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World Creation Superdraft 7: July 2023

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Nadiya's heart broke just a little as some ( a small percentage, but it still stung) of those born to elven lands were lured into faux holy crusades by Rancor's lies. Nor was she pleased that politics was created and twisted those who sought to guide into those that sought to rule. Still, the Elves, Ylves, Aelves, and Elbs were predominately good folk. She would hold faith with them as they had held faith with her.

Crax's evil had much power in reserve. She had done what she could to hinder his subtler plan. She had saved the few she could from his greater destruction. One tribe of elves followed their dreams to over generations restore it. That was not nothing. Simacada flew glittering and joyous and uplifting. That made her smile.

She'd woven the silver lining into the fabric of the nature of existence for all. Some would say it was not enough, but it was SOMETHING. She could be proud.
 Her sister Ceass had stirred and brought forth the Folk.  They seemed a feisty but good-hearted people.  Clarkent Kal's Gandians were powerful and dedicated to the god of heroes and his causes. They had reserves. As did others who if not benevolent, were at least not particularly dark.

Nadiya felt tired, not despairing. Oh worry could be a companion to any goddess that cared, but she did not despair. She was Hope personified. She just felt a bit sad that her time of helping, her ability to involve herself personally with great miracles was coming to an end. She was resilence itself, but she was not all powerful, nor had she claimed to be. And her intuition told her that her part endeavors of divinity was  coming near it's in while others, still with much to do, might take advantage of her departure to harm the world. THAT made her a bit sad.

"I have fought the good fight, I have run the race, I have tasted the donut" she muttered to herself, unaware some of her more insightful priests were likely writing this down.
The smart thing to do would be to hoard her last reserves like a miser, to cling to it so she could counter some small part of the dam breaking flood of other gods last moves to come.
"Masque is the god of intellect not I," She considered, "And Nagus the lord of opportunity." The Brightbringer shrugged. Still, maybe she should resist the urge to help out the desperate and lost for just a bit...

"Nadiya save me!" A woman whimpered a prayer that carried to the Brightbringer's ears.
"And here we go" Nadiya would have looked heaven ward but that was a bit tricky to do in a chimney tube shaped world.  Lots of swirling involved. Gave you eyestrain. Instead her eyes locked through the space of existence to hear the voice.

A human woman whimpered as she was dragged by her fellows. Pulled back. They were going to have their way with her, wheter she liked it or not. There was no time to send Nadiya's champion. No other gods had any other faithful nearby. It was just one human woman. In the grand scheme, she might not matter, right?

Nadiya felt sick at the very thought of that.

"If we are to be damned," Brightbringer said, "Let us be damned for who we are." And drawing on some of her fading reserves, she made her will so! But she would not expend this boon lightly, no. She would assist not one, but many!

The woman felt her attackers start to tear at her, trying to pin her... and then? Then she realized they seemed... shorter? No, she was growing! Bigger, Stronger! She threw them off of her with ease, then kicked and stomped them breaking legs and ribs. She stood thirty feet tall!  She'd kill them all while they laid helpless. They deserved no less!

"It's not about what they deserve," Nadiya whispered in the giantess' ears, "It's about who you want to be. If you must kill them, do it so they hurt no others, not because they hurt you. If you spare them, spare them in hopes they have learned what it is to be helpless, and think twice. The choice is yours, but deserve? No. I am no goddess of Justice. I am a goddess of hope. Be the change you want to see in the world. You won't be alone."

Unfortunately, exactly what choice the first giantess made is lost in a myriad of tales and stories.  Only the gods know the exact history in all it's detail.
What is known is that through out the world, at that moment, those who were at their greatest times of despair were greatly embiggened. And changed. They became giants!

Whatever their original race, they came out mostly looking like thirty foot tall (On average) humans! They were strong, enduring, and incredibly resistent to pain! There were some unusal skin tones that arose or hair colors but other than that, yes, they looked human.  They seemed more resistant to alteration, though this was not meant as insult to Etterskell. Indeed, it can work against the giants in some areas where transformation would be advantageous. And rumor has it some organ trees of late have been growing unsually high so in a century or two arms and so on their size might be available.

