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What are the most annoying player habits!


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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


A related type: the player who will not play characters for whom he can play in character. The wisecracking player who insists on playing the Mysterious Silent Avenger - but wisecracks throughout the game and never shuts up ("but that's not what my character is doing!")' date=' for example. The "impulsive" character whose player spends extended periods deliberating on alternatives for his next move is another example.[/quote']

I used to have that problem. I like wisecracking, fast-talking characters, but in real life I'm not that way. Took me a couple of campaigns to realize that even though I can write that kind of character, I can't really play one. As a GM I can fake it, since I control the environment, but I can't sustain it as a PC.


How about those players whose attitude can be summed up with "entertain me!" The ones who get bored if you haven't given their character combat or direct NPC interaction in the last twenty minutes. News flash, I've got other players who deal with your scenes just fine. This is a team game, not a television show.



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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


I have a similar' date=' but opposite one in my group: A Mad Hacker that tries to play quiet, contemplative, passive characters. Then he maintains the status quo of initiating every combat before it’s necessary. Throw in the occasional slaughter of an innocent because he's bored. That's one unstable monk.[/quote']


The worst part of these guys is the temper tantrum or whinefest when someone suggests maybe they're not exactly earning xp for "good role playing".

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


I used to have that problem. I like wisecracking' date=' fast-talking characters, but in real life I'm not that way. Took me a couple of campaigns to realize that even though I can write that kind of character, I can't really play one. As a GM I can fake it, since I control the environment, but I can't sustain it as a PC.[/quote']


I'm prone to over analyze the options. My new character is impulsive, impatient and impetuous. That makes him a bit more of a chalenge to play, especially as he's running with a VPP. Self-imposing a "first tactic that comes to mind" approach helps.


The "explosion with a hole in the center" did move the demons off their swarmed target. The knockback to myself and a teamate wasn't quite what the character had in mind, though.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


Maybe someone should kill this thread before the munchkins start asking how many points their male characters can recover by selling back their own "transform".


Guys, if it's my campaign, the most you're getting is a 5 point Phys Lim. Got that - 5 points max. And rest assured you WILL suffer that much for it.

Damn. I thought it was an advantage...

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


Players who start each Phase of combat with ten minutes of analysis over the battle scene, character sheets, and a variety of other matters before deciding what to do.... :eek:


...and then complain that combat is too slow. :confused:


And this is why I like to play personalities based on my real one. The GM lays out the pre-combat event, and I can take a moment, close my eyes, and imagine how I'd really react. I almost always go with my first reaction, since it's the most realistic.


I find it frustrating when you correct a player action, explain how something works in your campaign, and then instead of gettign a revised action you get "but this is how I want to play it."

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


I've been put through worse without resorting to threats and I've found "never call the person again' date='" to achieve the same results. That story makes me feel sorry for the guy. No matter how annoying a person is, if you ever called them friend, they shouldn't be chased out with threats of violence. It's just a game, one you can enjoy over and over again and the most one annoying person can do, is ruin one night of gaming. If you absolutely must get away from him that instant, asking them to leave nicely should be option A before threats. [/quote']

Actually, it came to the point that

- The GM stopped GM Vampire in the club.

- The annoying player (who was merely a visitor and not a regular) never came back to the club

- the aggressive player was lectured by our president for weeks after. Both are still in the club by now; but the aggressive player has toned down his speech/behavior.


I just hope next time you happen to run into the french guy ...
We're ALL french in the club -except a moroccan- see my location ;)
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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


One thing that has started to drive me insane are the players that insist on agonizing at length over small, nearly inconsequential, details.


Like our speedster ran forward (moves at like 170mph) to rush the enemy lines with the gadgeteers grenade launcher, uses all the ammo and then we start the 45 minute debate on how to get the empty grenade launcher back to the gadgeteer without losing to much time ... now, it would take 1 phase to get back to the gadgeteer, and 1 phase to get back to the battle. And that's STILL before anyone else gets an action...


just grrr... they shut up and did the above when I finally had to yell at them. I hate having to yell in game, I feel like a jerk for doing so but c'mon on people ... The GM even said that he wouldn't worry about the whole ordeal that much.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


Actually, it came to the point that

- The GM stopped GM Vampire in the club.

- The annoying player (who was merely a visitor and not a regular) never came back to the club

- the aggressive player was lectured by our president for weeks after. Both are still in the club by now; but the aggressive player has toned down his speech/behavior.


