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WWYCD - a deal with the devil


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Your PC is approached by The Incarnation Of Evil (yes, that devil), who wants to enlist your aid in reducing the amount of evil in the world.




Yes, you heard correctly (assuming you didn't turn away with the part about enlisting your aid) - reduce the amount of evil. See, here's his problem: virgin sacrifices are a powerful thing, but much more so is the sacrifice of an innocent person, and his war against Good [or God, depending on the mythology in your world] has been too successful - even children are being corrupted before they gain in power (babes, being naturally innocent, are near worthless; the older an innocent, the more valuable they are). Evil is so widespread that about the only chance he has of seeing an innocent maiden sacrificed on his altar is if one of his devotees gets married and raises their own child in virtual isolation, personally assuring that the child won't become exposed to any corrupting influences. But even that has dwindled, because the heroes are so successful at unearthing and defeating these evil folk.


So, he's going to offer you a prize - immortality and world peace. The price? You must find the last innocent human in this world and murder that person upon His altar.


That person's purity blinds him, protects them from his gaze, so he can't tell you much: just that it's a girl, and she's maybe 8 or 9 years old. His offer is simple: sacrifice her to him, and he will remove every last trace of his presence from the world - all of the evil in humanity. The act will condemn your soul to his domain, but he's also offering you immortality - to live forever (escaping the fate that awaits you in death), and keep watch over the world to ensure that he keeps his end of the bargain.


The contract can be broken by your own choice, if you ever get bored of living forever (he seems confident that, eventually, you will), but the girl's soul and your own would be his. Should you break the contract in this way, he would resume the war on Good from the state of the world at that point in time, not returning things to as they were when the bargain was struck (he would have to start over). If broken by any other means, the girl will be restored to life and he must relinquish all claim to her soul or your own. The contract will break if he fails to uphold his end of it in the slightest way (that is, if there is any evil left in humanity), or if he tries to alter the contract.


Every means of testing his sincerity reveals that his intentions are exactly as he has explained them to you, no more and no less, and that his offer is genuine. He truly has the power to do what he is claiming, and the contract would be magically binding, even if he should change his mind later.


If you never voluntarily break the contract, you could remove evil from the world forever. He is confident that you will, and willing to take what he believes is a small risk because, as things stand, he is poised to lose the war he is waging anyway - though on the brink of victory, he will ultimately diminish in power.


He is willing to grant virtually any concession to ease your concerns, provided that the core conditions of the contract remain intact. WWYCD?

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


Evil is so widespread that about the only chance he has of seeing an innocent maiden sacrificed on his altar is if one of his devotees gets married and raises their own child in virtual isolation, personally assuring that the child won't become exposed to any corrupting influences. But even that has dwindled, because the heroes are so successful at unearthing and defeating these evil folk.




Evil is widespread and corrupt and everywhere and no pure person in the wordl can be found..but the Devil can't have his followers raise one beccause the heroes uncover all the evil.




So, he's going to offer you a prize - immortality and world peace. The price? You must find the last innocent human in this world and murder that person upon His altar.





He is willing to grant virtually any concession to ease your concerns, provided that the core conditions of the contract remain intact. WWYCD?


Scream in pain as he is erased from existance..... In our world, Character sheets around the table hit the trashcan as the group leaves to go to my house and play some Battletech.

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


To clarify why my characters would refuse to deal with him.


Aquatic might be tempted, and would surely agree that yeah, the world sucks. But he's much too soft hearted to set ANYONE up to be a sacrifice. He'd probably try to nail 'Evil Incarnate' in the mouth with a punch, since the guy just confessed to trying to prearrange a murder.


Banner would assume this guy is a second rate Mephisto at best, and would have absolute faith that there IS good in this world, and its worth fighting for. The 'devil' claiming he won is bull.


Gaze might believe evil is winning, but no way is he forcing the equivilent of a world wide stripping of free will. He would suggest "The Devil" get lost, in rather cold terms.


