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City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I think Burke will give the cape and aura missions. I haven't tested it' date=' but someone posted on the CoV boards that Burke told them to come back at level 20.[/quote']




And Tim, sorry I wasn't able to get a hold of you. I'm going out to our group's Thursday night game.



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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


To clarify slightly' date=' you'll still need to visit the tailor afterward to add the cape on. But the mission to earn the right to wear one is where they said it is (Atlas).[/quote']


The mission starts in Atlas, then you meet several contacts in the city (including on the far end of Independence Port), then that third contact gives you a mission in some other location.


After you earn your cape, you can go to the Icon tailor, but he'll ask you to get rid of the Tsoo protection racket on his street by taking out 30 Tsoo.

Once that's done you can get your cape and/or second costume.



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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I think Burke will give the cape and aura missions. I haven't tested it' date=' but someone posted on the CoV boards that Burke told them to come back at level 20.[/quote']

Ah nice. I started a villian on Justice just to have someone to plot against most of my heroes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Late to the party. A friend gave me CoH for Christmas, and I've just recently had time to fool around with it. Entertaining, but I'm not sure if I'll keep up with it after the free time for too long. Currently running around on Triumph server as "AtomAnt", skinny guy in a green and purple costume. "With great power, comes great radioactivity!"


edit: And Siberian, big ice blaster in a white tiger outfit.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Holy CRAP! Check out the new dance club Pocket D!


I don't know if any of you frequented the old Paragon Dance Party. But included in the latest patch of the game is a complete revamp of the whole "dance club" concept!


The old club was simply a warehouse festooned with laser and neon lights. Had a kind of grungy low tech "rave" feel to it. It was kind of a cool concept. But there wasn't much to it beyond that. The people at Justice Radio tried to spice it up by having their DJ "toons" stationed in there while they did their webcast music playing. But even that faded after awhile. They migrated to other locations, like Atlas Park and places where people could actually, you know... FIND them.


Because while the whole "secret" entrance thing was kind of a nice concept, it wasn't really practical in game play. Too many people couldn't find the club. And the closest entrance for "lowbies" was at the far end of Steel Canyon.


ALL of this has changed.


First - the name of the place has changed. It's no longer "Paragon Dance Party", it's now "Pocket D". Since the club is interdimensional, the choice of name is an obvious pun.


Second - the locations have changed. There are antrances in Kings Row, Talos Island, and Founders Falls. There are no longer entrances at Steel Canyon and Independence Port. (The latter gets no tears from me. Who wants to go to an entrance on the power station island right next to a bunch of Devouring Earth?) As noted above, there is still an entrance in Talos Island. If you go to the old entrances, there's a bum slouched there telling you that the place is closed. ^_^


Next - the entrance locations are ACTUALLY ON THE MAP!! Making it easy to find the club!


The entrances are also very different. Whereas before, you simply go through a door, now, depending on what zone you enter at, there are different methods for accessing the club. In Talos Island, you still go through doors. But they've moved to a spot right next to the Freedom Corp center (the training enhancements store). In Founders Falls, you enter through a manhole under one of the bridges, and in Kings Row, you step into the back of a panel van!


Once you're there, the initial entrance area looks kind of similar to the warehouse entrances of the old PDP. But it's cleaner and better lit. And there are bouncers at the doors!


You enter an elevator at the end of the main corridor and whe you come out, that's when it _really_ gets cool!


This place is WILD. I don't want to give TOO much away, because you really need to see this for yourself. But TRUST ME. It's worth it. There's all kinds of nooks and crannies to this place that you'll want to explore. And there are some VERY interesting NPCs hanging out in here!


And - here's where it gets even better. Villains can now access the club. And it's a neutral zone. And you can actually team up in here! There is a portal off of the dance floor and there are hospital rezzing stations off in the corners of the club. So presumably, there may be missions that can start in the club where heroes and villains can cooperate!


All in all, a big hearty KAMPAI to the whole renovation!!! It's fantastic!

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Know what I hate about CoV?




