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What would your character LIKE TO do?


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Is there one thing your character would really like to do, given the chance?

If the opportunity presented itself, what's the one thing your character has

always dreamed of doing? I'll use my characters as examples:


Voltage: Wants to ask Dr. Destroyer if he likes "pie." Or, perhaps, if he prefers



Tank: Wants to go one-on-one with Grond.


Mass: Wants to prove that all gods, heroes, and important figures from all

myth and religion were really early super-humans.


What about yours?

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Re: What would your character LIKE TO do?


Enforcer wants a harem of superpowered females.


Ithecles wants to go toe to toe with each of the following, one at a time: Herakles (for old times sake), Ares, Grond, Dr. Destroyer, Tyrannon, Athena, Magni, Gravitar, Viperia, and Mechanon.


Mantis wants to win the Tournament of the Dragon.


Captain Tempest wants to return his sister from the dimensional prison she inhabits.


Captain Blaster wants to be the foremost Psionic Engineer on Earth.


I'll think on some more...

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Re: What would your character LIKE TO do?


Crown Princess Cyrande would like to see more of Earth, be free of her responsibilities just a bit longer, and drag those two hunks she's met so far here on Earth to bed without worrying it.


Nox... would like that her powers didn't have such a nasty drawback to them, and that the rest of the team was safe and fine.

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Re: What would your character LIKE TO do?


The Paladine would like to know where all these midgets came from.

Señor Mysterio would like to hold on to the Title Belt for at least a couple months.

The Highwayman would like to find redemption and finish dying.

Bingo the Clowno would like to see how many cream pies it takes to fill the White House.

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Re: What would your character LIKE TO do?


Is there one thing your character would really like to do, given the chance?

If the opportunity presented itself, what's the one thing your character has

always dreamed of doing? I'll use my characters as examples:


Voltage: Wants to ask Dr. Destroyer if he likes "pie." Or, perhaps, if he prefers



Tank: Wants to go one-on-one with Grond.


Mass: Wants to prove that all gods, heroes, and important figures from all

myth and religion were really early super-humans.


What about yours?


You've already heard mine. ^ v ^

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Re: What would your character LIKE TO do?


Red Knight: Unseat his father, Grand Master of the Knight Templars and use the Order for good.


Manga: Meet the aliens that crafted the tech that makes his suit and ask them for an upgrade. Then knock Defender off of his high horse.


Windshear: Prove to her father, Elemental Master of the Four Winds that she doesn't need a babysitter.

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Re: What would your character LIKE TO do?


Audra Blue would like to go to a baseball game. Her best day was at a game. Of course she's housebound now.


Uncle Slam would return to Atlantis to see the Queen, a woman whom he loved and had an affair with back during WWII.


Anthem wants to get together the money to fly to Arlington. She's never visited her mother's grave (a decorated soldier).


Wow, those are all pretty maudlin, aren't they? I need to lighten up.

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Re: What would your character LIKE TO do?


Cougar wants to learn the the truth of his existance. (Mutated Hybrid Cougar-Human Martial Artist, Detective, & UNTIL Reservist)


Crusader-2 wants to destroy VIPER, the Supreme Surpent, and bring Teleios to justice. (Cloned SPB & Legacy Hero)


Guardian-2 wants to bring Dr.Destroyer to justice for all his crimes. Most especially for the destruction of Detroit. (Mutant Metamorph & UNTIL Reservist)


Rogue Trooper wants to find his wife alive and well and destroy VIPER. (Rogue UNITL Defender Commander)


Vanirsson wants to see the Mystical threats brought to justice and find the one who will become the Sorceror Supreme. (Hybrid Vanir-Haman Mystic)


Due South Zeta (Silent Mobius Zeta crossed with Due South Cop Show) wants to have a Clone grown so he can be human again and marry his beloved. (Full Conversion Cyborg & Cyborg K-9 partner)


Sir Errandis wants to return to his homeworld and destroy the Horror's Minions in the Blackwood, restore the Wood to it's natural state, and heal those wound in body, mind, and soul. (Elven Fantasy Wizard Warrior)





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Re: What would your character LIKE TO do?


The Disruptor NeoChampions Campaign: He would want to be able to prove to the world that he's actually innocent of the first crime he's accused of, and to be able to tell the truth about Silver Streak's disappearance and people actually believe him.


Stefan Sashkey The Emergence: If he had his druthers he'd leave the universe to fend for itself and settle down to a pleasant life with his wife -- after finding a way to make her as nigh-immortal as he is -- and be a proper father to the twins. But he knows that can never happen.


SythRyss D&D 3.0 "Skull Axis" campaign. SythRyss would continue to increase the power of the Skull Axis (a loose confederation of weak monster races like kobolds, goblins, orcs, etc), and eventually rule the world. He would also like to find that elvish mage that mind-controlled him and subject her to a slow, painful death.


"Billy" Alternity: Billy would do what he's already doing -- living out what is left of his days in a life of adventure, enjoying the fruits of his labors instead of watching them go to others.

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Re: What would your character LIKE TO do?


"15" is a robot that I play in a four-color Champions game, and it is a strange one. "15" is alien built robot that has 35 INT but learned all about humanity from TV!!! He just discovered cable TV and has seen SpongeBob SquarePants. It loves Spongebob! So its goal would be to "meet" SpongeBob. I told you he was a strange one.... :stupid:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: What would your character LIKE TO do?


I've been privliged to be allowed to play a toned-down Grond in a PBeM, so he would just like to be left alone from 'problems.' He has learned card & dice games, so would like to play Yahtzee and poker with his teammates.


Filthy McNasty (a moniker) is a dwarf combatant in a FH game. He'd like to have lots of money, ale, and females, all to use. He'd like to become the most feared name around and probably wouldn't mind an hour "occupied" with the human female thief in the game.

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Re: What would your character LIKE TO do?


Impact: Wants to abdicate from the ruling oligarchy of Overworld and finish medical school.


Demon: Wants some quality time alone with his wine cellar.


Quantum: Wants to complete the Grand Unified Theory.


Strife: Wants to graduate high school and find out where her grandfather's "magic" sword really came from.


Eon: Wants to overthrow Earth's alien overlords.


51: Wants her PBEM game to finish so she can get on with her life!

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