Scarlet Archer III is much to busy to deal with lunatics wanting to make 'deals' right now. If he was convinced this was the devil, he'd wisely realize he was out of his depth, know that you can't really TRUST Evil...and find a Good mystic to warn.


It's that whole "Prince of all Lies, 14- Exteme" Rep the Devil carries around... real pain to buck that. :)

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


Banner would assume this guy is a second rate Mephisto at best' date=' and would have absolute faith that there IS good in this world, and its worth fighting for. The 'devil' claiming he won is bull.[/quote']


To clarify, he isn't claiming that he's already won, but that he currently has the advantage.


He's in this predicament because he has basically hunted his food sources to the point of extinction; he realizes that, in the long run, he will lose.


It's that whole "Prince of all Lies' date=' 14- Exteme" Rep the Devil carries around... real pain to buck that. :)[/quote']


That's why I put in the whole thing about how other sources can verify it :)

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


First off, Dr. Anomaly wouldn't believe him, and even if he couldn't see it himself, would be certain there's an unspecified loophole somewhere that would let the Devil still carry on as usual.


So, in a nutshell:

  • There's no way he'd even consider the deal, because there's no way he'd sacrifice an innocent to the Devil
  • There's no way he'd sacrifice a human life (or anything else) to the Devil
  • There's no way he'd believe the Devil on something like this
  • To Dr. Anomaly's way of thinking, the Devil has already proven he's lying about this


How, you might ask?




Assume this Devil is (as stated) the classical Christian Devil. Taking everything else into account, this implies the existence of the classical Christian God.


Assume the targeted person truly is a pure innocent.


Now consider this:

...but the girl's soul and your own would be his.


That's where the falsehood comes about.


If the classical Christian God exists, including the usually-assigned qualities of justice, mercy, etc. there's absolutely no way that someone who is truly innocent would be given over to eternity in hell just because someone else decided to murder them on an altar to the Devil.


The existence of this classical Christian Devil implies the existence of the classical Christian God.


The existence of the classical Christian God implies an innocent cannot be sent to Hell by the hand of another mortal human, as it is each person's own actions that are supposed to be the thing by which they will be judged.


The Devil claims the girl's soul will be his.


Therefore, the Devil is lying and his entire offer, even if Dr. Anomaly can't locate the direct loophole, is ********.

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


Ghost Archer: "I don't believe in the 'devil' or any other Earthly diety. I have met more than my share of those worshipped by others. Besides, I have my own 'diety' living in a tree house in my Valley and he's been a big enough pain in the neck over the years that he owes me a few. I'd probably make mention to him that someone was poaching on in his domain and screwing with his precious Balance and that would be the end of the so-called 'devil'."

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


Tao: Her research reveals this being is known as, among other things, the Prince of Lies. Establishing such a bargin with him with seems intellectuallyl unsound. One possible error that murder is an evil act and to fulfill his deal it seems he would have to remove her from the world if she commited it.


Ivy would refuse, even though she realizes this might be taking the weight of the all future evils on shoulders. To remove the capacity for evil is to essentially remove free will and part of what makes us human. And the idea of murdering a child, or anyone really sickens her though her connection with Green would actually make her pause and consider this offer rather that rejecting it out right.


Eve: would squeal and run to tell her daddy. Satan is bad, wrong and terrible and she should never listen to anyone like Eve could -be- the last innocent person in the world. Actually..given the name... hmm....


Shidoku would tell him to f**K off before she took her katana up his red a**. She's seen this movie before. It never ends well for anyone. She's figure she's probably going Hell anyway and has made her peace with that, but she'd not going out looking stupid

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


The Wizard of Oz Incorporated is really starting to wonder why all these guys are coming up to him and trying to convince him to kill a little girl. Needless to say, he assumes he's being conned no matter what supporting evidence the conman presents. Besides if all the evil in the world was eliminated, Oz Incorporated would be out of business.