I have had to sit through three updates since I bought this game, of 19 to 25 MB, and so far I have yet to see a damn bit of difference after any of them.









And what's worse, they use what might be the single most repugnant bit of work ever created by programmers in the history of computers: the automatic downloader. Listen, asshats, just give me a link and let me go get the update and download it myself.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Yeah it is cool. I have seen pics of it and such. I havent had a chance to figure out how to get there on the villain side. As people are speculating. This might be how you switch from a Villain to a Hero and Vice Versa.

I'm there now.

Port Oakes: North entrance of the tall brownstone house just east of the arena. Not too far from the difficulty level contact.

Sharkhead: A grungy white panel truck about 100 yds SSE of the natural vendor, quite close to a mission contact.

St. Martial: A manhole by a large transformer under a powerline tower 340 yards NE of the natural vendor.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Took a break from CoV to do a little bit of CoH. Did visit Pocket D. Funny thing is, when they first put in Paragon Dance Party, people were in there dancing. In this place everyone stands around.


What's more, someone was in there exploiting a bug, i believe, where they could stand outside the windows and look in. At least one of those present said it was a bug, and when they started to talk about it apparently they got a GM tell to stop :D


As for the content of CoH, by the time they added new stuff in the last few patches, my characters were pretty much beyond the point where it was useful to me without starting a new toon. (I'm speaking of Croatoa and some other areas). So it's been a while since I *really* got new content in CoH.


CoV is still new to me at times. Lots of the same stuff, but occasionally you snag a good storyline. And there are plenty of zones I haven't graduated to yet.


When you're in Pocket D, be sure to say hi to Isaac and Sam, the bartenders :D

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Got an e-amil today.


As Valentine’s Day approaches, can it bring about a temporary reprieve in the eternal battle between good and evil? On February 8th, the God Eros is descending on Paragon City™ hoping to harness the primordial forces of love, allowing hero and villain alike to lay down arms and join together!


Where better to bury the hatchet than on the dance floor at the Pocket D? Idealistic Pocket D owner, DJ Zero, believes that a good song and a shared dance can cure all the world’s woes. To support Eros on his visit to Paragon City™, he will open his doors to hero and villain alike. Forever uniting the cities of Paragon and the Rogue Isles™, DJ Zero offers up special buffs and a safe space for everyone.


At the Pocket D, players set aside their differences, not only to enjoy the dance party of the century, but also to unite against a common foe. Taking advantage of this unique opportunity, heroes and villains will be able to go on missions that can only be completed through cooperation. Sworn enemies joining forces for the greater good!


Don’t miss out on these historical events – be sure to head over to the Pocket D before February 22, 2006!

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I'm there now.

Port Oakes: North entrance of the tall brownstone house just east of the arena. Not too far from the difficulty level contact.

Sharkhead: A grungy white panel truck about 100 yds SSE of the natural vendor, quite close to a mission contact.

St. Martial: A manhole by a large transformer under a powerline tower 340 yards NE of the natural vendor.



Yep, they just opened up in CoV, yesterday. I got in through sharkhead. I am just about out of missions right now. I am on my last Contact (Portal/Dimension one). I have done all the St. Martial Missions. I am just about to turn level 38. So I will get to level 40 and it will be good. Then I get to wait until April.



The higher level content has several missions that are bugged. Since it only takes 15 minutes for them to answer a bug report. Its no big deal.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I logged on with El Diabo Rojo and found that the newspaper mission I had sitting in queue was bugged.

It said "defeat BOSS_NAME and guards" I went in and the mobs were level 35! El Diablo is 14th.

I've sent a bug report but got no answer. I waited a half hour.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Hey folks...is anyone waiting to upgrade to CoV? The reason I ask is that I have an extra copy and I want to get the extra costume parts...etc... :-)




Sir Nomad level 43 scrapper on Victory

El Defensor level 29 Defender on Infinity

The Arch Technocrat level 16 Mastermind on Infinity

Mechanon IX level 10 Blaster on Victory

Rainbow.Archer level 8 Blaster on Victory


HAD to make some Champions characters on there. :-D

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