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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Sounds delicious.
  2. Re: Humanoids not in charge? Sorry, but I don't do dark and dismal.
  3. Re: The cranky thread Ever been so tired you slept from 6:30pm until 1pm the next day?
  4. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Poor confused little fella ...
  5. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Okay, THAT I'm down for as-is. (My wife would need the mushrooms removed; she doesn't like mushrooms.)
  6. Re: The cranky thread The good news: My friend who has been living without running water for over a month* has finally gotten off his butt and found a new place to live, so he can get out of that s**thole of an apartment he should have vacated years ago. The bad news: Now begins the arduous task of packing and moving. He has no vehicle, and outside of driving him about in my rather small car, I'm of no use. He lives on the second floor of a building with oddly-angled stairs; going up and down them once a couple of days ago was painful. Plus, I have a weight restriction due to my dialysis access, so there will be very few things I could carry anyway. *I love the guy, but sometimes he's just too nice. He didn't even complain about it to us until the 3rd week.
  7. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Okay ... I'd have to separate the egg and the chicken from the burgers (and probably take off one of the burgers, too ... I don't know if two half-pounders would fit in my mouth), and I'd have to give the chicken wings to someone else. But past that ... looks pretty good.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos NSFW due to language.
  9. Re: Humanoids not in charge? Hmm. Sounds funky. I was thinking about dragons (because, y'know, everybody likes dragons). I treat dragons (and just about everything, really) as unique NPCs, rather than 'all dragons are greedy arrogant tyrants' or the D&D color-coded for your convenience thing on the personalities, so it wouldn't necessarily be a case of 'the game overview involves overthrowing the dragons'. In the Arcana Unearthed setting, even though the giants are by and large wise and benevolent rulers, there are still some people who don't like the idea of being ruled by them. I would expect a similar situation would arise in 'Dracoworld'. And some of the dragons *would* be tyrants, of course.
  10. Re: Humanoids not in charge? Me neither. I wasn't specific, enough, though, I guess ... I was meaning that the PCs were more standard 'PC fare' (for lack of a better term), but the people who really call the shots weren't.
  11. Just kind of a weird random thought ... has anybody ever made a game world, or been in one, where the 'folks in charge' weren't humans or other PC races? Most FH games I've ever seen, the governments are run by the humanoids, most frequently humans. The Arcana Unearthed setting had the Giants as the overall rulers (the dragons had taken over the human etc. lands, then the giants came in and defeated them, then stayed in charge). And then there's the Elfland, Dwarfland thing (which has always annoyed the heck out of me). Anybody ever been in a game where these assumptions were turned upside-down?
  12. Re: Damage reduction against flame attacks (easy question) You just apply the Limited Power modifier to it, based on how frequently flame attacks are in your game. Fire/heat weapons and fiery supers tend to be fairly common, in my experience, so I'd probably go with a -1/2 limitation.
  13. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Licking toads gets you high. Licking cats gets you hairballs.
  14. Re: Rules You Didn't Know Until Champions Complete Part of my issue with this is that, if it's too useful, the characters will do it by default; they will ALWAYS want to smash their opponents with something. Yes, it happens with some frequency in the comics, but I don't recall anybody ever seriously thinking 'I could just beat this guy if I had a car to swing'. I rank Game Balance as more important than realism or genre simulation. Just the way I am.
  15. Re: The cranky thread Why is it all of my favorite foods had to be on the 'stuff dialysis patients aren't supposed to have' list? Gotta watch your phosphorous ... which means any dairy product, like cheese and milk, and orange juice, tomatoes, and colas. Plus most processed/canned foods use some kind of phosphates as preservatives or something. And the Potassium ... which means most kinds of beans, bananas, and potatoes.
  16. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... No, you fool! They'll lick you to death!
  17. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Hmm. To the extent of my knowledge, I have never consumed a leek.
  18. Re: World's Greatest Tactician Helps Others??? He could do something like ... 2 Levels with All Combat, Useable by Others, Useable At Range, Useable by x4 others (apply limitations for vocal range etc). This would give any four people (including himself, if desired) two levels to use as they see fit.
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