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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Man, I've been REALLY cranky this whole week. I've almost come to blows with a few people on the street. I think I'm just burned out from work; we're having a quality review from headquarters next week, and I'm helping the administration make sure the paperwork is all right. If we fail this one, HQ can legally shut us down.


And I'm really tired of correcting other people's mistakes, especially after I've told them again and again not to make those mistakes.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


Some chump stole the 18 solar-powered lamps we placed as a border between our house and the neighbors, and along the side and front of our house.


It was only compounded by the fact that we spent an hour driving around town looking for the bloody things.

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Re: The cranky thread


I had to spend the better part of yesterday on yet another upgrade on the CoWH (Computer of White Heat). This time a video card. The first card I bought was 8x and she only has a 4x slot. I also had to return and rebuy it because the reciept was unreadable. The second one we bought was NOT the one she wanted - the boxes were on the wrong place on the shelf. So once we get the right one home and into the computer, it still takes 2 hours of tweaking to get the @#$%*!& thing to work properly.


And it still has screen-redraw issues with Sims!

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Re: The cranky thread


Some chump stole the 18 solar-powered lamps we placed as a border between our house and the neighbors, and along the side and front of our house.


It was only compounded by the fact that we spent an hour driving around town looking for the bloody things.

That's really sucky, particularly something of that scale.


We often have stuff stolen from our porch, unfortunately. I'm of the mind to just reailze that's how it's going to be and move on but it has Alesia extremely vexed.

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Re: The cranky thread


I forgot to respond...


I need to correct. SPOKANE has a lot of Raccoons, I once saw one crossing the street that at first glance I thought was a black bear. It must have been 50 lbs or MORE.


I live 12 miles south of town, near the edge of the Palouse. Much more open, so fewer raccoons.


We have lots of raccoons IN THE CITY here in Portland' date=' I sometimes worry one will be in the area our dog is let out into, a small fenced area but certainly one a raccoon could be in. We don't keep any food or garbage there though, so it's most likely that even if one were out there it would just run off as soon as it even heard us open the back door. Mainly I only worry some raccoon not used to this immediate neighborhood (and hence the dog) might be wandering through and then be surprised by the dog. And the biggest worry is rabies.[/quote']
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Warning: Another CINO gloat/rant/worry




It would seem that so far, the majority of critics think this movie stinks like a chilli fed Pitbull's behind. I can only hope that the already bad word of mouth will kill its opening weekend. It must die! or else those nimrod movie execs at WB will decide it needs a sequel.


My words of wisdom to all?

Please don't spend your money on this unless they edit it so it has two robots and an astronaut heckling the hell out of it


(There, that's ONE way to bump this thread...)

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Re: Warning: Another CINO gloat/rant/worry




It would seem that so far, the majority of critics think this movie stinks like a chilli fed Pitbull's behind. I can only hope that the already bad word of mouth will kill its opening weekend. It must die! or else those nimrod movie execs at WB will decide it needs a sequel.


My words of wisdom to all?

Please don't spend your money on this unless they edit it so it has two robots and an astronaut heckling the hell out of it


(There, that's ONE way to bump this thread...)

Yes, sir!


Seriously, I'm glad to support your boycott, if I hear from people I trust that it ended up somewhat enjoyable, I'll catch it later on easily enough.

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Re: Warning: Another CINO gloat/rant/worry






My words of wisdom to all?

Please don't spend your money on this unless they edit it so it has two robots and an astronaut heckling the hell out of it


(There, that's ONE way to bump this thread...)

That means that Kly and I can go see it if our friend who works at Lowes will get us in free, right? I mean, we won't be spending any money on it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The cranky thread


I found out I am losing my job due to academic eligibility requirements. I have my 2 year degree and there are 'regular' employees here that don't even have that, but current upper management requires employees with my status to be degree seeking students even though no regular positions are available even if i had my 4 year degree. In fact others with my same status that already have a 4 year degree are required to seek their Masters degree to stay employeed. Oh, the program also has a 5 year time limit and does not garantee that a position will be available at the end of 5 years. This combined with a requirement that 'contractors' contracts can be no longer than 3 years in effect creates a constant turnover so the company does not have to hire 'regular' employees. And since management knows head count cuts are on the way they won't fire any 'regular' George employees all the good employees get screwed.


My time working for BU&U, the Borg Cube of business is really fun!

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Re: Warning: Another CINO gloat/rant/worry


That means that Kly and I can go see it if our friend who works at Lowes will get us in free' date=' right? I mean, we won't be spending any money on it...[/quote']


Well, it surely isn't my place to TELL folks what to do... plead, cajole, pester etc. but not tell :)


I do wonder if subjecting yourself even for free to this is a good idea, but hey, by all means your call and free IS free.

