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WWYCD: framed


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You hear thru the radio/monitoring station that Viper is attacking the biggest bank in town for the 15th time in the last 4 months. You go to scene and demand that Viper surrender. They do so. In fact, they are practically falling over themselves to surrender. They even hand you the bags full of money. Then they take several steps back with their hands on their heads.


While you are standing there looking a little befuddled by this odd behavior, several flash bulbs go off, the Police arrive, and the annoying, anti-super news reporter from the local affiliate of a major news station pulls up in his van. The President of the bank runs up to the police and says "Arrest them, they just tried to rob the Bank!" and he point to you. "It is all on the security camera footage."


The news reporter says "Live from downtown (campaign city) in front of (bank name) we have (insert character/team name) caught red-handed robbing the bank. The money is still in their hands. (insert hero name) why have you taken up robbing banks? get tired of the bad guys getting all of the money? Or did all of that power just go to your head?"


Before you can respond he turns to the bank President to get the details of the robbery. The police are ordering you to put the money down and surrender peacefully. At the back of the Police, you can see the special unit trained to fight supers unloading from their apc.


What do you do?

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Re: WWYCD: framed


Starguard -- surrender, and trust to her teammates to expose the obvious frame-up.


Dr. Pain -- surrender /very reluctantly/, and trust to his friends to expose the obvious frame-up. Also, call the biggest meanest celebrity shark lawyer there is, and get him some bail posted stat.


Baron von Darien -- doesn't exactly show up to stop daylight bank robberies. :)

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Re: WWYCD: framed


Jessica - Would have dropped the money while the reporter was asking stupid questions walk over to the police and wait for her rights to be read. Her boss would get his lawyers up on the mark, post bail and while they did their legal thing she'd be out pounding anything that even looked suspicious to get the truth.


Silence - Would be confused, she has no need for money. She would most likely go along with it and rely on friends to help her out. Having no record or ID to speak of processing her should prove to be fun as she doesn't even have a name for herself, and she's mute.


*shrug* with a slight shake of the head.

"Her prints came back negative. Nothing in the retinal database. In fact, nothing at all."


"Nothing." A long look at Silence, who is peering around the police station at this point, looking moderately interested.

"Who are you?"

She looks at him, smiles almost like she Knows something, picks up a pen and writes 'I am myself.' on a piece of paper and puts the pen down.


This routine might get her locked in the loony bin, or just tossed in a cell for a while. She would wait patiently, after all she has time. In her thinking if she's here Death has its reasons. She would be only moderately distressed at being seperated from her weapon, but would cope.

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Re: WWYCD: framed



Would look at the viper agents and say "what are you doing here i'm robbing this bank" then proceded to make an exit and leave



Calmly stak all the money into neat piles (with tk) and sit down and wait for his rights to be read



would fly off with the money in his power armor. he is on the run from the government right now because he knows to much and could use the cash

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Re: WWYCD: framed


Bunny would blink politely and tilt her head at the reporter. "I make nearly five million of your dollars per Earth year, I voluntarily give forty percent of it to charities, scholarships, the Women's Shelter, and so on - and you really think I'd bother trying to steal a measly few thousand dollars? All I need for /that/ is my Centurion credit card. I'll tell you what - however much these idiots tried to take," waving one forepaw at the VIPERs, "I'll donate to help equip the local Community Emergency Response Teams - in a widespread disaster, people with less than forty hours of training can perform 95% of needed assistance, thus allowing the professional emergency responders to deal with the worse cases - you /are/ rolling on this, right?"

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Re: WWYCD: framed


All Characters Meekly submit to the the police. Cheeta is the only one with a secret ID, will try to play on his reputation as a crimefigher to keep his helmet on. (He has been able to testify in court in uniform before, using voice prints to confirm his heroic ID.) All characters will respectfully request that the Viper Agents be taken into custody as well. Also the reporter needs to come down to the station to make a witness statement.


Now once at the station, there should be a recording of the robbery in progress call, and we can look at the surveilence tapes. If they support our version of the story, move to the next step. If they support the Viper agents' story, things get more interesting.


Need to investigate any possible connection between the reporter and Viper. Maybe he's in on it, maybe he's a pawn following tips in good faith.


Very very tempted to get Dolphin to get one of the Viper agents to crack. Ask to be put in the holding cell with them. Find the one that he makes most nervious. Set next to him. "Ever been in jail before? I haven't, but I've seen a lot of movies. Tell you want, if you be nice to me, I'll make sure everyone else is nice to you. How about it, wanna be my girlfriend?"


A little while of that should have the agent spilling the beans and loudly proclaiming Dolphin's innocence to get him out of the same cell.

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Re: WWYCD: framed


Badger being a pardoned villain, I could see a desire for some local to try to frame and make it look like he went bad. Though he never exactly robbed anybody as he had no interest in money much. The guy lives in a cave out in the woods outside the city. He has comforts for sure, most of which was put in by the team for him. Anyway, he aint gonna surrender. Course, he doesnt like media much. He considers about 2 rungs below sewer-scented gutter rats in the scheme of things. I see him chucking the money to the side, blasting the camera (just enough of a blast to damage camera, not hurt anyone if possible). And flying the heck out of there.



