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What Would Your Character Do? #68


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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


I admire the creativity, but...


... this presumes that he actually gives a damn about the welfare of the people.


If he's the sort of supervillainous monster who can go to bed knowing that a million babies are starving to death from famine and neglect, and not lose a minutes' sleep over it, then... he won't lose a minutes' sleep over it.


Not to mention that this strategy also requires the aforementioned mllion babies to actually be starving.


Assuming that a ruler will feel distressed over a faliure to rule well presupposes the existence of a specific emotion -- guilt. Megalomaniacal psychopaths aren't exactly famous for taking guilt trips. :)

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Blak Cat would instantly figure that he set up the beasty in the first place to make himself look good. Then she would either set up an info barrage showing that or challenge him to a one on one fight for leadership of the earth making that claim. (She beat the death dragon in her game, so she isn't much worried about this guy). When she won, she would abdicate.


Ballistic would have been one of the heroes hurt in the first place, but if he wasn't he'd use his magic to broadcast the guys thoughts through the radio (telepathy linked with images/HRRHT) and let everyone know what he would do. Wouldn't be long before public opinion turned against him, and then Ballistic would drop him and send him to superprison (possibly off dimension).


And as an aside - Wow this is my 1500th post. I didn't I had gone that far past the millenium mark.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Caress: Figures that this guys got enough Mental shields that she can't enslave him, so voluteers herself as secretary/head concubine/whatever until she can find a way to help the resistence kill/overthrow his Male ass, preferably in a way that sets her up as his successor (grieving widow anyone?).


Karma: Blink out, join resistance.


Fore-Eyes: Knew this was going to happen before-hand and has already determined the best way to stop him. Starts contacting those surviving heroes intergral to the plan.


Hardball: (if he's around) Is engulfed in a ball of (enter Villians EB special effect here) as he attacks him. (otherwise) Joins the resistance.


Ghost Dancer (Insubstantial to non-living matter): "Is that Power armor your wearing your lordship? Too bad it won't stop me" Pokes out villians eyes as he inaffectively tries to use all his weapons on her, unaware that a good upercut to the jaw will floor her. Allows others to mop up the now 'blind' king.


Breakneck (Psychotic speedster): "Need an assassin? How about a head torturer? Oh come on, there has to be some psychotic area you are willing to outsource."


Killjoy (Reverse Empath): Mentally forces some people to attack the villian so she can enjoy their inevitable pain and then pouts when he kills them too quickly.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Assuming my character didn't die in the fight against the Big Bad...


Warp: Gather the other survivors of his team and any other willing and able supers he can find, and take the villain down as fast as possible before he can fully recover or assert his authority.


Spectrum: Same as above, except that since he's an Air Force Colonel his explanation for his actions would be that orders to accept the guy's authority were illegal. Also, he try to get the regular military to assist as well.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


All the other heroes tacitly acepted the situation by allowing him to battle the monster alone. He made a bargain and he kept it. Even to great risk of his life.
Nope, it didn't say anything about the heroes being party to the bargain, only the "world leaders", who don't have the authority do make that kind of deal.


And besides, the bargain wouldn't have been broken anyway. The deal was that he became ruler of the world, not that he stayed ruler. Nothing in bargain against a group of private individuals not acting on behalf of any government deposing his butt. ;):eg:

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


My old character would have waited for the point when MS defeated the villain and, being totally exhausted and beaten from the effort of fighting the HFB, taken the liberty of "stabbing him in the back" and try to destroy him. TV media or not, this guy is a villain and only did what he did to gain control of the world. His motivations were less than altruistic. He gets wasted witht he rest of the scum.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Hmm...it'd be different if he did it in exchange for a full pardon and international recognition for his artificial orbital "nation"(which anyone is welcome to emigrate to).

I can't imagine the world leaders signing off on a deal like that. The only way that could haappen would be if the villain had some devious "insurance"(nukes in major cities, or nano-explosives inside the leaders themselves) to compel them to honor the deal.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


How would your character react to this?