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


Assume this Devil is (as stated) the classical Christian Devil.


I didn't state that, actually. I specifically allowed for multiple mythologies (including those which would not have a classical Christian Devil) by naming the individual primarily as The Incarnation Of Evil, and only mentioning "God" in an [aside] (like that) which specifically "depended on the mythology in your character's world".

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


Tao: Her research reveals this being is known as' date=' among other things, the Prince of Lies. Establishing such a bargin with him with seems intellectuallyl unsound. One possible error that murder is an evil act and to fulfill his deal it seems he would have to remove her from the world if she commited it.[/quote']


If she points out that paradox, he immediately counters by pointing out that, by such a definition, his "deal" would be nothing more than removing every human from the world. He's not offering to remove the people, he's offering to remove their evilness.

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


Let's see how many reasons why Badger would never consider it. First off, he has no wish for immortality (in fact, in some ways he would welcome death, to see his dead family again) and he doesnt care about world peace (he believes fighting evil is his purpose, no evil, no purpose, a little selfish, but he is not perfect). Second off his mother was devout Catholic, so he is well read up on who this guy is. And would want no part of him. And he believes in the end of time God wins anyhow. Third, he would never kill the innocent girl, he protects the innocent. If nothing else he would go to protect this girl from the evil that will possibly be coming for her now. (Maybe this is the plan after all? To unknowingly lead her into the trap?, Hope not) Last, Prince of All Lies? Hello.


Basically, Badger would never accept a deal, regardless of what is offered. Because of who this guy is.

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


War Wolf, a robot, is immortal pretty much by definition, and thus would gain nothing on the personal level. Additionally, being a robot, he has no soul by definition, so that part of the deal couldn't be fulfilled (assuming souls exist in the first place). Plus, not being religiously inclined, he'd figure this is all some conjob by, at best 'a' devil/demon, and certainly wouldn't believe this entity had the power to back up its claims.


(That's actually a question ... what does this guy appear as to people with no religion?)


Even beyond that, there's the whole 'good and evil, one can't exist without the other, free will' conundrum that we've all heard several dozen times before in various places. :)

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


He is willing to grant virtually any concession to ease your concerns, provided that the core conditions of the contract remain intact. WWYCD?



To parapharase Rorshack - "Never compromise, not even in the face of Armegeddon".


All of my characters have Codes Vs Killing, and are very bright Bronze/Neo Silver. Going by the philosphy and approach that this implies nothing good can come from an evil act. So none of them would do it - they would assume that there is something else going on, and try and find out what it is. And by the tone and style of the kind of games they are built to play it, they'd be right.


Just like the other "moral dillema" WWYCD thread recently - the assumptions behind this one are so far from the style of game that the character's play in, that assuming all the info presented is accurate, it would be a campaign breaker. And as I said in that previous thread - I don't do moral dilemmas.

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


For myself I would be more worried about the implications of immortality. What if I get trapped underwater for thousands of years unable to breathe, or suppose humanity gets wiped out via some large object from space, or Alien Space Bats, or the Universe ends via some method or another.


Odds are eventually the best case scenerio is that I am utterly alone on a dead planet, which had to drive a person batty after a period of time. Which means eventually I will end my life and suffer for even longer then the "immortality" would have let me live.


Also, knowing there is an afterlife, and knowing the way to make it a good one, the offer of immortality, not so great. It is my Agnositc Atheism that would make extending my life span worth so much.

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


Bunny, thanks to her nanites, already has the potential at a never-ending life in the material plane.


Assuming that she goes through all the rigamarole to confirm that Mr. Evil is telling the truth, she'll scratch her head, and then say, "So, you're saying that you think if I accept this deal you'll have better overall chances in the long run? And that I'd have to kill an innocent? /And/ that you'd remove humanity's capacity to commit acts that fit into a particular cateogory of 'evil'?


