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Everything posted by RexMundi

  1. Re: Where does the Federation get its fuel? It's Science, those players will find some use for it. ~Rex
  2. Re: Ultimate Powers Book character generation game pt 1 Should be, just a bit swamped but should have it cleard up in a day or so then I can finish the builds ~Rex
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? You've been so good up til Now - Lyle Lovett ~Rex
  4. Re: Where does the Federation get its fuel? Awesome! Must find a use for this in the Hard Sci Fi game...... ~Rex
  5. Re: The Force Hmm....bears thought. You mentioned Star Wars though so I think the thundering herd will be here shortly. Interesting way to look at it though. ~Rex
  6. Re: Star Hero 6th Edition: my first take Hmm.... Attack Vector: Tactical, Saganami Island Tactical Simulator, High Guard, Hmm, got some Leviathan and Interceptor sitting on the shelf with the Star Fleet Battles and Battle Fleet Gothic, Bab5 A Call to Arms, and the Starblazers mini game...... I think I can cobble together some Ship Combat if I have to..... ~Rex
  7. Re: More space news! Yeah but if I'm running with the PHilip Jose Farmer World of Tiers set up.....that technically is a Multiverse. Finite Universe doesn't preclude a Multiverse, heh. Still, Nice Article which I shall add to my collection in the hoarder Universe. ~Rex.....tosses out some Multiversal Rep.....
  8. Re: Asari's Joining: Mind Link vs Telepathy Hmm....Good Point....have Rep. ~Rex
  9. Re: Force Fields Like I said, the SFX..... SFX Uber Alles... ~Rex....even thinks he's built a "Force Field" using a triggered Dispel, and a Summon before......
  10. Re: NASA Announces Potential Liquid Brine/Water On Mars I wonder how big a Martian Brine Shrimp could get ...... ~Rex....says the Taxed Brine Shrimp probably sign their forms in REALLY small shrimp print.....
  11. If you have not seen this flick, and are a PotA fan, you need to go see this flick. It's Pure Pulp Awesome, and pays tribute to all the good stuff before while ignoring the Drek Mistake that happened back in 2001. After seeing this flick twice this weekend, I wanted to rave about it, but I'm still pushing folks to go see Captain America as well, so I say, Double Feature It. Well worth even night prices. It does have me thinking of possible growing this thread with some Planet of the Apes write ups and campaign stuff. I've done a sort of Pulp/Post Apocalyptic game before back in the BBB days, so might convert that to 6e and post it over here once I clean the rest of the stuff off the plate. More to come later for this one. Right now, a place holder. ~Rex
  12. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... So, Movies Almost here. Trailers are everywhere, things look sharp, Not sure on Momoa writing the sequel, but if he can deliver a movie full of this: It should work, though the words he chose while describing his "Still needs to be approved" screenplay leave me wondering a bit..... ~Rex....says: "Know, O prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars ... Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandaled feet." -- The Nemedian Chronicles
  13. Re: Force Fields Depends on the SFX of the Force Field is what I use to govern how I build it and with what structure. ~Rex
  14. Re: Ultimate Powers Book character generation game pt 1 I need more time. Got like, Games and stuff to work on as well, and sorting out an email set up gone insane. Should get something up soon. ~Rex
  15. Re: NASA Announces Potential Liquid Brine/Water On Mars Really? What percentage of the Brine Shrimps income is taxed? ~Rex
  16. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone Tag Team stuff is dying out though if not already Dead. It's just not really a money making thing anymore, and folks Identify more with the Individuals that team up, then the Team as an Individual (Though, with the Usos that may be changing, those guys rock and are bringing the old Tag Team as one thing back hardcore).... Starting to look like they are going to try and get wrestlers that can work a mic to adopt folks again, Rhodes and Dibiase for example (Shame, Ted Jr. has real skill he just can't get over to save his career). Either way, the changes so far are interesting. Face push for Sheamus is entertaining. ~Rex
  17. Re: NASA Announces Potential Liquid Brine/Water On Mars Only you would find that. Or is it from the personal collection? ~Rex
  18. Re: Mars Colony? Oh I'm not going in the Battleship. That's just part of the Hard Sci Fi game I got rolling in the once a month phase. That particular party is in a tight spot right now and the POBB plays into something a bit down the road for them yet once they are out of their current "We're Doomed!" problem and playing around with all their Mars Direct stuff.... I just like that Model. So no scaling down the involvement we all thrive on the big words of Science! ~Rex
  19. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone Well....true I'll give you that but that's still means good managers are slim pickins out there right now, and valets, don't count as managers. ~Rex
  20. Re: Mars Colony? Don't scale down the involvement!! The Science, it is Awesome! Besides I want to see the Sea Dragon Outline. I skipped over those for my Hard Sci Fi game since most of the skimming I did on that all seemed to be LEO only stuff, so I went back to Mars Direct setup combined with some other things here and there....(Not to mention a sneaky set up involving a certain Project that looks like this): ~Rex
  21. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone They were trying the Manager for a bit. Michael PS Hayes was coming out with Tyson Kidd, but it looked like a big old man taking his grandkid out to the park. So you need the RIGHT manager for the Right Wrestler, otherwise it doesn't work. Not a lot of folks out there right now to fill those shoes. ~Rex
  22. Re: Mars Colony? Big Dumb Booster. Get's me away from all the "We can't Go it's to far it's to expensive there's no real reason to do it!" people that much faster. ~Rex......Mars or Bust.
  23. Re: Mars Colony? Same reason I would climb a mountain. Because I can, and it's there. Besides. Unless you're the lead dog, the view never changes. ~Rex
  24. Re: Krim The Winged Prisinor, He Of Many Crowns. It's the HERO boards.....Of course we want to see the builds and take. ~Rex
  25. Re: Would you buy... 2, because it's Foxbat. Most likely 5 as well. Not a fan of Takofanes, and I tend to have book upon book of my own builds so I don't have much need for things like Grimoires and Equipment books (Besides, I end up rebuilding most of that stuff anyway since I almost never agree with the build).... 5. would definitely be interesting though if written correctly. ~Rex
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