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I Can't Believe He Played That!


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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


The worst?


Uh, let's see. From one guy alone we got The Red, White and Blue Buckeroo (Cowboy with whities on the outside and a lasso) and The Gripper (a plant guy that sorta looked like Sigmund the Seamonster without eyes).


Another Player keep threatening to bring in his "Glop" character... but I am sure that is only to tease me. I shudder at the thought of this giant-sized booger-brick. Ew!


And a long time back we had a gal in our group who played a PC called The Flasher (woman in a raincoat that would strike people dumb with her beauty when she flashes them).



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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


Worst Champions character I've GMed must be the Half Rakshasa/Half Chinese Dragon, raised by a clan of ninjas, later abducted by an evil megacorp who turned him into a cyborg, thus awakening his latent psionic powers. His newfound powers allowed him to mind-contol the leaders of the evil corp, giving him access to vast wealth and an host of followers. This shapeshifting, spellcasting, cybernetic, psionic, billionnaire martial artist was the most misshapen collection of inefficient, badly assoted powers I've ever seen. The player got the boot halfway through session #1, when he tried to torture a petty criminal the group had captured. Months later, I met the player again. He claimed to be gaming regularly with a group (I think he lied about that), to have taken his character from 250 to over 2000 points ("Champions is unsuitable to play under a thousand points anyway", he said) and to have a 200-points Cosmic Power Pool "for his dragon breath".


A somewhat distant second was Black Hole, a sentient space-time anomaly. Not a bad character really (an energy projector with Forcefield-generating powers), except he was completely unable to communicate with humans in any meaningful way.


Worst character I've seen in play, but not actually GMed or played with, was Captain Sheep. Don't ask, you really don't want to know. Captain Sheep's group also included:

- Space Duck (best character in that group), sort of a cross between Howard the Duck and Buck Rogers, 'cept he had four arms.

- Polpo, a sentient squid who lived inside a leaky plastic bag full of water, carried by the duck.

- A dwarf with tracks instead of legs, carrying a Bag-of-Holding full of concussion granades (0 End EB, Explosion, his only power).

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


This really isn't PC, and it's truly not being insensitive on purpose, but one dude built 'Quad-Balloon', a parapelegic kid who could... well... float silently and get the drop on bad guys.


He didn't like it that I brought out Black Claw almost immediately.


The same dude made a character called 'Ninja'. Nuff said.


His brother made a character called 'The Electric Bard'. Ooooh, flee in terror evil-doers.


Too funny.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


I have to say that one of my best friends has played that twice, I think.


Better done, and better played than you might think.


We had so many weird, stupid, cheesy characters... Several were mine.


The Martial artist with the slightly mystical (weightless) armor and the Bokken- He was an actor/stuntman in Martial arts movies. This was 3rd edition, when it first came out.


the disgusting character. Blind, possibly deaf, Targetting sense on taste, long lashing around tounge..... He HATED DOGS. -- I'm not certain he actually was played.


My friend and I made separate products of a HIGH POWERED Genetic super soldier program.


Mine was typical, super strong, super fast, quite tough...


His had a fairly low int, 3/4 damage reduction, maybe slightly above human strength, 40+ body and something like 3 points/turn regen. And a "Martial Art" the primary attack of which was a "Finger poke" that iirc was Penetrating, and HE took the damage too. His finger just regenerated...

Man, Gustav was WOnderful... Particularly the way he was played. WHo else would have LICKED a HELLBORE GRENADE? :)





The worst from my players cannot even come close. Their only problem is an occasional lack or originality (unlike youre players!).


I've got a knockoff of Data (the android), a knockoff of liquid-metal-guy from T2, I once had a knockoff of the green glowing ball from Heavy Metal.


And I believe every group has had at some point the guy who runs an equivalent to "Pheremone", a woman who could induce lust (even in other females) at will. While a nice plot for a porn flick, not exactly the game I was intending to run...

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


Another one of my lamesters was the "telekinetic kid"


He was a stage magician who had what iirc was Instant Change usable against others (and was a lecherous prankster)

and a Penetrating invisible TK, with linked Clairsentience, touch. I forgot to make the clairsentience penetrating, and it was only a one shot but...

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


Another one of my lamesters was the "telekinetic kid"


He was a stage magician who had what iirc was Instant Change usable against others (and was a lecherous prankster)

and a Penetrating invisible TK, with linked Clairsentience, touch. I forgot to make the clairsentience penetrating, and it was only a one shot but...