"What was it you said I'd want to agree to any of this for, again?"

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


(That's actually a question ... what does this guy appear as to people with no religion?)


I don't see how religion is at all necessary. If magic exists in your character's reality, this mystical entity is the source of all evil.


To be perfectly honest, I only brought up the "eternal war waged against God" because I wanted to "cover all my bases", and was anticipating that some people would argue that it wasn't real because only Satan could control evil to that extent, and it wasn't the domain of this other being. It was only ever a remote contingency plan, and outside of that extremely limited scope it isn't at all relevant.


For myself I would be more worried about the implications of immortality. What if I get trapped underwater for thousands of years unable to breathe' date=' or suppose humanity gets wiped out via some large object from space, or Alien Space Bats, or the Universe ends via some method or another.[/quote']


The devil would make a concession of granting you the power to instantly travel to any location a human existed. Not even a stretch of the initial offer, which was to let you watch over humanity and ensure that they weren't evil.


/And/ that you'd remove humanity's capacity to commit acts that fit into a particular cateogory of 'evil'?


The devil would be willing to let you define what was evil, and even to continue doing so after the contract was made, with only a slight amendment to ensure that, if you perceived something you felt was evil, but which had not previously been identified as such, you would have the option of including that in the contract instead of breaking it (basically, you alone, but not the devil, would have the option of redefining the terms).

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


The devil would be willing to let you define what was evil' date=' and even to [i']continue[/i] doing so after the contract was made, with only a slight amendment to ensure that, if you perceived something you felt was evil, but which had not previously been identified as such, you would have the option of including that in the contract instead of breaking it (basically, you alone, but not the devil, would have the option of redefining the terms).

"So, essentially, I'd be your stalking horse for the unadulterated Wrath O' God [tm] that would come screaming down on my bee-hind for taking away Free Will? Um, no thanks, I have enough problems with the Side of Light as it is." Penumbra would not run away from this offer, but that's only because running attracts attention. Calm long strides, that's the ticket. Seriously, trying to do good while infused with the Glory of Darkness Incarnate gets enough notice by the "Good Guys", many of whom are all-too-willing to smite first and rarely ask questions at all.

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


The devil would be willing to let you define what was evil' date=' and even to [i']continue[/i] doing so after the contract was made, with only a slight amendment to ensure that, if you perceived something you felt was evil, but which had not previously been identified as such, you would have the option of including that in the contract instead of breaking it (basically, you alone, but not the devil, would have the option of redefining the terms).


Bunny would respond: "Again, no joy. I'm a philosopher, but just an amateur one. I wouldn't trust anyone else's definition of what is evil for every single human being and what isn't - what makes you think I'd trust my own definition on that scale?"

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


Revenant refuses to take away free will. A world without evil would have no need for him, and he would welcome that in some ways. But to accept the deal is to remove free will from all remaining humanity. And besides, Big Red just said at this rate he -will- lose.


That sounds like the plan to me.


Black Hawk kicks him in the snarglies and spits on his head. Doesnt matter if he incinerates her for it afterwards; it had to be done.

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Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil


...I really, really hope this isn't someone pulling a trick.


Nox wouldn't even listen. She already accidently made one deal with a devil(She was dying, someone offered to help her... she later found out it's an evil spirit trying to come back into the world through her.)


Cyrande, on the other hand.... Ok, one, she's a Malvan princess, she's watched what would be worse then the most horrendous atrocities on Earth as court entertainment. So if it's a "human" devil, she's likely laugh in his face. Humans, evil? Oh, of course some are, but the race is fairly close to angels from her persective. And if it's someone showing up as a "Malvan" devil.... congratulations, you just called all her team in, as either it's a King of Edom or a Elder Worm. And Cyrande's reaction to that, is well "Die now, foul being, before you can spread your foulness any further." to the worm, and if it's a King of Edom... well, that's what Malvan battlefleets are for.

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