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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


So the busses are running holiday hours today. Duh. It's Good Friday. Except that's not what the transit website said. So, again, duh. Apparently, they don't always update the site. I'm going to be late for work.

I have an excuse. I have multiple excuses, mainly that I've just started taking the bus as a result of my transfer, and its ways are strange and foreign to me. But I'm going to be late for work. Stupid bus. Stupid me.

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Re: The cranky thread


Back from the hospital. Surgery went fine, catheter itself works fine.


Every single moment aside from those two, however, was a total disaster. They couldn't find a good place to put the IV until after prodding and sticking me a dozen times. I had to lay on my left side in a hard hospital bed for several hours while they tested the catheter, without support so I had to hold the position; my shoulder is killing me. My chest and stomach muscles are so tender that I need help to dress myself, or even get out of bed at all. Coughing or sneezing is agonizing.


This freakin' Percocet beter work.

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Re: The cranky thread


As soon as it got dark, I felt more awake. Now I feel much better. I think inside me there is a Night Person desperate to come out.


Hope you feel much better soon, C.C.


That happens to me a lot ... I'm really not a morning person. :)


Thanks for the hopes ... I'm actually doing a bit better now already. The nurse told me that the first day of post-op is always the worst, and it seems like it was. I was actually able to get out of bed unassisted just now ... just had to think about it. Since I have nothing to pull on, and can't just flex my stomach muscles to sit up, I need to push myself off the bed with my elbow.


In other news, I really want to get some Mountain Dew, but I can't drive on prescription-strength painkillers.

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Re: The cranky thread


Sarcasm warning.


There's nothing in my life that brings me more joy than a friend that gets mad at me, and then gets even madder when I try to find out what's wrong, and refuses to tell me... because "I should know."


**** that. Seriously. If I wanted to put up with this nonsense, I'd have married you.

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Re: The cranky thread


So, I tend to get to my classroom a little early most mornings (it's 9:15, class starts at 9:30). I swear to dog, half the time when I get here, I have to drive out some undergraduate who thought the conference table in this seminar room was a Super 8. If they're that tired, why don't they just skip class like we used to do?

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