Man... first time I read that I thought it said Instant Chicago usable against others... attacking people with Broadway shows would be cruel and unusual.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


Ninja Beaver

An actual beaver, complete with buck teeth and flat tail and a katana with a couple levels of shrinking and -3" running to take his small size into account. Now, given that if you hit him, you ARE going to do knockback, he spent the entire game getting back to his feet and running back toward the battle, a half move of 2" since he didn't have Acrobatics or BreakFall and getting knocked back again. OH..and whenever he went through a doorway, a Super Big Gurp appeared blocking his way until he paused to take a drink from it. And this was a four-color game.



Looks like Carman Miranda, for those of you that are too damn young to know who she was, let's just say she wore a huge hat full of fruit on her head. Each fruit had a differenty power...including the watermelon she wore under the dress that made her look pregnant. Again, the game was four-color.



An living chicken McNugget with a cocktail sword as a weapon. Four-color.


Ninja Chicken

A chicken with so much growth it had it's own gravity well and laid huge eggs that destroyed whole cities. Four-color.


Bud Man

Looks like...Bud Man from the old Budweiser ads. Attacks include Beer Belch and Beer Fart. Four-color.


I am sure there were more but I can't remember their names, or specific powers.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


The Cat

The lamest I have seen in a Champions game I ran was the player I had in a pick-up game at a comic shop once. His character was a cat. It had shrinking, a fair amount of running and superleap, a very small killing attack, and massively high Dex and related skills. It spent an entire fight lurking around the edges of the game map, hiding and sneaking. I think once it tripped someone by running into their feet as they were moving.


Prince Charming

The lamest I have played in a game with was Prince Charming. He was gorgeous, rich, good at damned near everything he did, and he never let anyone forget it. He was a braggart and a jerk. Someone later told me that Sleeping Beauty was a frigid bitch, and that Prince Charming's home life was terrible, and that was supposedly why he was such a pain in the ass to be around.


The Vampire

The lamest I have ever played, personally, was a vampire (it was a long, long time ago). He had a power pool of "vampire powers". There was this one time that we were trying to figure out what to do with this doomsday weapon that was about to release a deadly plague, and one of the other characters said something like, "Hey, you have a power pool with Transform, right? Can't you change it into something else?" My reply was, "I suppose, but I don't think turning it into a vampire would be very helpful." I stopped running him shortly after that, as the absurdity sank in.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


Ninja Beaver ...


I regret to say that I was never able to see Ninja Beaver in action, at least not that I recall. I think the Renegades pretty much predated my involvement with that gaming group. The funny thing is that I always pictured the Renegades as being this serious supergroup. I never really gave much thought to the inclusion of the beaver in the ninja suit wih the Big Gulp. :)

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


His powers included wings (flight) and a cocoon (entangle). His main attack was a rainbow (energy blast) - never did get an explanation why the character would have that power.


It may have been an homage to a classic Godzilla foe. I keep swearing there was a butterfly or moth creature with a Rainbow Blast of some sort.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


Frankly, I've never had a case where a seemingly-terrible character concept didn't turn out to be at least kind of cool once it was in play. Though that's largely because the *really* bad concepts were generally vetoed by the GM. Some that I have seen:


Thrag the Invincible: Sorta like Space Cowboy, above, but he was an alien anthropomorphic wildebeest who modeled his 'Earth disguise' on old gangster movies. Wore a pinstripe suit, fedora and sunglasses, carried a mock Tommy gun with his ion-blaster hidden in the barrel, was convinced that no one could see through his 'clever disguise'. Turned out to be a lot of fun, and was highly effective.


Battle Bear: A hyper-intelligent circus bear who built himself a battlesuit. Since he couldn't talk, the suit's AI would translate his thoughts for him, but the AI would only refer to him in the third person, and generally sounded either bored or exasperated. It would also translate inappropriate thoughts with a certain glee.


Dental Assassin: This one didn't get very far before being shouted down. At this point, I don't remember if the character was a dental hygienist who was an assassin, or someone who assassinated dentists. Either way, he had a mouthful of cybernetic killing devices.


These aren't mine, but the Champ-l mailing list came up with a list of bad character concepts, it can be found at Mike Surbrook's page. I thought I remembered it containing the tale of the Invincible Hammer-Wheel, but this blog was the only place I could find it.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


In a game we almost ran, the PC's were a group of supervillians with the name Wave in their name. Lightwave, Soundwave, Standingwave.


And Tidal wave.


This was a Brick with so much Growth, we realized that the player could stand on the map to represent his PC.


we never played it.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


Battle Bear: A hyper-intelligent circus bear who built himself a battlesuit. Since he couldn't talk, the suit's AI would translate his thoughts for him, but the AI would only refer to him in the third person, and generally sounded either bored or exasperated. It would also translate inappropriate thoughts with a certain glee.


