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The Munchkin Build Contest

Furry Fox

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After my last character was threatened with the deduction of XPs for excessively munchkin builds I have decided to sublimate my munchkin energies into a contest and hopefully an ongoing thread for fellow Munchkineers.


Instead of asking for entire characters I think it would be nice to start with single powers or powers and skills that seem to work insanely well together.

If it goes well we can start posting our crazy characters to dissect and learn from. :king:


Start Posting Your Characters! What are we waiting for?


The Rules Are:


1. No Stopsign or Warning Powers or advantages.

2. (Perhaps this should have been 1): Powers cannot be obviously broken. No 1 point destroy the world type powers that will be thrown out immediately by any decent GM. In other words I am looking for insidiously dangerous and potentially plausible powers that might stand up to a GM's scrutiny.

3. A plausible explanation for the power/set of powers that would stand up to scrutiny as well.

4. Powers should be geared towards the Champions setting.

5. Have Fun!

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


To start the ball rolling I will post the power suggestion that has placed my character in the doghouse. It perhaps was too obvious but is worth a laugh. I hope for MUCH better than this.


It is a fixed slot in a Multipower.


Stunner Missiles: Energy Blast 2d6, 16 Charges (+0), No Range Modifier (+1/2), No Normal Defense ([Force Field ED]; +1), Area Of Effect (3" Radius; +1), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2), Non-Standard Attack Power (+1) (50 Active Points); OAF (-1) 2 Real Points

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


One of my favorite Munckin builds:


Take 10 points of Martial arts (Martial Dodge, Legsweep, Martial Grab is a good combo)


Now take a "Strong Leg" multipower that includes all kinds of weird kicks (AP, Pen, AF, etc...)


Now take a bunck of skill levels and PSL's (if it was not on the banned list above I would say Find Weakness) with legsweep or Martial arts (Legsweep is cheaper, but for the marginal increas of MA is definatly worth it)


It's even better with a ranged martial art style (A Disarm, Defensive Strike, and a trip) with a MP of trick ammo...

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


One of my favorite Munckin builds:


It's even better with a ranged martial art style (A Disarm, Defensive Strike, and a trip) with a MP of trick ammo...


This is nice and would probably pass by completely unnoticed as Munchkin by the majority of GMs. Nice work. :thumbup:

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


Ok, the fae can make people dance, normally this is a horribly expensive power.


Everybody Dance Now! Entangle 1d6, 2 DEF, Area of Effect (+1), 24" Radius (+1) (Effect: Target's muscle twitch erratically, looking almost like a strange form of dancing. If music is playing, the twitches are in-sync with the music.)


This doesn't take out the main bad guy, but it makes allows the heroes to point and laugh at his normally impressive minions who don't have lots of STR or SPD to help them break out quickly.

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


As a further note to the MA/HA conundrum:


15 STR: 5 RP

Martial Arts, Offensive Strike and Flying Dodge, 10 RP

2 MA DC levels: 8 RP

MP of six Advantaged HAs, 32 AP reserve, All OIF (-1/2): 21+6 = 27 RP


Let's suppose one of those HAs is a 3d6 HA, AP, One Hex Area. With that attack, offensive strike, and 15 STR, you get to do a 12d6 AP One Hex Area attack, normally a 120AP attack. This is perfectly legal, and none of the constituent components look unbalancing... until you look at how they all work together. It and the other five attacks in the MP, plus the supporting MA, costs 50 RP (you could make it less if you wanted.)


And that's without looking into adding more velocity-based damage components from movement maneuvers, stretching, shrinking growth momentum, etc. Then things start to get really sick.




How about this: Rohypnol Gas: 1d6 Suppress EGO, IPE including Effects of Power (+2), Continuous (+1), 0 END (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), IAF Gas Dispenser Bugs (-1/2), Beam (-1/4), Range Limited By STR (-1/4), Can Be Missle Deflected (-1/4)


These little bugs are designed to be thrown at or placed on an unsuspecting target, and once they reach their destination will stick to most surfaces, especially clothing. They are equipped with a miniaturized cloaking device which makes them virtually undetectable once activated. Upon activation they start to emit a gas which saps the target's will until such point as they become compliant to any request made of them. However the influence is so gradual and subtle that the target never really notices until it's far too late (i.e. after the effects of the drug have worn off, in about 24 hours.)

