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What's the Big Difference?


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This started out as a "What Would Your Character Do?" but I think it's a little more interesting this way....



Your character is contacted by his/her/its counterpart from Earth-Parallel. That person explains, "I've been injured/called off-planet/stuck with jury duty, and the criminal element/my teammates/my girlfriend mustn't discover that I'm gone. I happen to know that you, my nearly identical duplicate, have a few days free, so can you take my place?"


As your character is responding, but before it's clear if the answer is yes or no, the counterpart says, "Great! I knew you'd agree!" and activates the transferral device, which will wear off in seven days. Your character now finds his/her/itself in the counterpart's world.


However, the counterpart forgot to mention one difference between your character's life or the world's history that will make your character's life hell for the next week. So the question: What is that big difference? (Okay, other than the counterpart being a jerk.)

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


The counterpart comes from naked world where everyone walks around naked all the time and clothists are considered weird and visit clothist camps and clothes beaches. Superhero costumes are mostly capes masks jewelry, utility belts and nothing else and you thought spandex was revealing. Of course you may discover your nemesis is such a jerk because of feelings of inadequacy and picking up the celebrity and super magazines of this world could make an unscrupulous person very wealthy back home.

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


Baron von Darien -- "... the sorcerous constants on this world are different enough that my protective item vs. daylight doesn't work? Could you possibly have seen fit to warn me about that *BEFORE* I tried walking outside at noon?"


*reaches for fire extinguisher*



Dr. Pain -- "... what the hell do you mean, I was a professional jobber on this world's WWF? And why the crap are these bill collectors camping on my doorstep? And what's this about a lawsuit...


... I'd better go look up this world's equivalent of Doc Collins, 'cause somehow, I don't think you're coming back in a week. And *no way* am I getting stuck with *your* bar tab."



Starguard -- "... we kill people here?" :eek:

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


Warp: "So my secret identity was just exposed worldwide last night? By a sex tape with Tesserect?! Can it get any worse?"


"Mr. Stone, your father is on the line and he insists on speaking with you immediately."


"I guess it can. Right, time to start developing the extradimensional aspects of my power now."


Mystic: "Takonfanes has issued a personal challenge to me for the title of Archmage!" :eek:


Spectrum: "Foxbat is my Commander-in-Chief!" :shock:

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


Apex- "All super heroes are celebrities here? The things those groupies in my room are offering to do to me are just... wrong!" (He's a bit stuffy) :)


Recluse- "Hold it, in this world I'm supposed to be an experienced hero, and there are lots of people that hate me? I just started, I can't handle half a dozen foes!"


Wild Card- "AGH! I'm respectable here!"

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


Anthem: Other than the fact that you mentioned she had a girlfriend? (Just kidding.) Actually, the big difference for her on another world is that she is the leader of a group, looked upon to make decisions and direct a team. On her own world, she's a solo type partly because then she's only putting her own neck on the line. Also, I've been working on an alternate universe version already that is magic based rather than a Martial Artist. So "Anthem" would be sort of a patriotic mage there. So that would cause problems.


Audra Blue: She's an in-the-field type in the alternate world. No longer an agoraphobe, she works with a suit of cybernetic armor to help pound foes. My Audra Blue would spend the whole time trying to come up with reasons not to leave the base and send the others out.


Uncle Slam: Now this is harder. Hmm. I think that in the alternate world, when he encountered Atlantis and the queen thereof, he never left. So for the period he's covering for his alternate self he's got to painfully live the life that could have been if he hadn't felt duty bound to return to the war and stop the Nazis.

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


Valkeyrie:Finds out her idenity here is a man hating ultra militant feminist "Superhero" who is the dominat partner is a lesbian marriage. Super butch, leather wearing and extremely aggressive, but still basically a heroine.


Tao:Her counterpart is part of an experiement by a borderline fascist US government to make "Super cops" and have basically taken over the US and most of the world in a "Benovolent" Dictarship of genetically engineered super clones! She has been asked to replace the first one Tao Prime who in its narrcistic arrogance beleives that the no Tao could think differently than she does.


Shidoku:Her double is peaches and creme, sugary sweet J-pop idol who fights crime in a sailor suit and does charity work on the side. She's also morbidly addicted to various enhancement drugs and treated brutally by her pusher.


Eve:Her double is Bad Girl! She doesn't listen to her mommy and daddy, goes to bad places on the internet and does mean things!

