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Everything posted by Chuk

  1. How about "Detect Meaning of Message, Usable vs. Others (+1?) (maybe with Area Effect One Hex or something), Independent(-2), OAF paper?(-1). That'd only be about what, 2 pts? Not bad.
  2. Hey, he's got 20 PRE -- Hulk would at least have to growl menacingly.
  3. Well, he's been sick. :-) Seriously, I just realized that he should probably have a couple more points of COM. Not that I think he's attractive, of course, but hey, he's a TV/movie star, right?
  4. Great images, all of them -- makes me want MMM even more, though.
  5. My Champions character could kick his ass in three phases.
  6. Anyone done any work on any of the magic systems from Lawrence Watt-Evans' Ethshar novels? I just read Ithalanin's Restoration, which is basically all about fixing a spell gone wrong, and I was thinking again of how Hero would handle all the different magic systems in that setting.
  7. I've got a few writeups in the GNBoRH (Billy Ray, Blaise, some others). Michael Surbrook has done a couple of the Wild Cards, as well. http://www.devermore.net/surbrook/wildcards/wildcards.html
  8. Yes, this is more what I was thinking of, rather than trying it in direct combat -- a Grab and Throw would probably represent that well enough. But I saw someone running down the hall the other day and realized that if I'd just stuck my leg out he probably would have gone flying, and I was trying to think of how to represent it in Hero. Thanks for all the good advice so far on this thread!
  9. Which of the non-martial maneuvers would be used to trip someone? I figure Martial Throw could be a trip, but shouldn't "ordinary" people be able to trip? On a more general note, what happens if people who didn't buy a Martial Maneuver want to do it anyway? For stuff that's just a "better" version of regular maneuvers, like Martial Dodge or Offensive Strike, just saying "you can't" is good enough. I mean, I could do a jump kick on someone, but I wouldn't get any in-game benefits -- it'd just be a normal Strike, and my "martial" dodge would still only add 3 to my DCV. But what about things like Choke Hold or Martial Throw? I mean, anyone can try and grab your throat, right? How do you guys handle this?
  10. Chuk

    STKO Update

    So, ATRI is exactly the same as GURPS TL, then? Got it.
  11. I'd agree with that. But who's had more books on the bestseller list recently? They're both good ad different things, as you mention later.
  12. I just wanted to mention that now that I've got the actual book rather than just seeing the image online, it looks better to me. It quickly grew on me and now I'm pretty happy with it as a cover. Not sure if I like it as much as the 2nd/4th edition FH cover, but it's close (and the interior art is way, way better than previous editions!)
  13. Chuk

    STKO Update

    Sorry...this thread actually drew my attention to the online one for the first time (I don't even know what an ATRI is). Well, at least you're not doing it on the Advantages -- that'd really look like cheating. :-) I've done it myself, too.
  14. Chuk

    STKO Update

    The Varanyi Neuroparalyzer seems to be miscalculated for point totals -- It's 100 AP with -2 1/2 in limitations, which should be 28 rather than 40 pts.
  15. Another nit pick -- shouldn't the LS have a fuel charge or something rather than one continuing charge? Can you turn a continuing charge on and off? Excellent writeup -- I really liked that novel.
  16. I think I've got some Excel files of the TMNT around here somewhere if anyone wants me to post them.
  17. I read that review (and nitpicked it a bit on the Pyramid boards -- the author made a few factual errors, like saying Star Hero was for 4th edition!). I wouldn't say that that part was ridiculous, though -- there are games that are more newbie friendly than others, and Fantasy Hero, at, what, over 750 pages (counting the core rules) and probably $60 US, is not exactly the kind of thing your average ten-year-old is going to pick up on his own. I would agree that more people are probably brought in by others than by just seeing the games, but you can't discount that factor completely. (The review also seemed to be complaining that there weren't enough monsters or magic spells in FH, too. I think Hero's already got the answer to that criticism...)
  18. Seems like great Chu©ks think alike...
  19. Re: How Would You Design This Power? How about a Limited form of Telekinesis linked to his Flight?
  20. That'd be pretty cool, and Fantasy Hero (which I'm not done reading yet) looks like it'd be an awesome resource for it.
  21. It has (on PBS), and so has the Christmas special and the last one, which I don't remember the name of.
  22. I have only the teeniest, tiniest quibble: Doesn't he speak Basic rather than English? What with this being in a galaxy far far away and all... Also, I really hope you're doing everyone else from the original trilogy. That would kick far, far too much ass for me to handle.
  23. GURPS Transhuman Space is humans (and human-built AIs, and genemod creatures) only. No aliens, no FTL, no psionics.
  24. Do you often accidentally kill people? Especially people who it's really, really important to your own personal survival that you don't kill? I think you'd get a bunch of points for that, probably as a Soc Lim.
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