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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I have a small potted plant in my cubicle at work. I've had it for years. Don't know what it is, exactly.


When I came into work yesterday, I saw a big pile of dirt atop the rock bed I put on top of it. I thought it was kinda strange, but didn't worry about it. I figured that maybe someone else in the office had a plant that died, and they came by and dumped the rest of their soil on my plant. No biggie.


But this morning when I came in, it had happened again. Now things were really weird.


I removed the rocks so I could add the dirt to the main soil and noticed a hole, about the size of a quarter, under one of the rocks. Using some scissors, I dug around down the hole to see where it led. It led all the way to the bottom of the pot, and then around. I couldn't really dig any further without uprooting my plant. I poked around with the tip of the scissors but didn't see anything, so I filled in the hole as best as I could and put the rocks back.


So it seems there is (was?) something living in my plant. Don't know what. Pretty sure it's not a spider, because there's no webs. Don't know what else it could be. :think:


I have heard of "flower pot snakes", a very small blind snake that got its start in tropical Asian live-plant shipments, I think. You might read up on those and see if that's a candidate. I've never encountered one or had reason to suspect I had one myself, but the term came to mind.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I have heard of "flower pot snakes"' date=' a very small blind snake that got its start in tropical Asian live-plant shipments, I think. You might read up on those and see if that's a candidate. I've never encountered one or had reason to suspect I had one myself, but the term came to mind.[/quote']


Huh. Could be, I guess. I wonder why whatever-it-is is just making it's appearance now, though? I've had this plant for years. I've never taken it outside either, as far as I remember. It's always just been sitting on my desk. :think:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Another possibility is a long-larval stage insect (cicadas are one example, but hardly the only one; those can stay underground for years), and it finally grew up, dug out, and flew/crawled away. I wouldn't think a single potted plant would be enough to keep one of those alive, though.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The exterminator came around yesterday. He said that he could put out live traps, but that he'd have to come back and check them every day (and therefore charge us). So he put out a couple of snap traps and a couple of "mouse hotels". This morning, we found Mickey in one of the snap traps, dead.


I had a dream last night that the mouse had been caught in one of the mouse hotels. I picked it up and was going to take it to the dumpster, but the mouse was still alive and was trying to get out. It kept poking its head out and I kept bonking it on the head to force it back inside. I got out to the dumpster and tossed it in, but the mouse was getting out -- and I knew it would just go right back into the office again. So I picked up the mouse and was going to throw it over the fence. But it latched onto my hand so when I threw it, it didn't go very far.


Shed no tears for the ebil dream mouse!

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