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


"Lady Heart": Simply put, Lady Heart is not 'alone' any more. There is a "Lady Diamond", "Lord Spade", and "Lady Club" also. And s/he is the leader of them all. And the Hot Shots are a group of teen age semi-respectable villiens we clash with.


"Sunburn": Becides not knowing ANYONE in this universe, and that his teem, MetaGuard, dosen't exist, nothing.


"The Damsel": Frankly, that his counterpart is a girl who is pretending to be a guy. And that this world is female dominated.

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


And for my own characters:


Mask of Justice: "Wait a minute--Hitler is President of the United States, and we're the Axis powers? That's constitutionally impossible!"


Rock Bottom: "Homosexuality is punishable by death?"


Calculus: "My identity is publicly known, and my wife divorced me, taking our son and forbidding me to ever see him again?"


Kira Midori: New York City's legal system now operates like Mega-City One's (see Judge Dredd) and as a member of the ESPolice, Kira's counterpart is one of the most feared people in the city.


Talion: On Earth-P, Talion is The Greatest Hero On Earth . He's the respected and nearly revered leader of the Defenders of Justice, there's a Talion Museum in his home town, an annual Talion Day with tickertape parade, etc. He's a millionaire in his secret identity (which remained intact in this world) and is dating the local equivalent of Wonder Woman. The hellish bit? He has to go home to his real life after a week.

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


Talion: On Earth-P, Talion is The Greatest Hero On Earth . He's the respected and nearly revered leader of the Defenders of Justice, there's a Talion Museum in his home town, an annual Talion Day with tickertape parade, etc. He's a millionaire in his secret identity (which remained intact in this world) and is dating the local equivalent of Wonder Woman. The hellish bit? He has to go home to his real life after a week.


Maybe he can manage to take some cash and/or valuables back with him?

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


Adonis – would be in trouble. His counter part is a major league counting edge scientist in multiple fields. Adonis had literally wiped his own mind of all the science that Dr. Patton taught him soon after his legal status was cleared up and put in foster care. He was not particularly diligent in studying science, but he did pick up some with his 20 Int, just not enough to work in a real lab.

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


For the Champions, starting with Defender:




Emerging from the secret door that leads from his bedroom to outside, the still armored wonder of the Champions is surprised to see his father standing there.


"Dad! What are you doing here?"


With a puzzled look, the elder Harmon replies, "why waiting for you of course. We go through this *every* time you come back from one of your little adventures." With a bored expression, he waves Defender on. "So what happened this time?"


Floored, Defender lifts his old man in a great big hug and swings him around! "This is so great! Here you know who I am! I can finally relax, knowing that you're so proud of me!"


"Yes, well son I didn't say I was *proud* of you though of course I approve of what you do. Just a little difference but you've always known that."


Sputtering, Defender replies, "but Dad I've stopped Doctor Destroyer! And the Crowns of Krim. Just last week I saved the *world* with the rest of the Champions!"


Patting his hands before him in a calming motion, the elder Harmon states, "yes, yes... all good. Just not good enough. Now in *my* day as the *original* Defender-"


"Original Defender?"


"Yes original as in first, number one, numero uno and all that. *I* didn't just save the world. I saved the universe... three times! And defeated the dreaded Tekos from Alpha Centauri. Now he could have grabbed Doctor Destroyer in one hand used him as a toothpick! And Dark Seraph... he's ok for a beginner but *I* pruned Tyrannon! PRUNED him son! Down to the trunk!"


A loud clank echoes through the room as Defender falls onto his armored keister. "You did... all that?"


"Yep! So son, you're just not there yet. Can't say I'm proud of you... nor sir! You're still bush-leagues, the amateurs, eating at the little kid's table. Maybe one day..."


Head resting in an armored gauntlet, Defender struggles not to cry.


"Of course son... if you'd settle down I *might* be proud of you. I mean... they're not *my* choices but I guess I want you to be happy. Of course in *my* day a hero didn't date his teammates."


Confused, Defender mutters, "yeah... I guess I could do that-"


A sudden knock startles Defender and the door to his room nearly snaps off the hinges. The floor groans in its effort to support Ironclad as he hurries into the room. "Defender, there you are! We've been looking for you!"


On his feet, Defender looks around. "What's wrong? Is the city under attack? Is Viper demanding a ransom?"


