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Everything posted by levi

  1. Re: Monty Haul DnD vets: need your help for NPC villain team These are all great suggestions. Should be great fun! How about characters missing Phases due to bathroom breaks or Sir Monty Haul having a "Pizza's Here" power that freezes time and when it restarts they are all sluggishly full and stained with sauce.
  2. Re: How to do Jackie Chan Adventures I would agree with Lemming here. Jackie Chan uses various Kung Fu Styles, Acrobatics, Gymnastics and some Jeet Kune Do for his fight choreography and fantastic stunts. He is a huge proponent of physical fitness and since he was born in 1954 and could whip any three of our asses, I'd say he's doing something right. As far as a Champions (or DC) write-up goes, I would use some basic kung fu maneuvers with a ton of Weapons Elements to represent his ability to incorporate almost anything into his Martial Arts. Defense Maneuver, Acrobatics, CSL in DCV, Leaping (req Acrobatics Roll). One of my favorite parts of the Jackie Chan Adventures show is very contrary to most TAS type shows. Jackie is very vulnerable and often scared out of his wits (at least initially). The inverse of Indiana Jones (the scholar who seeks out adventure), Jackie is always drawn in to these impossible situations all the while stating, "I'm just an archaeologist."
  3. Re: West Coast Sourcebook Alcatraz as Stronghold West Coast was a staple of many of my early Champions games, but having visited the island last March I can say that the National Park system in California is in serious financial trouble. If they needed to lease the island to the Dept of Superhuman Affairs for financial reasons you might get more than a few bay area historical societies, wildlife preservists (one type of Seagull only hatches on that island) and the tourism board up in arms. Maybe if the right villain caused enough damage or commited a high-profile enough crime, the case could be made to garner public support. If one wanted to use the island that way in a sourcebook however, as long as these issues are dealt with and "explained", then I would see no problem with Stronghold: Alcatraz. You will always have people who say this explanation or the other doesn't make sense or would never happen, but if those people can suspend their disbelief enough to accept comic book physics and radiation accidents, then a former prison returning to its former use shouldn't be too much of a stretch.
  4. Re: The Incredibles -- WITH SPOILERS The CU used to have a Edna-logue Dr. McQuark's Superhero Supply and Gymnasium! Everything you needed from classes on Police Proceedures and Basic Self-Defense to Bulletproof Spandex. I don't know where he went, but he should get a spot in a sourcebook (maybe Allies).
  5. Re: DEF & BODY Ripping off a car door is different than punching through the side panel. You would need to decide what the strength of the hinges and bolts would be. Maybe 4-5 DEF with 1 BODY IMHO.
  6. Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style. Here are some 1982 facts I found on the web... March 10 - Syzygy: all 9 planets align on the same side of the Sun. May 14 - Conan The Barbarian is released, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger May 28 - Release of Rocky III starring, written, and directed by Sylvester Stallone also starred Mr. T of A-Team fame (possible tie-in there) June 2- First bomb later attributed to Unabomber injures professor Diogenes Angelokos in the University of Berkeley in California June 11 - Release of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial directed by Steven Spielberg June 25 - Release of Blade Runner starring Harrison Ford July 1 - The Reverend Sun Myung Moon marries 4,150 of his followers at New York City's Madison Square Garden. October 22 - First Blood is the first Rambo film to be released, starring Sylvester Stallone This guy was busy!! December 17 - IRA's Harrods bomb kills 5 and injures 80 Many of these events / people could be worked in. Hope that helps...
  7. Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style. Was the Beauty & the Beast show with Ron Pearlman out then? May have been later in the 80's, but a great underworld fantasy setting.
  8. Re: Champions Clix Mods Icestar looks like a Skrull Commando with a head swap to me...but that's just my guess.
  9. Re: Game Maps and Counters Exchange
  10. Re: DEX Averages My local games look like this as well. 350 Speedsters are allowed an 8 SPD though.
  11. Re: West Coast Sourcebook The City of San Angelo from Gold Rush Games is one of the best city books I have ever seen. Grab one up if you can find it.
