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A contriversial "Would your character...?"


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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Sorry but I really hate bullies. My definition of a bully: Anyone who tries to get away with something to the detriment of others just because they're bigger / more powerful / wealthier etc. That being said, I'd try to think my way out. If unable, I'd fight her to the last based on the fact that if you give in once, they might try something worse later on.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Husky is male but he still might be able to pull of conception with Kenneth's help via an artificial womb. Husky (and even Kenneth) would probably be willing to produce hybred offspring fully expecting to be able to tailor the results to be a completely normal child. Husky would probably negotiate a better deal though involving the villain voluntary incarcerating themselves and no physical intimacy would take place.


Now if it's an attractive villainess the scenario is much different since Husky would just "Do it"

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Hmm "St Barbara"might well go along with it while organizing to have the child spirited away and protected by the rest of her team or anyone else she could find who could be trusted to do the job. AFTERWARDS she might well come looking for this person with intent to severely discomode him ! Gloves off, full power on and no punches pulled nor holds barred ! n If her public reputation was "ruined"by what had happenned being publicised whell what the hell, reputations can be rebuilt and if the public is that fickle , well "St B"couldn't give a damn what they think !

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Shidoku (this would have to be switched to a major crime boss or something similar to fit her world): She'd grouse, grumble and curse allot but would eventually just got threw with it. Sexually, she's done worse for less in her past.


Eve: Wouldn't understand the question. Babies are constructed right? Sure,s he'd helped him build one!


Tao would agree and try to spin the situation into a trap, if that where not possible she'd have no big issue with it, having concerns about modesty or shame.


Ivy: If there was no other way, would accept, given that she doesn't normally wear clothing this is -that- big a step for her. Right?

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"



Would tell his team, "I'll hold back for as long as I can. My record is two hours. But, she's pretty hot, so... Look just find a way to save all those people as fast as you can, ok? I'll do the deed, but I'm not ready to be a father yet. Especially not if the mother's a villain."


After that, he'd want to know if it would be televised or filmed, and if filmed, could he get Asia Carrera to direct (and maybe join in).

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Re: A controversial "Would your character...?"


This may sound strange... but as a "man of the people, for the people", the answer for "The Last Bastion" would be simple. Sex, exposure, nudity has nothing to do with the equation for him. It is a matter of morality.


He would ask the forgiveness of the people but he cannot ascribe to the depradations of villainy. He must stand up for what is just. He would proclaim it for what it was, base terrorism for the purpose of self gratification and such CANNOT be rewarded if we are to remain on course towards building a better world.


In that respect, this is now a battle for all our people for she has threatened all of us. He would then call on the people to help find the woman, so that justice can be wrought and her machinations undone.


My Liege

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Hey, I'm not the only Paladin on this thread. Although Thia would have zero interest in getting the people involved, that can get The People killed. Swiftly. That's why he and his squad exist - to keep things like this from happening.


Fortunately, this chick is going straight from the playbook as far as Thia is concerned. The whole 'conception/baby of doom' thing is just another special effect of another nutter trying to take over the world. No problem. We deploy three full squads; one to deal with the minions guarding the Evil Doom Machine, one to deal with the minions currently harassing The People, and one to do full recon of her Evil Headquarters.


Thia steps out and makes a big speech about morality, and justice, and strongly suggests she find a new course of action. Before something bad happens to her. Jarome will have already been deployed as an assist to the third squad, since he'll handle the actual fight/takedown of nutty. If she turns into a Final Fantasy Super Villainness, then by luck of the draw Thia will be at the Great Big Battle to put her down permanently.


But you've got to be kidding me. There's no way he'd let her get anywhere near the possibility of having progeny with him; none at all.

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Re: A controversial "Would your character...?"


Though Thia, I would so wish to switch characters around and have a morally weaker character to comply with the villainess' demands. The anguish when the growth-accelerated child finally appears and DOES kill a million people would taste like cinnamon flavoured mints. What wonderful story...


A female heroine wouldn't be so much fun. Sure you get publically humiliated but at least the baby's yours... (*grins* Though, if I had anything to say in the matter... not for long.)


