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Everything posted by Nothere

  1. Nothere


    A while back I ran into an old thread. In it members of the board were jointly making a city. The whole thing seemed pretty cool. Unfortunatly I forgot what it was called, and so couldn't go back. So on the theory that anything worth doing once is worth doing twice here is the first post of Megacity. Ladies and Gentelmen start your posting. Megacity was founded in the 1700's and from the begining the Wilkins family was it's cornerstone. Though the actual founding of the city is credited to another, they were among the first settlers and built their home on Hanataw Hill. Which for the next century would be the gathering place for the cities rich and powerful. The vast majority of mayors have come from the Wilkins family, and they remain the richest and most powerful political force in town. Though there are some oddities about them. While other areas of the city have become the placce for the rich and powerful, the Wilkins have never moved. Though as their neighboors moved away they bought up there property. For a time they mad an area of prime real estate isds the center of the city that was bigger than most Texas ranches. Though 70 years ago they gave most of the land to the city for the forming of four public parks. Another odd thing is their tendancy to make Mayors. It seems ever generation produce one member who is handsome, smart, and very politically astue. At the very least he rises to the city council, and often takes over as Mayor. Though for someone in the cities highest political office they are rather camera shy. There are very few pictures of any Wilkns mayor until recent times. And invariably around the age of fourty they retreat to the family mansion, and have very limited contact with the outside world.
  2. Re: Fading Stars...when and why should superheroes retire? Adventure man- What can I say in my youth I could think of nothing more thrilling than to stay up all night looking to find either a small group of men to beat up, or one really tough one. Course these days it hurts alot worse, and I find I can't stay up all night without falling asleep. Still thats not why I packed it in. After I got married and we had kids I realized something. Rooting for your kid's soccer match, or helping them with their homework, seeing the pride in their eyes when they finally get it. Thats a whole new kind of adventure I like. I don't want to miss it. Course I can still take a group of guys. Smaller than before, but still a group. Techman- It's not that I want to quit. With the economic downturn I can either spend a million keeping 200 people who worked their butts off for me on the job, or replace my toys. Now if you 'd care to loan me an extra million fine. Strongman- Well lets see. Bursitis, a trick knee that can ghve out at anytime, a bad back which I turn wrong will render me imboile for days, a little arthritis. Yeah, I don't think it would be a good idea to rely on me too much.
  3. Re: Anime Hero - What would be in it? Well I don't know about not covered in other books, but shouting what your about to do seems more firmly rooted in anime. For example both martial arts and anime could easily have a charecter with a special kick attack they call lighting kick. But in martial arts movies would the kung fu shout lighting kick every time they used it. But there are a few anime series where the hero would shout LIGHTING KICK every time.
  4. Re: Guess the inspiration behind this superteam! Ah close Clonus. But the show you should have been looking at is the Laff-a-lypics. The villian team the Really Rottens. To be precise Daisy mahem,her pet pig Suey, Muttley, the Dread Baron, the Great Fondue and Magic Rabbit.
  5. Re: Guess the inspiration behind this superteam! I'll take that as an I give up, but before I revel the answer here's two hints. 1. It's a cartoon 2. That isn't the whole group. The cartoon had a lot of charecters, so I did most but not all of the bad guys.
  6. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Do the Joker and Black Harliquen get along? Do Magneto and Gravition?
  7. Re: Guess the inspiration behind this superteam! Molly Mayhem and her pet pig Slop- Molly the youngest of the disreputable Mayhew clan would of stayed causeing headaches for folks in Arizona. Unfortunatly she found out her and Slop's superstrength was coming from toxic chemicals the local plant was dumpping. Since there wasn' anymore around her, she went to the big city to steal some. And she's been causing a ruckus ever since. The Dread Pirate- Weither he is a pirate is debatable as he's almost never seen on a ship, he dresses the part though. The Migthy Souffle and his pet cat- The appparently never ending supply of gadgets he pulls from his bag of dirty tricks would make him the most dangerous, except they have a tendency to backfire. Like the one that allows his cat to talk. If you can call only being able to say Zorta talking. Ruffles- The aliens that evloved the mutt and broke it out of the pound didn't seem to have much of a purpose. Unfortunatly Ruffles does. That purpose is to cause havoc and wreck decency. Unable to talk beyond a sinister snicker, heis new body can do anything a human can.