Peacekeeper's Response: The governments of Earth have ceded control to the new reign of Megascourge II by what appears to be an entirely legal contract, therefore Megascourge II is the legitimate head of the Earth government. My mission remains the same, to serve and protect the people of Earth, and to uphold the Galactic Code.


Rebellion against legitimate authorities is forbidden under the Galatic Code, and super powered beings who attempt to rebel against Megascourge II's rule are criminals, and will be dealth with accordingly.


(Peacekeeper comes from an alien and essentially fascist society, in which the absolute authority to a supreme leader is the norm. Of course, his species is naturally hive minded, and he and his species simply couldn't understand statements like "absolute power corrupts absolutely" as the thirst for personal power is simply not part of their psychological make-up. He considers the diversity of political opinions on Earth a sign that the human species is irrational and insane.)


Iron Demon's Response: Eh, whatever. New boss same as the old boss. The mission remains the same.


(Iron Demon is obessively focused on combatting non-super crime in Jet City, and cares very little about things on the scale of what Megascourge II has done. Besides, if Iron Demon knows he can't beat something (and he can't even come close to beating MS2 I'll bet) he can easily rationalize why it's not his problem to deal with.)

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


The Protector would be watching the mess on TV from his Harlem dojo, and would continue to protect his neighboorhood from whatever threatened it.

Golden Eagle would remind Megascourge and the UN that no authority is bound to a deal made while being held hostage, citing 14 precedents in 6 languages, all the while rewiring his force field generator to create a ray that will render Megascourge powerless should he not accept the argument.

Bouncer would do a cannonball into him at full speed, hoping to bounce Megascourge into the river. He would then hope Megascourge can't swim. If he can, he will bounce MS into power lines, and hope he is vulnerable to electricity. He would repeat as necessary.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


The planet is being ravaged by a giant monster from space. Several of the world's most powerful superheroes- and afew heavy hitter supervillains- have battled with the creature already and have ended up dead or hospitalized. As world leaders meet to discuss the crisis at hand, the villain Megascourge II drops in on the conference and says he believes he can drive the monster from the planet, but expects to be declared the Unquestioned Lord And Master Of The Globeâ„¢ if he suceeds. Having nothing left to lose, and figuring he'll probably just end up like everyone else that went toe to toe with the beast, the world leaders publically agree to his terms.


Megascourge II engages the monster in a brutal battle, and while he takes one hell of a beating in the beginning, he ultimately defeats the Horror From Beyondâ„¢ and sends it fleeing with its tail between its legs. With the creature gone, MS turns to a news crew on the scene, looks directly into the camera and says, "People of the nations of Earth, I have kept my end of the bargain, it is now time for your leaders to keep theirs."


How would your character react to this?



Nova would be likely already be dead or hospitalized from fighting the beast. This is the kind of menace he has sworn will defend Earth against, whatever it takes. He already saw his Earth destroyed this way, he will not let it happen again. Anyway, if he survives, he would feel honor-bound to see the bargain honored (if the beast was really a danger for the survival of mankind, he might even pressure governments into keeping the bargain). Moreover, he was not paying any heed or allegiance to previous authorities and laws, so it changes little for him. If he sees Megascourge administers Earth well, he will let him be, and keep on with his mission of Earth protector (he might even welcome that Earth has a new effective protector besides him). If he turns out tyrannical and murderous, he will do his best to oust him (probably he will first challenge Megascourge to duel for the ownership of Earth on the Moon or suchlike).

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Some current characters, then my classics...


Mask of Justice: "FDR must have been mind-controlled to agree to this, but I'm not surprised those weasels Hitler and Tojo knuckled under." (He's a Golden Age character.) He'd use his investigative skills and "see the truth" powers to expose Megascourge II's weaknesses for the Resistance.


Rock Bottom: Will wish the remains of the Global Guardians well as they go to kick Megascourge II's butt. But someone's got to take care of things in Baltimore.