Course they could come to his hideout. But the cave entrance is kind of hard to spot (now hidden thanks to team's technological help). And not even the teammates know exactly where (with the exception of one) it is. He lay low until the team can solve the problem.

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Re: WWYCD: framed


The Greek wouldn't touch the money in the first place; as soon as they started getting weirdly cooperative, she'd back off and direct them to returning that money to where they found it. After observing them for a while, she'd grab the leader by his ankle and fly out and up, dangling him in midair either until he passed out or confessed what's going on. Once she was done, she'd drop the guy off with the authorities.


She'd let the PR people their financier is so keen on providing for them handle the whole truth thing.

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Re: WWYCD: framed


Hmm, assuming my characters somehow trusted VIPER agents walking towards them that close to them let alone handing them something? Note: This automatically disqualifies Scarlet Archer III, no way, right now especially, would he let one get that close. Dude would be hit with knockout gas.



Astro-Knight: Actually, due to his many contacts, I see him as getting out of this pretty easy. He surrender peacably, explains he didn't do it. No doubt his reporter girlfriend will give him a more positive interview where he at least gets to air his side of things. He calls NASA, tells his PR director about the frame up. Scientist contacts and friends on the force are soon going over this with a fine toothed comb. Meanwhile, he stays in the cosmic armor of his, they won't be able to get him out of it.



Gaze: Vanishes. The guys with the mental shielding will be the ones that can see him and won't even notice him vanish. They'll also be the ones who set him up. This might be amusing... it could be the fastest "Here's proof I didn't do it" known to man once he points that out, or mind controls someone to admit the truth or hand him the real copy of the tape.



Max Thunder: Public ID. He'll surrender. It might work on him, he's a nice guy, but not a legal expert...until the gods called him away or something. Might be interesting to see Hera try to kill him while he's awaiting trial. Should he get his trial, that high PRE might work wonders.


Recluse: Probably panic, shrink, and swing away when they tried to arrest him. Later he'd realize how stupid that was. VIPER would now make more trouble for itself than it had before as he made them his new 24/7 job. Of course, now he's hunted by the police, so that does fit a spider man kind of homage

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Re: WWYCD: framed




The surveillance tape backs up the presidents story.

The bank employees back up the Presidents story.

The bank patrons back up the presidents story.

The Viper agents disappear. in fact they are not even on the camera footage of the incident. They are not even arrested.

The physical evidence in the bank backs up the story.

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Re: WWYCD: framed


Have they also conveniently removed any trace of one's approach through the city that could be gathered to contradict the cameras' timeline as part of this railroading hose job?


Which apparently includes accepting bags being handed to you by Viper agents instead of having the option to sensibly tell them to put them on the floor?

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Re: WWYCD: framed


Really? All that's happening?


OK, I know exactly what to do. I fall out of bed and wake up.


Ditto. Actually, if this happened to any character of mine, with a few exceptions, it would be a cue for the player (me) to stand up and leave the game.


The few exceptions are all characters with so much reputation and history that it would require world-class mind control to get any large group to believe it happening, and they would trust that reputation, cooperate with the police, and call someone who could prove them innocent.

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Re: WWYCD: framed


Yeah. At the rate he's constructing his frame, by now pretty much the entire damn town has to be in on it, looks like... and that means I'm living in Springfield, from the original GI JOE comic.


And gee, you know, you think that any superhero would already have noticed that his hometown is VIPER Central. :rolleyes:

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Re: WWYCD: framed


The original author just PM'ed me with a full explanation of what's going on. I found it unconvincing and sent it back, with corrections.


However, w/o his permission, can't post it. Suffice it to say, town's not Springfield, but still not makin' much sense.

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Re: WWYCD: framed


The original author just PM'ed me with a full explanation of what's going on. I found it unconvincing and sent it back, with corrections.


However, w/o his permission, can't post it. Suffice it to say, town's not Springfield, but still not makin' much sense.

Will be interesting to see that explanation. Right now I'm thinking illusions or mind cotrol. Bur Dolphin has double hardened mental defense, and Snow Leopard has a psionic damage shield (just like Grandpa Sabertooth). For now all characters will continue to cooperate with the authorities (and the GM).

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  • 2 years later...

Re: WWYCD: framed


/em necromancy spell


(Sorry, found this while searching for something else - but I wanted to play too. . . )


What do you do?


Well, with Scarlet Arrow, it would never get to the surrender point for them to hand over the cash. She's WAY too smart to just run in there and start demanding surrender. So the first thing (after calling the cops herself and make sure some firepower is in-route) she'd do is start firing glue arrows, ice arrows and NND taser arrows into the bank. Everyone would be entangled in ice, covered in glue and/or knocked out before they had a chance to try and pull off the frame. The bank president would never have a chance to point fingers, since it's unlikely Scarlet would actually set foot in the bank.

