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What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Guest Black Lotus

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Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?


"Dawning Is the Day" (5.1 mix) by the Moody Blues, from the Hybrid* SACD A Question of Balance.


I found a Pioneer DVD player on Amazon that handles SACD, DVD-Audio, DTS-CD and a variety of other formats. It also claims to be multi-region, though that's probably something I probably won't test. Best part is that it was just a little over $100, instead of the $600+ that just a SACD player would cost. I'm using the multichannel (analog) out to connect into the inputs of my Logitech surround speakers (SACD usually disables coaxial digital and optical outputs when playing).



*Hybrid SACD has both a SACD layer and CD layer for compatibility. Many Sony, EMI, and Universal Music remasters from the early to mid-2000s were hybrid releases.

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Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?


An old recording of Gustav Mahler's Das Lied von Der Erde (Song of the World), a work I had not heard before. I've gotten fond of Mahler over the last few years, so this is a good thing that I get to hear it at last. Tom Lehrer refers to the work in his song "Alma" (about a woman who had married three different great figures in German/Central European art, including Mahler, over the course of her life).

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Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?


"Walk of Life" (5.1 SACD) by Dire Straits, from the album Brothers in Arms.


Found out last night that a friend's first-generation 80GB PS3 could play SACD*, and we listened to Dark Side of the Moon while playing Munchkin.



*Sony's marketing department stinks, as later models removed this feature.

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Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?


Red Hugh by Black 47

Spoilered for length



Red Hugh


Another sleepless night

On a foreign shore

Candle flickers by my bed

Locks bolt my door


I drink too much wine

But it gives my brain relief

stops the meanderings

That root me from my sleep


I stare out at the night

From a sweat-soaked bed

The Queen lays plots in London

But she won’t have my head


The candle gutters

The smell sweeps me back

To the icy fields of Kinsale

The bodies burning black


Fire and lightning protect Tirconaill

Fire and brimstone rain down on London

They’ll long remember Red Hugh O’Donnell


I could not join that battle

I gave orders from my horse

Wicklow snows had withered

The toes inside my boots


Still a fever of anxiety

Racks my bones

All my friends dead

On Kinsale’s icy roads


Oh were I back in Ulster

I’d dive in Swilly’s foam

Her crystal waters

Would soothe my soul


Dispatches from O’Neill

He grows old and cautious

Our allies are deserting

My blade would rip their stomachs


If Philip won’t help

I’ll return alone

O’Neill longs for an armistice

What profit in a peace


With a queen who’ll break her word

I swear to God

That bitch will taste my sword


I’ll drag her red wig from her head

Pull out her poisoned tongue

I must get back to Ulster

The candle is dead


There’s footsteps at my door

They halt

I’m tormented by that whore

Who waits at court in London


For word of my demise

Her agents hunt me everywhere

But I will not be taken

By any of her men


My head will not grace London’s spike

I’ll fight her to the end

Tonight I sup with James Blake

An honest man is he


He’s promised me three ships of war

We’ll sweep Lizzie from her throne

I will take my place

High King of the Irish


Defender of my Faith

With O’Neill as my adviser

O’Byrne at my side

I’ll rule with justice


But now the dawn is breaking

On this foreign shore

I will arise and say my prayers

Tomorrow I’ll go home


-Larry Kirwan, Black 47 from "Bankers and Gangsters"


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