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The things I've learned playing a Speedster...


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Rather then discussing WWYCD, I thought I might try something different. So I'm using this post to collect the wisdom and experience of the forums on the subject of Speedsters.


I only want to impose one rule: Please limit yourself to one point at a time. This is not a race to see who can say the most about Speedsters.


I'll start off...


Just because I can go first doesn't mean I should.

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster...


Just because I can go first doesn't mean I should.
You took mine. ;)


Okay, I'll come up with another one.


DEX is already the most cost-effective thing in the game. And for you, it's even moreso. Buy your DEX as high as your concept and GM will possibly allow.

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster...


Inevitably, you will be called upon to run halfway across the globe to get your teammates their favorite foreign food of choice. Make sure you have either Bump of Direction or a few widespread languages. Oceans are very very big and look more or less the same.

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster...


Attempting 30" Move Throughs on a bad guy in a silk gi with embroidered red dragons and a Held Action is Not A Good Idea.


My PC Zl'f (called Flash Dancer in her original incarnation in another campaign) did this in the opening Phase 12 of her very first fight. The red clad MA promptly did a Martial Throw on her. She woke up in the team jet enroute back to headquarters, the Stun she took having put her at GM's Discretion. :o

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster...


"The more actions you have, the simpler each should be lest you get lynched," Manic, means almost what it says. Each point of SPD one has is an action in a given round. Speedsters who don't want to really annoy the heck out of their team-mates need to focus on keeping their descriptions concise and their course of action clear, because they're going 1.5 to 2x (or more!) as often as the other PCs.


My speedster note? SPEED KILLS. Sorry, someone had to say it. No, really.


Speed alone will not win a fight; you must also have talent and a back-up plan.

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster...


Be cautious of bad guys with pointy things.
Good advice to non-speedsters as well.


If you have the strength, Grab-by is a valuable tool, especially if you are near a very long drop. It's a zero-phase action to let things go.


Downside: You end up doing most of the clean up and most of the "rescue from the burning building" work.

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster...


Running has one major advantage over Flying. No Turn Mode. Unless you buy it for your Flight. And remember, most of the time only vehicles can keep up with you, and they almost always have turn modes. And with no turn mode, passing strikes turn into ranged attacks.

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