It's great to see Paladin characters, but its also great to see the lesser heroes suffer for being less then what they should be!!! *lol*


My Liege

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Hmm... let's pull out some of the fun ones here:


Void: Has already slept with her before; in all likelihood, this is his ex, and it's very much par for the course for her. Assuming he could get her/the extradimensional entity that turned her into a villainess to swear that she'd uphold her end of the bargain and *not* kill him once she was done with him, he'd actually be kinda relieved that she'd be out of circulation for 9 months or so. :celebrate:


If it wasn't her, he'd get a very scared look on his face just before there was this dull 'fwump' sound and her brains started leaking out of her ears. Then he'd start swearing vociferously and trying to figure out where her doomsday device was/how to disable it now that his ex answered the question for him. :nonp:


Huntress: Be extremely freaked out by somebody who would fall in lust with a suit of power armor like that. I mean, she made it to be attractive, but that's going a little far. :P Assuming he wanted her to get out of the armor first, she probably would go along with it, and hate herself afterwards.


Even moreso after the kid was born, and probably suffering the effects of having a meth addict for a mother... though it would finally convince her to get some help for that problem. :(


Heat Wave: Whimper and curl into a ball. Bad, bad, bad issues in the past with things like this (forced sex). I don't honestly think he could possibly handle the situation, emotionally. Stalker would be asking him to condemn millions or relive a very nasty childhood of sexual abuse. Hell of a choice. :angst:


Darkchild: Give Stalker a look that would kill, apologize to Heat Wave, get Stalker to deactivate the doomsday device... and quietly whisper a spell to Akhlys (Greek goddess of poison/deadly mist) while they were going at it.


Anybody ever watch the climax (ow, ow, OW!) of Midnight Panther? Assassin takes out the psychotic king by coating her skin with a very, very nasty poison that she was immune to. Darkchild would follow the example. This guy warrants breaking her CvK in a big way, and she'd take no end of pleasure in watching him die painfully for it. She'd be doing penance to the healing god/desse/s she works with for months, but even they would probably give her some grudging respect for it.


2000+ point mega-villain probably still has a hard time beating out a Continuing Uncontrollable Penetrating HKA with Personal Immunity, particularly given that he got hit with it several times and was presumably naked at the time, thereby maximizing his exposure. :sick: So yeah, world gets to watch her start making it with this psychopath, but they also get to watch him foam at the mouth, writhe in pain, and finally kick it while Darkchild keeps the control module out of his grasp and gets her clothes back on.


Sparky (Teen Champions super-seeing-eye-dog): Give the supervillainess a very, very strange look, woof, and whine as he looked back at the team, wondering where the blazes they picked up an enemy who was this completely bizarre. :stupid:


Edited for ease of reading.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Okay. Let's evaluate some of my super "singles" from the Personals thread:


Lab Rat, being the socially awkward type, would initially refuse until he hears that part about the millions at stake. At which point, he will do it reluctantly. Though as he does it, he will certainly have his teammates search for the doomsday device.:o


Reinard the Fox would start by trying to convince the villainess to take one of his teammates instead. They are more likely to do what she wants, to give her a child while he would most likely at best be nothing more than a pleasure-toy for her (that thing about there two different standards of physics between them). Failing that, he'll go with it, but his teammates had better make D@&% sure that they find the doomsday device fast and get it deactivated. At least then the danger to his marriage (since he is married in his home dimension) would at least have been for something. Though he'd still question why this lady would be attracted to him.:confused:


Kitsune will go along, but use one of her shapeshifting tricks during the foreplay to grab the remote device and destroy it so that the doomsday device cannot be activated.:cool:


Sonic Eagle will play along with a bit, until it seems right to use a sonic screech to stun the villainess and then grab the remote, using his supersonic flight to get away and the air's friction to destroy the remote to the device can't be activated.:dyn

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Like a lot of posters, I originally figured that would be a "...and then I'd quit the game" scenereo.


It did occur to me, though, that I did have a character more or less blackmailed into sleeping with a villain. The team needed a specific artifact to save the world, and Shinobi was able to obtain it, but only by borrowing it from a villain with her assurance it would be returned. A teammate managed to destroy it in the course of the battle. She couldn't leave the debt in place, so agreed to a night with him (which was defined as being specifically as humiliating and objectionable as possible, but also happened offscreen with no detail). If the game had not ended shortly thereafter, there would have been a fair amout of fallout from that...


