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WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


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Over the past few months in your campaign world, a new "fat burning drug" has been put on the market which promises to melt away unwanted flab while increase lean muscle mass by stimulating the production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone). The product more or less works as advertise with one (not so) small hitch: people who have taken the drug for a significant amount of time are growing up to x5 normal human height, about 24' to 30'. While few if any of these new giants are going on city-smashing rampages or committing crimes, most of them are a trifle clumsy and their new size is proving problematic in a number of other ways. For example, the amount of material necessary to cloth giant-size individuals is difficult at best to produce in so short a time and thus quite a few are parading around half-clad or in the buff all together (the female giants in particular are proving to be a dangerous distraction for motorists). Additionally, there are the obvious problems relative to the amount of food these giants need to comsume daily. WWYCD?

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Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


Cheeta will buy a couple cases before it goes off the market. Radiation Accident! New power suite!


The rest will do nothing. If the stuff is legal and clearly labled withthe possible side effect, allow people to make thier own choices.


Will review the chapter in the Hero Handbook on fighting opponents larger than yourself, just in case.

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Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


the only response I could come up with...


Jessica - "Oh come ON!!! It was hard enoguh being four-eleven when everyone was only six feet tall!! This is just getting out of hand."

(Being almost all muscle already, and undead, I'm assuming the drug would have little if any effect on her at all)

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Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


Well, normally I'd say the human body is not designed to work at heights of 24+ feet (heck, people 8' or more tend to have all sorts of health problems, and there are diseases associated with overproduction of HGH) so the first thing my characters would wonder is whether this stuff is safe. Still, this is a superhero world, so it's possible it might be.


Assuming the drug is manufactured locally, Soulbarb would consider trying to see if any rules were broken regarding drug testing and so forth to rush this stuff to market, and if so, follow that trail to see where it leads.


Cerulean would find the effect curious indeed, but would let Blitz and Dr. Quantum take the lead on whether it's something the Sentries should be looking into.

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Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


MINDFLAIR would have a new subject to master: The Psychology and Issues of the Giant. Points to ponder: What are their special needs in Romance ? What is it like to live in a too-small world ? Will a special fund be started to enable them to buy the special clothes, homes, cars, EVERYTHING they need ? How will public transportation handle this ? What about airplanes ? CAN they have children ? If so, will the children be giant too ?


MINDFLAIR would have to organize a Symposium to address the many new issues with her fellow Mental Health Collegues.

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Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


Always one to pull down the shade, here...


Do you have any idea how many Giantess fetish websites there are out there? I have the feeling that there would be at least one segment of the population who would be very happy with this turn of events...(Ewww!)


The Gray Ghost would be hooking up with his contacts in the body building circles and the film industry to see if anyone knows exactly where this stuff is coming from. Then he might make some overtures to some of the other supers he's met to see if anyone else is smelling a rat...

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Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


Well, one of my characters, Stalker, might have already tried it, and since he has a vulnerability to drugs...


Wow, a 20+ foot tall martial artist with some "mystic darkness" powers.


Maybe he wouldn't get knocked around by bricks all the time anymore!




John Hawkshaw would first make sure it wasn't coming out of his company. Then he'd have to think about it for a while. HUGE profit potential, also huge problems. Probably bring some of the new giants in for testing, to check for long term problems.


He is 8' tall in a normal sized world, so he would be pretty sympathetic to them.

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Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


Bouncer would see his opportunity immediately, and try to sign as many of them as possible to become the Vince MacMahon of a his own GWF, the Giant Wrestling Federation. He would stage matches in arenas with prop buildings and vehicles for contestants to throw at one another...

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Guest HeroPink!

Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


Over the past few months in your campaign world' date=' a new "fat burning drug" has been put on the market which promises to melt away unwanted flab while increase lean muscle mass by stimulating the production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone). The product more or less works as advertise with one (not so) small hitch: people who have taken the drug for a significant amount of time are growing up to x5 normal human height, about 24' to 30'. While few if any of these new giants are going on city-smashing rampages or committing crimes, most of them are a trifle clumsy and their new size is proving problematic in a number of other ways. For example, the amount of material necessary to cloth giant-size individuals is difficult at best to produce in so short a time and thus quite a few are parading around half-clad or in the buff all together (the female giants in particular are proving to be a dangerous distraction for motorists). Additionally, there are the obvious problems relative to the amount of food these giants need to comsume daily. WWYCD?[/quote']

Glarg: Will notice there's more large people. The rest of this is beyond him.