  8. Nothere


    Re: J'kara I took woman and minority because I needed the disad points and couldn't really think of anything else at the time. So I flipped through Masterminds and Madmen. Both those limitations were used for Li-ming Jade and Drisana so I figured they'd work. Though I do like the watched by her subjects idea.
  9. Re: Encounter Balance Yes it is more complecated than that. For just two examples that will wildly throw off encouter balance irregardless of points. if one side has a nnd attack. If the other side has the defense, it becomes vastly easier. If they don't vastly harder. if one side has a suseptability. If the other side attacks that weakness vastly harder, otherwise vastly easier. Without adders it's pretty straight forward two sides with 10d6 attacks and 20 defenses are even. But with all the points people have to work with how many don't have at least one power with some type of adder?
  10. Re: Guess the inspiration behind this superteam! Nope sorry Dm I give up. Who are they?
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares 24 Shirttales.
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER So If this is the longest running thread ever, how many people in it are no longer around?
  13. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... Supervillians use a dimensional teleporter to leave the universe if it's rumored your awake.
  14. Nothere


    So I was making the old evil queen of the evil african city who on capturing the hero tries to make him her mate. Overall Not bad, but there are a few problems. For one thing where to put her. I'm thinking somewhere in west africa, which is simple enough. But what would the regions predominant language be, and does that mean I need to change her eliete gaurd from the panther men to something else? Also I'm debating giving her quasi mystical powers with the points I didn't spend. Powders that make darkness, and sap the will maybe? Anyway here's as far as I got. J’kara   13 str 3 18 dex 24 13 con 6 13 body 6 13 int 3 20 ego20 20 pre 10 18 com 4 6 pd 3 3 ed 4 spd 12 6 rec 26 end 27 stun 8 run 4 4 swim 2 3 breakfall 13- 3 climbing 13- 3 concalment 12- 2 english 2 african 0 ls hatar 3 mimicry 12- 3 oratory 13- 3 persuasion 13- 3 seduction 13- 3 shadowing 12- 3 stealth 13- 3 tracking 12- 1 survival jungle 12- 1 wf staff 6 +2lv staff 2 ak surrounding area 2 ks animals 2 ks plants 2 ks local villiages 3 queen of Hatar 5 Wealthy well off 15 psyche Wants to restore Hatar rule (c,s) 15 psyche seeks worthy mate (c,m) 15 hunted local tribesmen (ap, nci, 8-) 10 hunted heros (ap, 8-) 15 berserk not obeyed (11- go, 11- recover) 15 social limitation minority 5 social limitation woman For hundreds of years the Hatar were the most feared tribe in their region of Africa. The stone city they carved from the nearby mountain enabled them to attack thier neighbors with impunity. Finally the Hatar's enimes joined forces for one last desperate battle to try and stop the Hatar. The alliance managed to drive them back to their stone city, but it again proved impregnable. Then in what was taken as a sign from the gods an earthquake struck. The very mountain that built the city collapsed cutting it off from the outside world. Outside the city the tribesmen declared the area around Hatar forrbiden, and they city soon became nothing but legend. Inside the city, a civil war broke out. Between the two wars and starvation the Hatar's strength was broken. Whenthe war was over a new royal family had emerged. They began working to clear the blocked passes. 30 years ago the Hatar broke through, but after decades of isolation the King was in no hurry to reconnect to the outside world. His daughter J'kara was of a different opinion. Haaving spent her life hearing stories of the Hattar's former glory, she felt her father's policies were mere cowardace. After several arguments, she killed him and took the throne. Her next step was to send out the panther men to kidnap people so she could learn about what had transpired during Hatar's isolation. Thus she learned about the coming of the white men with their strange machines, and weapons more powerful than any she had ever heard of. J'kara decided to use these white men as part of her conquest of Africa. So as soon as she can, she'll kidnap an english or french lord and force them to marry her. With the devices of the white men it sill be a simple matter to take africa, and she'll have a base for conquering this europe.