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Re: The cranky thread


I found out I am losing my job due to academic eligibility requirements. I have my 2 year degree and there are 'regular' employees here that don't even have that' date=' but current upper management requires employees with my status to be degree seeking students even though no regular positions are available even if i had my 4 year degree. In fact others with my same status that already have a 4 year degree are required to seek their Masters degree to stay employeed. Oh, the program also has a 5 year time limit and does not garantee that a position will be available at the end of 5 years. This combined with a requirement that 'contractors' contracts can be no longer than 3 years in effect creates a constant turnover so the company does not have to hire 'regular' employees. And since management knows head count cuts are on the way they won't fire any 'regular' George employees all the good employees get screwed.


My time working for BU&U, the Borg Cube of business is really fun!

That totally sucks and is entirely short-sighted. Sorry. :(

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Re: The cranky thread


Ya know, this is probably another example of my nasty nature at work. However --


Work is a bear this week. I have bronchitis. I cannot miss work at all for the rest of the week because the Powers-That-Be are at a meeting off-site, the executive secretary (who covers the phones while I go to lunch) is at the same meeting with the PsTB, one of whom is the other person (my boss, the VP of Finance and Administration) who covers the phones at lunch time. I got lunch coverage, no prob, but coverage for the rest of the day is iffy ay best. Kly and I are having difficulties -- have been having difficulties -- for a long time. His best friend is depressed and worse.


That's the situation. So. Last night I/we got to bed later than I like because of discussing issues. His friend was online IMing him with her imminent meltdown, when his computer crashed. Fortunately, she called him -- using her husband's cell phone, from her car, after she left their home phone off the hook and snuck out. He woke me up by turning on the bathroom light in the hall at about quarter to two. I'm on the phone with the county cops in Virginia about three minutes later. About five minutes later her cell phone runs out of battery, and he comes in to take over the conversation with the cops.


There is an exchange of phone calls with the husband after the cops arrive at his house, wake him and her daughter and their roomer all up, and the husband discovers the phone off the hook and replaces it. Then we wait. Forty-five minutes later, her husband calls to say the cops found her sitting quietly in her car about a mile from their home. She's home now. We go back to bed, but I can't sleep. Apparently neither can Kly. She calls again about 4:00 ish. I fall asleep then, Kly doesn't.


We only have one car today -- Kly's is in the shop for recall repairs since yesterday evening, so I gotta get up to go to work, he has to get up to take me to work, he has bloodwork he has to get done, and neither one of us is at all rested.


My head hurts, I'm tired, cranky, and in no suitable mood to be the Voice of the Company all freakin' day, I can't take the day off, and I just want to break something.

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Up yours, Netflix


Okay, so Netflix sends me an obviously cracked DVD. It happens. Okay, so all the movies that I have out are later parts of the series of the cracked DVD. Yeah, that's kind of annoying, but I can deal with it.


So, I send the DVD back, ticking the "it doesn't play" box and the "send a replacement" box, along with the proper form on the website to report the problem.


A week later, the replacement arrives. I open it up. The DVD is cracked. In fact, as far as I can tell, it's THE SAME *#&$ DISC!


It's not just a little scratched or anything - it is very obviously busted. Big crack marks on the silvery side, and even on the colored side, you can see that it's broken. Great going, chowderheads. :stupid: now I have to wait another week to see any movies.

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Re: The cranky thread


And it gets better. I email customer service, and explain, very clearly, what the problem is. They send me back an email saying that I should wash the DVD carefull, and that if it still doesn't play, I should send it back. Brilliant! I'm sure soap will FILL IN THE CRACKS. And I definitely emailed you stating that you had failed to properly replace the DVD when I didn't know that I could just email it back for a replacement that would play.

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Guest joen00b

Re: The cranky thread


As you all know, I do tech support. Well, this morning, 4 of the 7 exchange servers broke down all at once (crashed hard drive connects to the fail safe switch, the fail safe switch connects to the network switch, etc). To stem the flow of THOUSANDS of people of calling in at once, we put a message on the phone queues that the people hear as soon as the automated system answers:


The exchanged servers are nozzed. YOU will not be able to check email, yes, we mean you! (Of course it's a bit more professional than that, but that's about how it comes off).


So, what do I get? I get 15-20 people just myself (times that by 44 other employees and you get the idea of the call flow) that all say: Are you sure that pertains to me?


I tell them: Does your email work? They of course say no, and I reitertate: You are affected by this outage. They ask again: Are you sure? I again say: Is your email working? They again say no. Then, yes, YOU ARE AFFECTED! They then say: Oh, ok, I just wanted to make sure.


Gawds, I hate these people somedays. What I need is some sort of electrode hooked up to their chair from their PC that allows me to ping their PC NIC and shock the funk out of them for being so dumb and pushy.


EDIT: Now they are calling: Are the email servers working yet?


Do you have email?




Then I'm going to go with my gut instincts and say they are still broken.


Are you sure?



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