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Superhero Showdown #10: Justice Leauge v. X-Men

Guest Hunter1

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Guest Hunter1

The Justice Leauge of America:

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash, the Martian Manhunter, and Plastic-Man (Green Arrow?)


The X-Men:

Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean Gray/Phoniex, Storm, Nightcrawler, the Beast, and Iceman. (Juggernaut?)


I think this would be a better matchup than the JLA v. Avengers.


Also, I know that there are other characters from each team. For example, you could add Green Arrow for the JLA, and Juggernaut for the X-Men. (That would be a good matchup).


Because I like the X-Men better, I will go with them. Give me more time to come up with a detailed explanation of how they would defeat the JLA.

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JLA should have it all the way....


Now you do throw a few wrenches in there... Phoenix is not really on the same level as the rest of them, she would more likely be against all of them, but that is a different poll.


I do believe you were thinking collossus when you said Juggs.


Now if you make Phoenix just her normal Jean Grey self and put in Prof X then you would have a much more balanced battle.


But still, all said and done I still say that JLA would win.

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I'd make some substitutions:


Jean Grey, Marvel Girl instead of Jean Grey, Phoenix. Phoenix is more a plot device than an actual character. EIther Marvel Girl or Psylocke.


I'd substitute Colossus for Beast. Colossus is less agile but he's able to soak up incredible amounts of punishment and dish it out.


Lastly, I'd substitute Rogue for either Wolverine or Nightcrawler. It's an even tossup which. It depends on who you think ultimately is the better hand to hand fighter.


Rogue, incidentally, is the wildcard that could keep the fight from being a total slaughter on the side of the X-Men. It is not at all clear that Superman is immune to Rogue's power, and one kiss or touch of bare skin on skin and Supes would be down for the count and Rogue would have Superman's power, effectively turning him in the fight.

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Re: Superhero Showdown #10: Justice Leauge v. X-Men


Originally posted by Hunter1

The Justice Leauge of America:

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash, the Martian Manhunter, and Plastic-Man (Green Arrow?)


The X-Men:

Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean Gray/Phoniex, Storm, Nightcrawler, the Beast, and Iceman. (Juggernaut?)


I think this would be a better matchup than the JLA v. Avengers.


Also, I know that there are other characters from each team. For example, you could add Green Arrow for the JLA, and Juggernaut for the X-Men. (That would be a good matchup).


Because I like the X-Men better, I will go with them. Give me more time to come up with a detailed explanation of how they would defeat the JLA.

The JLA seem so much better organized, so much more experienced, and flatly put, with the exception of Phoenix, more powerful.


If you really want to make this a fight, swap in Rogue. Once she takes out Superman by siphoning his powers, it's up to Batman to bring her down (Probably the only one tactically able). X-Men have no speedster, which will hurt them against the flash.

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Guest Hunter1

Actually, the X-Men do have a gay speedster who can fly...Northstar. I have seen him use super speed powers when he was with Alpha Flight. He joined the X-Men has an instructor at the school. He would match up well with the Flash.

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I was pretty much going by the list presented.


Is "gay speedster" his official position in the group or is that more of an honorary thing?


Makes those team assembly meetings interesting.

"Okay, who is the designated hot chick today?"

"Jean's on Duty."

"Okay, that just means we need a designated teenager and a gay speedster and we're ready to roll."

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Guest Hunter1

Blue, yes, Northstar's official title on the team is "gay speedster". However, Jean was referred to as the "hot psychic". I saw "was" because she is now dead...again. Check out X-Men #150.

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Rogue and the Psionics are the only way the X-Men have a shot. If Martian Manhunter's psionic abilities have been demonstrated to be as great as some on the boards say they have been of late, that's even iffy on the psionics side. However, I think that's lame. What's the point of Superman even showing up if J'onn is superfast superstrong and the greatest psionic in DC Earth?

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It would take a bit of time for Rogue to bleed off Superman's power, if we take the Parasite as an example. However, Rogue would be just frightening with the absorbed might of a Kryptonian. Or a Martain for that matter, but in that case she'd lose a lot of the "girl next door" appeal for the dwindling "she hulk" fetish.


Batman vs Beast? Bats vs Wolverine? Both interesting matchups.


Depending on the GL in the roster, one lantern is worth between 2-5 X-men.


A Flash/Nightcrawler fight would also be incredibly cool. T-Porting against Speed Force.


WW/Collossus? WW/Juggernaut? Wrapping up Collossus would probably embarass the lad, but Juggy would be simply... er... distracted.

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Originally posted by Agent X

Rogue and the Psionics are the only way the X-Men have a shot. If Martian Manhunter's psionic abilities have been demonstrated to be as great as some on the boards say they have been of late, that's even iffy on the psionics side. However, I think that's lame. What's the point of Superman even showing up if J'onn is superfast superstrong and the greatest psionic in DC Earth?


X-Ray vision baby!