  12. Re: Diceless Hero? Along these lines, I do allow players to take the Standard Effect in most circumstances to help speed up damage or KB and oftentimes I will have hench-villains use Standard Effect and only roll dice for the Lead Villain. However, that being said...the Players rarely take me up on it. Mostly I see it called on to deal damage to agents. I do not allow it for to-hit rolls of course.
  13. Re: What Do You Want To See?: DC: The Animated Series
  14. Re: The Incredibles The director is Brad Bird...he worked on the Simpsons and directed Iron Giant (one of the best animated films ever).
  15. Re: The Incredibles Just turned 32 myself and I am so going to the friday night late late showing (no litle kids to deal with). Of course I will take my kids the second time I see it (at a decent hour) and will have to deal with ill-mannered urchins then. I will be watching for those write-ups. I am not however looking forward to the "That's not accurate" posts that will inevitably follow.
  16. Re: Seeds of Change PBEM Is this to mean that the cost multiplier for STR above 25 = x1.5?
  17. Re: Champions Halloween costumes I dressed as Grond one year, 1989 to be exact (an out of shape and nearsighted Grond, but Grond none the less). The most common comment I got was, "Why did you put extra arms on your Hulk costume?"
  18. Re: Reward-based Points Campaign Guidelines I can hear my players now... P1 - So (P2) gets to build his guy on 500 points instead of 300 because he doesn't have a job and can lay around all day making source material for your lazy ass?!?
  19. Re: What's *your* superpower? I think the government has found a way clone your power and given it to their entire employee base as well as every politician once they take office. This explains why seemingly rational, good-intentioned public servants become as hopelessly mired in beauracracy as the people they replaced.
  20. levi

    Marvel & DC Vs

    Re: Marvel & DC Vs I really like this game. I have been playing amongst friends and I am anxious to see how we will do in Tourneys. We are planning to go to GenCon LA in Dec to qualify, unless anyone knows of a qualifier before that in the Central Valley CA (Fresno) area.
  21. Re: Supreme Power:Hyperion But that is the problem. The benchmarks are established (or disregarded) by what the Writer of a given story arc and the Editor of same decide is necessary and reasonable (to them) to tell the story they are trying to tell. No knowledgeable group of individuals is going to come together on every point of what acceptable benchmarks are. This is exactly what has fueled (and will continue to fuel as long as two people are free to exchange ideas) these endless and ultimately pointless "Who's better than who" threads. The creators of these characters contradict themselves on a regular basis in the course of publishing their stories and even in their "bible" source material. For every DC Who's who or Marvel Universe official write-up, there is a conflicting official write-up or story which directly contradicts those benchmarks. It is okay for each of us to see Superman in different ways, but the minute someone says "that's not the way the character should be", they are begining an exercise in futility. I have become entangled in these arguements in the past and I post this advice in the hope that those reading it will remember it and avoid such aggrivation for themselves. Can someone help me down from this soapbox now please?
  22. Re: Your father is WHO?! I had a player once who's character was the love child of Shamrock and Scorpia (back in 4th Ed). The guy was a brick/mentalist mutant named Dominator. We have had several characters who were the children of characters from previous campaigns throughout the years. In the course of our earliest (3rd - 4th Editions) and longest running campaign one character named Pulsar died of radiation poisoning (from the accident that had given him his powers in the first place) and his twin mutant sons became superhuman rivals Flashburn and Betastar. Many of the other heroes on Flashburn's team had babysat he and his brother as adolescents. It made Betastar a particularly difficult Villain for those who had helped raise him. In that same campaign, several heroes turned villain (a common practice of that campaign's GM when a player tired of a character for no good reason) but none more memorably than the team gadgeteer Porcupine (think Beast with Quills instead of blue fur). He betrayed the whole team by delivering them into a Dr. Destroyer trap and exposed years of secrets and agendas that still effect characters in the campaign world ten (real) years and 2 Editions of Champions later).
  23. Re: Supreme Powers: Power Princess (Zarda) Now I REALLY need to get this TPB. She represents a massive change from the Mark Greunwald series.