Light shining off his shaking head, the alien replied. "No, no. I was just... worried." Clasping Defender on the shoulder, Ironclad suddenly squeezes. "Hey, you been working out? That's not just armor" Leaning in close, he whispers, "I can tell."


"Umm... thanks." Before Defender could speak further, wind rushed through the room as a blur coalesces into Kinetix. "Back off big man! You're too butch for him!"


Hands in a warding motion before him, Defender backs off slowly towards the window. "Really guys... that's ok." Glass rapped behind him. Turning around suddenly, the armored champion stared past the glass to Nighthawk. "Ummm... hi Nighthawk." Peering closely, Defender stuttered, "are those... flowers." After a few tense moments, he also manages to squeak out, "shouldn't those handcuffs be *in* your utility belt?"

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


Cobalt: Has a Public ID and is well known and respected by the public as being the founder of the Defenders. (native dimension he has Secret ID and avoids notice as a super).


Vantage: He's a ruthless killer vigilante and hunted by the police, FBI, PRIMUS and UNTIL. In his own dimension he might be a little cruel, this is usually limited to public humiliation of his enemies (he once dragged an ubervain villainess through the sewer for a Turn instead of just knocking her out).


Zectron: Has a Secret ID as a mailman. In his own dimension, Zectron is a Public ID superhero, founder of several charities and an honored public figure who often makes speaches (even at places he just happens to show up at).


Kristian Rolyat: He's married to a girl he bumped into at a bar a year ago. In his native dimension, Kris suddenly had to leave to avoid being shot at by the mafia, but in this alternate dimension she went with him and got caught up in the action and the two stuck together.

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


Witchfire's experience can be summed up in a few questions:


1. "Why are *all* of my clothes black, leather, spiky, and conceal just about nothing?

2. Why dose my cat appear to have a terrible case of mange?

3. Come to think of it, why is he also foaming at the mouth?

4. For that matter, why does one room of my mystic sanctum lead to a room full of whips, chains, and hooded men shackled to the wall?

5. Why do flowers wilt when I approach them?




SURELY there's a reason why Takofanes is prostrate before me, trembling, and muttering something about "great and terrible mistress..."

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


Last one for tonight though I might have one for Nighthawk sometime... we'll see.




"Kory! Kory wake up!"


Muttering, Sapphire rolled over in bed and clutched the pillow over her head. "Oh man... in this reality I still live at home?" Opening one eye, she saw the familiar beige walls of her childhood room. "Oh brother... what a loser my counterpart is."


Peeking her head in, an older and pleasantly plump Hispanic woman said, "Kory you have to get up. You have that big meeting with the Parents-Teachers Council. Very important!"


Groaning, Sapphire pulled the pillow over her head. "I have that here too!" Last week in her home world, the singer had been force to endure a sit down with the PTC to end a boycott of her records. Like I'm the only singer who bares her midriff and shakes her hips, she thought crossly. Four hours of lectures and arguments had ended with an agreement for speak at about a dozen schools to promote "solid morale values among our young women."




Tossing the pillow aside, Sapphire pulled herself into a sitting position. "Fine, fine... I'm coming. I swear that sometimes it seems that the PTC wouldn't even *exist* if it wasn't for me."


With a puzzled look on her face, Kory's mother said, "well you could almost say that's true my dear. Now breakfast is almost ready so get dressed."


"Yeah, yeah..." the heroine muttered as she stumbled out of bed and walked to her closet. She'd probably pick something business-like... but showing a lot of leg and jus a hint of cleavage. Worked last time, she thought with a grin. Tweed maybe....




In a rush, her mother was there. "What's wrong Kory?"


Frowning, Sapphire asked, "umm... what's this?" A wave of her hand, sparkling a bit with energy as frustration tickled at her mind, indicated row upon rows of long, flowing white dresses that covered from head to toe and left everything to the imagination. The only ornamentation were silver crosses and frilly bows.


"Umm... your clothes dears!"


"No they're not! Where's leather! And lace! My tube tops and mini's!" On the verge of tears, she added, "I can't find my favorite belt! It took me 6 days on Rodeo Drive to find the *perfect* one!"


"Dear, are you ok?" Placing a hand on Sapphire's forehead, her mother frowned. "Oh it's so hard to tell if you have a fever when you sparkle. Kory... you've *never* been to Rodeo Drive. Remember when you lead that rally against because it emphasized materialism and waste that could go to charity."


