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What Would Your Character Do? #69


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During another raid on a VIPER nest, you find documents in the nestleader's office detailing something called, PROJECT: NEW BLOOD. Acording to the information there in, VIPER was behind the recent proliferation of juvenile superhumans that, while also producing a handful of teen heroes, resulted in the biggest teen villain crime spree in the history of the campaign city. Included are several dossiers with data on powers and weakness gathered by field agents, secret identities and background info; and on each a notation: "Keep under surveillence for now", "Approach with standard recruitment pitch as soon as possible", or (on those that became heroes or who were likely to be more dangerous than useful) "TERMINATE BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY." What do you do?

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #69


First of all, I LIKE this scenerio... will definitely use it some time.


Apex would do what Chuck G suggests... then go to them as a hero and let THEM decide if they wanted to register or not (or their parents). He would try to set the right example if he felt they needed one.


Recluse would turn it over to a more experienced super hero team.


Wildcard- Leave the heroic kids be, for the bad apples.. two words "Scared Straight" :)

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #69


Adonis, is a bit of a variation on the theme from above. Unless he had reason to suspect the local authorities of corruption, he would give the information to them, all of the information. While generally Adonis respects the rights of other PWPs to be in the “secret identity closetâ€, there are limits on how far he will go. These documents are evidence in a criminal investigation, and tampering with that evidence would be inappropriate, in his eyes.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #69


Fore-Eyes: Find all the teen supers, use precog to see how they will do in the future (heroes can go bad and villians can go straight), check whether there is any way to turn the bad ones to the right path. Present villians who seem unable to be changed get 'outed' to the authorities, teen-villians who can be 're-educated' are (even if it means pulling in a few favors), Heroes who seem safely on that path are protected from inevitable VIPER attack squads and invited to team up with each other for mutual safety (since they all obviuosly now have VIPER as a Hunted) and possibly given their dossier to do with as they will. Less 'stable' heroes are watched and helped at the key moment where they would otherwhise have 'left the path' to remain on it.

Did I mention Fore-Eyes has a complex about using all his knowledge for 'niceness'.


Hardball: Mysterious warnings appear at the teen villian's house, things that say 'I know who you are I know where you live and I'm watching you. Play nice'. Teen heroes are protected by mysterious flying objects that seem to hit their enemies just when the heroes are at their greatest disadvantage. Any teen-villian who is a member of a gang or linked to organised crime is found beaten and bloody on the doorstep of the nearest police station. It's not child abuse, it's 'a painful lesson'.


Ghost Dancer: Checks out the cute boys (both heroes and villians), writes down their numbers and usual places to hang out, and makes sure to 'happen to be there' when the fight starts so that she can 'save' the heroes and have a good tumble with the villians. Oh yes and she hands the dossiers to some more mature heroes to deal with.


Karma: The violent villian's are 'narced' on, the non-violent villian's are contacted to see whether they'd like to join a heist or two, and the heroes are made to look foolish (with a little help from her new friends) if they're 'forthright, flagwaving, more-heroic-than-thou types and aided if they are more secretive, effective-at-protecting-the-little-guy types.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #69


Nova would appear before each and every of these teens and try to convince them to follow an heroic path similar to his own. He might offer to train the most promising and powerful ones personally, or hand them over to trusted superhero friends or super-teams. Teen super-villains he would warn sternly that by keeping that way, they would risk his wrath...and he knows where they live. He would not bother to deal with themselves personally, unless they are a clear menace for security of mankind or Earth, are public menace (repeat murderers and the like) and/or are an honorable fight for a cosmic-level powerhouse. He may or may not hand details over petty villains (bank robbers and the like) to trusted superheroes, depending on whether he thinks they may be a real problem for society in the long-term. He would never hand the info to authorities, which he distrusts and often despises. Besides, he's on the Wanted list of UNTIL and PRIMUS himself.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #69


Mask of Justice: Obviously, those teenagers who have become villainous have done so of their own free will, not as an inevitable side effect of whatever VIPER was doing. Those that have commited felonies will be rounded up and turned over to law enforcement. Those that look like they're petty or reformable will get intervention visits. Heroic types will be invited to join the "Junior Justice Club" in their civilian identities so the Mask can keep an eye on them. He won't turn the original paperwork over to the authorities, as he knows how important a secret identity is.


Rock Bottom: Will be turning the paperwork over to the authorities, but calling up Venture Academy to see if they want to recruit any of the salvagable kids.


Calculus: Similar to the Mask of Justice, except that he'll try to revive the old Sidekicks team for the good kids. It worked great for him, after all.


Kira Midori: *Is* the authorities, so has to hand in the paperwork. Will doubtless be on the special police team bringing in the naughty children.


