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Re: Pulparize It!


Snork and Sindy or Colt Iron Redux


It's a tough life working as a secretary for P.I. And, when her boss suddenly turns up dead on the day she narrowly avoids being run down in the street, Sindy knows life is getting tougher.


Surrounded by crooked cops, a mobster who's putting the moves on her and a demented landlord, what is she to do? Enter funny, lovable, mostly insane alien tourist called Snork. And Sindy's life just gets wierder as Snork takes over the role of Colt Iron P.I. and, together, they go hunting for the one armed killer of Sindy's boss.



(Yes, the play on Colt and Cold is also deliberate).

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Re: Pulparize It!


Remington Steele: Laura Holt is the secretary/business manager for a legendary society investigator named Remington Steele -- who exists only in the publicity she organizes, as a front that allows her to operate in a man's world. It's an arrangement that works well -- until a charming Irish rogue decides to take on the role as one of his many identities. Is Laura were to expose the imposter, her secret would be exposed and her career over. And he's so smooth -- what's a girl to do?

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Re: Pulparize It!


Seven Days


Shell-shocked Great War flying ace Lt. Frank Parker is recruited into a secret government project on time travel. The only problems? The sphere can send a man back in time only seven days, and the process is extremely painful and induces madness. The first mission is to save FDR from a Japanese kamikazi who flies a plane into the White House and kills the President. Can Frank Parker and the scientists undo this event?

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Re: Pulparize It!


Magnum P.I.


Great War veteran Thomas Magnum is now a private investigator working in Hawaii, helped out by his friends from the War. Not only does he have to deal with crime and Mafia hoods, but he's also troubled by problems arising from his past as a soldier.

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Re: Pulparize It!



The story goes that the government has experimented on prison inmates, turning them into hideous creatures known as "Mammy-Nuns," thanks to a substance known as "Galoot Cologne" which was invented by an Evil Prince (and part-time theater critic) to get rid of selected "highly-rhythmic individj'lls an' sissy-boys." Being unable to return to their original jobs, the Mutant Mammy-Nuns are forced to perform in a Broadway musical about their plight. During a stage show of the Mammy-Nuns, Harry and Rhonda (your average white, middle-class Kansas tourist couple) are kidnapped by Mammy-Nuns and are forced to witness and perform many twisted things.


Can the badly scarred mutant Thing-Fish, living in the sewers beneath 42nd Street, rescue the couple using only his corroding colt and his addled wits?


(I'm a Zappa fan - sue me)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Pulparize It!


Anyone have any ideas for use of similiar comedy teams' date=' like the Three Stooges?[/quote']

Three Knuckleheaded Kings: Larry, Moe and Curly, misplaced American expatriates and veterans of the Great War (notice I didn't say decorated veterans....), are the dregs of the French Foreign Legion, almost never allowed out of the fort and consigned to camel-scrubbing duty and K.P. - - but when they stumble upon the Treasure of the Mahdi, they decide it's time to leave the Legion behind and make their way back to the States as rich men. Simple, right? Right.....

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Re: Pulparize It!


Star Trek: A small group of individuals travel the world, seeking out new life, new civilizations, boldly going where no man has gone before.


The team has a American as leader, a man that is bold and brash but with a way with the ladies, but a born leader. An old country Dr, that is one of the leading minds in he's field. A Japanese/American pilot, with the heart of a Chivalric Swashbuckler. A Scotsman who is a mechanical genius who is the Mr. Fixit of the team. A Russian that is young but he is a bit of a pilot, and a scientist. A African/American woman that is a master of language and cluture. Then the strangest member of the team, a man from a lost civilization that is a stranger in the world, he has many strange abilities and has the knowledge of he’s lost land to draw on.

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Re: Pulparize It!


Dr. Who: A very odd man with no know name, but ends up being called Dr. Who by all that meet him. Travels the world in what looks like a blue police call box. The Dr. almost always shows up where and when he is most needed, a ship lost at sea, he appears and the ship finds it's way home. A strange series of murders, again he shows and the mystery is sloved.