Natasha my shrinking/growing super genius brick is in good with the local cops (ask her about the time where she was wanted for questioning for some pretty serious stuff while she had to be at a wedding and she asked if the police could delay picking her up an two hours. They did, and she showed up promptly and on time for her own arrest later that day), so they'd know that either it was mind control, she had a real good reason, or it was a frame up. Either way, the fuzz would give her claims of innocence some serious weight while they investigated.

Between her track record with the city, her relationship with the cops and the amazingly good lawyer she keeps on retainer - it's be a night in jail at worst.

That leaves Great Beyond - who doesn't have loads of friends on the police force or a super sharp lawyer in her pocket - so it would be up to her friends to clear her. However, there'd be a lot of evidence pointing away from her - mostly, the Viper agents wouldn't have gotten away. The second they surrendered (she'd never touch the money, by the way), she'd have locked them down with her ice entangle. So clearing her wouldn't be that much of a chore, I'm suspecting.

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Re: WWYCD: framed




The surveillance tape backs up the presidents story.

The bank employees back up the Presidents story.

The bank patrons back up the presidents story.

The Viper agents disappear. in fact they are not even on the camera footage of the incident. They are not even arrested.

The physical evidence in the bank backs up the story.


I pick up my character and go find another GM at that point. If there's no way out but to become an outlaw, why did you have me make a hero?


I generally don't like railroad plots, and this sounds like one.

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Re: WWYCD: framed


I'd look for the noose. Then I'd check to see if Disbelief was suspended by it and was he alive. After verifying his death I'd wait until the end of session, have good talk with the GM and if his explanation didn't satisfy me, tell him I was leaving his game.


I had too many time being scr****ed by the DM for no reason (PM me if you want to hear about my Palladium experience) to put up with it now. This smells of railroading of the worst kind.


PS Someone mentioned the OP had a good reason for this and I would love to read it.

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Re: WWYCD: framed


You hear thru the radio/monitoring station that Viper is attacking the biggest bank in town for the 15th time in the last 4 months. You go to scene and demand that Viper surrender. They do so. In fact' date=' they are practically falling over themselves to surrender. They even hand you the bags full of money. Then they take several steps back with their hands on their heads.[/quote']


"Nice to see somebody treating me with the quaking terror I deserve...wait a minute... I know you. I thought your lot and I had a deal, what are you doing back in town?"


While you are standing there looking a little befuddled by this odd behavior, several flash bulbs go off, the Police arrive, and the annoying, anti-super news reporter from the local affiliate of a major news station pulls up in his van. The President of the bank runs up to the police and says "Arrest them, they just tried to rob the Bank!" and he point to you. "It is all on the security camera footage."


The news reporter says "Live from downtown (campaign city) in front of (bank name) we have (insert character/team name) caught red-handed robbing the bank. The money is still in their hands. (insert hero name) why have you taken up robbing banks? get tired of the bad guys getting all of the money? Or did all of that power just go to your head?"


Before you can respond he turns to the bank President to get the details of the robbery. The police are ordering you to put the money down and surrender peacefully. At the back of the Police, you can see the special unit trained to fight supers unloading from their apc.


What do you do?


"Hello? Is this still your little hellhole called Earth or have I accidentally stepped into Stupidworld? Well, Morestupidworld."


*waves at self*


"See? Viiiitusss. I don't *need* your money. Nowhere else in the multiverse uses the useless stuff. And there's nothing on *this* planet I'ld want to spend it on. Even if someone tried to blackmail me into doing this robbery for them, I wouldn't need these cringing monkeys along - I'ld just distingrate half the building and pocket the contents. And if someone tried to blackmail me I'ld just declare a war of extermination on them anyway, for being too dumb to live."


"So, until somebody around here grows a brain, I'll be back in my rooms."


*moves to leave, then realises that the reporter is the same one that asked him if he intended to release any more sex tapes, at the post-Destroyer press conference.*


"Is this still live? As for you... your mother is still a better **** than 3 ever was."


The special team would probably have to get involved at this point, to seperate Vitus and the reporter. Vitus would then enjoy a quiet night in the cells, without any interruptions beyond having to to trepan anybody unfortunate to be locked up with him and stupid enough to try anything.

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Re: WWYCD: framed


Iron Alloy - Would grudgingly surrender and trust her team members to get her out of the situation.


Darkness - Would disappear and start working on her own to clear her name. The cops hate her and are dirty so she doesn't trust them at all. Besides she's already wanted on a few counts of trumped up charges anyway...what's one more.

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Re: WWYCD: framed


Well, Sir Johnstone doesn't do much of the real superheroing. Think of him like JLA Batman, who stands back and tells the team what to do. So it would be one of the superheroes he 'advises' who gets arrested, if they do take the money off the bad guys. Then he would have them pardoned because the government would reveal that it was all just a test of the police's reaction to a superhero turned crook. It's not, but that doesn't matter. Then him and his contacts would work overtime on finding out how this frame-up was st up.

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