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How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL


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Re: How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL


Thus far I have used the Ophidian Plague sub-hook to weaken VIPER pretty much across the board.


I ran the primary adventure with my FtF group, but ran the effects of the outbreak in my online game at Hero Central. VIPER's resources along the east coast have been fairly well gutted, and they lost a number of members of Dragon Branch as well (the plague had an interesting side affect with metas created by KC for VIPER originally).

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Re: How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL


I plan on using COIL in my new Miami [non-CU] game in much the same way that Slug might be used. Their base will be in the Everglades and King Cobra's goal is to turn everyone into a snakish-form so that he can control them and eventually rule everything. COIL agents are slowly infiltrating all aspects of Miami society and will be attempting a city government take-over, which will then lead to a state-wide take-over. Of course I don't expect it to get that far. :)

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Re: How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL


Haven't run Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth yet, though I like what I've read in it, and do eventually plan to.


How I'll use him and COIL depends a lot on how successful my PCs are in that adventure. I think the effects on VIPER will be the biggest consequence in my campaign.

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Re: How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL


My campaign city is only now recovering from the aftermath of the Ophidian Plague.


As for COIL, most of the inner circle were captured by the Player's Heroes during the adventure and PRIMUS rounded a majority of the rank and file agents that were present in the Hothouse. Krait escaped and has shown up a couple of times working for other villians in exchange for the chemicals he needs to produce his Serum.


As for all the other rouge COIL agents, well there numbers were probably exaggerated. And King Cobra? Nobody could have survived that cave-in in the subway ;)

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Re: How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL


I use COIL akin to the Serpent Society ... with much help from the 4e COIL ;) The newer version just didn't gel well for me, so I use updated 4e with some ideas from STAST ... and I've also made Mongoose up for 5e that serves as a "Casey Jones meets Blade" that's hunting them down

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL


I'm still using the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th editions of Cobra/King Cobra and his COBRA/COIL organization. Made up my own villains, which I might add, are quite good and easily equal to anything in any of the books.


'Course, I think we all have those kinds of villains and/or teams, don't we? :P

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Re: How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL


Around 3rd ed. Champs, I briefly used King Cobra in a bio-terrorism scenario.


Basically, the PCs snuck into his warehouse and listened while he made a ranting speech. As soon as he finished, one of the PCs jumped out from ambush and riddled him with machine-gun fire (I think KC was shot about 5 times). King Cobra was killed instantly (the 3e version had no resistant defenses).


Slightly anti-climactic, but everyone seemed entertained.

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Re: How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL


So have all the 4e stuff been thrown out the window in the champions universe Coil is way difernt UNTIL is way differnt

Did they just toss out the old stuff almost all togther

Yes, a great deal of the 4E material was disgarded. Some of it was changed due to ownership issues [earlier owners didn't buy complete rights to many characters] and some of it was changed due to dislike. Overall most of the general themes of the 4E material have been maintained though. Some things have just been added too like COIL, which never really had a well-defined purpose in prior editions.

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Re: How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL


I haven't used the 5E yet, and am not sure I will (other than to defeat them from the get-go, perhaps as a VIPER controlled plot). However, I did use them in 4E, but mostly I used a self-created street gang. The gang was called Caimen Overlords and they referred to themselves as the Invisible Legion, thus:







Since the players had a PC in her senior year in high school, the street gang problem became a priority for them (and one of the gang members was nemesis for her at school). The gang members tended to wear brown leather jackets with "Caimen Overlords" on the back in black. (Pun intended). The team made it a priority to defeat the gang.


They figured there was an organized crime unit behind the gang instructing them, but weren't sure who. It wasn't until they were patrolling the streets during a gang war (that the Caimen Overlords were winning) that they came upon a rally for them. The leader shouted "Caimen Overlords" and everyone else responded "Invisible Legion." One of the players figured it out then, but the others didn't figure it out on their own; they had to be told.


I also added a stronger character for COIL. I think in 4E that Alligator was the toughest, so I introduced a personal bodyguard for King Cobra named "Orinaco" (named after the largest croc on earth that resides there, and is ironically enough being killed out by the tiny caimens), who was a basic clone, but Orinaco had 10 more character points in STR, CON, BODY, 1 or 2 higher points of DEX, and one more skill level than Alligator (or Croc, I don't recall who was the strongest at this time).

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Re: How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL


I haven't run the adventure, and don't plan to. Overall, I found it too campy. Some elements of it were of interest, though. I used the old west theme park as a VIPER base, and the ophidian supervillains as further members of Dragon Squad.


While I may use the main villain someday, I'll DEFINITELY do something else for a picture, because WOW did they make him look STUPID. It's either that, or give him a -100 PRE for Presence Attacks.


- Cap

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