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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. Funnily, and I know the background supposedly comes from the roman/greek Atlantis, I have always seen Namor as Asiatic. He has sharp features with apparently slanted eyes. I never really associated a race with him other then that.
  2. I guess I would ask how fast you expect them to get another movie out? No Way Home came out in 2021. so basically only a year ago.
  3. Saddest part to me about New Mutants, and I agree was terrible, was that I wouldn't have minded seeing something good with the 5 youngsters playing the characters correctly, ie, I thought the casting was done well. I thought was good for awhile, but I agree became, quickly, to depressing and when it turned out pretty much every main character that wasn't named Adama was one of the hidden cylon i was out.
  4. a little after halftime my brother commented on all the close games. I said the Raiders seemed the only non close, but I expect them to make it close. Next thing my brother typed was that I was right and Raiders gave up 17 straight points. I feel for him, he is a Raider fan and just a few years ago they seemed so close.
  5. I would add one other thing, kind of goes with your One: How many times have we watched a DC film (I am specifically thinking the Superman movies) that were not even close ideologically to the character fans know. For all the arguments, Marvel has presented the characters we expected on screen.
  6. and did it playing with 10 men in last 10+ minutes of extra time when their goalie got hurt and they had to bring in his backup. the end of that game was just amazing. Philly scored in the 10+ minutes of extra time then the LAFC tied it back. Turns out their backup goalie used to be the backup in Philly and is a PK specialist. He saved 2 PKs and the other was put over the net.
  7. MLW? don't know that one. I dont follow wwe at all. I do watch NJPW every week. and I don't really follow Impact.
  8. My brother and I were just discussing the other night the 3 on 3 overtime and how much guys like Gretzky, Lemieu, Ovechkin, Howe etc. are thinking, man wish we had that in our day.
  9. My biggest takeaway this weekend was that the Bengals should sit Burrow for his own safety. If they couldn't block against a not very good Browns team (i swear 50 was lining up at one of the running back spots the whole game). Until they get their O-line together, he is going to be killed and I would hate to see him turn into another David Carr. What makes it worse, he was sacked that many times and he is top of the QBs in how quickly he gets the ball out. I truly think he can be a franchise QB, but not as a paraplegic.
  10. So, AEW continuing the selling old guys over young have now signed Jeff Jarrett to help brutalize Darby.
  11. I blame Martin for part of this. at the time the show started filming, he had only written through book 4 or 5. Anything after that was not based on his books. Problem was, they started filming, IMO, thinking he would be able to finish last few books (something he still hasn't done), despite the fact he seemed to take 5 years to finish even one book. So I blame him for his slow process (as I said, he still hasn't finished the last few books) and partly on the show runners for making that assumption, if they did. So any stupidity after season 5 is on them, prior to that is probably on him.
  12. I read them. the characterizations are actually somewhat different then the video games, but deeper. Geralt doesn't have as much outside magic, its much more potions and stuff. And the first book is really a lot of short stories as is the last, the middle 3 are a trilogy. They are decent, not great, but worth the read. But a lot of what makes them what they are needs to be in the show and was, at least season 1.
  13. As Smoltz was mentioning. Usually the visiting team hopes to steal 1 of the 2 games in the opposing teams park, problem with playing Astros, Phillies threw their 2 bonafide aces and won 1 of 2, game 3 - Syndegaard vs McCullers. Who knows who pitches game 4 for Phillies but Stros go 5 deep in their rotation. I would love for the Phillies to win too, barring a recession happening due to it, but Altuve seems to have woken up and that just makes their lineup better.
  14. I agree that sometimes you need people who understand the original stuff isnt perfect, but to actively dislike it is stupid. Why are you on this job? First, sounds like the split for Cavill was amicable and that Liam understands the character and roll he is stepping into. Time will tell.
  15. not only down 5 runs, down to Justin Verlander who looked unhittable first time through the order.
  16. But if I didnt explain to her exactly how the powers in the movie worked, how would she have ever known?
  17. So, as an aside, something Amazon can't be thrilled with after paying all that money to exclusively show these thursday night horror shows. NLF channel replays the games - the same night. Someone like me who would stream the game and record everything to FF through commercials, I have no problem recording the replay and watching the next morning.
  18. He was learning, he waited till Hawkman was there to drop the one pair of guys.
  19. On one of the web comics I read, the main writer's daughter had discovered the MCU - due to She-Hulk. So he is watching his way through the MCU with her. He made a great comment that I think shows a major difference in why I liked Favreau's directing vs Waititi: The Favreau Effect I say “somehow”, but it’s largely thanks to Jon Favreau. He made a lot of decisions that established the MCU formula. In fact, the first Iron Man addresses some common complaints of later MCU movies. There are plenty of jokes, but it doesn’t feel like the movie needs to hit a quips quota. And not every character is funny. Really, it’s just Tony and Happy. Everyone else is serious. Speaking of serious, the film takes its villain seriously. No jokes about the villain’s name, not off hand comments at the villain’s expense, no scene of the villain looking foolish. In fact, the finale is the longest stretch of the movie without a joke. Director Jon Favreau knew when to emphasize the fantastic and when to ground Iron Man. Stark Industries weapons, for example, aren’t outside the realm of modern military possibility. And the Iron Man suit doesn’t have a technological solution to every problem. It has, like, two weapons. This emphasizes that without the suit, Tony Stark still has superpowers. Jon Favreau got a lot of credit for directing the movie that launched the MCU, but these days Kevin Feige seems to be the name equated to its success. I know Favreau still regularly appears as Happy Hogan and he works with Disney on Star Wars, but I wonder if we’ll ever see him direct another MCU film. Basically, he knows when to be funny and when to be serious. Ragnarok had way to many moments of try to be funny when it should be serious.
  20. Saw it yesterday, and whereas I agree the overall plot was not the strongest part, i thought all the characters were well done. I also thought you had multiple Hero Quests in the movie, Black Adam, to some degree Hawkman (I have to ask those who followed Hawkman before, was he always supposed to be this powerful - he basically goes toe to toe with Black Adam). Pierce was awesome as Fate and I hope the helmet goes to someone else and we see more of the JSA in the future (I got almost a heroic version of task force X feel to them, pick the heroes whose powers suit what we are doing). And I know it is part of Waller's stick, but really, do you really want to threaten a guy who is in Superman's league a day after he saved a kingdom. I have shown I am nowhere near as discerning a viewer as most, but I really enjoyed the movie and was entertained throughout. Easily on par with Aquaman and not far behind, to me, the 1st WW - and better then the 2nd.
  21. Now that is a bold faced lie. There is no way you could have watched something that doesn't exist.
  22. Friend asked who he was supposed to route for, I suggested an Act of God. Looks like we are heading for an Astros/Phillies WS. SD needed game 4, as they theoretically had the pitching advantage, but they lost, then after taking a 4-0 lead against Phillies bullpen day and blowing up their plans, Clevinger proceeds to not get out of the bottom of the first before allowing the Phillies within 1. 3-1 lead in series with Wheeler at home and Nola in game 6.
  23. I pretty much enjoy everything she writes and have very much enjoyed the Wayward Children series.
  24. Guess the fish need a carry license now for all their guns.
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