So it's still just over the line where I'd ask the GM not to instigate that sort of plot, but not as far over as I originally thought.


Delusion is 18, and a bit inexperienced for her age. She'd eventually agree to spare lives, although I expect that the situation would draw in a lot of heroes trying to protect her, beyond just her team. (There are some things you don't do to a little girl.)


Roxy would be able to deal with the exhibitionism aspect, although she has a pretty strong taboo about sleeping with air-breathers (generally non-water-breathers) as it's unlikely to produce a viable child -- there's too large of a chance of a malformed respiratory system. If the villain were Atlantean or something, she'd handle it better.


Dragonfly... Well the most likely villain to pull a stunt like this would be one of the other insectoids. Since most insect societies are matriarchal, and the act of reprodcing would give her Queen status, she'd proabably go along with it, expecting to be able to call the shots afterwards. Sadly, except for the public conception aspect, I could guess which villain it would have been...

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Firestorm or Dragon Jane's Agent and Publicist would probably have a better time than the Villain if this came to pass, whether they went through with it or not.


Mindflair: (Who is a 2000 point Mega) Okay, Invictus, we're all paying attention to you, now put that thing away."


Not a problem for a Dimension Traveller such as Wicca.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Wow... that's hardcore.


The closest I've gotten to that during an invasion of Earth by Skarn the Shaper. In the background, it's a massive battle between Earth forces and Skarn's as Lady Silver (Earth's Archmage) and the Shaper go toe to toe.


Since it's on Earth, Lady Silver is tapping alot of power while Skarn was aware from the Congeries and thus deprived of a good part of his power. Still, she starts to lose and get hurt but she will NOT BACK DOWN!


Presented by this beautiful and brave warrior who is battered, bruised, but neither broken, bowed, nor beaten (do I have enough "b's" in there?), Skarn falls in love on the spot and decides that a merging of their worlds would best be accomplished with a merger of its two champions, he and Lady Silver in marriage!


Cut to the chase, a deal is brokered where Lady Silver is officially a consort albeit one waiting until marriage to properly consumate the relationship. Although she can refuse marriage, she must give Skarn an honest change to woo her. This isn't to say that Skarn wouldn't accept a refusal lightly or might not restart the invasion in anger but, it is a truce.


Fortuantely, Skarn has about a 100 other consorts and other dimensions to catch his eye. And with the stipulation that Skarn can neither kill nor conquer for Lady Silver's affections, he's kinda at a loss on how to woo her.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Kaja castrated himself to prove his faith, so that part will be rather difficult. Also, the Druids are rather careful about letting their biotechnology get out of their hands, so they would probably disapprove of him sharing any of his genetic material. This is obviously a plot to get ahold of some, and while Kaja (and/or his organization) could probably get ahold of someone else's seed pretty easily, and regenerate him with that seed implanted in the organ and prepared for release, this would almost certainly be noticed by the villainess and not accepted. Kaja's decision would be the same as his superiors': let millions die, rather than let their secrets fall into the hands of an outsider.


Really' date=' when one of those silver age (or golden age, for that matter) visitors from another planet show up looking for a “perfect mate,†are we supposed to think that they reproduce non-sexually? And some how when the Master Villain tells the female team member he will spare her male team mates that he captured , if she agrees to marry him, that he is planning on them sleeping in separate beds.[/quote']


Villains, apparently, are supposed to be so obsessed with power that even their sex drive is subliminated into that. They don't really want to have sex with their brides; they just want to exclusively possess/control/own them.


Unless you go by the idea that "Any publicity is good publicity" a not all together false idea.


Any good marketing exec will tell you that it's valuable for people to be thinking of your product at all. Even if the commercials are annoying, it raises product awareness, which overall translates into more sales.