They would breed true though they were not as fecund as some races. It is rumored that to this day, an innocent at their most desperate and helpless  moment might turn into a giant still, but the odds of that are speculated to be one in a thousand (or worse).

There are three paths that giants walk, not geographic paths, but  rather religious ones!

The Path of Glory- A giant on this path wishes for fame for his or her great deeds! While it may seem vanity, this does fit in with hope as it can be inspiring to others! It fits with resilience as one endures many challenges to achieve glory!  There is little glory in bullying the meek or weak, meaning though they can be braggarts, Glory Path Giants are not tyrants.

They worship an aspect of Nadiya they call "The Radiant Guide!" who appears as a giantess leading them forward wielding not a candle, but a burning banner!

The Path of Solace- A giant on this path helps in quiet gentle ways. They put their great strength to helping repair broken homes of others, or in tending the wounded and getting them to safety. They might hunt and kill game for starving families of any species. They are quite humble.

They worship an aspect of Nadiya they call "Gentle Balm" who is seen as an almost matronly figure for all her giant size.

The Path of Fellowship- These Giants know their fore mothers came from non giant stock. They spend time wandering around, seeing what goodly person might need some help, and eventually adopt a "little buddy" to assist and befriend. For them it is not about solace or glory, but rather the joys found in friendship! They are loyal to the end to a worthy friend, and can be deeply hurt if betrayed by one they've trusted.
They Worship an aspect of Nadiya they call "She who walks by your side" , a giantess with a great walking staff, ever ready to escort you through life.

There are rumors of wicked giants who not only decline these three paths, but actively spurn the lessons of the original giantess' salvation. They DO bully and and tyrannize. Fortunately, they are few in an already not too populous species. If discovered, any giant of the other paths do all they can to stop them. They don't worship Nadiya in ANY way.

Unless Killed, Giants live for three Hundred years. No more, no less. At the end of their life span they say their last prayer, turn to stone, and die. Should giants finally vanish from the world entirely, perhaps these statues will be what remains of their legacy.


Sentient Life (Bonus) : Giants of the Three Paths!




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18 minutes ago, Logan D. Hurricanes said:


The Addams Family Applause GIF


Upside for the Dwarves. They might recruit some giants on the Path of Glory for sporting competitions and make bank

Downside for the dwarves. Some of them might end up being befriended by a Giant on the Path of Fellowship, which is great, but now you're "Little Buddy" for life!



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Flora Intoxicana effect on The Folk.

It eventually makes an individual increase the size of their eyes whilst also decreasing the size of their mouths. This causes their own people to react violently i.e. They murder them. Other races becomes obsessed by them and if their devotion is rejected, they murder them.


I'll think up something EVIL for the Giants.

Edited by death tribble
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Ceass's gift to Civilization, a form of art so combative, so rooted in struggle that it is often callously and crassly aped by those in power to seem more authentic. But the true artist can spot the difference. And fakers aren't tolerated. The goddess of strife listened to the world and thought it sounded a little too "well-crafted."

Her gift: Punk Rock.  A music, a scene, a style, and a revolution of soem form or another. 




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On 7/15/2023 at 7:07 AM, DShomshak said:

Until finally the God of Murder himself was prevailed upon to kill it. Mortals can only speculate what incentives were offered, whether threat, bribe -- or perhaps the fear that the Thing truly would consume and assimilate all life in the Chimney, and there would be nothing and no one left to kill or be killed.


Far be it from me to exploit a loophole 



It would seem the God of Murder is due a favour, so how about a bonus ?

I'll put it to a vote.

Should Crax get a bonus for ridding the Chimney of the Shoggoth ?

Reply in the thread stating yes or no and explain your decision.

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3 hours ago, Enforcer84 said:

Ceass's gift to Civilization, a form of art so combative, so rooted in struggle that it is often callously and crassly aped by those in power to seem more authentic. But the true artist can spot the difference. And fakers aren't tolerated. The goddess of strife listened to the world and thought it sounded a little too "well-crafted."