This one actually doesn't sound unreasonable to me at all. In fact, it sounds kind of cool.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


I regret to say that I was never able to see Ninja Beaver in action' date=' at least not that I recall. I think the Renegades pretty much predated my involvement with that gaming group. The funny thing is that I always pictured the Renegades as being this [b']serious[/b] supergroup. I never really gave much thought to the inclusion of the beaver in the ninja suit wih the Big Gulp. :)

Methinks you mistake me for another. Ninja Beaver existed for a short time at a hobby shop called the White Heron in Norfolk VA. This was about 1983 or so. And I thought our group was serious too. Not everyone saw it that way though.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


All of these were actually played for at least one session:


Big Ed, Lord of Chance: A radioactive fruit machine fell on him, granting him extraordinary luck (I think he had 30 or 40d6 of it).


The Habit: Insane transvestite hitman nun. He believed, possibly correctly, that he was on a mission for the Vatican.


Adam Apples: An android. He wielded ear-shaped throwing weapons named 'Ear-o-rangs', had a pouch in which lived a family of ninja kangaroos and he had the ability to turn into bits when he said 'Split!' Adam had no feet but could hover a short distance above the ground. In his secret ID he was 'Spider-man', the goalkeeper for Berwick Rangers football club.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


Methinks you mistake me for another. Ninja Beaver existed for a short time at a hobby shop called the White Heron in Norfolk VA. This was about 1983 or so. And I thought our group was serious too. Not everyone saw it that way though.


The guy who played Ninja Beaver (Craig) moved to Richmond to go to school, along with a few others who gamed at White Heron (I never did: I was living in Fullerton, CA at the time). Ninja Beaver was one of the founding members of one of the first super teams they played, the Renegades. I met some mutual friends of Craig's when I started gaming with them at H.D. Oliver's Funeral Apartments, and eventually I was spending weekends in Richmond, hanging out and gaming (I lived in Norfolk then; I live in Portsmouth now). By the time I started gaming with them up in Richmond, though, Ninja Beaver was mainly a comic-relief NPC. I don't think I ever saw Craig really play him.


Small world, eh? :)

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


This one actually doesn't sound unreasonable to me at all. In fact' date=' it sounds kind of cool.[/quote']


Well, I may have left out a few details... Like the fact that his Secret ID was Bobo the Circus Bear, and he had a DNPC robot that he left in his place when he was out fighting crime (Robo-Bobo). He made a big point of pretending to be a human in a bear-shaped battlesuit, which meant that no one was permitted to see him out of the suit, but he was a compulsive eater and had to at least crack his helmet to eat, so there was a lot of furtive snacking. Also, this character occasioned the only instance of one player licking another at the game table I've ever encountered. Plus, the AI translation device was pretty sarcastic, which turned out to be quite amusing.


But you're right, the character did turn out to be pretty cool, especially when the player was dialing down his more extraverted tendancies (he was also the mind behind the Dental Assassin). That's what I meant about even seemingly silly ideas working fairly well if you're willing to follow through on them.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


The worst I've seen brought to the table "Super-Ninja". You see, he is a Ninja with super powers....(That was the entire background)



The worst I've made (and not played) Yogsoth the Uggoloth. A Elder horror summoned to Earth, and discovered Pro-wrestling. He realized that the "hero worship" giving to these wrestlers could fuel his need for worshipers to gain power. So he joined a Super wrestling group.


As an amorphous tentacled blob he was very resiliant, He also had a 60 PRE and Conversation, Persuasion, and oratory.

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Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


Past campaigns I've run or played in have included these luminaries:


1) BIG BROTHER. He had a vehicle - essentially, a real small space station - that stayed in orbit... really obscene levels of telescopic and N-Ray vision (these days he'd build some of his senses with megascale, no doubt)... and formidable psionic powers. He wouldn't really go into battle.. teammates would just tell him the battle coordinates, and he'd stare down from space and mind-gork the villains.


2) CAPTAIN FASHION. His only powers were the ability to change his own clothing into anything he wanted, and to do the same with others' clothing. He connected the second up to a presence drain - hard for the villains to feel too threatening when they find themselves wearing bunny suits, or silk nighties. And to go on stereotypes, Captain Fashion was of course flamboyantly gay - mincing, lisping, the works. Unfortunately for the Captain, he triggered the Enraged condition of some big-HKA villain (when embarassed/ridiculed)... but there was much rejoicing by everyone else.

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