  24. Re: Supreme Power:Hyperion Great interpretation of Hyperion. I didn't know the TPB was out, I've got to get a copy.
  25. Re: Dimensional Hole and Symbiote Not that I would definitely consider this type of character a hero as such, but if a player could convince me to let him/her to play this type of character, here's the way I would do it. Symbiote Hero? Player: Val** Char*** Cost 10** STR 0 10** DEX 0 10** CON 0 10** BODY 0 13** INT 3 11** EGO 2 25** PRE 15 10** COM 0 * 2/17** PD 0 2/17** ED 0 2** SPD 0 4** REC 0 20** END 0 20** STUN 0 *6"**RUN02"**SWIM02"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 20 Cost** Power END 18** Symbiotic Form: Elemental Control, 36-point powers* 28** 1) Amorphous Form: Desolidification (affected by Sonics & Fire), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2)* 0 20** 2) Textile Chameleon: Shape Shift (Sight and Touch Groups, Normal Looking Clothing), Imitation, Instant Change (38 Active Points)* 4 18** 3) Symbiotic Viality: LS (Eating Character only has to eat once per week; Extended Breathing: 1 END per Minute; Immunity All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum), Usable By Other (+1/4) (36 Active Points)* 4 19** 4) Increased Resilience: FF (15 PD/15 ED), Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points)* 4 22** 5) Body Forming: Clinging (75 STR), Usable By Other (+1/4) (40 Active Points)* 4 26** 6) Body Elongation: Stretching 7", Usable By Other (+1/4) (44 Active Points)* 4 15** 7) Formed Claws: HKA 2d6 (2d6+1 w/STR), Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Limited Power (Cannot Target Self; -1/4)* 4 15** 8) Body Projections: RKA 2d6, Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Limited Power (Cannot Target Self; -1/4)* 4 11** 9) +30 STR, Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Limited Power (Cannot Target Self; -1/4)* 4 11** 10) +10 DEX, Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Limited Power (Cannot Target Self; -1/4)* 4 11** 11) +15 CON, Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Limited Power (Cannot Target Self; -1/4)* 4 11** 12) +15 BODY, Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Limited Power (Cannot Target Self; -1/4)* 4 15** 13) +3 SPD, Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Limited Power (Cannot Target Self; -1/4)* 4 15** 14) +15 REC, Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Limited Power (Cannot Target Self; -1/4)* 4 15** 15) +60 END, Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Limited Power (Cannot Target Self; -1/4)* 4 15** 16) +30 STUN, Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Limited Power (Cannot Target Self; -1/4)* 4 15** 17) Running 15", Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Limited Power (Cannot Target Self; -1/4)* 4 15** 18) Leaping 30", Usable By Other (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Limited Power (Cannot Target Self; -1/4)* 4 Powers Cost: 315 Cost** Skill 3** Conversation 14-* 3** Disguise 12-* 3** Persuasion 14-* 3** Seduction 14-* 3** Stealth 11-* Skills Cost: 15 Total Character Cost: 350 Val** Disadvantages 5** Dependence: Requires Host Body Takes 3d6 Damage (Easy To Obtain, 1 Day)* 10** Hunted: Former Unwilling Hosts 11- (Less Pow, Harshly Punish)* 10** Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation without Host (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)* 20** Psychological Limitation: Fear of Being Alone (Common, Total)* 15** Social Limitation: Parasitic Creature (Frequently, Major)* 20** Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Sonics (Common)* 20** Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Fire (Common)* Disadvantage Points: 100 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 50 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 This character still needs 50 Disadvantage Points to be square. The Desolid was bought to represent the Symbiote's Amorphous Form and ability to merge with a Host. Most of the Powers were bought with Useable on Others along with the Pow Lim (Cannot Target Self) to reinforce the Symbiote's dependence on the host. According to the Useable on Others entry the target can choose not to receive the powers. This is where the Symbiote's 25 PRE and PRE-based Skills come into play. Again as a GM, I would caution you against allowing such a player character unless you have the best player ever and are prepared for the worst case scenario (such as this character attaching itself to Grond). I think that depriving the Symbiote of Mind Control and requiring the Persuasion to be Role-Played may be enough to balance this, but it will still be tricky. Best of Luck, Hope this helps...
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