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Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


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There's lots of back and forth banter about so and so vs. what-is-name and the like on these boards. So here's a roster for you...


Superman, Batman, The Flash, Martian Manhunter, Wonder-Woman, Captain Marvel, Green Lantern (let's go with Hal) and Aquaman (heh).


Who would be your hand-picked Marvel heroes team of 8 to face off against these guys in a mega-crossover, and how do you think they'd win?


No cheese characters or guys currently in possession of the omniunimatrixpower or whatever, just guys as they appear month to month in the comics.


I figure you'd be hard pressed to put together a team without The Hulk and Thor in it. Other features are likely to involve the many psychics in the Marvel Universe, some of the Fantastic Four, possibly Captain America. Some Cosmic powered guys will show for sure... Silver Surfer is a must have. Does Namor get included just to take out Fish-guy?

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


OK, I'm going with the Avengers. Are they going to win? Who knows. You just don't get into a fight with them and walk out unscathed, that's for sure.

Let's go with:

Captain America -a must have, if you've got Avengers, you get Cap

Thor -a mainstay of the Avengers and always a crowdpleaser

Iron Man -a given, really, he's got brains, experience and that is one sweet suit of power armor

Wonder Man -Simon may not be the noblest hero ever but he's a proven quality & he's tough, fast and strong

Captain Marvel/Photon -awesome levels of power and a skilled team player

Namor -he's like the raging sea only with wings on his feet

Sersi -I like how she played out as an Avenger and she's got a wicked set of powers

Quasar -sure he can come off as a GL clone power-wise, he's still a good team player and a good guy all around

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


Well, I'm gonna avoid the Avengers and the FF, just for the fun of it.


So I'll go with:


Dr Strange--The heavy mystic support will cut through most of the JLA like butter. He's a mega-hitter and with time, can drop the rest of team on his own.

Spider-Man--No, he's not as powerful as most of the JLA (and he's a reserve Avenger to boot, but I'm ignoring that), but he's tough enough to take on Aquaman or Batman, or even Hal if he figures out the yellow thing. Plus, he'll drive Batman or Arthur absolutely crazy with his constant chattering. He's also there because his cheese is even stronger than Aquaman's.

Phoenix--Rachel Summers. More than a match for the Martian Manhunter, and gives good psychic support.

Beta Ray Bill--He's not Thor, but he's just as good. :) And he's not an Avenger.

Captain Britain--Brian Braddock. He's powerful, even if he is kind of a goon. My money is still on Wonder Woman between the two, but he just needs to make a good showing.

Cyclops--We need a team leader, and next to Cap, he's the best. Besides, we need somebody to tag Wally, and Scott can do that.

Rogue--The ace in the hole. Somebody who can really turn the fight around quickly.

Drax the Destroyer--Just like the Hulk, except he flies and has energy blasts. :)

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


I don't think many Marvel characters would last very long against that lineup frankly. Then again, I realize there are a bunch of Marvel fanboys on the boards... I'm sure this will get plenty of play.


I wrote up a whole writeup on why I disagreed, but I just don't feel like getting into it tonight. Suffice it to say I think there's a whole different power level between the majority of Marvel and DC characters, which is reflected in this lineup.


And don't be dissin' Arthur... he's got a sweet new hand to play with. Namor would be lucky to avoid months in traction.

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


I don't think many Marvel characters would last very long against that lineup frankly.


I have to agree. Marvel and DC are just done at different power levels.


Marvel has cooler characters however.

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


Ok here we go


Captain America--Team Leader and Stratagist

Cyclops-- A very good second in command, his ability to bounce his optic blast could be helpful.

Silver Surfer -- Great Strength, Speed & The Power cosmic---'nuff said.

Rogue-- To Siphon off some of Supes strength and make him more vulnerable

Hulk -- Raw unbridled power.

She Hulk-- Someone to stand toe to toe with the Amazon princess

Havok-- Probably one of the more powerful blasters.

Ghost Rider--just for some mix up, his mystic chain and motorcycle could cause a little havoc.

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


Man, I wanna write Aquaman. The only reason he looks like a chump is because he hangs around Superman and Martian Manhunter. He has so much potential, squandered because even the writers that DC gets secretly feel that he is a chump, the exceptions being Peter David and Grant Morrison (and John Arcudi is giving me hope.)