  15. Re: Academy of Super Villain awards: The Monnies Scum and villians welcome to the first annual fiend awards. Before we begin we'd like to thank the Warlord for his generous loaning of 1,000 attack robots in case anyone should prove a poor sport. And now to present the fiend awards for Best escape from superheros, and most improved thief here are Binder and Bluejay.
  16. Re: Mistery Men music From the too little information files. I thought 30's mood music for a 30['s game might work, so I looked up some of the era's top songs. I got a list of titles. So here's a short list based on the titles. The actual songs not haveing been heard, might be completely wrong. Little white lies Your driving me crazy Chant of the Jungle River stay away from my door The last round up Stormy weather I cover the waterfront and You are my lucky Star. If nothing else you can throw ing the titles for a bit of authenticity.
  17. Re: Villainous Motivations There's family honor We've been trying to restore what was ours for 400 years. You think we're going to stop now just cause you don't like it. Addiction/need No I don't want to keep killing people by taking their spinal fuild, but if I don't I'll go crazy and die. Cover How could my son be Superthief? Superthief robbed the city while I was here but he was a thousand miles away. What it matters? I tried. I tried to be good. I tried to make things right. But nothing I ever did was good enough. So you want to insist I'm a villian? Let me show you just what a villian can really do.
  18. Re: The Sinister Secret of the Silver Serpent. Baring the mobsters this reminds me of a movie. It was black and white, and the cult members were only in the begining. A group of army servicemen overseas bribe a guy who turns o8ut to be a member of the cult to sneak them into the ceremony. A fight breaks out, and the servicemen escape. If I recall right they take some important relic. Then the snake takes human form and follows them to New York. She starts killing them off one by one but is never called a Naga. If anyone can think of the name of the movie, it might give you ideas. And on the subject of ideas. What sort of minions are you interested in getting. And in what point range. And any assistance I provide in this regard would have to be 5th edition. Still haven't bought any 6th ed books.
  19. Re: Skills. How much is too much? What did you start with? Of course it depends a great deal on the charecter. But in it's simplist form. 2 ks 4 points. 1 ps 2 points 3-5 general skills 9-15 points. a couple of combat skills 4- 10 points basic general skills charecter 19-31 points. leaving around 200 points for stats and powers circa 5th ed. But remember when all else fails familiarity. 3 skills for the price of one. Even if the roll is the worst possible.
  20. Re: Writing Setting Material Or you could have multiple styles. The main one being bland, but with occasional notes of experts, or comments from people associated with it. For example The tak bird of the planet Gob it 4 and a half grks long and weighs 6 jol. It has many pink feathers with purple being occasoinally seen.- enc The tak bird is a magestic creature though small to see it's brightly colored feathers flutter through the air as the sunsets, never fails to bring a tear to my eye. And their meodious songs are like sweet music.- Head of the Gob' bird watchers society.
  21. Re: How would your character rate on a villian's threat matrix? "Nest leader I have a new report on the Superheros that may challenge our expansion." "Which target?" "Scardey Cat." "Have you obtained photos?" "Yes sir. With his darkness powers there aren't many clear ones, but I can use the internet. Here are several from supertalk." "Have you asertained any weaknesses that we might exploit?" "Well, no and yes." "I expect clear answers agent. Or do you need a visit to the cobra pit?" "What I mean sir is we have found no obvious physical weaknesses. Pshcye suggests his natural cowardace and lack of a desire to get involved in fighting criminal activity would render him a non threat. But the large nuimber of criminals in jail because of him, suggests we would need careful preperation to exploit them as weaknesses." "Then you asses him as a credible threat?" "Again its yes and no. He isn't the strongest hero we've ever encountered, or the fastest. But in both he is very impressive. He has proven hard to surprise, and is skilled in hand to hand. His darkness fields give him a clear advantage in most stealth senarios. Though he doesn't use his claws to kill people. All in all I would mostly place him at a six. But then there is is fear ability. Used properly he could make our agents talk, or turn on each other. Add in that and he easily goes up to an 8." "So what your saying is he is unlikely to seek us out, but if our paths cross, we are in jeapordy." "Yes, Nest Leader." "Find his weakness, or I'll show you yours."