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Originally posted by SuperPheemy

It would take a bit of time for Rogue to bleed off Superman's power, if we take the Parasite as an example. However, Rogue would be just frightening with the absorbed might of a Kryptonian. Or a Martain for that matter, but in that case she'd lose a lot of the "girl next door" appeal for the dwindling "she hulk" fetish.


Batman vs Beast? Bats vs Wolverine? Both interesting matchups.


Depending on the GL in the roster, one lantern is worth between 2-5 X-men.


A Flash/Nightcrawler fight would also be incredibly cool. T-Porting against Speed Force.


WW/Collossus? WW/Juggernaut? Wrapping up Collossus would probably embarass the lad, but Juggy would be simply... er... distracted.

Rogue's mutant ability was very inconsistent in the old days. Sometimes, people would just keel over immediately. Other times, it took a while. I don't know what they are doing about this now but Parasite's power is not necessarily the same as Rogue's.


Oooo, Juggernaut would give the JLA a nasty wrinkle.

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JLA vs. X-Men


It has to be the JLA. Sorry, I'm an X-Men fan too, but c'mon. The whole idea of Rogue siphoning off Superman wouldn't happen. She wouldn't be able to siphon enough of his powers in the micro-second it took for him to realize she doing it. He would just superspeed away(remember he's a dead heat in the superspeed department with the Flash). AND if Rogue managed to siphon him dry, Batman would have already thought of that, pull a kryptonite nugget out of his belt, and Rogue's done.(she inherits the weaknesses too, remember) Does anyone remember Secret Wars? With a surprise move, Spiderman stoned the entire team long enough to get away. The only thing that stopped him was Professor Xavier mind wiping Spiderman. IF PROFESSOR XAVIER is part of the team, the X-Men could make it interesting. The JLA is still just TOO powerful. The original members by themselves could take on large groups of supers ALONE, they've proven it over the last 50 or so years in the comics(I'm including the JSA here, since most of the characters started there)

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Re: JLA vs. X-Men


Originally posted by drrushing

...The whole idea of Rogue siphoning off Superman wouldn't happen. She wouldn't be able to siphon enough of his powers in the micro-second it took for him to realize she doing it. He would just superspeed away...


You are not the first to put forth this idea, but I have one word for you...Parasite. In the Superman:TAS he managed to keep Supes subdued for days.


When Bats whips out the K-nugget he keeps in his drawers Iceman would freeze him in a block of ice (all except his outstretched hand) as Beast happily bounds in grabs it and throws it FAR away. Or maybe Professor X tells Bats to eat it and forget that he did so (EGO +30). Then when the K-rads slowly poison Bats the DCU as well as all of comicdom will finally be rid of the most ridiculously capable character ever. They should make Batman vulnerable to Kryptonite or maybe Fire, then he would only be in a 3-way tie for most ridiculously capable character in all of comics.


BTW, JLA would win because they have the 3 most ridiculously capable characters in comicdom on their team.


Sorry about the rant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to say the X-Men would win.


But, I can't.


If we're talking about a contest of which are the more compelling and interesting characters, the X-Men have them beat pretty soundly.


In a battle however, the ultimate deciding factor would be Superman.


Now, I know what some of you will say...

"What about Rogue sapping Superman's power and turning it against him?"

Superman would just suddenly have a new ability or condition or power of some type that would completely circumvent Rogue's stuff. In this situation we must recall DC-Comics' company-name-translation number 138, which is "Deficient Consistency."


or perhaps...

"What about Professor X taking command of the JLA's minds and making them give-up or kill themselves/each other."


No good. See the aforementioned reason.


JLA will always win...

Against anyone...

They simply always do. But, not for the intelligent reasons that Marvel comes up with for their heroes. Nope. No such luck... They win because, in the DC-Comics universe, it isn't the moon that's made of green cheese...


...it's Krypton.


((Accent on the "cheese"))

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You're absolutely right in sighting Superman as the deciding factor in a battle. But there is a much more subtle reason why besides the fact that he's Superman. DC, since Superman's creation, have struggled to justify the existence of any other heroes, let alone give a logical reason why Superman would lead a team of them when he is just as effective by himself. One of the tactics has been to raise the bar on every character until you've got kid sidekicks in the DC universe that seem powerful enough to take on first tier Marvel characters.

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If Rogue were in the mix, tactically it doesn't make sense to go after Superman. Superman is too obvious a target, Batman heck even Martian Manhunter would be prepared for that.


GL is a ring, so he's not a target.


Hawkgirl has a great mace, but its a foci too. I also wonder if her wings are a transferable ability. Not a target


Batman - no real powers so to speak, but taking him out is a good move. In the JLA:AS Darkseid's son (forget his name) is in town looking to bash on Superman. Batman holds him off for a few turns while Superman gets there. As Superman pastes him, he says basically, "you can't take me, in fact you can't take Batman." Possible target


Aquaman - oooh fish powers! and a nifty hook. pass.