Her gift: Punk Rock.  A music, a scene, a style, and a revolution of soem form or another. 





The God of Music is not impressed.

Another grudge. That's two, and I've only got three picks left...

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Catch up pick. The last of my regular picks.



"Enough of this!" thundered Oeneus. "Time to Roll some Stones! I will create a being so mighty in my ways that all will be in awe!"


And thus was created his undying Avatar: Keef.

(Any similarity to anyone living, dead or other is purely coincidental.)


Mythic Monster or Guardian: Keef.

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I admit I hit a wall. I just reread the thread. I looked at my list. I thought about some picks. I need two animal/vegetables, Interference, and a mythic monster/guardian. The interference was actually the easiest one to come up with at the moment. 


The murdered continent spontaneously generates Gandians. Created from atoms being destroyed and wrapping themselves in lead to protect the lesser races, these flying humanoids began using the continent as a birthing zone to create a Legion of Heroes.


The first animal pick is the Mons. These creatures are very much like the chimeras since they are mixtures of animals that have built themselves from other animal parts. And they love to fight any challenger. Some heroes domesticate them to use as force multipliers.


The second animal/flora pick is the fireflower. This dangerous plant is know to throw lances of flame at anyone coming close to it, and can be planted anywhere.


The Mythic Guardian is the Walker, a hero armed with a book of dooms, a mons made of lightning squirrel, and a map of the world, travels using the cracks to go where he is needed and to stop anything he can.


Player 3,Csyphrett God of Heroes, Clarkent Kal

  • Geography. Watch Tower

  • Sentient Life. Gandians

  • Gift to Civilization: Book of Dooms

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore. 

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore (bonus):

  • Interference: 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Justice

  • Secondary Domain Righteousness

  • Secondary Domain. Exploration

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17 hours ago, death tribble said:

Far be it from me to exploit a loophole 



It would seem the God of Murder is due a favour, so how about a bonus ?

I'll put it to a vote.

Should Crax get a bonus for ridding the Chimney of the Shoggoth ?

Reply in the thread stating yes or no and explain your decision.

I'll be getting back to you on that, once I recover from a tiring weekend snd post my final Guardian.


Dean Shomshak

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This is long. Probably too long, but it's my last entry for Etterskell and it brings together a number of previous entries. I hope it's a fitting conclusion for the God of Multiplicity.


Special thanks to Psybolt for letting me write in Mister Rancor. I hope I portrayed him as enough of a jerk.


Surprise cut through Crax’s irritation. He had never heard Etterskell threaten another God. He lowered his hand and sighed. “If you insist… What concerns you, Multiplicity? Have you caused another doomsday monster you need me to kill?” He hoped the list would not be long: Etterskell rarely kept their mind on only one thing.


Etterskell crossed its arms and frowned at Crax. “No, though that’s partly why I’m here. I owe you for that, and I’m repaying you now.” But Crax heard no gratitude in its voice.


“I heard a prayer from Hedonia. A broken man, cursing me for the bad luck that cost his money, his family, and his hope. We would have blamed bad judgment, but… Our attention was drawn. We saw him jump from the tower and die. And we saw one of your hypostases there. Autothanatos. God of Self-Murder.”


Crax cocked an eyebrow. “Yes, one of my favorites. The victim is always available, but the killing is often more difficult than you’d think.”


“I know. Now. I was puzzled enough to consult your father. He explained that suicide often comes from hatred. Hating something within yourself so much you are willing to die to kill it. Some shame, especially. Or killing oneself from spite to harm someone else. Make them sorry. I looked at the wastes around Hedonia. And I knew I had to stop you before you do worse.”


Crax tried not to show tension as he looked for Ceass. If Gods battled, she would surely be present. But he saw no sign of her.


“Worse?” Crax sneered, but also felt his curiosity piqued. “I killed a continent. I’d kill another, but, been there, done that, got the t-shirt.” Which, now that he spoke the words, became true. He was wearing it.


