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Strike Force


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Re: Strike Force


My friend, you're asking for the Holy Grail of Champions collectables. Pretty rare to see them on sale, and often pretty pricey.


Searching through my usual run of Internet sources, I found only one which is currently advertising any SF copies for sale. To keep anyone here from scooping up any or all of them before you get the chance, I'm sending the info on where to find it to you via Private Message. If that choice isn't satisfactory to you, I'll be happy to suggest other good online dealers who carry Champs stuff and have a chance of getting it in.

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Re: Strike Force


I have to agree with Lord Liaden: this classic supplement is one of the best books from the early run of titles. It had a wonderful amount of details from the campaign from which it sprang. As a novice GM at the time, it really helped me to further comprehend how wonderful and encompassing a campaign could be.


I hope L.Craig was able to find one.

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Re: Strike Force


I bought a copy about six months ago, and it took roughly half an hour to track down via the Internet. eBay is the first stop, but when the book does appear there it often attracts silly money as mentioned above. I found an individual's website where he was selling a few games at reasonable prices. Deciding that I could risk $10 I ordered it and, luckily, everything went splendidly... so it is possible to find the supplement without resorting to a massive cash outlay if you have a little luck.

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Re: Strike Force


I've got the original' date=' but I wonder if Aaron Allston has ever considered allowing them to scan it into PDF form, and allowing someone one to sell the down loads.[/quote']


I've seen the issue raised here a few times. Reportedly Steve Long has discussed the possibility with Aaron Allston in the past - nothing formal, just tossing ideas around. From what I've gleaned the main stumbling blocks have been (in no particular order of priority): settling on appropriate financial terms with Aaron, who owns the rights to all the characters; setting aside the time for a HERO staffer to scan the book; and concerns over the saleability of PDF books in general, and a PDF of older material in particular.


It might still happen some day, but it's understandably a low priority for DOJ when they're deciding how best to allocate their limited resources.

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Re: Strike Force


What I always find strange it that so many people say they liked/loved Strike Force but DoJ refused to emulate such a popular product and publish a similar style of book for the CU. You'd think DOJ would want to go where the money is.


Well, part of the unique appeal of Strike Force was that it included background and events from Aaron Allston's actual campaign, showing how developments in the game were affected by events in real life, and the lessons that Aaron as GM learned from those developments. Besides giving us a peek behind the curtain of a well-run Champs campaign, I found that his excellent tips on running a game seemed so much clearer when given the context of how he discovered them.


Some factors which are different now may have affected DOJ's approach to their current Champs publications. For one thing, much of the official Champions Universe is apparently drawn from Darren Watts's own campaign. They may have thought that producing a "behind the scenes" book based on his campaign would be both too similar to and too different from what's already been published; and they're hesitant about putting resources into supporting another game world. For another, much of Aaron's gaming advice from Strike Force has been so widely disseminated in the RPG community that it's been worked into many books from many publishers in some form - the originality of it couldn't be duplicated today.


IMO Strike Force also had that indefinable magic of various elements that come together just right. Magic is hard to replicate on demand. ;)

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Re: Strike Force


I've got the original' date=' but I wonder if Aaron Allston has ever considered allowing them to scan it into PDF form, and allowing someone one to sell the down loads.[/quote']


I've suggested this before. I don't get why this can't/won't be done. Seems like it'd be easy money for Hero and Allston and would serve as a good barometer to see if there's sufficient interest in a 5E update of the book.


Granted, Strike Force was full of house rules (there was a martial arts style that allowed you to abort to a strike !), but just have a disclaimer that the PDF is being released more for "historical value".

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Re: Strike Force


Strike Force?


I wound up with two copies of the book.



The first one was in a 1/2 price bin and I snatched it up.


A Grab Bag of Hero books is how I got my second book. I was hoping for the Colorios Effect or The Blood and Dr. McQuark.

Nice. :thumbup:


EBay one of the SF's (for money to spend on more HERO goodies) and definitely hang on to the others.

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