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Liefeld's Titans

hooligan x

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


That's not the one I was thinking of, but it makes it's point well enough. There were a few others, including a painfully obvious Patlabor 'homage.'


Funny, though. I mean, the Cap one is generic enough to pass, and who's going to catch a swipe from an obscure manga or an old issue of G.I. Joe . . . but did he REALLY think no one was going to notice Lee's Helecarrier and Miller's Ronin?



Stealing from Eat-Man? That's low, man. Just low.

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


I can't tell if she's serious or the local contrary for our tribe.

Oh, she's serious, alright. Since I know her in "real life", and have spoken with her about this subject over the phone just tonight, I'll verify that she means what she said.


I happen to strongly disagree with her assessment of RL's art, but it's hardly the first thing we've disagreed about, nor is is likely to be the last. ;)


Haven may not post much, but she does lurk, read, and collect pics that please her. :)

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


Worse yet, he may be selling copies of it for Liefeld. I wanted to follow along so I looked for a copy at my local comic store. It turns out GOD interfered!


My comic store was burned to the ground when I got there. Seriously! They were in an empty store in the same lot, with a table, a couple of racks, and had no back issues. I take that as a sign. :D

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


Arrrrgggg!!! I had blissfully forgotten that one. It does, however, nicely "illustrate" Liefield's problem as an artist: Like many of his generation in the industry, he's drawing people but has absolutely no idea how the human body is shaped.


Maybe an anatomy class would help...


Or cut off both his hands so that he can draw with his teeth, couldn't possibly be any worse than what he does now...:ugly:

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


Remember, you asked...


Sorry, all. She asked.

forget the man boobs ... what direction is he facing? His torso is facing 3/4 view towards the right, his shoulders are facing perpendicular to the page strait right, his head is facing us, his arms at least follow his shoulders...


my eyes hurt trying to straiten the guy out to see if he really does have man boobs or if his upper torso is just titled away from the rest of him...

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


Rob's art was, as normal, positively wretched. People's bodies don't work like that, he gets costumes all wrong, and can't remember how people look from panel to panel. While I don't forgive it, I accept it.


No, Gail Simone's the problem here. Raven talks like cartoon Starfire. I'm pretty sure she understands bowling by now. It's okay, though, since Villains United is as awesome as Teen Titans is crappy.


But, grain of salt. I bought it (admittedly, just so I don't break up my run).

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


The problem is that Liefeld broke into the comic scene at the height of the IMAGE "over the top" reign. When all the characters carried weapons that were WAAAAYYYY to big and size and proportion did not matter. Alas... he still ahsn't gotten past that part.


I find it humorous that his style still gets him work... Although I half-suspect that the name is what gets him work.... not his work alone. After all, he did do a jeans commercial!!


Oh well, to each their own....

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


Ohhh I get to rip on Liefield....


Okay so along time ago back in the late 80's, I was an aspiring comic book writer. Along with a few friends also trying to get int the industry, we made the con tours, part job hunting, part fanboy.


At that time we met another group of aspiring artists and writers who had started their own small press comic, called Megaton Comics.


These guys seemed pretty cool, Rob Liefield, Vic Bridges, Erik Larsen. Yeah now you're saying "Holy Cow. The Image guys." Yep those same people.


Well anyway Rob (or as I like to call him The Bad Man) was all hyped about his team book they were planning for Megaton to release, called Youngblood. He had all these team pose pictures in his portfolio.


Now as a writer with no ability to draw I am always envious of those who could, but after looking at his artwork, I made a comment how much Youngblood (at that time) resembled The Legion of Superheroes. Needless to say The Bad Man got all pissed off.


I didn't even mention the fact that none of his character have ankles or the microcephilic monstrosities. But he was pissed.


This sort of begun a war with his cliche and mine. My friend, an incredible artist (who I like to compare to Art Adams but with more talent) called Vic Bridges on his direct rips from John Byrne. I'm talking tracing. It was aweful.


Erik Larsen was cool, he was the level headed one out of their group.


