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I Can't Believe He Played That!


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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


And I believe every group has had at some point the guy who runs an equivalent to "Pheremone"' date=' a woman who could induce lust (even in other females) at will.[/quote']


My husband encountered a particularly awful version of this in a game he was in (I was not participating at the time as I was on a depression jag or something and not in the right frame of mind for gaming).


This guy's version had 15d6 Mind Control, Always On, "You want to f**k me."


Oh, and did I mention that she either was or looked exactly like a 14-year-old girl?


We now try to avoid this guy whenever possible.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


I half agree with this, as I have two players who are big into anime to the point where it scares me. One of them actually grasps that I don't like 99 percent of anime, and therefore doesn't try anime stunts or anime-inspired characters in my game. The other one doesn't quite get that ... though I confess to getting a certain thrill when he tries to pull a 'Goku move' and it blows up in his face.

"But that wouldn't happen to (insert anime character here he's emulating)!"

"No, it wouldn't. But you're not him, he's not in this world, this world is not his show. So it did happen to you."


I also suffer significant frustration when he tells me he's going to do something 'just like (insert show here)' and I have to ask him what that means, and we get a conversation like this ...

"Okay ... I'm gonna do Ubidubi's signature move from UberMunchkin Anime Delta."

"And what's that?"

"Dude, you've never seen UberMunchkin? Man, it's awesome, it's got this ..." (five minutes pass) "... and then Goonicus does ..."

"I meant, what's the maneuver?"

"He runs up the wall, across the ceiling, then holds his sword straight down and drops frop the ceiling point first! It's, like, the coolest thing ever!"

"You got Clinging?"

"Uh ... no."

"Then you can't do it."

Ooh... You've got a serious genre fiend on your hand. One of my problems with Anime-fiends is that they focus on what I always considered the worst of superheroes -- gory violence, cliche, cynicism -- and leave out the best -- flashy costumes, hope, unique style.


For you Anime fans here, keep in mind: I'm not making a statement about Anime, only Anime-fiends.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


Worst GM I played with ?


I liked the guy, I really did. But he was the kind of guy who liked to bring things up in a conversation, and unfortunately, they were things we'd finished talking about ten minutes before (he could never follow a conversation).


So, we're playing Champions 4th ed. and we've all got new characters. Not all the players are helping him out, since many wanted to be 'lone wolves' and the GMs trying to get the team together. And after two sessions, it happened (with a little coercion from a mind controlling heroine, just so we could start playing; we only had 3 months for the campaign, you know).


Then the villains start to appear. The GM has gone and taken PSI from Mind Games, a highly competent villain team with some downright disturbing overtones. And changed all the SFX to match a 'college cheerleading team' theme. And changed the source of the powers from 'mutation' to 'vampirism'. I didn't know vampires could throw Ego Attacks by waving their pompoms at you, but I soon found out.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


Ooh... You've got a serious genre fiend on your hand. One of my problems with Anime-fiends is that they focus on what I always considered the worst of superheroes -- gory violence, cliche, cynicism -- and leave out the best -- flashy costumes, hope, unique style.


For you Anime fans here, keep in mind: I'm not making a statement about Anime, only Anime-fiends.


Which is a bit sad since the best anime styled superhero series are far more about flash, hope, bravely fighting evil, etc.


Admittedly, I'm biased. I'm a big anime fan and have based many characters on ideas I got watching anime. But then, I also make sure to buy the powers that fit what I'm trying to do.;)


Worst character I recall was years ago in University. 3rd Edition days, if I recall. A blob with tendrils that could do 1 pip of body if it hit, no defenses at all. Absolutely invulnerable to all damage. And he bought down presense to 0, in the days when we used multiples. Even a 1 on a presense attack would easily send him to the 4x 'You do whatever they say, while wetting yourself' level.:)

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


Jesus. That poor girl. That's horrible.



No doubt. She would be running for hours from the men and women who keep after her for sexual favors. Then worse happens when actual sexual predators start stalking her down. Much less when a Super Villian with need for imediate sex shows up using his powers to assult her.


Problem is the doctors/police/other supers that show up to help will be making rolls just to help her out and not take advantage of her after battle, much less if she was KOed.


The only ones who could talk to her for any length of time would be other mentalists or those with some form of special mental defence. Her life would be hell.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


The only character that I remember thinking "Took some brass ones to play him" was in a V&V game where the player said "I'm going to live or die by the random rolls".


Thus was born Horro the Magnificent.


His background story was that one day he was trying to make microwave popcorn and in a freak accident, the microwave exploded and blew off the top of his scalp, instead heat fusing a corningware bowl in it's place.


He did gain powers...2 of them, and only 2 if he kept the see thru melon. One was emotion control and the other was illusions. He might have had one rolled statistic above a 12. We defined his powers as "I'll show you your worst fear!!!"


Upshot was that in the team's first battle against Dr. Apocalypse, the bad guy takes down the rest of the team (Who were hideously competant) and Horro tries to take him down.


"I'll show you your worst FEAR!!!" Nothing happens.


"Um...I'll...I'll show you your SECOND worst fear!" Again, nothing.


"How about some nice stuff?"


The villain just shook his head sadly and granted Horro some of his nigh inexhaustible mystic power so that "You won't be quite so pathetic."

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


A guy who surrounded himself with wads of paper. Enough paper padding and anything is invulnerable!


You knocking the paper masters from the anime Read or Die? 'cause they are cool. 'course they do more than *cover themselves* with paper (paper cuts through sold stone; huge origami fighting beasts; weapons made of hardened paper). If all he did was cover himself as armor he is lame for his lack of imagination.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


On the topic of "questionable" young female characters. (Please note that the GM and players involved at the time were all around 16 years old back when this happened).


I can't remember the characters name, and I can't remember anymore if it was Champions or Fantasy Hero, but she was a 13 or 14 year old girl who was a powerful spellcaster, BUT, she could only cast spells when totally naked. So she wore a dress that she could easily pull off. She HATED the limitation of course, and constantly accused all the other characters of "looking" when she cast spells. I think she died, due to the fact that she had realistic ability scores.


The concept came from someone reading something about modern "witches" and their naked rituals.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


I can't remember the characters name' date=' and I can't remember anymore if it was Champions or Fantasy Hero, but she was a 13 or 14 year old girl who was a powerful spellcaster, BUT, she could only cast spells when totally naked. So she wore a dress that she could easily pull off. She HATED the limitation of course, and constantly accused all the other characters of "looking" when she cast spells. I think she died, due to the fact that she had realistic ability scores.[/quote']


hmmm...now re-imagine the character as a crone with a 2 COM and see which of the two gets selected by the adventuring party...

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