We're ALL french in the club -except a moroccan- see my location ;)

That's a very mature and reasonable response and I'm glad that all players are still welcome. Sorry I didn't notice your location. For some reason I thought you were from Florida.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


The Whiner:She complains whenever her Limitations come up. She complains whenever her Disadvantates come up. She complains whenever her character can't do something or faces any sort of challenge since it means she's being "picked on".


The Rationalizer:Cousin to the whiner. He tries to "explain" away his Limitation or Disadvantages, using "Logic" as to why his Sonic EB should work in a vaccuum for example.


Joe Cool, the Loner:This player always makes the "Cool" isolated, angst filled loner types that lurk in the shadows and never speaks. All the players are supposed to be so impressed by him that they flock to find out his fascinating life story. This is not how it works out.


The Goofball:Never makes a serious character. Ever. Even in the most dire and serious settings they have a character that has a Cream Pie Cannon and a Nude Ray.


The Sexaroid:Similar to the Goofball except his (and they are ususally male) characters are all sex pots. Utter bimbos who's only interest seems to be in getting laid. Not manipulation threw erotic means, but just getting sex. Often quite stupid and very attractive.


The Genre Buster:I have one of these currently. She loves making characters that fit a certain genre archtype very closely. The problem? She always want to use the wrong genre. Action Adventure archtypes in a down and dirty Horror games, Anime archtypes in a Four Color supers game. That sort of thing.


The Clone Lord:I think I mentioned this before. This player makes the same character. All the time. The same powers, the same attributes, the same personality. I had one so bad all his characters had the same three names:Alex, Paul or Kevin.


and lastly...


Dr. Mesmero!:Can be combined with any other type. This is the player that is so persuasive, or such a good liar that he convinces you that he can talk you into thinking his characters are good ideas. With some bizzare variation on the Jedi Mind Trick, he convinces you (or an otherwise sane GM) that allowing a White Wolf Tzimince Vampire into a Four Color Supers game would be "cool"! Or that his character Trandimenional Ego Blast that Does Body isn't a bad idea.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


I had one so bad all his characters had the same three names:Alex' date=' Paul or Kevin.[/quote']


I played with a guy (Briefly, thankfully) who always used the same name: Logan MacBeth. No lie. 6 characters: Same name.


His rationale: "It's the only original name I've ever come up with."

I'll say it again, because it bares repeating: "It's the only original name I've ever come up with."


Is anyone else looking for the power drill and auger bit to relieve the pressure in your head?

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


You know, maybe we can compile these into one fictional player.


for example:


"Hi, my name is Bob. My character's name is Logan Macbeth, but his friends call him Alex, Kevin, or Paul. He has a Nude Ray, and is a really cool Old West Gunslinger in the body of a pink bunny rabbit. Yeah, I know this is a modern day serious superhero game, why do you ask? He's got at least -1 in Lims on all his powers, but they won't come into play. Oh, and he hates Orcs and is Enraged at the sight of invisible people. And has the Psych Lim (All the time, Total Commitment) "Acts like I want him to". Man, that's rough. I can't make him do something I don't want him too, even if I tried. It also gives me major bonuses against Mind Control actions I don't want him to follow. Yeah I know the game has a 60AP cap - see - my attack is only 60AP - 12d6 - then this +1/2 advantage is only 30AP (well below the cap), and this +1/2 advantage is only 30AP. No problem! Did I mention my ultra kewl Pink Bunny Gunslinger Logan Macbeth also has the mutant ability to travel back in time and loves to alter previous game events? That way I can get the XP for any given adventure at least twice! And I can fix all those events when the GM is picking on me."


OK, I'm tired. Anyone want to continue?

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


I would like to see stats for the Cream Pie Cannon and Nude Ray (Instant Change, Usable as Attack?)!


... ... ... Though I wouldn't allow them in my game, of course... ahem.


Cream Pie Cannon:8d6 EB Reduced by Range, OAF:Bulky with 12 Charges. Does No Body or Knockback -1/4, linked:"Oh the humiliation!"5d6 Pre Drain o endurance, NND:Defense was having "Teflon Skin" or a Pre of 30+ (You're so scary/impressive no one dares laugh). And 1d6 Flash Vs Sight, NND:Having a forcefeild, oddly placed eyes, etc Activation:10- "Pie in the Face"


Nude Ray:8d6 Major Transformation (Character into Nude character). All or Nothing Tranformation, OAF, Bulky, 6 Charges, Activation:13-

Linked:"Eeeek! I'm naked!" Mind Control:6d6 One command:Drop what your doing and cover up. NND:Having no nudity taboo, being an Exhibitionist, etc



It was Major because it could strip a Power Armor or Gadget character of their foci. Said Foci appeared in a neat pile in a random location a few feet away from the target.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


The Clone Lord:I think I mentioned this before. This player makes the same character. All the time. The same powers' date=' the same attributes, the same personality. I had one so bad all his characters had the same three names:Alex, Paul or Kevin. [/quote']


[welsh accent] Three names - Luxury![/welsh accent]


Ours had ONE name, "Cobra". When he changed characters (as he did frequently, every time he encountered something the current character couldn't do], his former character had to retroactively have a different name and the new one was "Cobra".