This is going to cause some grimaces but Aquaman could possibly take Captain America in a fight. Definitely Spider-Man, most X-Men, most b-list Avengers and Namor as well. He mind-swatted a White Martian! Mentalists tend to own Marvel characters unless they brought their own or have extensive X-training.


That said, the archtypal FF could do well against this JLA roster. If Reed gets near a lab then I favor them in the fight.


The right Avengers could do well also. Thor would be nice, but he isn't necessary. Since Avengers usually come in packs of 6 I'll go with these:


Captain America-because it ain't the Avengers if he isn't there.

Captain Marvel/Photon-only as fast as the speed of light. Darn.

Iron Man-the other anchor of the Avengers, almost unimaginable for him not to be there.

Quasar-Lantern plus, and a phenomenal team player

Sersi-Wonder Woman may rip her head off when she hears the name, but otherwise Superman may end up Streaky the Supercat.

Wonder Man-slowly evolving into Nefaria-level powers.


If I went to 8 I would probably add Mantis to whup on Batman and maybe Moondragon. Justice and Firestar would be good also.

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


Forget the Avengers. Just use the original Defenders. Dr. Strange' date=' Hulk, Namor, Valkyrie, Hellstorm, Hellcat, and Nighthawk. :)[/quote'] Silver Surfer was in there in the beginning.
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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...




Beta Ray Bill


Black Panther


Mr. Fantastic

Invisible Woman


Photon (Captain Marvel II)


I mean really? WHat's Superman going to do against a magic hammer that he can't see coming?


And Wonderwoman would be so busy trying to kill Hercules that she'd be out of the picture.


The Social Standing Boxing Rules apply to Batman and Black Panther


Reed is smarter than them all.

Quasar and Photon are on the team to counter GL and Flash

Pheonix I give a 50/50 chance of defeating Martain Manhunter depending on whose writing and what his Fire Vulerability is up to

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


Forget the Avengers. Just use the original Defenders. Dr. Strange' date=' Hulk, Namor, Valkyrie, Hellstorm, Hellcat, and Nighthawk. :)[/quote']


How original do you want? Someone already noted the Surfer, but Hawkeye was a Defender (briefly) before Hellstorm, Hellcat, or Nighthawk. When Nighthawk joined, Subby left. Son of Satan was a brief guest-star a couple of times.


Go with Dr. Strange, Namor, Hulk, Surfer, Valkyrie, Hellstrom/Hellstorm, Gargoyle and Nighthawk. As has been pointed out, DC plays at a higher power level. The Marvel team needs lots of mystical goodness (magic has always waltzed all over the DC big guns) to level the field, and with Strange, Son of Satan, Val's mystical sword and Gargoyle, these Defenders have that mystic power.


If you just bring the Avengers - it'll feel like they're kicking the Squadron Supreme yet again...

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


There must be a bunch of Aquaman freaks out there' date=' because even in the DC Heroes game he sucked. :)[/quote']


That was that weird Legends window when DC thought people wanted lower powered heroes, and that was why Marvel's sales were stomping theirs (except for Teen Titans, who played at Marvel power levels.) That was when Wally/Flash had to swat bullets with a pipe, Wonder Woman strained to lift a ferris wheel, Superman couldn't breathe in space, etc. Mayfair's DC Heroes reflected this, and West End's fruit didn't fall far from the tree. A honest write up of Aquaman would have almost every stat except INT higher than Spider-man's, and all his mental powers besides. He instinctively thinks 3 dimensionally and has higher strength and reflexes than any human, making me think he is probably the best pilot in the JLA. Written correctly he has the presence of a king. There has to be some reason he has been around for 60 years.


I'm throwing down! Aquaman versus any mainstream Marvel character! He whupped Doctor Polaris; he can take Magneto!


If you would like to buy any of the crack I am smoking, please PM me.

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


How original do you want? Someone already noted the Surfer, but Hawkeye was a Defender (briefly) before Hellstorm, Hellcat, or Nighthawk. When Nighthawk joined, Subby left. Son of Satan was a brief guest-star a couple of times.