  22. Re: Guess the inspiration behind this superteam! In a far off region of space five worlds send their greatest young heroes to form a team. Overseen by legendary statesman Shkar, the five fight off interglactic threats and stand as a symbol of unity and peace for their planets. The planet Had sends Occulous whos ability to see renders evil impossible to hide. The planet Geed sends Husky whos white fur protects from any extreme of temperature, and chilling breath freezes evil. The planet Talo sends Scaw who having been fused with the legendary, and deadly Scren bird, makes him a great hunter of evil. The planet Yarbi sends Animus whos affinity with animals leaves him never without allies agains evil. The planet Ujan sends Gust Her control over the winds can blow evil away.
  23. Most games take place around the campain city, and rarely leave it. Though in the comics over the years thousands of fictional countries have been invented to send evil agents or the hero to chase villians to for an exotic locale. Well here it is the thread for discussing fictional countries, posting the ones form your game, or just having fun making up silly ones. I'm going with the later. Republic of Bananna- Who is our glorious leader this week? I know it is General Tigos. Sure the foregin press decry him as a tyrancial despot. But our beloved leader is very interested in strengthing our bonds with our neighbors. Is he not always sended that freak made in the lab accident, the martial arts chapion, and the man in the former leaders combat suit into America? Do they not aquire funds and equipment s we can bring ou glourios leaders grand vision to our neighbors? We don't send death squads to kill disidents. Just a few assiasins will do. Kingdom of Uridan- Come visit picturesqe Uridan. Friendly if ineffectual King Rudolph will welcome visitors to the quaint country. Though you may want to avoid the castle of Count Basil. Also known in international circles as Count Bane. The rumors that he secretly has conrol over the goverment is nonsence. True he still has diplomatic immunity, and he uses it to escape punishment when doing his kidnapping or thefts of international arts treasures. But it's nonsence. King Rudolph has full control of the country. So come visit please?
  24. So as the create a team threads have faded off the front page, lets try something similar. This time you make 3-4 members of a superteam, and someone else fills out the rest by putting in 1-2 members. we begin with The Persians The Shiek- Friendly, intelegent, charming, and modern the man who would become the Sheik was a wealty leader of men with no criminal tendenies. Then he became lost in the desert. After being found he kept talking about how he was chosen to restore the Persian empire. He then used his wealth to epuip himself with high tech weapons modeled on the Persian age, formed the Persians , and came to America. The Grand Vizer- An elderly scientist who provides the Persians high tech gadgets. He feels that he should be in charge and would happily shoot the Shiek inn the back, except none of the others would follow him. Fatima- Beautiful, orphaned, and poor is never a good combination when growing up on the streets. Fortunatly she learned how to turn her dance moves into a martial art. Now with viels made of a special cloth she can use to ensnare opponents she is even more dangerouus as the Persians thief. Dervish-A happy go lucky young man whoes always quick with a joke, and a smile. He prefers using the incredible speeds he reaches when spinning to play practical jokes on heros rather than hurt them. But he's not going to let his friends get hurt. So who is the other/other 2 members?
  25. Re: Where do gangsters get pool babes? Well the important ting to remember is numbers. For example the 200 Kadafi had is way too many for your typical gangster/criminal mastermind. At a minimum your just trying to get some nicce eye candy as you relax. This isn't the playboy mansion, it's the hub of your criminal enterprise. Thats why most people limit their pool babes to around six at most. Then it's just a question of turnover. Does one of them show a use besides looking pretty in a bikini? Do you want to change them out every week? Then you'll need much more than six. But on average once you get four your pretty well set. If your wealth and power dosen't get you enough potenital canidates this ad should fill the bill. Wanted beautiful woman to hang out at pool wearing as little as possible. Food, drinks, and patrty favors provided. Must be descrete. Severe penalties for indescrete applicants. Pay five thousand a week.
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