Some say that The Dr. sometimes has others that travel with him, and sometimes those that have seen him describe him with many various apperances. But the one thing that those that meet him do say is, "How can a man in a steam driven, non-areodynamic, small blue box, that is many times larger inside than outside, always show up when he's needed."


note: I just had to do it!

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Re: Pulparize It!


Wayne's World

Up and coming Jazz musician, radio personality and martial arts master Wayne Campbell and his sidekick nerdy science wizard Garth come into conflict with evil robber Baron Benjamin Kane who desire to steal his girlfriend torch singer Cassandra and take over Wayne's radio show.


And that not all! Kane wants to use Wayne's radio show to sent evil subversive messages of anarchy and destruction! With the help of Garth and his team of fellow musicians he must save his show and possibly the world.

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Re: Pulparize It!


Shrek: Effete, egotistical young tycoon Louis Farquad blackmails hulking convict Ed "Shrek" Shrekowski into taking on a mission for him -- rescue a wealthy heiress from her near-lifelong confinement. The idea is that the bruiser will get the job done and, because of the hold the tycoon has on him, allow the tycoon to take both the heiress and the credit. But Fiona Prince, for all the fabulous fortune she is to come into, is not confined against her will, and has a secret that will throw Louis' plans into disarray and make Shrek wonder if he may really be a hero after all....

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Re: Pulparize It!


Shrek: Effete' date=' egotistical young tycoon Louis Farquad blackmails hulking convict Ed "Shrek" Shrekowski into taking on a mission for him -- rescue a wealthy heiress from her near-lifelong confinement. The idea is that the bruiser will get the job done and, because of the hold the tycoon has on him, allow the tycoon to take both the heiress and the credit. But Fiona Prince, for all the fabulous fortune she is to come into, is not confined against her will, and has a secret that will throw Louis' plans into disarray and make Shrek wonder if he may really be a hero after all....[/quote']


I have to give you rep for this.

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Re: Pulparize It!




Contestants answer a newspaper ad for a contest to win all manner of prizes, in a contest to find the heartiest human. If they would submit to being subjected to some routine tests, the contestants would then participate in a variety of physical and mental tests. The winner would then have their identities broadcast on national radio, and recieve all the prizes, with the other contestants getting slightly less valuable consolation gifts.


The contestants are then whisked away to a far away isolated location (an island, a valley deep in the Amazon, or high in the Andes mountains) and then left to their own devices for a while, until they will be contacted by the radio managers.


What the ad doesn't tell the contestants is that the area belongs to a local mad scientist, willing to test his new weird science inventions on the unsuspecting contestants. No mention of physical or mental type of person is described in the ad, no description of the tests performed are provided, so a variety of people apply for the event. The contestants are highly scrutinized mentally and physically before the subjects are selected.


The local area where the contestants are relocated is crawling with agents carrying high tech equipment, along with all manner of traps, genetically and mechanically enhanced animals, and other roaming weird science automatons. The contestants must traverse all manner of deception, attack, and puzzle in order to reach civilization, to survive. If they do so, any attempt to contact the "radio program" will lead to dead ends.

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Re: Pulparize It!


Shrek: Effete' date=' egotistical young tycoon Louis Farquad blackmails hulking convict Ed "Shrek" Shrekowski into taking on a mission for him -- rescue a wealthy heiress from her near-lifelong confinement. The idea is that the bruiser will get the job done and, because of the hold the tycoon has on him, allow the tycoon to take both the heiress and the credit. But Fiona Prince, for all the fabulous fortune she is to come into, is not confined against her will, and has a secret that will throw Louis' plans into disarray and make Shrek wonder if he may really be a hero after all....[/quote']


And don't forget about Shrekowski's weasely sidekick from the old neighborhood, "Donky show" Mckoy who can't stop talking about his trip to Tijuana. Sure he's a greasy hood but he's loyal.

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Re: Pulparize It!


And don't forget about Shrekowski's weasely sidekick from the old neighborhood' date=' "Donky show" Mckoy who can't stop talking about his trip to Tijuana. Sure he's a greasy hood but he's loyal.[/quote']


I've been trying to -- it's hard to imagine a non-racist pulp-era presentation of Donkey, so much so that even I'm not up to it.