Go with Dr. Strange, Namor, Hulk, Surfer, Valkyrie, Hellstrom/Hellstorm, Gargoyle and Nighthawk. As has been pointed out, DC plays at a higher power level. The Marvel team needs lots of mystical goodness (magic has always waltzed all over the DC big guns) to level the field, and with Strange, Son of Satan, Val's mystical sword and Gargoyle, these Defenders have that mystic power.


If you just bring the Avengers - it'll feel like they're kicking the Squadron Supreme yet again...

...and that's not nice :tsk:

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


The Chick Brigade. Most of these don't need any explanation.


Scarlet Witch


Invisible Woman




Destiny (to plan the fight!)

Dazzler (Absolutely no known limit to her absorption)

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


I love The Avengers....soooo...


Captain America: Leadership

Thor: Pure power

Iron Man: Brains and scientific skill

Vision: More brains and unusual powers(phasing inside Superman WOULD hurt him)

Scarlet Witch: The catch all...what CAN'T she do?

Sub-mariner: Super strong...an experienced fighter. An obvious counter to Aquaman.

Moondragon: A reasonably powerful psi to protect the team from Manhunter


For support:


Sersi: Powerful set of abilities

Wonder Man: Strong and tough




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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


DC is not more powerful than Marvel. That's the Marvel propoganda that you've been listening to. Marvel is the Lou Holtz of comics. "Oh yeah, I'm worried about our upcoming game against Northeast Central West Virginia Community College. They may be 0-11 right now, but they're a good team, and they'll give us all we can handle. Honestly, even though we're undefeated and ranked #2 in the country, I don't think we're all that good." Marvel constantly talks down the power level of their characters.


"Yeah, when the Champion got angry and blew up Battleworld with a single punch, yeah, ignore that."

"When Hercules towed the island of Manhattan back into place (the wrong way, moron), umm... ignore that."

"Please forget that time the Hulk held up a mountain range, or when Iron Man blasted through it."

"When the Hulk threw an Infinity Gem through a planet, umm... yeah."

"Don't think about when Thor towed a spacecruiser at faster than light speeds in the direction opposite where it wanted to go."

"When Thor shrugged off nuclear weapons? And when he carried the St Louis Arch? Umm... that didn't count."

"Don't think about the fact that Magneto shifted the Earth on it's axis so that Professor X couldn't track him."

"That time Thor used his hammer to control all the weather systems on Ego, the living planet, or when he shattered that mountain that was falling on the Avengers' base in the Secret Wars? Ummm... nope."

"When Dr Doom phase-shifted Franklin Richards' Earth from its other dimension into our own? Yeah, that doesn't count."


Marvel and DC are on different power scales? Whatever. This is NOT pre-crisis DC. Too often I see somebody say "Marvel and DC are at such different levels. By the way, I haven't read anything since Crisis (or) I only read Grant Morrison's run on Justice League." Right.


Marvel is weak to psi-powers? Did I hear that right? Dude, whoever said that owes me a new carpet, 'cause they just made me pee all over the floor on that one.

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


Superman, Batman, The Flash, Martian Manhunter, Wonder-Woman, Captain Marvel, Green Lantern (let's go with Hal) and Aquaman (heh).


Who would be your hand-picked Marvel heroes team of 8 to face off against these guys in a mega-crossover, and how do you think they'd win?


This is my line-up:


~ Thor

~ Silver Surfer

~ Hulk

~ Professor Xavier

~ Doctor Strange

~ Reed Richards

~ Iron-Man

~ Spider-Man



If the Marvel Universe has a "Superman," it would have to be Gladiator, the Shi'ar Imperial Guardsman... so why not throw him into the line-up? His powers are all derived from his confidence, like Captain Marvel's I believe, so what if we had his ego super-boosted by Professor Xavier. If that was done, I could see him holding his own against the REAL Superman... possably even going the distance. The only thing against Gladiator, is the fact that he is just a supporting caste member... so I can't in good conscience use him.


Professor X could like-wise reach into the Hulk's mind, and push his rage to the limits, (the same way Jean Grey did with the Hulk against Onslaught.) The Hulk, at his utterly most pissed off, is insanely powerful... easily strong enough to crush Wonder-Woman, or Aquaman... in fact, I would be surprised if the Green Lantern could contain the Hulk in such a state.