Panweesio: Laugh up the sleeve time! :rofl: They bought drugs to do what only exercise can safely do, let 'em take the consequenses.


Thena: It's a dangerous drug, it has debilitating effects. Therefore, it is ethical to oppose it, tho' she'll stick with legal means. Campaigns, speaches, public service messages, etc. Maybe "Cloth A Giant" drives. ;)


Lana van Hoom: She buys up the company that makes it, the patents, etc., etc. Then stops making it. Then pays $$$$ to have the fact HGH was passed by the FDA--a b:hush::hush:tload of people took a b:hush::hush:tload of bribes to let that on the market!!

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  • 2 years later...

Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


Heh - once again, always late to the party. (:


Well, none of my characters would probably be flustered by this turn of events. Natasha, my Super-Genuis would probably set about developing a cure (for her own amusment more than anything), or a shrink ray to reverse matters - but that's about the most proactive my characters get. Everyone else doesnt have the capacity to deal with something like this (unless things turn violent, of course).


So - here's a question for you (and perhaps I should spin it off into its own WWYCD): your character has been blasted by an Embigening Ray and is now 35-ish feet tall. It looks to be a long term change ("Don't be silly! It's a grow ray, not a grow and shrink ray! I have to go build one of those" says the mad scientist creator), and now you get to spend the next week as the Amazing Colossal Character.


And of course to make matters worse, it was during a fight so you're all costumed up. You cant really switch back to your secret ID (if applicable) without blowing the ball-game.

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Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


So - here's a question for you (and perhaps I should spin it off into its own WWYCD): your character has been blasted by an Embigening Ray and is now 35-ish feet tall. It looks to be a long term change ("Don't be silly! It's a grow ray, not a grow and shrink ray! I have to go build one of those" says the mad scientist creator), and now you get to spend the next week as the Amazing Colossal Character.


And of course to make matters worse, it was during a fight so you're all costumed up. You cant really switch back to your secret ID (if applicable) without blowing the ball-game.

Pyrie doesn't have a secret identity, so that part isn't a problem. The problem she'd have is that she's now six and a half times taller than she was, which means she needs 275 times the already ridiculous amount of food she needs to sustain her high-temperature metabolism. So she's going to try and round up a constant supply of food until someone (anyone!!!) can shrink her back to normal size.

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Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


Aquatic- Moves very quickly to try to get the law changed on this one.. you do NOT want a bunch of meta kids in Hudson City as giants.


Banner- As a reporter could investigate this more thoroughly, and write an opinion piece discouraging it


Goliath- "You know, I was growing taller before it was the "in" thing..."


Mole- "Uh, guys, none of us take this stuff, okay?" Beyond that, he'd be unsure what to do.

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Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


Volt would point out the dangers inherent in this and ask very publicly how this could be legal. He'd try to deal with the chaos and try to have it banned.


Olroin "This looks to be a big problem." Once his teammates stopped groaning and hitting him, he'd work to have it banned. He could turn people back to normal if there were not too many.


Black Tiger "Oh #$%$##@!" "#&*^@#@!" "$#+=@&*!" (pick favorite really nasty curse words of your choice. - He knows 'em and uses 'em - eventually.) Knows its beyond him to fix this, but would work to have it banned.


Futuruan "Blast it Olorin, you stole my line!" Could not fix it, but would work to have it banned.

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Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome


Uncle Slam goes into the PRIMUS vault and gets the Shrink Ray he nabbed from "The Patron" back in the 70's when he was shrinking musicians for storage in his private museum (He got Frank Sinatra and Black Sabbath before his reign of terror was ended).


Then he'd track down the company and seek an injunction because it's illegal to sell drugs or devices that induce Superpowers.

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