“Worse. I realized you could try to kill the World. Even if it meant your own destruction. Especially. Just… to do it. The ultimate expression of what you are. Murdering everything. Maybe even the rest of us. Not sure, we’ve never been in a world as it was destroyed. We’re not going to find out, either. We’ve already made someone to stop you. From the easiest way, anyway. Good thing you hadn’t done it before we thought of it.


Crax nodded and smirked. “The cracks.”


“The Cracks. All of us know not to try passing through. None of the rest of us wants to risk destroying ourselves, or the Chimney. Not even Mister Rancor. If he destroyed everything, what would he have to hate? But you might. Except not anymore. Have you called back Autothanatos?”


The jump in topic was more typical Etterskell. Crax reflexively reached out to feel his hypostasis, wherever in the Chimney it might be, like a person paying attention to feel the presence of his own foot.


It felt wrong. Numb. Detached.


What. Have. You. Done.


Etterskell smiled. “I made some changes to Autothanatos. Vivisection. Theosection. Whatever. Pulled an aspect from the aspect, merged it with a few other hypostases. The other Gods were glad to contribute, once I said what I was doing. Alchemy with Gods is fun!” It giggled.


Crax couldn’t keep himself from trembling in rage. “You wouldn’t. You’ve never.”


“Never before. And I’ll never have the power to do this again. Congratulations, Crax, you’re my one and only… one and only. No multiples here. Just one guardian to stop you from ever trying to go through a Crack and murder the World.”


Crax instantly felt the location of the nearest Crack, and he was there. Etterskell still stood beside him. And there was a third figure, blazing with light but shrouded in shadow, winged, with a sword.


“Say hello to the Warden of the Cracks… Crax. I made her from your own potential for self-murder. If you try to enter a Crack, she will be there, and you will die before you can succeed. You can’t fight her and win: Ceass gave her the aspect of the Unbeatable Foe. You’ll never evade her: There’s no Crack so small that Strangecharm’s portion will miss it, or so out of the way that Fitz’s portion will overlook it. Clarkent Kal was glad to add a little of his power to a champion who defends the World.” Etterskell smiled, and qer smile was not pleasant. “Mister Rancor didn’t contribute, except to allow it.”


“Father?” Crax demanded. Mister Rancor stood beside them. “You didn’t warn me?”


“Of course not, son,” Mister Rancor said. “What, and miss seeing you twist and snarl at being balked from your greatest possible deed? Your frustration, your hatred, is like candy.


Etterskell shrugged. “Maybe you’ll find some other way to murder the world, or murder us, or make the World so horrible the rest of us want to put it out of its misery. But that will be hard. We… I… have done my part for this World, my debt to you is paid by giving you fair warning, and am content.” Crax snarled and vanished to somewhere else.


Mister Rancor shook his head. “I still don’t understand why you’d do this. This world is broken. You broke it beyond repair. Why save it?”


Etterskell smiled. And frowned. And laughed, and wept. “Because broken things need more love.”


He didn’t understand.


Bonus Mythic Guardian: The Warden of the Cracks




Dean Shomshak

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Crax wondered long and hard about his Gift to the Chimney. How do you gift Murder as an evil act ?

I watched and waited and realised he would have to let things develop. Again this would have to be subtle otherwise the other Gods could and would interfere.

Finally the answer came to him from Nagus Sterling. Greed is indeed Good thought the God of Murder sardonically. You needed commerce and negotiation. He also realised that his father had played a part in what he now had in mind for hatred, intolerance and politics would also give rise to his gift. It would also benefit Strife for Murder would play into her domains. This amused Crax.


And so Crax established murder for money, for profit. Licenced premises where you could commission murder.


Gift to Civilisation: Assassin's Guilds

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8 minutes ago, Logan D. Hurricanes said:

I was toying with the idea of working mercenaries into Nagus' portfolio, so I find that interesting.

Does this mean murder is legal in The Chimney?©


Probably depends on what part of the Chimney you're in. I mean, the elven lands would have different laws than say Hedonia

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