Of course, the Green Lantern is going to have his hands full with the Silver Surfer. I love the Green Lantern, and always will... but the Surfer will finish him off so fast, it's silly... and then move on to helping the rest of the Marvel team work on Superman, or the Flash. I'm pretty sure the Power Cosmic can whip up a batch of Kryptonite on the fly.


And, if Professor Xavier could supe-up Gladiator's confidence... he could also use his mind to beet down Captain Marvel's, which should soften him up enough for just about anyone to finish him off... like Doctor Strange, Sorceror Supreme of Earth.


Against Batman, Iron-Man seems like the obvious parallel: They are both genius, millionaire-playboy-industrialists turned super-heroes... and honestly, I think Tony Stark's toys are a little more decisive, slugfest-wise...


I also think Spider-Man would give Batman a run for his money, at least 50% of the time. It's all about the spidey-senses.


In the end, I want to see how Mr. Fantastic handles "the Bat." He is strong, fast, durable... yes, I think Mr. Fantastic could concievably 'take' Batman, though it would be tricky.


Hulk, Thor, and Silver Surfer are all "A"-list muscle-men... When compared to DC's "A"-list; Superman, Wonder-Woman, and Captain Marvel... it's kind of a toss-up, with DC winning ties. The desiding factor for me, would be the supporting team members on the Marvel team: Doctor Strange and Professor Xavier. If in fact, DC was better at moving mountains than Marvel... this fact won't help them when they have been shunted to the Astral-Dimension without their bodies... or their minds have been turned off. Simply using Mental Illusions on the tough guys from DC, would give Marvel's heroes a huge edge. Martain Manhunter will do what he can to save his friends, but honestly, what chance does he have against Strange and Xavier?


Doctor Strange, Professor Xavier, and Mr. Fantastic, would be thrillingly dangerous if they were all on the same team. Doctor Strange is probably the most deviously tricky and manipulative hero in both worlds... Professor Xavier would respectfully bitch-slap the Martian Manhunter all over the Psychic Plane... and Mr. Fantastic's raw genius is staggering; plus, his understanding of dimensional science has to be second to none...


If there is anyone in the Marvel Universe that could somehow combat the Flash's mastery over the Speed-Dimension, I bet it would be Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic)... otherwise, I really don't know who else to call, other than Silver Surfer... and with the Power Cosmic, that just seems ridiculous. But back to Richards... if the Marvel Universe had a Speed Dimension, like DC does, I don't see why Mr. Fantastic wouldn't have discovered it, and like-wise learned to make use of it.


It's hard for me to imagine a venue where Aquaman and Spider-Man could fight, without one having the obvious upper hand over the other.


The hardest choice I made was leaving out Captain America. We all know what a dangerous combatant he is... and how he would do against Batman, of course... but he would have to take either Mr. Fantastic, Iron-Man, or Spider-Man's slot... which doesn't work for me.

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


I don't believe Marvel characters are weaker than DC characters. I just believe Marvel characters are portrayed as being more human. Superman might be the keystone but Thor isn't too far behind him. Martian Manhunter is not any more powerful than Vision [they both seem to take the same place in my mind on the team]. We can argue Cap and Batman all day. Namor has fought the Hulk and Thing, so I don't see Aquaman being tougher than him any day of the week. Wonder Woman and She-hulk are close with the skill edge going to WW. The only thing Marvel doesn't have is a mega-speedster, and I've always thought the whole running at lightspeed thing was stupid.


The two universes are the same in power level, they only differ in style, IMO.

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


I'd use a different line up on the DC side for effect.


DC: Cpt Marvel, Booster, Beetle, Martian Manhunter, Fire, Ice

Marvel - the GL Avengers.


Let the silliness commence.


BWAHAHA! repped

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


There must be a bunch of Aquaman freaks out there' date=' because even in the DC Heroes game he sucked. :)[/quote']


And in the second JLA series he was more useful as comic relief than a hero (read: the butt of many amusing one-liners)

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Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do...


I'd use a different line up on the DC side for effect.


DC: Cpt Marvel, Booster, Beetle, Martian Manhunter, Fire, Ice


The only person I'd add, for personality, is Guy Gardner. With or without the ring.

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