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Everything posted by levi

  1. Re: Ultimate Thief/Scout Don't forget Enhanced Perception...those thieves are awfully hard to sneak up on and can often detect IR or UV triplasers.
  2. Re: Help with a power... Welcome to the HERO Boards! There is a great search feature Ben has built in. This power design gets asked every other month or so...search the boards for possesion and you should find several threads with helpful info.
  3. Re: Fifth Edition Villains HeroDesigner has the added bonus of printing a Combat Record Sheet for you showing all the PCs and NPCs you have currently open to help keep things moving during combat.
  4. Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions. No characters I can think of off-hand, so I ran this through Herodesigner. I'm sure there are cheaper ways to do it, but this is just another way. Ultimate Tracking: Clairsentience (Sight, Smell/Taste And Hearing Groups), Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Telescopic (+12 versus Range Modifier), Tracking (67 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Requires A Tracking Roll (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) Real Cost: 30 pts. 7 END
  5. Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions. Overall one of the best "feline" concept characters I have seen. On this point about PRE Attack vs. Mind Control. I don't think you are giving PRE Attacks their due. They don't just make people run, they make people listen to you or consider what you are conveying. A "Predator's Stare" definitely meets this criteria and if you want strong-willed characters to be able to resist the gaze a PRE Attack still works because the Defender chooses to use PRE or EGO against PRE Atacks. Another way to go might be an Entangle escaped with PRE/EGO, which is kind of what was mentioned before. I think as long as the GM understands the Power Effect, a PRE Attack works just fine. Also on the point of "Ultimate Tracking" have you considered using Clairsentience? Often overlooked in lieu of Detect, but it may serve your purpose here.
  6. Re: Everyamoeba skills I agree with what's been said here... - Breakfall - Climbing - Contortionist seem like good biological everyamoeba skills.
  7. Re: Anyone else awaiting this? Speaking of the Superman movies Bryan Singer is being very respectful to the Christopher Reeves movies. In fact, clips from the first 2 movies will serve as backstory for this new movie. Sounds like Singer wil do it again and if all goes well with Supes and Batman we may see The Flash hit the big screen...its a great time to be a comic fan!
  8. Re: Character Ideas What reason is the GM giving you for rejecting your characters? You've recently become interested in comics so what character(s) got you hooked? Maybe answering these questions will help us help you.
  9. Re: Anyone else awaiting this? Under the Crew Cab of course.
  10. Re: Value for Side Effect: Stunned? It would depend on the character's CON score. Higher the CON the higher the bonus. EDIT: I agree that SPD would also be a factor. Low CON and High SPD characters might only get -1/2 while High CON and Low SPD characters might deserve -1. With CON being equal, SPD would be the deciding factor as MitchellS points out below.
  11. Re: Anyone else awaiting this? Home from Elektra. Cool tattoo monster effects, Gore Visnijk (sp?) acting was brief but on par with his ER acting, Cool Typhoid Mary Effects, Jennifer Garner is easy on the eyes +4 I wouldn't have known Stick was blind from Terrance Stamp's performance (luckily they mention it in the movie for those who hadn't read the comics), Fight scenes were not on par with Daredevil, The flashback scenes meant to make Elektra more identifiable just kind of dragged. -3 Overall: +1 - Don't go in expecting Spider-Man or the Incredibles or even Daredevil, but cool FX make it worth seeing at the matinee. Also make sure you get there early to catch the full length Fantastic Four Trailer - Very Cool!
  12. Re: The dreaded Pokemon question... If you were going to build a Campaign around this idea. It would be perfectly logical to create a New Power or Skill (as outlined in the FREd) to represent it, rather than use a VPP. BTW, I like the Power Skill vs. EGO Roll idea.
  13. Re: Anyone else awaiting this? I got the link above through http://www.superherohype.com a great site for updates on all kinds of comic based movies. I am going to see Elektra today, supposed to be a FF trailer included as well.
  14. I was skeptical about the forthcoming Fantastic Four Movie, but the more I see, the more I like. Here is a link to a short clip from MTVs TRL http://www.themoviebox.net/movies/2005/DEFGH/Fantastic-Four/trailer.php
  15. Re: Early "What do you want to see?" for Teen Champions
  16. Re: Non-Duplication Duplication Tricks Not exactly what you had asked for, but.... I had a character once who could Duplicate not only himself but inanimate objects. He had an MP with Entangles and Indirect Attacks, an HA, HKA & RKA. Also had a cumulative Transformation Attack with extra time and concentration lims so he could duplicate an inanimate object out of combat. Just an idea.
  17. Re: (somehow) realistic Secret IDs
  18. Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want? How about some Aliens who landed somewhere other than the US? Maybe huge worm- or armadillo-like creatures from Stellarus 7 are being bred in the sands outside Cairo by an exiled, alien mad-scientist (think alien version of Teleios with access to extra-terrestrial biologicals).
  19. Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?
  20. Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?
  21. levi

    Your Hero's Hero!

    Re: Your Hero's Hero! Battlestar - He grew up as a Malvan slave watching Ironclad battle Herculan and Firewing. He was definitely inspired by Drogen Lar. Brawl - His mother. She holds together a huge family with members of questionable employment *cough* mob *cough* as well as heroes like her baby boy. Anthem - Alexander the Great, General Colin Powell and Abraham Lincoln
  22. Re: A little help with a power construct? Shaman of Alpha Flight Just to complicate matters...it could be put forth that some of the things Cap uses his shield for would be Independent or at least Usable by (an)other. It seems likely that anyone could hide behind it or smack someone over the head with it like a trash can lid. However, not everyone should be able to throw it, use it effectively in mortal combat or bounce it at the precise angles required to make it return to his hand. As for the Champions write-up I don't know if you can assign specific slots in a Shield MP as Independent and others not, but U by O can be. All that said, the Questionite Shield write-up from Gadgets and Gear is a fantastic representation of a gadget similar to Cap's Shield.
  23. Re: A Very Champion Christmas On the Fourth Day of Christmas Dr. Destroyer gave to me... Four robbing Bluejay's Three power DEF drains Two turtle armored minions And a 20d6 0 END EB!
  24. Re: Why super tech never goes mainstream Good piece of writing paigeoliver. Very entertaining read.
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