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Sci-fi swear words?


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I've been wondering about how cussing was handled in various science fiction shows. They usually just substitute nonsense words instead of the usual profanity. Some of the ones I've heard were:


Smeg (Red Dwarf): The s-word; including things like "smeg head."

Frell (Farscape): Seems to be a catch-all phrase, since I've heard it susbstituted for both the f-word and the s-word.

Frack (Battlestar Galactica): The f-word, definitely.


Any others?

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Re: Sci-fi swear words?


Farscape did manage a certain sincerity with its swearing, at least, despite the obvious "made-upness" of the terms. Maybe because they swore so frelling much in that show.


Fans of Red Dwarf have long been amused by a certain brand of refrigerator, by the way: http://www.smeg.it/international/collections.asp?CollName=CC


I'll have to have a think about other sci-fi swearing. Nothing else is coming to mind right now.


EDIT: Didn't Mork have a particular swear word he used? "Shazbat" (sp?) or similar?

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Re: Sci-fi swear words?


"Oh, Grot!" from Quark (You must be at least 30 to remember this)

"Felgercarb" from the original Battlestar Galactica

"Shazbot" was indeed from Mork and Mindy

"Droog", "Ultra-V" from Clockwork Orange (Not really swear words, I guess)

"Tanj!" From Known Space

"Swut, "Foonting Turlingdrome", "jujuflop", from Hitchhikers Guide. And the very worst of the lot:






Keith "Washing my mouth out with space soap" Curtis

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Re: Sci-fi swear words?


And, of course, the long strings of profanity in Mandarin Chinese in Firefly.


Though apparently, most were not, specifically, profanity or words that would've been bleeped. Most were long strings of unpleasantries.


In one of the Firefly panels at Dragons*con, every time people asked Ron Glass a question he couldn't answer for whatever reason, his reply was, "I don't know the Chinese for it."

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Re: Sci-fi swear words?


"Felgercarb" should be "feldacarb" and is in use for "that, ya know, guck. The stuff whose name I forgot" in parts of the mid-west USA. I had a friend who came from south Indiana, used the word all the time. BTW, that means it's not a swear word, any more than "thingamabob" or "wossname" is.


"Flup" from Niven's Ringworld stories.


I, too, always though "smeg" was short for "smegma."


I'm trying to remember where I saw "ham it to dell". :rofl:

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Re: Sci-fi swear words?


Sources vary on the spelling of the classic Galactica word. Although it was never precisely defined, it's usage seems to indicate at least a pejorative, as in, "What is this feldercarb!?"


Here's a page that lists several spelling varients:


I'd post the actual entry, but it contains a real swear word.


BTW, how long ago did your friend use the word? Galactica is over 27 years old.


Keith "Now I feel old..." Curtis


PS. Smeg is absolutely short for smegma, as verified in numerous interviews.

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Re: Sci-fi swear words?


Oh drek, I forgot all about Belgium! :D


Age of Empires does have "Ahh, smite me!" And HM Murdock of the A-Team often called BA Barracus an "ugly mudsucker."


Of course, RA Salvatore wrote my favorite curse in The Crystal Shard. When translated, it means, "May the fleas of a thousand reindeer nest in your genitals."


Thanks for the links and suggestions, all!

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Re: Sci-fi swear words?


"Oh, Grot!" from Quark (You must be at least 30 to remember this)

"Felgercarb" from the original Battlestar Galactica

"Shazbot" was indeed from Mork and Mindy

"Droog", "Ultra-V" from Clockwork Orange (Not really swear words, I guess)

"Tanj!" From Known Space

"Swut, "Foonting Turlingdrome", "jujuflop", from Hitchhikers Guide. And the very worst of the lot:






Keith "Washing my mouth out with space soap" Curtis



My favorite is still "srizonified" (been 15 years, spelling uncertain) from Doc Smith's "masters of the vortex" more or less "descended from a thousand generations of dwellers in unflowering muck." I suspect muck was a polite translation. :D


Sthondat from Man Kzin iirc, "willing Slave" was good too.

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