, i think the MM has eye beams, i though i saw him use those, may be mistaken though, and the savage time bit, it think that figures in the time of war, you do what you have to do, and we already know they would die anyway if Vandal Savage didn't change history.
  13. w00t Alright morning star, you got to it before i had to type it up! that is exactily what the good captain is doing, he is just knocking them aside and maybe breaking a few bones while doing it, but it is no where near what he could do...
  14. I'm not sure, but i though i read a power like this in the USPD I'll check....
  15. well, if you are talking aobut HAIVNG a matrix campaign i would jstput it as part of hte world, one player is the operator who hooks people up and has this info and then everything is just equipment that he has access to....
  16. thanks, and it isn't ALL that expensive because you can also slap on restrainable to the powers with the FX defined that a intense EMF and an EMP would stop the Nano bots from working and N-ray vision isn't that expensive in the first place...
  17. well, my Favorite AI that i didn't make is the Red Dwarf's AI, Holly, a AI with the IQ of 6000 who is left alone for three million years and goes completely senile and IQ lowers to 6. and the AI that i came up with: an AI who, as soon as they uploaded the sci-fi section of the world, he decided to change his name from Harry to Hal and the name os the base he lives on to D.W.H. Airsoft (D.W.H. stand for Disaster Waiting to Happen, and the base is an Orbital facility) he is insanely smart but is hampered by a non-serious attitude and tend to dislike being ordered around (he DOES have Asimov's laws programed into him, or atleast something similar) so he tends to does what he was ordered to do, but in a roundabout way, and sometimes givng the person something completely other than what they wanted to teach them not ot give him orders, but instead to ask him to do something...
  18. well.. you could cheat and have two sets of N-ray vision, one defined as only stopped by lead, and one defined as only being stoped by Forcefield...
  19. what about Supes? he did it REALLY easily!
  20. Buh-buh-BUZZ! no challenge left! so the new one is: a duplicating mentalist
  21. build agents on points? I never thought of that, i just give them strong enough attacks to do an average of 5-15 stun, depending on how powerful the PCs are supposed to be. and then enought DEF and STUN that they are KOed in one or two hits and will take body if the PCs don't pull their punches... and then just say they have teamwork ro something....I don't even write down end because they are usually KOed before they would use up half their end...
  22. Re: Really nasty teleportation. 1: just put megascaled teleportation, usable as attack 2: RKA, NND does body (defense is teleportation powers), or you could leave off the nnd to simulate telepoting other things into the person 3, 4, and five: these would be either power drains or transforms with delayed recovery rate and then the disadvantage of "heals instantly upon: picking wepon up, getting back in armor, going into surgery" depending on which oe it is
  23. how can he be a Hero martial artist if he wants to snap necks? that is no hero!
  24. don't be so sure, in my group(s), i have actualy been asked to let other people roll my rolls on anything truly important (like disarming a bomb), even when my roll (with all penalties taken into account) is a 17-, because i roll poorly contantly, i usually miss 60% or more of my rolls by only one, and only make about 10% of the rolls i make no mater what the roll, and roll the 18 more that once in each session
  25. this is a good free multilingual translation site: http://babelfish.altavista.com/
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