Sapphire dropped flat onto her bottom. "Never .... been to Rodeo Drive." Glancing in confusion her eye fell onto the four pairs of sensible shoes in the closet. "Are those... it? I don't have my **** me pumps anymore?"


"Kory! You've never said anything like that before! You must be feeling sick! You can't go like that to the meeting. And they were going to give you that award too."




"Yes! The PTC wanted to thank you for your support in pulling MTV from the air! It was a huge success. In fact, you pretty much did it single-handedly. Isn't it wonderful?"


"I took MTV... off the air?" Burying her head in her hands, Sapphire managed to mutter, "what, is VH-1 next?"


"Of course not! Especially since they became a solely Christian music channel with my precious Kory as its lead star! Why some even call it VH-Sapphire!" Hands on her cheeks, the woman struggled to control herself. "I'm sorry dear but I'm just so proud and today was going to be so big for you... even bigger than when you received the Virtue Award."


Sapphire *was* starting to feel sick. "Virtue Award... I don't even wanna know..."


"Well of course *I* don't have to tell you about it. Everyone remembers when you went on national television and pledged to wait until marriage! So many young women were inspired by you."


Curling into a fetal position, Sapphire whined, "someone kill me now."


Helping Sapphire up, her mother muttered comforting words as the heroine into bed. "Now now dear... I know they'll understand that you're too sick to show up." Tucking her daughter in, the elder woman smiled and added, "still I'm sure you'll be fine for next week's rally."


Not wanting to know, Sapphire grimaced and asked anyway. "Rally?"


Nodding enthusiastically, her mother said, "the one against the WWE to stop their violence and exploitation of women. Bulldozer will be giving the main speech."


Clutching the sheets to her chest, Sapphire squeaked out, "Bulldozer Mom?"


"Of course! Who else could deliver that speech but your fiancée?"

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


Peacekeeper's Counterworld: Can't happen. As an alien stranded on Earth, Peacekeeper should, by all rights, have no counterpart on a CounterEarth.


Iron Demon's Counterworld: "...waitaminute. Why aren't you all fleeing in terror? Huh? You want my autograph? You mean...you all like me? You don't hate me? Augh! What's that cop doing? Why is he coming at me with that medal? What do you mean the mayor wants to give me a key? DON'T YOU PEOPLE KNOW WHO I AM?"

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Re: What's the Big Difference?



Nodding enthusiastically, her mother said, "the one against the WWE to stop their violence and exploitation of women. Bulldozer will be giving the main speech."


Clutching the sheets to her chest, Sapphire squeaked out, "Bulldozer Mom?"


"Of course! Who else could deliver that speech but your fiancée?"


Surprisingly, Bulldozer turned out to be the one bright spot of her trip to Earth-P. He "cleaned up" remarkably well, and as a devout, modest young Christian gentleman who was saving himself for marriage, Bulldozer had a completely different approach to love and courtship than the shallow pretty boys Sapphire normally dated. (Defender was different, of course, but his attraction to Sapphire wasn't always obvious.) Sapphire found herself actually liking it--and him.

Back home, Sapphire's latest plaintive ballad, "Wish He Was Here (Nice Guys Aren't Losers)" only got up to #11 on the charts, so she quickly put out "Drive Your Hot Rod Into My Tunnel of Love" to bring herself back up to #1. And she beat up Bulldozer really badly the next time they met. He was baffled by the religious tracts he found stuffed in his belt when he woke up.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: What's the Big Difference?


Wraith: C'mon. His life is _already_ 'I see dead people'. I suppose his family could have never left Britain, in which case his secret ID would be in an Asylum, with his SuperID having to break out to get to work. ('I see dead people' is incredibly traumatic for a small child in 'the most haunted country in the world'. :))



He's public ID... and thus widely disliked for having been a 'Mutant Cheat' in his career as an athlete.

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Re: What's the Big Difference?


Style - "In this world, I am the servant of The Dragon!?!"


AnimeGai - "My alternate self has a Hard Light Drive and real emotions!?! And I get to transfer my programing to one of his spare Light Bees!"


Flesh Gordon - "My alternate self is a mentalist?"


Thirteen - "I still work for the CIA?"


Indomitable Will - "My alternate self is a spy for V'Han! Noooooo!"

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