The villainess turning out to have "black widow" mentality is a nice touch. Or she is maybe some kind of life-draning succubus (hmm' date=' Drain all Characteristics, only during sex, or only people you had sex with if people prefer to let the kinky happen offstage). Hey, that could be a nice idea for a supervillain(ess): a seductive type that is able to apply Adjustment powers and/or Mental powers bypassing most defenses (or maybe some Attack Power AVLD or NND) only with people (s)he had sex with.[/quote']


I would call that "no attack roll" and maybe even a lack of Power Defense; after all, the character is choosing to expose himself to the attack. Or, to give the poor victim a chance; the villainess can't merely make physical contact (if that were the case, a handshake would do it), she must engulf the target to begin the Physical Drains. Powers and Mental attributes would be absorbed when the victim willingly gave her their "vital essence".


Ivy: If there was no other way' date=' would accept, given that she doesn't normally wear clothing this is -that- big a step for her. Right?[/quote']


I'm not so sure. Ask any nudist "Hey, wanna have sex, I mean since you're already naked it's not that big a step for you right?". I doubt this would elicit a positive response.


Sparky (Teen Champions super-seeing-eye-dog): Give the supervillainess a very' date=' very strange look, woof, and whine as he looked back at the team, wondering where the blazes they picked up an enemy who was this completely bizarre. :stupid:[/quote']


Maybe the supervillainess would take on canine form herself, and stay that way until the pups were born ;)

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Maybe the supervillainess would take on canine form herself' date=' and stay that way until the pups were born ;)[/quote']


At which point... well, he is a dog, though he'd still object to the 'in public' bit, and be adverse to letting her keep the pups. :P Couldn't possibly be raised right by a human.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


(heh) :ugly:

Arac would wonder what the heck was this villaness' problem. Usually being a four-armed, man/spider hybrid isn't conducive to getting chicks. ;) After that, he might go along with it, if there was absolutely positively no other way of saving those millions of people. He'd be mortified for the rest of his life and try to escape into obscurity immediately afterwards.


Mythic would probably bring it all to a halt with one observation: "Uhm, you know I'm a centaur, right?" If the villaness could cope with that, then..... he'd bring in the cops, since he's underage! Heck, UNTIL too, since she's so powerful.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"



Assume the guy can't be easily "terminated" or even if he or she is the plan itself will still succeed.


The problem of course is that acquiescing probably won't accomplish anything except a trifling delay. The villain still has a perfectly good doomsday weapon and I'm sure he'll be able to think of something else to demand after you acquiesce to his first demand and his second. So, the only thing to do is pretend to be willing comply, but drag things out while the rest of the team find a way to use the doomsday weapon against its owner or at the least, destroy it. Then run.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Corona "You sick F&^%ing *%(&*^ ...*the swearing would go on for quite some time* i'm 15" Unfortunatly she is rather low powered at the moment so while she couldn't take him down herself she would get help and make sure he went down hard.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"



I'm not so sure. Ask any nudist "Hey, wanna have sex, I mean since you're already naked it's not that big a step for you right?". I doubt this would elicit a positive response.


That's right. She would be despeately rationalizing or that's what I was trying to get across but failed. Darn this medium and its lack of vocal cues. :)

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Any good marketing exec will tell you that it's valuable for people to be thinking of your product at all. Even if the commercials are annoying' date=' it raises product awareness, which overall translates into more sales.[/quote']

Except for spong monkeys, in which case sales take a nose-dive. :eek:





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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


And we curse you for it. Oh, and Leige, I have no idea what you were talking about in your response. Losing is only great drama if by 'losing' you are ultimately closer to 'winning' (see; Campbellian Architecture, the Star Wars Trilogy, or Spencer's Faerie Queen: The Red Cross Knight. Or damn near any film). So just losing for the all the chewy melodrama? Pointless.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


And we curse you for it.




Oh, and Leige, I have no idea what you were talking about in your response. Losing is only great drama if by 'losing' you are ultimately closer to 'winning' (see; Campbellian Architecture, the Star Wars Trilogy, or Spencer's Faerie Queen: The Red Cross Knight. Or damn near any film). So just losing for the all the chewy melodrama? Pointless.


Unless that is what you enjoy. The success of the World of Darkness is practically built on it. Its not my thing personally but some ganmers (and other fiction lovers) really get off on tragedy. If that's there thing, more power to 'em.

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