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Everything posted by Magmarock

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I think everyone should boycott any place that advertises for Christmas (i.e. TV ads) before Thanksgiving. How freakin' annoying! Mags
  2. Re: Supervillain Images Ok, Worldmaker, what about this one? This is just a preliminary sketch for Bushbaby, not a fullbody pic... Mags
  3. Re: Superhero Images Superhero paper dolls... hmmm. You may be onto something there. I wonder if they would sell? Mags
  4. Re: The cranky thread Sheesh. I'd be cranky, too! Mags
  5. Re: Superhero Images They remind me of paper dolls. Ok, I know that dates me.... Mags
  6. Re: Superhero Images Cool. Where'd you find them? Mags
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I wonder what our Hero board Jackalope thinks of the Jackalope from Bounding, the shorty that was shown right before The Incredibles? Are they related? Do they sound alike? Mags -Enquiring minds want to know...
  8. Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style. Regarding the 80's, I got two words for you: Big Hair Keep that in mind and all else will fall into place. Mags
  9. Re: GM's "rights" Seems to me that the credit page would need to be updated frequently. Wouldn' t that create a brand new page each time? Wouldn't that explain the Google cache date being so recent? Mags
  10. Re: GGU Email Server Down... Again Thanks for starting the thread. I was tweakin' for over two days, cuz I didn't know if it was my computer that had the connection problem. Mags
  11. Re: The Incredibles -- WITH SPOILERS The cape thing... yeah, my younger brother and I caught that right away. Buddy the 'Sidekick', I knew that he'd be the main villain after he was kicked to the curb. He seemed too bitter and resentful to not be the baddie, plus they really made a point of him being an inventor. I found it a little odd that Mr. Incredible wouldn't kill Mirage when he threatened to do so, yet he had no problem destroying the many nameless soldiers in Syndrome's employ. Maybe it was because she was helpless at that time. The part when Mr. Incredible found the dead hero in the cave creeped me out. Very well done. Especially the password burned into the rock wall. Clever. I mentioned in another thread that I thought Elastigirl's powers were the coolest of the others, and also utilized the best, but my favorite character was Frozone (I LOVE that name, by the way). He was hilarious. As for little Jack Jack, I could see the fire and heavy metal (i.e. elements) but WTF was with the little red demonoid? That didn't make any sense to me. My brother noted the family's similarity to the Fantastic Four. I said perhaps, but I think that FF's powers tend to encompass the main super powers anyway, so it would be hard to not pay homage to that team. I was hoping that Mirage would be a mentalist, but I think instead that is just her spy codename. Best chase scene: Dash being chased in the jungle. Best action scene: Elastigirl caught in the doors, and still she kicks ass! Most heartbreaking scene: Mr. Incredible, captured, alone and crying when he thinks his family has been killed. As for another movie, I hope there will be more. Many more. Sidenote: Did anyone else catch the dancing sheep & the jackalope short they played before The Incredibles? It was funny, yet disturbing. Mags
  12. Re: GM's "rights" Here's something odd: I originally stayed away from GGU because there was no magic and now that magic exists, I have PCs in two GGU games and neither are magic-based (they are both mutants). Go figure. Mags
  13. Re: GM's "rights" I have to side with Worldmaker on this case. If Scott had went with a mystical-type sense for Zand, that would have fit his character concept. I know a little more about the PC concept, because I did the picture for this character. Also, Scott was not kind in his remarks to me.. considering he was getting a free picture of his PC. To quote the late, great Rodney Dangerfield, "I got no respect at all." and that was just for little things... I am sure that Jack got quite the load dumped on him by Scott. And Jack, in my opinion, it was no great loss when Scott left GGU, other than the minor inconvenience of having to replace the characters in the games. Mags
  14. Re: Superhero Images Heh! Yes, he is giving me fits. I'm having a heck of a time making this 'dark chimp' look scary. What starting pics I've done so far are out-right embarrassing (to me, at least) and I don't even want to show them. Yes, they are that bad. Maybe if Bushbaby had long, needle-like razor claws... or pointy Farengi teeth... (Nah, just kidding!) But, to be clear, just because I'm working on an NPC pic doesn't mean other artists can't work on the same one. So you get two or five submisssions, big deal... pick the best one and move on. Cheers, Mags
  15. Re: GM's "rights" I see your point, but what about the player who wants to create an original spider concept? Should he be forced to create a Peter Parker clone just becuase that is the 'only acceptable concept' for a spider-guy? I detest copycat characters and, as a GM, I want to see original concepts. Sometimes the means being open to new ideas, IMO. Likewise, when I create a new character, I'd like the GM to not compare my PC to published heroes. And in the event that my character happens to be too similar to other like characters- due to points constraints like AP caps, then I'd appreciate some leniency in creating a background that will make my 'clone' PC distinctive. Mags
  16. Re: GM's "rights" They weren't part of the cult. They were hungry and looking for a snack. Mags
  17. Re: Superhero Images Normally I'm not a big fan of computer-generated art (in fact, I did a couple of them myself, just to see if it's something I'd like to branch out in), but Sentry and Vindcator look pretty cool. They do need lighter backgrounds, though. Mags
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Hopeless. There are just no words to describe how hopeless I feel.
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings I wonder if anyone would have noticed, if I hadn't drawn attention to it? I think not. That guy is one, bitter pup. Hell, I don't think there is a single Bush-hater on the boards who would go so far, and that is for a prez with a record of ruining the country. Hell, I don't think anyone could have screwed this country up worse than Bush has, and yet nobody has dedicated a 100+, single poster shrine to the shrubbery. I think that Kirby has slipped into stalker mode (well, it amounts to the same type of ferver). Get this man a hobby! Mags
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I can't think of anything more sad or pathetic than somebody starting a thread and then posting 100+ times without a single reply by anyone else. Nope, I certainly can't. Mags
  21. Re: Superhero Images Autobahn, German speedster. Photoshop over a template. Ok, it's a work in progress. Still needs some work on the hair and shading. Mags
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