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


One of my favorite Munckin builds:


Take 10 points of Martial arts (Martial Dodge, Legsweep, Martial Grab is a good combo)


Now take a "Strong Leg" multipower that includes all kinds of weird kicks (AP, Pen, AF, etc...)


Now take a bunck of skill levels and PSL's (if it was not on the banned list above I would say Find Weakness) with legsweep or Martial arts (Legsweep is cheaper, but for the marginal increas of MA is definatly worth it)



I officially dub this the Chun Li construction.

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


Or how about the following Aid construct:

1d6Aid,30 pointsMax,Loses 1pt/Turn(+1/4),Variable Effect (all Hardened Defenses)(+1),Persistent(+1/2),Always On(-1/2),Not vs certain forms of radiation(-1/4),Self Only(-1/2) (60 Active Points,27 Real points).

(The character in question has 10 points of Resistant PD & ED that is Hardended vs AP & Penetrating attacks,and has 5 points of Power Defense,also bought with the same type of Hardened.The idea was to boost his defenses to normal superhero levels).

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


Ok, the fae can make people dance, normally this is a horribly expensive power.


Everybody Dance Now! Entangle 1d6, 2 DEF, Area of Effect (+1), 24" Radius (+1) (Effect: Target's muscle twitch erratically, looking almost like a strange form of dancing. If music is playing, the twitches are in-sync with the music.)


This doesn't take out the main bad guy, but it makes allows the heroes to point and laugh at his normally impressive minions who don't have lots of STR or SPD to help them break out quickly.

Here's a slightly different version of Everybody Dance Now! for your Munchkin Supervillians...:thumbup:


Everybody Do The Conga!!!: Entangle 1d6, 2 DEF, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (1,073,741,824" Radius; +8 1/2) (154 Active Points); OAF (Disco-tronic Dance Machine; -1), No Range (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4) (SFX: Everybody moves to the rhythmn of the beat.)

Powers Cost: 56


Too bad we cannot use Stopsign or Warning Powers/Advantages...because Mega Scale would be so much more "cost effective".

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


I was working for quite some time on a guy with snow powers. His avalanche entangle attack follows.


Entangle, 1d6, Area Effect, Cone (double area), 0 END, Personal Immunity, 10 shot autofire. Entangle has no DEF, Only in Hero ID. 45 Active Points, 17 Real Points, Fixed Slot. 2 Points total outlay (part of a Snow Powers ECG)


The upshot? 10 shots of an area effect entangle is a helluvalotta snow. 2 meters deep per shot, in a cone 10" on a side. At point blank range, the target is essentially unmissable, regardless of how much autofire creep there is. The final entangle has a 0 Def and 10 Body. Being buried under 60 feet of snow will do that.

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


I was working for quite some time on a guy with snow powers. His avalanche entangle attack follows.


Entangle, 1d6, Area Effect, Cone (double area), 0 END, Personal Immunity, 10 shot autofire. Entangle has no DEF, Only in Hero ID. 45 Active Points, 17 Real Points, Fixed Slot. 2 Points total outlay (part of a Snow Powers ECG)


The upshot? 10 shots of an area effect entangle is a helluvalotta snow. 2 meters deep per shot, in a cone 10" on a side. At point blank range, the target is essentially unmissable, regardless of how much autofire creep there is. The final entangle has a 1 Def and 10 Body. Being buried under 60 feet of snow will do that.

That is a cool power that might even be legal in some games. :) He would very much have to be careful in when and where he uses it though. A person trapped under an avalanche of snow could suffocate pretty easily, or freeze to death. People who are weaker than normal might even get crushed.

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Guest HeroPink!

Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


Here's a slightly different version of Everybody Dance Now! for your Munchkin Supervillians...:thumbup:


Everybody Do The Conga!!!: Entangle 1d6, 2 DEF, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (1,073,741,824" Radius; +8 1/2) (154 Active Points); OAF (Disco-tronic Dance Machine; -1), No Range (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4) (SFX: Everybody moves to the rhythmn of the beat.)