Although, ironically, both the Jerry Lewis and Eddie Murphy takes on the Nutty Professor are interesting pulp fodder. The plot is the same -- a scientific genius with decent intentions but poor social skills creates a smooth-but-unethical alter-ego for himself only to find there really is no use in Hyding from ones problems -- but the two comics' cultural backgrounds led them to approach the idea in very different ways. And both versions would face problems in the 1930's, when overt racism and anti-Semitism were cultural pandemics.

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Re: Pulparize It!


look at the character donkey himself. He was a slave whose master turned him in for the bounty for being a magical character. He was guilty of the crime, it just wasn't a just law. He gets off because he is smart enough to ally himself with the biggest, meanest guy in the swamp.


So, we bump it into pulp. The magic swamp becomes an immigrant slum of a big city, in New York, it would be Irish or Italian. He probably is a member of a street gang which makes him a target of the police. The slum lord of his building probably turned him in to the cops for some imagined crime. He was probably payed to do it. I called him "Donkey Show" McKoy so he could be called donkey. It fits that he would always talking about his adventures because he has had none and he wishes his life was more than just working at the produce warehouse and living in a rat hole apartment.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Pulparize It!


TAXI: The Pulp Years


In the last days of the depression a simple man has to work night and day to just to get enough to eat. So a simple man, a taxi driver works with a group of even stranger people. An out of work actor, a semi-punch drunk boxer, a single mom that is forced to dress and act like a man, a preacher that has lost he's way; but not he's faith, a man from a distant land; who happens to be a real good with any machine, and the dispatcher; a crusty little man that loves to make them all suffer.


One day this strange assortment of people have a man die in a cab. This motley crew find themselves drawn into the pre-WWII intrigue of Nazi spys, native born trouble makers and the mod.


Can these Taxi-Drivers be the heroes of the day and help save NYC and America in this dangerous time? Only time will tell.

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Re: Pulparize It!


TAXI: The Pulp Years


In the last days of the depression a simple man has to work night and day to just to get enough to eat. So a simple man, a taxi driver works with a group of even stranger people. An out of work actor, a semi-punch drunk boxer, a single mom that is forced to dress and act like a man, a preacher that has lost he's way; but not he's faith, a man from a distant land; who happens to be a real good with any machine, and the dispatcher; a crusty little man that loves to make them all suffer.


One day this strange assortment of people have a man die in a cab. This motley crew find themselves drawn into the pre-WWII intrigue of Nazi spys, native born trouble makers and the mod.


Can these Taxi-Drivers be the heroes of the day and help save NYC and America in this time? Only time will tell.


Latka has all sorts of pulp potential; nobody really knows where he comes from, what he is doing in New York, and whether he is on the run (and what from). being the mechanic for a taxi company would be the perfect hiding place for a mad-scientist-in-hiding who wants as little attention as possible called to himself because of the enemies he has made back home, or who has developed knowledge he would rather not have and skills he would do anything to avoid having to use. Perhaps he is one of only two people on the planet knows how to build a certain superweapon that he doesn't want constructed ("This device is so powerful it would be terrifying in the wrong hands." "There are right hands?")

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Re: Pulparize It!


Latka has all sorts of pulp potential; nobody really knows where he comes from' date=' what he is doing in New York, and whether he is on the run (and what from). being the mechanic for a taxi company would be the perfect hiding place for a mad-scientist-in-hiding who wants as little attention as possible called to himself because of the enemies he has made back home, or who has developed knowledge he would rather not have and skills he would do anything to avoid having to use. Perhaps he is one of only two people on the planet knows how to build a certain superweapon that he doesn't want constructed ("This device is so powerful it would be terrifying in the wrong hands." "There are [i']right hands[/i]?")


If that's his reason for hiding in New York, I don't think that I would consider him a mad scientist.


Either way it's a great idea. :)

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Re: Pulparize It!


Well' date=' he's a mad [i']something[/i]. ;)


Latka is Unfamiliar with American Culture. Jim, on the other hand, is mad. Round-the-tilt insane.


His background would be interesting for a Pulp game in itself. Perhaps he was a radio evangelist back West who spectacularly "fell from grace" and had to flee to New York to escape his past.

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