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How many is enough??


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How players are in your play group?


we had 4, which i think4-5 is the best amount for a super-team storyline/comicbook


but are now running the risk of losing one..


Do you guys if under 3 still run your adventures as a team book... as in secret bases and butler npc's with danger-rooms


or run them as a collection of indivduals with no leader or x-mansion so to speak.


dunno.. 3 people is a little small to make a team....



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Re: How many is enough??


My longest running campaign was with a single hero (my room mate) and whoever I wanted to throw in as NPC accompaniment. Went really well.


The rest of the time we ran 3 heroes. But that was all long ago.


Right now, I'm running 9 players with a total of 15 Heroes (Each attendee to the game playing only one hero at a time... so it's typically 4 to 9 player characters). YES, it's as chaotic as it sounds. I think 3-5 is probably optimal, but I like running 2-3 players, personally. I can do more attention to detail.

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Re: How many is enough??


Yeah 3 does sound small for "Team" but remember some teams are that small, Look at SG1 (if you watch that show) there are only 4 of them, and you could round out the PCs with an NPC until you can round up some more players. I think that a group as little as 3 can still have the whole 'Team' accoutrements, but I can see where it might feel a bit extravagant or uneeded.


I personally like having an NPC in the group, although I'm starting to regret this since I now have 7 Players, and I'm honestly thinking that 7 is too many to do the kinda in depth Plot development for each of the players I really like, but were all friends, and I can't see loosing any 1 of them if you know what I mean.


As for our game with such a large team 7 PCs + a few NPCs (Team members & Support) they have the whole Avenger's style facilities, Team Vehicles, Quarters, Guards etc...


So embrace the smaller group for now and take the time to delve into some deeper personaly plot lines with each of them while you have the time.



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Re: How many is enough??


I like 4-5 best.


Our current group is sitting at 7 players plus GM, and I'm getting a little burnt out on it. Too big and unweildy. I've run larger groups before, but it is taxing, and feels unfulfilling (can't get too deep, other players get bored, have to make really powerful villains or large villain groups, etc).


The type of players you have can determine a lot too. We've had very successful games w/two or three players, with characters that worked together well, got each other involved, etc. With a large group, you would be fortunate if the players enjoy watching other's "spotlight" sessions. If instead they start side conversations, wander off, etc. you can have trouble.

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Re: How many is enough??


I think it depends on the genre to a certain extent. I would be hard pressed to run our current "MidGuard - Earth's Mightiest Heroes" campaign with fewer than 4 players (We currently have 8 people in our group; and average 5 players and 1 GM out that per game session). I think we'd have to ratchet down the bad guys a little, or alternatively give the PCs more points so they can be more powerful individually.


If I just had 1 - 3 players, I think that would lend itself pretty well to a Dark Champions game. A small team or even a solo player could do the Dark Knight routine pretty well.

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Re: How many is enough??


How [many] players are in your play group?


dunno.. 3 people is a little small to make a team....



As to the number of players in a group:

The smallest group I played in was just me as the only PC in a Golden Age HERO's game. This was a long and (torturous) adventure that the GM ran for me a few hours before our normal gaming group showed up for whatever game we were running at the time.


I've also been in an "aside" mission that another GM ran with my roommate and me. He did this for Champions and for D&D.


Let's see, the largest group had the DM and 10-11 players in it (yes, D&D), while there was one that had five PCs and seven NPCs, and for Champions had eight players & the GM, I believe. Though the largest number of characters in a game, all as PCs, was about 42-44, spread amongst 4 players and myself as the DM (running all my characters).


As to three people being too small:

Don't knock three. If there can be a Dynamic Duo, then you can have a Terrific Trio! As far as having either a secret base or a mansion, I say leave that to the players to decide. If you are uncomfortable with three, thinking 4-5 is a good number, run an NPC or two, just make sure they don't outshine the PCs. :thumbup:

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Re: How many is enough??


3-5 Three is the best for role playing... five is best for that feel of a group of heroes.


If you want the feel of a large group, have players have secondary characters. Four players makes an 8 person team. Most adventures often only need four of the eight (constantly changing dynamic of the current "away team") but for big ho-downs, players play both, with one primary, and the other mostly to dish out dice and suck damage.


I've actually played some of the most "team" feel adventures with just one player. The GM ran some adventures in our shared world, and I ran a team of six... kind of like two GMs teaming up to tell stories. It was a lot of fun, and actually captured the concept of team a lot better, since I didn't miscommunicate with myself...


... at least not very often... I don't think. :think:

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Re: How many is enough??


ATM, including me (the GM), we're 9 strong :) I run an Avengers/Wildguard styled team that have the jet, the base, the press room, etc. We were 10 strong, but one of the members just dropped out. Works quite well IMHO :)

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Re: How many is enough??


I guess I'll echo what seems to be the general sentiment here. I have found that 3 is about minimum to make a good game. Having 4 or 5 is about perfect. A group of 6 or 7 is okay but it can get a little busy, particularly if everybody wants to be fully involved (the noise level can get a little bad). The games I have played in that numbered 8 or more players were just too chaotic to be much fun.


Our current group has eight, including the GM. However it is rare that more than six of us make it to any particular game secession. We usually end up with 4 or 5 players per game (which seems ideal).

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Re: How many is enough??


I'm gonna have to go with the general sentiment of this thread.....3 - 5 PC's work best for most adventures. :cheers: When there are 6 or more, unless you really enjoy the company, it tends to get rather boring. Please keep in mind that a great DM can smooth over the size of the group to a certain extent, but IMHO the best group is under 6. :rockon:

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Re: How many is enough??


Personally, I like less than 7, more than 1.


If you think 3 characters is not enough, add an NPC until you get another player, a sidekick or teen mascot hero-in-training can give the GM a voice in the campagine without overshadowing the other characters.

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Re: How many is enough??


I'm starting a campaign with just 3 players (if the one doesn't flake!) I will be running at least one NPC per session and from time to time I give the players some villains to play, even let them create some, for villain teams. I am looking for suggestions for plotlines. I should be able to run some good VIPER storylines, and small villain groups, but it gets sticky when one of the heroes is an NPC whom the others will turn to for advice. Only three players means a smaller pool of ideas, i guess we'll see how it goes!



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Re: How many is enough??


I have played with one and it worked. I can think of some fun things you could do with just three, and its not like the genre doesn't allow for it. Remember Marvel Team-up, World's Finest, Green Arrow/Green Lantern, or Power Man/ Iron Fist. Green Arrow/Green Lantern sometimes had the addition of Black Canary. There were frequently guest stars in the other titles, too. Hell, Marvel Team-up was one of my favorite books. You could almost run a campaign based on a rotating cast of main characters who bump into each other.

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Re: How many is enough??


I have three players, but when I feel more is needed, I just bring in a semi-NPC to help them out. As long as I make sure he doesn't overshadow anyone, and is not a leader type, and that he is welcome, it's fine.


Heck, Batman and Robin are only 2 heroes (and one a sidekick at that) and they had the batcave :)

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Re: How many is enough??


I find the ideal number is four. If there are three, I plan more side stuff. If there are five, I cut to the chase. Six to eight I can GM at a con, but would prefer not to every week... But four gives everyone a starring role in the adventure, IMHO.

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