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Everything posted by Asperion

  1. Let's get back to basics - Othello
  2. Q: What does the Doctor declare everytime that he regenerates? A: Welcome to Club Procrastination - Where there is no Better Time than Tomorrow
  3. Here's one that speaks to everyone's source - Dungeons and Dragons board game. πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ΉπŸ—‘πŸ—‘πŸ—‘πŸ—‘πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ
  4. They get a visit from the Leverage crew. NT: What the Leverage crew is doing with the Addams Family.
  5. Q: Why are you so down? Are you not excited to be doing what you wanted as an egyptologist? A: We came from Planet Dredd.
  6. Since you stated that this works over a period of time, have you looked into DOT? While it gets confusing, it does make for effects that people will not be suddenly hit with in one sudden blow.
  7. There is only one Jackson who made any song that was decent, and that was NOT Michael. He MUST be removed from recording history completely.
  8. Swimming - preferably in a public pool where one can both be making friends and getting baked at the same time.
  9. Q: Just how did Odin get his ability to create the world? A: We have released the ultimate weapon - the ant.
  10. Q: Why did you just travel through the dimensions in the manner that you did? A: That is not a Death Star, it's a Dread Star!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😰😰😰😰
  11. All of your rolls work out the way you desire them to. NT: Crazy antics that you perform on your travel to Pluto.
  12. Getting on the stretchy side - Play-Doh 😁
  13. Makers of auto driven cars have been going at this entirely the wrong way. The best way to convince the populace would have been to first put it into fleet vehicles going long distance (such as cross country) then move to emergency vehicles (free up those paramedics to do their job) and gradually slide into more common vehicles as they gain data from everyone above. Doing this will require a minimum of ten years (preferably more) but people listen to hard data and that will give it to them. Telling people "You will get this, no choice " only leads to people fighting against it and looking for anything that will support the position that destroys something that might be a positive.
  14. People have always been attempting to improve upon their ability to communicate. In times past, they used voice, writing, animal, painting, smoke, and (more recently) electronic method. All of these are in the effort of making it so that people can communicate greater information, more clearly, with better speed. Each form has its problem that people are trying to overcome. The electronic method is our current best method, but there is the problems of energy efficiency and speed (that of light speed). As there becomes more people and we spread to more planets, both will become greater issues. People will need to look for other alternatives for their communication issues. SF has created many that might work, others that are flight of fantasy. What are some possibilities to foreseen future communication problems that you can imagine? How would they operate? What issues do they manage to solve? If there is anything else that you would like to mention, feel free to say.
  15. In most fantasy stories and games, people use either a monarchy or theocracy. This night be because either is easier to use and operate within the system. However, people have always refused to be easily shoehorned into simple systems. Even when those systems were everywhere, other systems could be found. The first recorded democratic government was pre-Christian, others existed during the middle ages, and other forms were found at the same time. Not considering those ever present religion-centered or monarchy ones, what other systems have people created during the middle ages and how were they maintained?
  16. Making the next poll: Wonders of nothing NT: Pets from another planet - what they are and who they belong to
  17. We're getting dark and mysterious - Mystery Men and the Shadow
  18. Q: Why does Wolverine have that strange glow? A: Your reactors are all filled with helium now.
  19. Wonderful fish to enjoy Zander NT: Enjoying those remembrances - toys/games that you would have loved to have had but for some reason never did.
  20. Fun one for the plate rice palif. πŸ₯˜
  21. Getting some misdirection Wheeljack (G1 version) meets Robocop
  22. Something that I wonder about dealing with this channel is if Habro will attempt to use their HUGE financial advantage to undermine the smaller independent channels, leading to a monopoly. This is what WalMart did and look at what happened to them. Only the poor of the community (unless they have control of the community) will shop there. If one has financial ability, then they will go ANYWHERE except WalMart. I can see Hasbro doing the same thing with their new channel. There will be Hasbro's channel or nothing else, period.
  23. Look at what is put into those vr systems - electronic equivalent to what people have always been playing. Essentially everything that humanity has played has been invented thousands of years ago and been getting new concepts done to them every generation.
  24. . . .or not. Looking at how people entertain themselves over time makes one wonder how little things have really changed. Best forms of entertainment in antiquity were races, strength-based, agility-honing, or strategic. Today, the games most revered will all have some version of the above, just with electronic overlay. Looking into the future, I am expecting that electronic treatment to get more so in the games. I was wondering if anyone saw things differently, any flaws in reasoning. Anything else that you would like to add would be greatly appreciated.
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