So fast foward a few years and now The Bad Man is getting a break with DC comics drawing the restart of Hawk and Dove. Talk about the suck. No improvement.


Also we cannot forget or forgive The Bad Man for what he did to 20 years of X-Men continuity. I sometimes wish I would have taken the bet and thrown him down the elavator shaft. Damn my CVK.


Now move ahead a few more years and there it is IMAGE comics, the direct downfall of decent writing combine with solid artwork. Proof that just because you throw money at something doesn't make it better.


To this day, my respect for The Bad Man is just slighty above that of rapists. Someone in the comic idustry needs to be slapped until they forget his name.



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Re: Liefeld's Titans


Here I am...doo, doo, doo...look at me...doo, doo, doo. Nice sig quote Paragonalpha.


I want all of you Haters to fess up. Who bought X-Force whatever the heck # it was or Youngblood #1? I have both, but they came from the quarter bin because I wanted to see if they were as bad as I remembered. They were worse.


Erik Larsen-cuts his teeth at DC, does Savage Dragon regularly and steadily (not my cup of tea but props to the man.) Liefeld, Infantino, Silvestri, Portacio, etc-cut their teeth at Marvel, can't hit a release schedule to save their life, totally dependent on "look, we swear we aren't actually Mutants" flavor-of-the-month books.

Coincidence, I think not.

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


I dont know how much time passed between issues, but Raven's hair grew a foot at least. And why does Cyborg have an infant's head? AND THE TEETH! They all have the same mad dentist who gave Caine Marko all those extra teeth! Why, sweet Odin, why?





lol, and here I though ole Jugs had gained a new superpower...


Grow Teeth at an Unbelievable Rate: 6pts Shape Shift (Sight Group), Instant Change, Makeover (20 Active Points); Only to grow extra teeth in certain poses when drawn by Liefield [Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (-2)], Affects Body Only (-1/2) END 2


Of course just being in that book gives everyone this:


25pts Drawn by Liefield: Physical Limitation: (All the Time, Fully Impairing)




1pt Drawn by Liefield: Stretching 1", Only to stay 'out of proportion' Power loses less than a fourth of its effectiveness (+0) (5 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), no Noncombat Stretching (-1/4) END 1


not to mention


3 Drawn by Liefield: +10 STR (10 Active Points); Only to hold weapons in ridiculous poses [Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (-1 1/2)], No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) END 1


and of course


8 Drawn by Liefield: +10 DEX (30 Active Points); Only to hold ridiculous poses [Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (-2)], No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)


this is too much fun...

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


Erik Larsen-cuts his teeth at DC, does Savage Dragon regularly and steadily (not my cup of tea but props to the man.) Liefeld, Infantino, Silvestri, Portacio, etc-cut their teeth at Marvel, can't hit a release schedule to save their life, totally dependent on "look, we swear we aren't actually Mutants" flavor-of-the-month books.

Coincidence, I think not.


Are you trying to imply that Larsen's start at DC was resposible for him being able to turn out a comic on time, and that people who start at Marvel can't 'hit a release schedule to save their life'?


That's just silly.


McFarlane got his start at Marvel and is one of, if not THE hardest working comic artist ever.

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


Erik Larsen-cuts his teeth at DC' date=' does Savage Dragon regularly and steadily (not my cup of tea but props to the man.) Liefeld, [b']Infantino[/b], Silvestri, Portacio, etc-cut their teeth at Marvel, can't hit a release schedule to save their life, totally dependent on "look, we swear we aren't actually Mutants" flavor-of-the-month books.

Coincidence, I think not.


Infantino? The only Infantino I know of in the biz is Carmine Infantino, who was a well respected comic artist from the 1940s until his retirement in the 80s.

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


Actually' date=' I believe his [i']Infinity, Inc.[/i] work at DC predates any of his Marvel work.


Yeah, but you'd be wrong on that one...


From his own site...


His break finally came when Todd accepted an offer from Marvel/Epic Comics in March 1984, pencilling "Scorpio Rose," an 11-page backup story in the comic book Coyote.


Infinity Inc wasn't until 1985 I believe...

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