Powers Cost: 56


Too bad we cannot use Stopsign or Warning Powers/Advantages...because Mega Scale would be so much more "cost effective".


1,073,741,824" is :think: 2,147,484 km, right? That's 168 times the Earth's diameter! :eek:


Why so far?


BTW, it's > 5x the distance Earth to Moon; 1/70 AU.

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


Why pay for Reduced Endurance on an already expensive power when you can...


Electrical Barrier 6d6 Energy Blast: Continious (+1), Damage Shield (+1/2) (75 Active Points); 1 Fuel Charge Lasting 1 Minute (-3/4), OIF (-1/2), Power Only Works on Conductive Attackers (-1/4), Visible (-1/4), Delayed Phase (-1/4). Total Cost: 25 points.


Great for taking down hired goons. Because it is a fuel charge, you can conserve the fuel and make it last an entire session or most of a session if the session lasts for a very long piece of combat.

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


And while we are at it, another munchkin using Fuel Charges.


Flaming Jet 2d6 RKA: Continious (+1), Increased Stun Multiplier +2 (+1/2) (75 Active Points); 1 Fuel Charge Lasting 1 Minute (-3/4), OAF (-1), Power (-1/4), Visible (-1/4), Delayed Phase (-1/4). Limited Range (25" or Less; -1/4). Total Cost: 25 points.


You hit once, it keeps hitting over and over again doing 1d6+1 on the Stun lottery giving you a minimum of 4 stun damage on a bad roll and 24 stun on your average roll.

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


And while we are at it, another munchkin using Fuel Charges.


Flaming Jet 2d6 RKA: Continious (+1), Increased Stun Multiplier +2 (+1/2) (75 Active Points); 1 Fuel Charge Lasting 1 Minute (-3/4), OAF (-1), Power (-1/4), Visible (-1/4), Delayed Phase (-1/4). Limited Range (25" or Less; -1/4). Total Cost: 25 points.


You hit once, it keeps hitting over and over again doing 1d6+1 on the Stun lottery giving you a minimum of 4 stun damage on a bad roll and 24 stun on your average roll.


Change the name a bit and this looks like a primo build for a ghostbusters style particle beam (tho for GB you'd want to add Affects desolid ;) )

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Guest HeroPink!

Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


Originally Posted by HeroPink!

1,073,741,824" is 2,147,484 km, right? That's 168 times the Earth's diameter!


Why so far?


BTW, it's > 5x the distance Earth to Moon; 1/70 AU.



Wouldn't want to leave anyone out...


What...astronauts/cosmonauts don't dance?:doi:


LOL. Yeah can't forget all those astronauts out passed the moon. :winkgrin:

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Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


Some dirty tricks Nucleon saw here and there, things that made Him ponder:


The Telekynesist's Last Line of Defence:

Dispel Knockback resistance 16d6 (48 base pts), Does Knockback (+¼, for 60 active points; Apply standard shipload of Limitations and, of course, place in a fixed Multipower slot).


Or; A Mentalist with the typical Mind Scan, Mind Control and Ego Attack. Buy them cheap with 0 DCV concentrations Limitation (plus the usual one...) and then get him "Tunneling".



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  • 4 weeks later...

The Munchkin Build Contest


Well one of my favorite munchkinisms is to take Extra Limbs and then take a limitation on STR and DEX - not with Extra Limbs.


And that's perfectly book legal and has Steve Long's seal of approval, last I heard.


Hm....Extra Limbs doesn't cost endurance....does it HAVE to have visible special effects?


Lucius Alexander


What palindromedary?

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Munchkin Build Contest


You know...after a recent post in the rules question forum, I think a really munchkinny thing to do would be to take almost all your boosted characteristics and superpowers "Only in Hero ID" or even with a powersuit focus or something...obviously all linked by special effect...



Then buy an enormous AID with the +2 advantage, "All Powers/Characteristics of a given special effect....."



Lucius Alexander


And the ubiquitous palindromedary

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