Wonder Woman her missle deflection and lasso abilities to bring her up to par with the other flying bricks are foci. Not a target unless there's no one left (unlikely)


Flash is just too fast. The same defense Superman has (he'd just fly away at superspeed), but time and time again, Flash is doubleteamed successfully. If Storm or Cyclops team with Rogue to go after Flash, he could be in trouble. Definitely a target.


Martian Manhunter actually seems to be the most versitile and has 90-125% of the powerlevels of most of the others on the team. Plus his mind powers and body manipulation. Frankly, he might fall into the Juggernaut defense: too much power to fully absorb. None the less, he's the main target for Rogue in my book.


So the possible targets and their effect on the outcome if Rogue gets them:


Batman - the debate is does he have better tactical ability than Xavier? Is this loss of tactics enough of a hinderance to undo the bricks? Nope.


Wonder Woman - won't swing the tide. In fact I question if her power is even greater than the Ms. Marvel level Rogue already has. JLA losing her is of no consequence.


Flash - he could definitely help turn the tide. This would make it possible for a cleverly run team of X-men to get a lot further. The problem is JLA has too many members who can come up with tricks to subdue him (ok 3: GL, Supes and MM). Still, superspeed ontop of Ms. Marvel-Rogue I put the odds closer, but JLA wins 8 out of 10.


Martian Manhunter - With all the combined psionics now on their team, the X-men have a good chance of winning. First target for them is Batman now, then GL. Once Bats is down, Rogue can go through his stuff while desolid and get that Kryptonite in the heel of his left boot. X-men could win this. I say even money here.


Superman - sure he only has a couple of weaknesses, but they are stupidly debilitating, and JLA knows them too well. Plus he's the obvious choice, they would prepare for his taking.


Of course Batman is smarter than I am, so he would have figured this out as well, and had a dose of Martian-away aerosol in his kit so who really can tell for certian.


In the end, JLA wins. Sorry about your chair, Xavier. Do you have insurance?

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I vote JLA, on two levels ...


1. Power. DC characters tend to be more 'iconic', which usually translates to most powerful. Flash is 'the fastest man alive'. Captain Marvel (Shazam) is 'The World's Mightest Mortal'. Batman is the 'greatest detective'. GL's ring is 'the mightiest weapon in the universe'. Their headliners are almost universally (DCU, at least) considered and acknowledged as 'the best'. Whenever someone has a little tagline like that, in the DCU, they usually mean it.


Marvel's heroes tend to be more human, which gives them greater weaknesses and requires them to be kept down to a level that the reader can identify with. The X-Men, traditionally, are the biggest bundle of twitchy nerve endings that ever walked the face of the Earth, or they have serious power drawbacks. Cyclops can't control his power. Storm is claustrophobic. Beast is ostracized. Wolverine's just a nutcase. Rogue can't touch someone without stealing their powers, memories, and probably their wallet.


2. I. Hate. Wolverine.

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Re: Superhero Showdown #10: Justice Leauge v. X-Men


Originally posted by Hunter1

The Justice Leauge of America:

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash, the Martian Manhunter, and Plastic-Man (Green Arrow?)


The X-Men:

Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean Gray/Phoniex, Storm, Nightcrawler, the Beast, and Iceman. (Juggernaut?)


I think this would be a better matchup than the JLA v. Avengers.


Also, I know that there are other characters from each team. For example, you could add Green Arrow for the JLA, and Juggernaut for the X-Men. (That would be a good matchup).


Because I like the X-Men better, I will go with them. Give me more time to come up with a detailed explanation of how they would defeat the JLA.


I think the X-Men will win.

First, Martian Manhunter will attempt to read the X-men's minds to discover their battle plan. The ensuing confusion over which timeline/reality/writer/spinoff this is, will cause his head to explode.


Next, drawing on the collective power of a million fanboys, Wolverine will decapitate Superman with his claws. Not because it makes any sense, or fits in with any previous data, but because it is so kewwwlllll.


Batman will gouge his ears out with a Batarang after listening to a few minutes of hopelessly confusing melodrama between Jean and Cyclops.

"I love you, Jean, but I need to sacrifice you to save the world. On the other hand, I think I loved your doppleganger more, or was that the real you."


"I love you too Scott, with a love that will last for all . . .

Oh, sorry, I was fantasizing about Wolverine.

Anyway, I love you with a love that . . .

You know, evil is cool. Maybe I could get in a three-way with Emma Frost and Mastermind.

Oops, sorry Scott. I love you with a . . ."


Wonder Woman will finally "come out" and be KO'd after a passionate kiss with Rogue.


Aquaman will look around, realize that there are no fish nearby to talk to, and will ask the Flash to get him the heck out of there.


Plastic Man, being a former criminal, will finally get in touch with his inner angst and join the X-men only to be horribly killed in the next issue for trying to inject some humor into their apocalyptic world view.





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