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


...or have to comment on EVERYTHING that happens, to EVERYBODY, esp. in character.


character has their action - "Take THAT!" then in between phases:


"Good shot Marksman!"

"Look out behind you - it's Mammoth Man!"

"Centurion, how could you miss him? He's practically standing still!"

"Well struck, friend!"

"You'll never defeat US, you madman!"


character gets next action...

Well, at least they are involved in the game. I would actually reward such a player unless they were talking over other players or spotlight stealing.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


5. The player, as GM, who says "I never kill a character unless the player has the character do something stupid" which really means "if yopu play your character differently than I would in the same situation, I will kill your character.

I agree with your other points, but this one can be legit. Me, I play the game as the dice fall, but Ive played under GMs who had this policy in place and it really meant "I wont let your character die just because you had a bad roll(s), but if you jump off te Empire State Building or take on [insert Dr Destroyer equivalent] singlehandedly with your 350 point character, or jump out of an airlock without a space suit (or other means of reasonably resisting vacuum) you are probably not going to survive it", not "do I what I think you should or die".

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


Similarly' date=' players who play as if all player characters have PC tattooed across their foreheads, and therefore allow them free reign when they would react completely differently to an NPC taking similar actions.[/quote']

This is my number 1 all time biggest pet peeve as well.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


Even when the GM's asking? WTF??!!
I had a new player that wouldnt answer direct questions about his character from me as the GM.


For example, in one situation after a battle I ask the player

"How much STUN & BODY does [your character] have left?"; so that I could assess his appearance and general level of batteredness so that I could a) better visualize the scene and B) have NPC's react accordingly to his current physical condition.


Guy wouldnt answer. He got all shifty and was like "Enough....", "Im OK...", and "Why do you want to know?..."


I basically said "Look, Im running the game, and if I want to know anything at all about your character at any point you can either tell me or walk."


He was very adversarial and had a real "players vs the GM" mentality. I dont play that way and have no interest in adversarial players in my group so I ended up putting him out of the game after the second session he had with us.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


And this drives me up the wall. Players that ALWAYS play the same character. Always. Everyone has some archtype or quality that they like. RPing is a hobby and should be fun. But this player's character are always the same, or as bloody close to it as he can come.


For example. I have one player that always plays catgirls. Not just catgirls, but the same catgirl. With superhuman strength (often getting average agility to pay for it), no claws, low IQ and a complete sex pot. He has played this character in genres ranging from fantasy to superheroes to cyberpunk in settings from the Champions Universe to Transhuman Space.

This is more of a GM problem than a player problem IMO -- the GM should just say "NO" and if the player doesnt like it then they can walk.
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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


Twice is fine. I've played the same character twice, or three times. but this is every time, every game, every genre. The first thing he asks when a game is being set up is "are there cat people?". Or can there be cat people, or something along those lines. Its especially annoying when a "cat girl sex bomb" just doesn't fit the style, setting or genre. But otherwise he refuses to play and makes everyone feel guilty until we relent. Worse yet is when plays the cloest thing to a kitty girl (Such as Cat Trooper in Rifts or Fex in Terran Empire) and turns them into a brainless kitty girl bimbo. .



Seriously, why have this guy in the group? He sounds like some kind of deviant sicko to me. More importantly, he sounds like a bad player and a burden on the rest of the group.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


I;'ve done that on occaision' date=' but only in situations where the character is making the sort of decision that a real person might do a coin flip to decide on. Doing it for a majority of decisions is irritating.[/quote']

I feel the need to point out that "Chaotic Alignment" does not mean Random -- it means the character has no respect for external guidelines, authority, or structure. They are self-determining. Lawful characters do what is expected of them or conform to society, Chaotic characters do what they like and expect society to conform to them.


Players that try to justify rank stupidity and/or sheer random behaviour by claiming "Hey Im Chaotic Nuetral (or the equivalent in some other game); Im just adhering to my Alighnment" are one of my Player pet peeves.

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