Talion: The bad kids list gets handed over to the cops. The good kids list goes to a reliable hero team. Talion knows that his personal intervention will only end in tears. (And he doesn't really want to kill teenagers if he can help it.)

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #69


Ghost Archer:


I am already drawing in teens as their powers manifest, this would just make it easier. For many years I have taken in newly emergant paranormals, some successfully, others less so. My team provides a safe environment and training as well as an education. I have even been appointed the guardian of more than one.

As for VIPER's 'terminate' order, I'd just have to make sure there's no way VIPER could execute such a plan. If I am in one VIPER nest, you can bet I'll find any other in my area as quickly and quietly as possible. A couple of visits by a 'ghost' would clog up the works.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #69




Cobalt would give all of the information to his team, send a copy of the villainous ones to PRIMUS and UNTIL, and spend the next few weeks finding and warning the teens marked for death that VIPER is after them, suggesting that a number of them form some kind of hero team for strength in numbers. The ones in the grey areas he'd just watch, and intercept if need be.


Vantage cause all of the villain teens to suffer extreme hallucinations showing them what happens to villains when they grow up (like getting beat up, stripped of their powers and thrown in Stronghold) and what life in VIPER is like (the abobsolute control of their lives by the nest leader and how the member of Dragon Branch will push them around). If need be, he'll force them into a deep slumber and leave them in front of the local PRIMUS HQ with a copy of their file stuck to their chest. The "good" teens he might or might not warn, depending on whether or not he thinks the files he found are the only information VIPER has (and now it doesn't because he took them).


Zectron will first gather together all of the hero teens into a massive group of teen heroes. Then he will, along with this horad, track down all the villain teens one at a time, convincing them that being a villain when this many people know who they are is a bad thing, and they should really be heroes, or at the very least, forsake their powers and live a normal life. If this doesn't work, at least we'll outnumber the villain.


As a GM... The files are old. Many of the teen heroes have already been killed or recruited, though most aren't. What will the heroes do with there are several on the list they simply can't find? VIPER will surely notice the heroes interfeering with their plans, and send out their new recruits to face them as a test of their ability and loyalty.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #69


Black Arrow - She'd hand over all information on villains to the proper authorities after entering the data into her team's system. Information on teen heroes would be given to the team (minus secret IDs). She'd try to warn those marked for termination by Viper, and try to recruit/offer help to any threatened heroes.


Darkshadow - He'd keep all the information for himself. Nothing gets passed on to anybody. Teen heroes will get suitably creepy warnings that they need to take care. Maybe a note (with a DS throwing knife) left in the kid's locker at school. He'd also try to nudge the teen heroes towards someplace where they could get help. (at no time would he entertain the idea of taking a teen sidekick)

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #69


Cannis would thoroughly search the office trying to find any files on -how- they created the group of supers. After the search, she’d take all of the information back to Adam and the rest of her packmates, certain they will be well pleased with her find. Most likely the group would study all of the information and then see about getting to know the most useful or compatible seeming of the teens. If at all possible, Cannis would attempt to get DNA samples from as many of the teens as she could without drawing to much attention.


If Cannis’s research determines that the teens are not mutants but just got their abilities through the project, they probably would not be invited to join the team. Though, they might make suitable allies (or tools). However, if Cannis discovered that the teens were mutants and their gene was just activated by the Vipers project, the group might well see about recruiting some of the promising young villains.




Sailor Io isn’t from a typical Champions world. She’s from a grey and realistic Sailor Moon type game. (Would take far to much explaining here to clarify much further than that).


Since every time Io’s seen a human meddled with by an outside group it has lead to serious problems, she would be understandably worried. She’d take all of the files back to her friends and not turn any of them over to the police. (As far as Io’s world is concerned, superpowers don’t exist and the Sailor Scouts are just an urban legend. Io’s group is used to handling everything by themselves.) Io’s first order of business would be to pull several all-nighters creating a reversal ray to return the teenagers back to normal. Meanwhile, the rest of her teammates would probably be keeping an eye on the teens and acting to stop any violent crimes that they might commit. (This time someone will be specifically designated to keep a close eye on Sailor Moon and make sure that she doesn’t get confused.). Once the ray is finished, it will be used on all of the villains. Io will speak with each of the heroes and offer to let them have their normal lives back and warn them about the dangers that being a hero poses. If they agree, she will return them to normal. If not, she will offer to let them join the Scouts if they want. Either way she’ll let the heroes keep their powers if that is what they want. But, she will keep the ray handy just in case she needs it later.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #69


For Special Agent Trent, this hits close to home: he got his powers (which he sees as a curse) from a Viper experiment. He would, of course, turn the files over to the FBI, and volunteer for the task force dealing with the situation. Unless ordered otherwise, he'd tell the heroic teens what was happening.



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