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The cranky thread


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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


Thanks' date=' passing on - appreciated on her part as well.[/quote']

Sorry about your wife's foot acting up again.


Have you considered bionics? :D

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


Okay. I stop posting to the Mackbolan.com message board because this anal twit starts insulting religious folks who follow their faith and morality to SAVE lives in Indonesia, Thailand and India, saying they're intolerant racists, spreading the word of George W. Bush. I call him an asshole, and several other choice words, and I become the villain.


Then, a month later, this freaking nitwit whines "aww, the board kind of is dying. I can't guess why, even though I've finally driven the last author off of this message board. I'll post movie and TV trivia questions to revive it."


God... why do you not give me a sniper rifle?

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Re: The cranky thread


I am getting tired and desperately want to sleep, but for the last several nights, I have woken up nearly screaming from nightmares. Nearly every night, I jerk awake shaking, then after falling out of bed in a mad dash to get away, tripping over stuff on the floor, and stumbling down the hallway toward John sleeping in the living room, I spend a good hour sitting on the loveseat near him staring at my bedroom afraid to go back inside and go to sleep.


It's gotten to where I push myself until 3 in the morning in the hopes of being so exhausted that I won't dream.





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Re: The cranky thread


I am getting tired and desperately want to sleep, but for the last several nights, I have woken up nearly screaming from nightmares. Nearly every night, I jerk awake shaking, then after falling out of bed in a mad dash to get away, tripping over stuff on the floor, and stumbling down the hallway toward John sleeping in the living room, I spend a good hour sitting on the loveseat near him staring at my bedroom afraid to go back inside and go to sleep.


It's gotten to where I push myself until 3 in the morning in the hopes of being so exhausted that I won't dream.





Care to talk about it? I get nightmares too sometimes.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


I am getting tired and desperately want to sleep, but for the last several nights, I have woken up nearly screaming from nightmares. Nearly every night, I jerk awake shaking, then after falling out of bed in a mad dash to get away, tripping over stuff on the floor, and stumbling down the hallway toward John sleeping in the living room, I spend a good hour sitting on the loveseat near him staring at my bedroom afraid to go back inside and go to sleep.


It's gotten to where I push myself until 3 in the morning in the hopes of being so exhausted that I won't dream.





Now that's weird. Late last week, I awakened around 4 in the morning, looked up, and saw some woman hovering over me - actually standing so I saw her from below. She resembled your picture, I think, but the initial shock made me toss the cover over my head.


I mentioned to John the other day that you might have been dreamwalking.


And, of course, the past couple nights, I've been dealing with possessed demon girls and zombies in my dreams.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


In all honesty' date=' I haven't had any nightmares in a week for some strange reason. Maybe you guys are sucking up the bad Juju. In that case, keep it up. :)[/quote']

Aw heck... I can handle zombies and Satan.


Hell, I blew up one possessed thingie last night, then wiped out a platoon of hostile ninja eskimos with an AK-47. :D


Send the hordes of the damned my way, bro.


I got a little sumptin' sumptin' for them.


mental note, need to make a "goat raper" for myself. got the brown and black tape.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


For the uninitiated -


"Goat-raper" is slang for a Kalishnikov AK-47. Given the propencity for poor third world nations to have lots of these things, and their users to be... shall we say... scumbags.

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Re: The cranky thread


Aw heck... I can handle zombies and Satan.


Hell, I blew up one possessed thingie last night, then wiped out a platoon of hostile ninja eskimos with an AK-47. :D


Send the hordes of the damned my way, bro.


I got a little sumptin' sumptin' for them.


mental note, need to make a "goat raper" for myself. got the brown and black tape.

Well, I got to dream about my grandfather, who has been dead for 5 years, lay in a hospital bed and have stroke after stroke all evening long and there was nothing I could do about it. I watched his pain and was helpless...

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Re: The cranky thread


Care to talk about it? I get nightmares too sometimes.


The problem is, I can't remember most of the time. Mainly because the shock of falling over something when I get up is so strong that it jostles it right out of my head. And the dreams have been getting weirder. People I haven't thought about in YEARS are showing up there. One recurrent theme is seeing how alternate timelines of my life would have played out (that's not what gives me nightmares, though). But whatever it is, almost every single time, when I wake up, I am practically lunging off the bed to get away from something.



Now that's weird. Late last week, I awakened around 4 in the morning, looked up, and saw some woman hovering over me - actually standing so I saw her from below. She resembled your picture, I think, but the initial shock made me toss the cover over my head.


I mentioned to John the other day that you might have been dreamwalking.


It's possible that it was me, but dream-walking rarely gives me such nightmares. Exhaustion, yes, nightmares, no. As a general rule, I take sufficient precautions to keep my sleeping self protected. And the thought that someone is strong enough to get through my wards is enough to give me nightmares, since very few people can do that.





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