Calculus: "There is no way that those crooked politicians will honor this deal. I predict a 93.6% chance that Megascourge will not wake up tomorrow. Not that I'll have anything to do with that...directly."


Kira Midori: "I'm fairly sure that most of these world leaders didn't have the legal power to honor that bargain. Therefore, Mr. Megascourge, you only have jurisdiction in areas where the previous leader had unilateral authority to transfer power. Take one step outside those boundaries, and you will be put down."


Talion: "You could have asked *me* to take out the Space Monster, you know. I even volunteered. But no, no one ever even considers the easy solution. Now, would you like me to deal with Megascourge? All *I* want is a little respect."

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Ghost Archer:

First I would have to discover this guy's range of powers, to find his weaknesses and how to exploit them. I would watch his regime closely and at the first hint of an act of terror, I would have to take him out. I don't have much of a problem with putting an arrow into the guy's eye. Hell I'd even design a special arrow just for him.

If I couldn't kill him, I would move him to another dimension, one without inhabitants and strand him, even if I had to sacrifice myself. If I cannot kill him or move him to an alternate dimension, I would lead the resistance and train a cadre of paranormals with the sole purpose of his overthrow. During the struggle against his empire, I would be moving dissidents to safer dimensions, scouring those dimensions for weapons powerful enough to destroy Megascourage II and in general making a total pain in the ass of myself.

The point might all be moot if Tsar decides to erase Megascourge II . . . damn lizard . . . but if he brought Megascourage II in to existance in the first place, it's going to be a very long war.

After all of it was over? Those stupid world leaders that let the b**tard loose in the first place would be subjected to some serious judgement, either in the World Court or by my hand.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Golden Eagle would remind Megascourge and the UN that no authority is bound to a deal made while being held hostage' date=' citing 14 precedents in 6 languages...[/quote']


Except Megascourge wasn't holding the world hostage. He was acting in the capacity of a mercenary freehire, and his price was set at global domination. Megascourge can't be held responsible for actions outside his control that may have had an influencing effect on the UN, such as those of the alien invader.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Cyrande would be helping the remnants of her team, then probably smile and nod at him. Depending on how he worked out is whiether she calls the big guns or not. Of course, she'd probably work closely with the Resistance, especially if he's corrupt.


(Alien, used to someone being an absoulute ruler, but she loathes corruption)

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Cobalt would take his immense legal knowledge to court to prove that the deal made was invalid, and if Megascourage a problem with that he can either take the world to court (and lose) or just try to conquer it again (which he shouldn't be ready for after that battle, allowing the world to recooperate from the carnage and gain a few more heroes to oppose him when he returns.


Vantage and Zectron would most likely have already died or been hospitalized fighting the monster.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Most of my characters would either be dead, or ignore him. The rest would simply encourage others to flood him with petitions and old grievances to settle until he decides to resign (assuming Megascourge is apt to be an incompetent ruler - if he might be decent, well, "decent" is better than a lot of countries have now).

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Cyrande would be helping the remnants of her team, then probably smile and nod at him. Depending on how he worked out is whiether she calls the big guns or not. Of course, she'd probably work closely with the Resistance, especially if he's corrupt.


(Alien, used to someone being an absoulute ruler, but she loathes corruption)


Note for readers: When she says "big guns," she's referring to "Malvan Ultradreadnoughts." Or rather, one ultradreadnought, that she "borrowed" for a "joy ride" without asking Daddy.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Husky probably died earlier but if he survived the voluntary coup it wouldn't change him much. Husky doesn't care about politics he fights for what's right if tha means fighting the world's dictator he'll do it no matter who made what kind of deal.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


Bargain's a bargain, he's now Unquestioned Lord And Master Of The Globeâ„¢.


However, all my characters except Dolphin would go to the matress, observe how things went for a few months, decide if they are going to continue openly as Heros or covertly as revolutionaries. All would give him a chance.


Dolphin would see this as no more than a change of administration, and continue helping whoever he could, however he could.

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